Rise From The Doom

Chapter 540

"I don"t have time to talk to you guys. No matter what thoughts or plans you have, wait until we get through this. Otherwise, don"t even think about leaving this place alive." Zhang Changyang said to his subordinates, "Take them all to the prison. Don"t kill them for now." With that, he left the room.

"Raise your hand —" A dozen of his men aimed their guns at the crowd and suddenly saw a black shadow flash by. Before they could react, they felt a sharp pain on their wrists.

The nine dragons clapped, as if they had done something insignificant.

Liu Wei An strode out of the door. When he opened it, he could hear the chaotic sound of gunshots, screams, shouts, and angry shouts mixed together. There were hurried footsteps along the corridor.

"This monster is coming again, hurry up and open fire!"

"Bullets are useless, bombs, bombs must be used!"

"Don"t let it get any closer, or we"ll all die!"

… ….

The anxious and frightened voice made people feel as if doomsday had arrived. Liu Wei An had forgotten to chase Zhang Changyang, so his gaze was completely attracted by the situation outside.

Hundreds of tentacles attacked from the east. Some were big and some were small. Some were translucent and some were greasy. Just the length of the tentacles was over sixty meters. The surface of his hand was covered with boils. Whenever the boils were broken, a puddle of yellow liquid would flow out. When the liquid dripped onto the metal, it immediately corroded it, producing a large hole.

It was unknown what monster the tentacles came from, nor did they know where they came from, because there were too many of them, making them look like a wall that was pushed forward. The round building was directly opposite of a major road, and opposite the main road was a bunch of commercial buildings. There were no holes in it. Of course, most of them were the smooth and un.o.bstructed roads.

The tentacles seemed soft, but they could easily pierce through a person"s skin.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Not far away, a youth who had reacted a split-second too slowly had his chest pierced by the tentacles. His body immediately began to shrink as a red liquid flowed from the tentacles into the distance. It was unknown where it was flowing to. The young man let out a shrill scream as the pistol shot crazily at the tentacles. The bullets that shot into it were almost like shooting into water, they could penetrate through but could not be broken through. The boil was broken, and as the yellow liquid splattered on his body, a sizzling sound could be heard, a white smoke rose up, the young man"s body quickly rotted, and soon enough, his bones were visible.

The youth"s screams became even more shrill. After a dozen seconds, the screams died down and the youth stopped struggling. His tentacles shot out and stabbed towards another human. The area that had been destroyed by the bullet had now become completely undamaged.

There were too many antennae, and this thing could appear from any angle, making it impossible to defend against. Anyone that was attacked was basically on the same level as the G.o.d of death, because no one could save them.

"What kind of monster is this?" The nine dragons that emerged from the back were dumbstruck.

"I don"t know. Save him." At the moment of contact, it was as if the force had encountered a slippery eel. It slipped away in a flash, but it broke the boil on the surface of the antenna. Yellow liquid splattered on his arm, and his clothes immediately emitted a thick smoke and rotted.

The tentacle went astray and retreated. Liu Wei An flung away his tattered sleeves. His entire arm was covered in yellow scars, as if it was being burned by a flame. The corrosiveness of this liquid was amazing. Even after taking the corpse core, he almost couldn"t withstand it.

"Don"t touch them with your hands. Use all your weapons." Liu Wei An shouted, scaring the nine dragons so much that they hurriedly retracted their hands and pulled out a machete. The blade flashed, and hit one of the tentacles, the blade"s edge strangely deviated from the tentacle in the instant it came into contact with the tentacle, the full force immediately lost six points, while the remaining four dragons made a cut on the tentacle, but couldn"t cut it.

"This is strange!" Yi Feng Jiu was also in a similar situation. Looking at the white smoke that was emitted from the splattered yellow liquid, the marble floor was corroded in an instant. He was alarmed. He did not think that his skin was tougher than the marble floor.

"This sort of attack is useless." All the tentacles that were close to him had no chance to attack. All the boils that fell to the ground exploded, and the yellow liquid sputtered out in all directions. The entire ground was filled with holes that had been corroded.

The half meter long tentacle twisted and struggled for a few seconds before it started to shrink rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ball of liquid, emitting a suffocating fishy smell.

The lynx also stopped its attack. It noticed that the severed tentacles only needed a little more than ten seconds to grow new tentacles, just like a reborn gecko. The new tentacles looked a bit smaller and fresher, but their power was the same.

Pa, pa, pa …

The moment the stick and the tentacle came into contact, a large portion of the power was mysteriously drained away. The remaining force could only deflect the tentacle but not break it, and a lot of the fluid from the broken boil splattered onto his body, emitting white smoke. With a "chi chi" sound, holes appeared in his clothes due to the corrosion.

