Rise From The Doom

Chapter 544

"Hurry back and save him. Fatty is ruthless and merciless. If my men end up in his hands, there"s no way he"ll be able to survive." Zhang Changyang said anxiously.

"Wait a minute —" Liu Wei An looked at the messenger with a calm expression. "How many people from the second group have arrived?"

"About 1000!"

"d.a.m.n it!" "Fatty is trying to exterminate me." Zhang Changyang gritted his teeth and said.

"How many people are in the second group?" Liu Wei An stared at Zhang Changyang.

"About 1,500 people." No one was more clear about the number of people in the three groups than Zhang Changyang.

"Why is it that the second group has even fewer people, while the third group is the strongest?" Liu Wei An was puzzled.

"The first of the three groups is the leader. There"s not much difference between me and Fatty. I have more people, but Fatty has more evolved people than me." Zhang Changyang explained.

"According to Fatty Tan"s personality, how many evolved people will he leave behind to guard his nest?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Master, you mean —" Zhang Changyang took a deep breath.

"I don"t have many people with me, and your people are scattered as well. Since Fatty is here, he must have made ample preparations to face the enemy head-on. Even if we win, it will be a great loss for us. The best way is to attack his base." Liu Wei"an spoke with a bit of dignity. He was too embarra.s.sed to say that his men had just been attacked by the soft scabby bugs and had suffered countless casualties. They simply didn"t have much combat power.

"Fatty is very treasured by his life. He will definitely protect himself with his most powerful force. The people in his lair should be mostly ordinary people, so there shouldn"t be too many evolved people." Zhang Changyang regained his composure.

"Immediately find someone to lead the way." Liu Wei An said without a doubt.

"Yes sir!" Zhang Changyang involuntarily straightened his body.

"Yaojiang and Linghu each led 20 people to attack Fatty"s lair. At the same time, you have to be careful behind you so that you won"t be taken advantage of by the first group." Liu Wei An said.

"Yes sir!" Lin Hu and Fu Jiang received their orders. It just so happened that Zhang Changyang Jia"s guide had arrived at this time. The group of people quickly left.

"Gather the men and ignore the small scabby bugs for the time being. They won"t grow up for a while either. Let"s go meet this fatty." Liu Wei An said to Yang Wujiang.

"Yes sir!"

… ….

Fatty Tan"s original name was Tan Chua, and his name was not bad, but his original profession was a butcher. In this world where the artificially made butcher was close to disappearing, the fate of the butcher could be imagined.

A chaotic world had arrived. The end of the world. In those few days, how many people died? In a village of over two thousand, there were less than two hundred left. When he thought that he would follow his daughter and wife to another world, he woke up.

In general, it means evolution, becoming an evolved person, or superman, or esper, can have a lot of names, but the meaning is the same.

Because of his power, a group of evolved people slowly gathered around him. In the end, more and more people gathered, and he became the leader of a group, with different women offering themselves every day, eating the best food and smoking the most expensive cigarettes. Before, he could only see the most expensive wine from afar, but now, he could drink it as water.

The nest goes to die.

Even if all the food under his command were concentrated on him alone, he would not be able to hold on for half a year. There was no other way, he could only s.n.a.t.c.h food nonstop, s.n.a.t.c.h the gun site, and when he received the news that Zhang Changyang had been attacked by the scoundrels, he immediately led his troops to the round building, where he had suffered heavy casualties and not much food.

He knew that Zhang Changyang had more food on his hands, because Zhang Changyang kept many women and children. Since he dared to take in such a person, he must be responsible. What should he be responsible for? Food!

Everything went smoothly. Just as the report had said, the third group had suffered heavy losses. They had lost a lot of people and were weak in their ability to counterattack. From the attack to breaking through the round building"s defenses, it took them only ten minutes.

From the first floor to the tenth floor, it had only been 20 minutes. Although he didn"t know why Zhang Changyang hadn"t appeared yet, he couldn"t care less. The food of the third group was at the top.

… ….

"Stop!" Liu Wei An made a sound and Zhang Changyang quickly braked.


A bullet hole appeared five centimeters in front of his foot. If he hadn"t braked, this bullet would have hit him right in the heart. Cold sweat broke out behind his back.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

The sound of the sniper rifle with the silencer could be heard but it was barely audible. However, the vibrations of the sniper rifle could not be hidden. It was Zhang Changyang"s first time seeing such an exaggerated sniper rifle.

There seemed to be a crash from the top of the building about 200 meters away. The distance was too far and the environment was noisy. Zhang Changyang was not too sure, but Liu Wei An told him that the danger had been cleared and the sniper had died.

Everyone quickly arrived in front of the round building. They encountered the second group"s strong obstructions. The bullets were like golden rays of light, densely packed like rain.

