Rise From The Doom

Chapter 586

Deng Xiao-jun"s face paled.

"I was previously a wanted criminal and was wanted by Ma Xuelao for a long time. Perhaps some of you here have heard of me, and some of you have not. However, I believe that everyone will remember me in the future." Liu Wei An poured a fresh gla.s.s of wine and shook it lightly in his hand.

Orange juice was a very common beverage before the chaotic times began. But now, this thing had become a high-end item. Nothing special could be seen.

Three days ago night, Deng Xiaojun held a party at home on his 50th birthday. Coincidentally, Liu Wei An appeared and took them all out. Some of the upper echelons of Jiang Jiu Dao died, while others surrendered. He originally thought that there would be a fierce battle if he took down Jiang Jiu Dao, but in the end, only a few people died.

"Next, let me introduce to everyone the situation of Xinfeng City." You Mengshu turned on the projector.

Inside the meeting room, the eight captains of the Peace Corps, three foreign delegates, Wu Lili, Ouyang Xiu Rui, and Ceng Huaizhi were all seated. Some of them had been in Jiang Jiu Dao for a few days, while others had just arrived just for this meeting.

An old man in his fifties appeared on the screen. He looked ordinary, but as long as one looked at his eyes, one would be able to sense an invisible domineering aura that seemed to be able to see through one"s heart.

"Ma Xuehui, the governor of Tianfeng Province, has been in the government for dozens of years. No one in Tianfeng Province can match his reputation, so I will not introduce him in detail. I"m sure you all know him." You Mengshu paused, "His little brother."

Ma Xucheng was the vice governor of the province, Cheng Zhichang, the vice governor of public information, and Lu Mingyu, the police chief. Together with the finance minister, the four of them had the entire Tianfeng Province under their control. Out of the original thirteen vice governors of the Tianfeng Province, after the zombie chaos, there are only seven left, and Ma Xuelao has taken five seats. "

"In other words, Ma Xuehui is the strongest right now?" Zeng Huaicai said in a low voice.

"You can say that, but you can"t cover the sky with one hand. Otherwise, today"s meeting won"t be this topic anymore." "The first strength belongs to Ma Xuelao. Without a doubt, the second strength belongs to the families led by Su Family. They can occupy about two parts of the Sky Wind Province —"

"Isn"t it the Four Great Families?" Huang Guo could not help but ask.

"It was originally one of the Four Great Families, but now it has become two. The w.a.n.g Family left at the beginning of the apocalypse, and the Xue Family was eaten by zombies." You Mengmeng said.

"The Xue Clan was eaten by zombies?" The forest tiger"s eyes widened.

"That"s what the authorities say." He didn"t believe it either, but it didn"t matter anymore.

"What about the Qian Family?" Ouyang Xiu Rui was the calmest.

"Good question." You Mengshu praised, "The Qian family is another mountain, they don"t follow the management of Ma Xuelao, but they don"t refute it. You can say that they don"t care about the river, but there are two schools, and they don"t care about the other things, they only kill zombies."

"Ma Xuehui, Xiang Family, Su Family, Qian Family … I think we missed one, right? " Ceng Huai suddenly said.

"Bai Clan." Fu Jiang spat out two words.

The Bai Family controlled the Ninth Army, but after the apocalypse, it was split into two parts. The Su Family took away about 20% of their military power, and after that, the Bai Family stayed in the military camp and did not contact the government, and only made two moves when the government was in danger of being attacked by zombies. Other than the independent government, they only followed the orders of the military. You Mengshu switched to a slide show and a military camp appeared in front of everyone"s eyes. From a distance, it looked like a steel fortress. Soldiers were sweating on the field. Survivors were rescued on the inside.

"Is everyone clear?" You Mengshu looked at everyone.

"I have another question, boss." Yi Feng raised her hand.


