Rise From The Doom

Chapter 565

"The people inside don"t seem to care about your lives?" Liu Wei An asked casually.

The rice mixed with the porridge cooked by the demon beast meat gave off a strong fragrance. If it wasn"t eaten, then this would definitely be an unparalleled temptation. Only by eating it would one know that this was a challenge.

The stinky tofu smelled, while the demon beast meat smelled. There were a total of 87 soldiers who surrendered. If it wasn"t for the fact that Liu Wei An and the others were also eating porridge, they would definitely have thought it was poison. One mouthful down, two bites down. On the third bite, the powerful energy from the demon beast meat began to take effect, and a warm feeling spread from his stomach to his entire body.

In the west, 13 was an unlucky number. However, Zhou Weimin, the boss of Rickman Technology, was not afraid of numbers. His desk was on the 13th floor, and for many of the bosses who liked to place their offices at the top of the building, Zhou Weimin was a maverick. Zhou Weimin was a nickname given to him by the industry.

Even in his dreams, Zhou Weimin would never have imagined that the office he had chosen would one day become his prison. There was nothing in the air. Flower pots, porcelain, desks, calligraphy and paintings, cigarettes and wine … Everything had been moved away, leaving only the floor that couldn"t be moved away, and Zhou Weimin himself.

Zhou Weimin, who weighed more than 150 pounds, was now only 82 pounds, not fat, or hungry. His hair and beard had not been tidied up for more than half a year, and he exuded a rancid smell. If it weren"t for the fact that he was wearing a complete suit, he would be no different from a beggar in the corner.

"... "You are aware of the Party"s policies. Resisting will be strict. Be honest. Mayor Ma"s patience is limited. If you continue with this att.i.tude, I can"t guarantee you will see the sun tomorrow." Hua Fengwei was sitting on the chair that originally belonged to Zhou Weimin, looking down at Zhou Weimin who was leaning against the wall. The previous politeness had long since disappeared. There was a trace of disgust in his calm eyes. No one would be in a good mood when facing a person who stank all the time.

"I"ve already said it a hundred times, there are a total of two keys to the secret chamber, I"ve given you mine, and one is in the hands of Chief Engineer Xiao Feian. Even if you beat me to death, I wouldn"t be able to take out his." Zhou Weimin begged weakly, "Let me eat! I haven"t eaten in three days!"

I"m fine with a little water, please, Mayor Hua. "

"You are the chairman of the Kirk Corporation. If you say that the key is in Xiao Feian"s hands, who would believe you? "Xiao Feian is already dead. Even after we dismembered his corpse, we still couldn"t find the key. Whatever you say is the truth, this lie is definitely not wise at all." Hua Fengwei calmly replied.

"I"m just in charge of the management. Xiao Feian is the head of technology, the secret room is filled with technology-related materials, and I"m wearing the key out of secrecy. Otherwise, I wouldn"t have the key. Mayor Hua, please let me go." Zhou Weimin spoke in a staccato manner. If not for the fact that he was leaning against the wall, he would have fallen down.

"But we have investigated all eighteen of the top executives of Erik"s company. They all pointed out that the two keys are in your hands. How do you explain this?" Hua Fengwei said.

"The secret room is the biggest secret of the company. If they knew, then they would be the chairman, hehe …" They had heard the rumors and knew nothing. If he didn"t release such a rumor... How can I protect Xiao Feian … " Zhou Weimin tried his best to grasp every opportunity, but he was too weak. Just a few words from him had exhausted all his energy.

"The weapons in the secret chamber are related to whether or not we can eliminate zombies. At this point, you"re still thinking about making money, but I think you"re crazy about money." Hua Fengwei sneered.

"Secret chamber... "No weapon..." Zhou Weimin gasped for breath.

"There are still 4 hours until Mayor Ma"s speech. Think about it carefully, give him the key, have something to eat or drink. If you don"t tell him, then go get revenge on Xiao Feian and ask him why he hid the key." After saying that, Hua Fengwei left the office. His two subordinates locked the door and pulled over an office chair to sit on.

Zhou Weimin was left alone with his body curled up. The temperature inside the room was not too cold, but his body was still too weak. Even though it was at room temperature, he could still feel the cold.

"... "What you mean is that the Silver Building is a sealed off area, and there"s no other way in except for the people inside?" Liu Wei An frowned, but quickly realized something was wrong: "Breathe? Don"t the people inside breathe? "

"There are ventilation vents, but they are very small. As for the specific areas above, unless it"s a design blueprint or the construction workers from back then, it"s impossible to find them." Fu Jie hesitated for a moment, then continued, "I also heard that there"s a set of oxygen production equipment inside the Silver Building. Fu Jidao hesitated for a moment, then continued," I also heard that there"s a set of oxygen production equipment inside the Silver Building.