The elephant cried out in pain. Even its skin had been decayed by the liquid, revealing the b.l.o.o.d.y flesh underneath.

The body of an evolved human was much stronger than that of an ordinary human. It had a strong resistance to strong acids and bases, and the elephant had stronger resistance in this area due to its physique. However, it was clear that the liquid on its tentacles was stronger than the strong acids and bases, or else it wouldn"t be in such a sorry state.

Liu Wei An took out his Silver Winged Bow. This type of fast moving, small, and numerous monster posed a huge challenge to the archers. Liu Wei An took out his Silver Winged Bow, this type of fast moving, small and numerous monster posed a huge challenge to the archers.

As fast as a meteor, it left behind afterimages as it accurately hit its target. As expected, the incomparably sharp arrow strangely slid for a moment when it came into contact with the surface of the tentacle, and then the force of the arrow was reduced by half. The remaining strength was insufficient to penetrate the tentacle, so according to the normal course of events, the arrow should have been bounced off before falling powerlessly to the ground.

However, there was a slight change now. When the power of the arrow was being neutralized, it suddenly burst out with a terrifying and powerful force that did not belong to the arrow.

"Corpse Dissolving Curse!"


There was a silent explosion, and the tentacle broke into two pieces. The forty meter long tentacle looked like a machine that had lost its power. It went limp and fell to the ground with a "pa" sound.

With a "chi chi" sound, the smoke rose and corroded the ground, leaving a forty meter long mark. It was a shocking sight.


A long string of lights crossed the void and spread out from thirty meters away, turning into eleven short beams of light. They disappeared in a flash and then soundlessly exploded.

"Consecutive Arrows!"

Pa, pa, pa …

Eleven tentacles that were tens of meters long landed on the ground and struggled violently. A few seconds later, they stopped moving like dead snakes and then turned into liquid, disappearing without a trace. The road was left with traces of severe decay.

"Use a flaming talisman!"

Liu Wei An"s bowstring vibrated non-stop as it shot out beams of cold light. Once the arrow was shot out, tentacles would definitely be able to land on the ground.

It was difficult to make explosive talismans, Liu Wei An himself did not have many, but fire talismans were not a problem. Basically, every peaceful soldier had a few, Yang Wuya"s tentacles were like lightning, one talisman was stuck to the tentacle, there was liquid on the tentacle surface, the yellow paper would come in contact with it, and he was not worried about falling off.

Bang -

The talisman exploded and turned into a blazing flame, spreading out along the tentacles, which seemed to be able to feel the pain, frantically twisting and struggling, but the flames were like maggots on the bones, unable to be thrown away no matter how hard he tried, and even the liquid spilt out from the broken boils was instantly vaporized by the flames, not a single bit of it flowed out. A few seconds later, a piece of the tentacle which was about ten meters long was burnt into ashes.

When the others saw that it was effective, they all took out flame talismans. For a moment, the flame dragons danced in the air, looking extremely beautiful. Once the restraining method was mastered, hundreds of tentacles would be destroyed within a few minutes. Of course, it would be too early to call it quashed, so he could only say that he had successfully cut off a section.

The building was circular, and the area where Liu Wei An was in had suddenly turned into a vacuum, which naturally attracted the attention of others. The people from the third group didn"t know who they were, but it didn"t stop them from approaching and seeking shelter.

… ….

"Boss, we can"t hold on any longer." A large man rushed in front of Zhang Changyang. His tattered clothes had been corroded by the liquid, causing holes to appear everywhere. This man was an evolved person, otherwise, he would have died a long time ago. At this moment, his face was filled with anxiety.

"If it doesn"t work, then throw the traitor out." The skinny youth beside him threw the rocket launcher he was carrying on his shoulder onto the ground. The last rocket launcher had been fired, so the rocket launcher was useless.

Unfortunately, this last sh.e.l.l only managed to injure one tentacle and did not shatter it. This made him blame himself.

Zhang Changyang"s face showed signs of struggle. In less than ten minutes, nearly three hundred of his men had died. At this rate, it wouldn"t be long before all his men died.

"No time, boss. It"s a waste of food to keep them anyway." The youth saw more and more of his own people being pierced by tentacles, and the s.p.a.ce between his eyebrows twitched. He was in extreme pain.

"Good!" Push them out. " Zhang Changyang"s eyes flashed with determination. At the final moment, he still chose to protect his own people. When the hundreds of humans were pushed up, someone suddenly shouted.

"Boss, look over there!" The voice was filled with pleasant surprise.

The building was circular, so Zhang Changyang who was standing on the other side could not see what was going on. He walked a few steps forward and saw that the first thing he saw was fire dancing and the second thing he saw was the person who made it.

"It"s them!"

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