"The last time we came to Xinfeng, it was in ruins. There were zombies everywhere and all the spirits were burnt. It seemed like it was about to become a dead end. How come there"s such a big change now?" Yi Feng looked at the changing scene with a puzzled expression.

"Not to mention you, even I don"t know about this. Even Jiang Jiu Dao"s people don"t know. If they want to figure out this problem, they would probably have to grab onto Ma Xuelao." You Mengshu shrugged, "It seems like in one night, the dying humans suddenly became super humans, and they killed off all the zombies with ease. Any reconstruction of the city to restore order is unbelievable, but the fact is so."

"We don"t have any foundation in the Windy Province, so if we want to deal with Ma Xuewei, the local tyrant, we have to find a partner. Everyone, tell us, who should we find?" Liu Wei An coughed and brought the meeting back to the topic at hand.

"Su Clan and Xiang Family." Everyone said in unison.

This was the only choice they had. The Qian Family had always been one of them, but Liu Wei An had killed all the barons of the Qian Family and all the barons of the future. It was almost impossible for them to form a partnership with the Qian Family.

"Tomorrow, we will enter the city and come into contact with the Su Clan. The Su Clan will not touch them for the time being." Liu Wei An said.

"It"s just that I"m afraid it won"t be enough." Yang Wuya hesitated.

"I have a conflict with the Su Clan. If we come into contact with the Su Clan, I"m afraid there will be trouble." Liu Wei An said.

"Cooperation is also beneficial to the Su Clan." He was a politician, and more inclined to negotiate. He had no eternal enemies, no eternal friends.

"Don"t take the risk for now." Liu Wei An said.

"We can exchange the Su Clan for Xinfeng University and Taojiang University." Youmeng suggested.

"But!" Liu Wei An said.

"I"m going to the Bai Clan." Ceng Huai suddenly spoke up. When he saw everyone looking at him, he explained, "I"ve also served in the 9th army before, so I can be considered to have some money."

"I"m afraid the Ninth Army heard that you were going against the government and shot you." Yang Wujiang joked.

"If it was before, I wouldn"t dare to go, but now I have at least saved thousands of people, and the Ninth Army is reasonable, and also, I am not a soldier of the Ninth Army right now, so they have no right to shoot me." Zeng Huaicai said.

"The higher the level, the better it is to die." Ouyang Xiu Rui said.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Although Jiang Jiu Dao is a satellite city of Xinfeng City, Xinfeng City is very secretive about the situation inside. Deng Xiaojun doesn"t know much, and our information seems to be detailed, but it"s actually a lot of things that are lacking. Liu Wei An said seriously.

"Yes sir!" Everyone was solemn.

At the end of the meeting, a convoy entered Jiang Jiudao from the outside and stopped at the government hostel. A group of valiant people got out of the car.

The middle one was a young man about 24 or 25 years old. He was thin and had long hair. There were two big caliber guns on his waist. There was a hilt on his back and military boots on his feet. There were more than 20 people in this group, who knew how many of them had yet to get off the vehicles.

"Old Deng, we"re back. Hurry up and prepare some food, we only have steamed buns to eat along the way." As soon as the youth entered the hostel, he began to shout loudly.

"Aiyo, young master, you"ve returned. You must have had a great harvest this time." Deng Xiao Jun"s son, Deng Zhu Er, ran up to him.

"That"s true. How can he return empty-handed if he goes after the young master?" The red-haired youth next to him said proudly, "More than twenty chicks and 48 able-bodied men."

"Awesome!" Deng Zhu Er gave a thumbs up, her face full of envy, as she led a group of people to take a bath, at the same time loudly ordering people to prepare food.

"Who is this person?" Liu Wei An stood in the building next door and watched the entire scene.

"The Second Young Master of the Xiang Clan is showing his might." This was the first person to surrender, speaking everything he knew without hiding anything. He did not give Dong Fang Qing Yu the chance to kill him.

"The chance has come." Liu Wei An revealed a smile on his face.

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