The moment the gunshots rang out, Liu Wei An"s men leaped up and hid behind cover nearby. Zhang Changyang"s men did the same, but they were a few steps slower. They screamed miserably, leaving more than a dozen corpses on the ground.

Tat tat tat tat tat tat …

The Peace Corps began to fight back. The night sky suddenly became lively. When Zhang Changyang crawled up from the ground, he found that there were bullets everywhere. He did not dare to move at all. His subordinates who had been shot were struggling on the ground and wailing as blood spurted out from the bullet holes and mouth. He was so angry that he continuously fired at the enemy. Unfortunately, his marksmanship was average, and he didn"t have the ability to pierce through the trees with 100 steps. Even if he missed, he would only be able to kill one enemy and injure two others.

His gaze swept across the ground and found that all of the people hit were his underlings. Not a single person from the Peace Corps was. .h.i.t. This discovery made him feel ashamed. At the same time, it also let him understand how much of a difference there was between his own strength and that of the squad.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Familiar gunshots rang out. After changing the magazine, Zhang Changyang was surprised to find two people flying backward. The fortress at the bottom of the round building, which used to be guarded by his men, had now become the second group. At this moment, a flower of blood suddenly bloomed above the head of the person who had fired the gun the most.

Swish, swish, swish …

In another building that was about 150 meters away, only this building had the same height as the round one. Liu Wei An looked down from above and started shooting again and again …

The angle he chose was very accurate. It was basically two people standing together in the front and back rows. Two shots.

The sniper rifle in his hand was custom-made, so there was no problem pa.s.sing through the two humans" bodies.

The machine gun went up and then the gun went up. When a person threw out a bomb, an accident happened. The moment the bomb left the palm, an eight-centimeter long bullet accurately hit the bomb.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

The light from the fire soared into the sky. Within a radius of five meters, traces of explosions could be seen everywhere. Most of the people hiding behind the cover had died or died, and many were screaming in pain.

The members of the team coordinated with Liu Wei An, and like leopards seeing their prey, they shot out from their hiding spots.

Puff, puff, puff …

A few people stuck their heads out, but their brains were all blown away. Their brains were all over the place, scaring the others so much that they tightly pressed their bodies to the ground, not daring to move.

Fifty to sixty people were suppressed by a sniper rifle.

Elephant, Second Fool, Yi Feng Jiu, Strength King, Strength Wielder … When they rushed into the bunker and started killing, the fifty to sixty people turned into corpses in the blink of an eye.

Yang Wuya made a "safe" gesture, and Zhang Changyang"s men trembled as they approached.

… ….

The round building was the base of operations for the third group. Fatty was ready to attack the building, but unexpectedly, he managed to reach the top floor. However, when he opened the door, his expression changed.

The meeting room on the first floor had been converted into a warehouse. There were only a few bags of rice, which weighed no more than 200 catties. With this little bit of rice, cooking porridge wouldn"t last two days.

"That son of a b.i.t.c.h, Zhang Changyang." Fatty"s face trembled with anger as he cursed, "Take the rice away, let"s go back!"

"Captain, Zhang Changyang is back. He"s blocking our way back." A lackey rushed forward.

"Why are you still afraid of him failing? Charge out!" Fatty Tan"s expression was ugly. He hadn"t managed to s.n.a.t.c.h the food, but had ended up falling out with Zhang Changyang instead. If there had been food, Zhang Changyang would have had no objections, but if there had been no food, they would have lost both their lives.

If it was his base that had been attacked, he would not have allowed the enemy to leave.

By the time Fatty Tan and his men rushed down to the fifth floor, Zhang Changyang had already rushed up to the fourth floor and was engaged in an intense battle.

Tat tat tat tat tat tat …

Bullets flew everywhere. Some hit the walls and then bounced back, making it impossible to determine their trajectory. It was extremely dangerous. People on both sides continued to fall down, screaming as they died.

Puff — -

The bullet went through the wall and hit his head. The terrifying impact instantly turned his head into a broken watermelon. His brain hit the wall and his body flew away.

The bodies that were shot back in succession caused the fatty"s eyebrows to twitch. He shouted, "There"s a sniper on the other side! Hurry up and inform the fox to get rid of his sniper!"

"Reporting to the captain, the fox cannot contact him. I"m afraid the odds are against us." A lackey said while trembling in fear.

"F * ck!" "Fox, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I was wrong to eat and drink so that I could raise him. He"s actually so useless." Fatty Tan cursed as killing intent flared in his eyes. He said coldly, "Get the pangolin out of here. Get rid of the sniper as soon as possible and help us from the back."

"Yes sir!" The lackey quickly left.

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