"How do you know that?" Liu Wei An raised his eyebrows. Justice Fu was just a small company commander, and above him were the Battalion Commanders and Regiments. Such a secret should only appear in the mouth of the military region"s commander.

"I partic.i.p.ated in six months of Zhongnanhai bodyguard training, but in the end I failed." Justice Fu revealed an ashamed expression.

Liu Wei An felt deep veneration for him. The words" Zhongnanhai bodyguard "was an extremely sacred word in the Darkhan Dynasty. In this way, it would seem normal for Justice Fu to know so much.

The two big pots of porridge had already been eaten. Everyone was still full, but they could only quietly put away their bowls. There was no more food left, and the team was running out of food. The team was growing too fast, so every meal had to be under strict control.

Liu Wei An looked at the Silver Building and sighed gloomily. Could it be that he had no choice but to return home?

"Actually... It"s impossible to break into the Silver Building, but there"s still a way to open it. " Fu Jidao gathered up his courage and said.

"You have a way?" Liu Wei An suddenly turned around and stared at him with his sharp eyes.

"The people in power eat and drink to their heart"s content. However, the ones in charge are only able to clear the porridge for half a month. The civilians are in an even more miserable state. They haven"t eaten any decent food for a month, so everyone has a lot of resentment." "I can give it a try —"

"You go and try, whether it succeeds or not, I"ll remember you 10 points." Liu Wei An said.

"Yes, I will complete the mission." Fu Zhengzhi was overjoyed. He could not help but stand up and salute loudly. Although he had just joined the team, he knew what it meant to have 1 point in the team, which could be exchanged for 10 mantou and a white mantou. Even experts like Yaojiang valued points very much.

Liu Wei An watched as Fu Cheng put down his gun and walked towards the Silver Building empty-handed. Suddenly, he thought of something and said to the king who was cleaning up the metal pot, "Don"t put it away, cook another pot of food."

"Yes sir!" The Power King was overjoyed. He was a big man and had a huge appet.i.te. He could not even fill two bowls of porridge. Liu Wei An"s order was undoubtedly a blessing from the heavens.

"Young master, there"s not much food left." Yang Wuya could not help but ask.

"It"s fine." Liu Wei An waved his hand, hinting for w.a.n.g Zhong to do the same. He just stared at Fu Zhengzhi.

"Brothers, Taoist Master Liu Wei An is even better than the Polo Mayor."

"Brothers, open the door. I guarantee that everyone will be able to eat a steaming hot meal."

There was no reaction at all from the Silver Building, nor was there any response when he shot or killed Fu Cheng. However, there was no response at all, 10 minutes pa.s.sed, and just when even Liu Wei An thought that he had failed, a big door opened up on the first floor of the Silver Building.

Dozens of soldiers in camouflage clothes rushed out. Two teams of people guarded the gate and stood motionlessly. Only the captain trotted over to Fu Zhengzhi and said, "Lu Linhai will report to Company Commander Fu."

"As I recall, Dao Lord Liu Wei An reports." Fu Cheng turned around and ran back with Lu Lin-hai.

After opening the door so easily, the whole peaceful battle did not occur. Liu Wei An was also surprised. It was only when Lu Ling Hai reported it aloud that he believed this was true.

"What"s the situation inside?" Yang Wujiang could not help but ask.

Lu Linhai looked at Liu Wei An and then back at Liu Wei An, not knowing whether he should answer or not.

"Speak!" Liu Wei An gestured to Lu Lin Hai to speak.

"The first to fifth floor is under our control. The area above the fifth floor is for local public security, so we didn"t go up." Lu Linhai said.

"Did the public security not stop you when you opened the door?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Sir, they"re just watching."

"How is the public security?"

"Sir, they disagree."

"Do you see what this is?" Liu Wei An pointed at the big pot.

"Sir, it"s food." Lu Linhai said loudly.

"If you can take down the Silver Building, when you come back, the food in this pot will be yours." Liu Wei An said.

"Sir, I guarantee that we will be able to complete the mission." Lu Linhai shouted, his eyes shining brightly.

"I"m waiting for your good news!" As soon as Liu Wei An"s voice fell, Lu Lin Hai rushed back like a gust of wind. Before he even got close to the building, he had already shouted, "Brothers, flank him!"

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