Rise From The Doom

Chapter 132

The 88th floor of the Gemini Building became one of the iconic buildings in Xinfeng City. As one of the main industries under the Yuan family, the position of the original security information company was quite high, mainly due to the current technology era. The computer had already become an essential tool for people to travel and stay at home, so the status of the defense software naturally increased as well.

The original security software that occupied 36.5% of users" usage became the hegemon of the defense software in the Darkhan Dynasty. It was famous for being fast in killing poisons and strong in defense. This was something that the security information company was proud of.

The enemy"s code name was Spider. The original security information company would either directly or indirectly engage the spider six times, five losses, one draw. One draw was their own saying, but in reality, the spider had something on its mind and retreated. However, this was enough to make the original security information company famous, because they were the only ones who had fought Spider and escaped unscathed.

Of course, this was only for the outside world. Only they themselves knew the truth, and even now they did not know if Spider was referring to a certain person or an organization.

Without any surprises, it would become their new owner in a few decades. For the original security information company, this was not just a simple provocation, it was also a slap to the face, an undisguised slap to the face.

From the time the first message appeared at around 7 PM, the security information company had been fully focused on tracking it. The internet was no different from the real world, as long as there were traces of an invasion, there would be some clues left behind. No matter how crafty the fox was, it was impossible for wings to grow out of thin air.

Thousands of erosion streams could invade hundreds of servers at the same time. From one to three teams of the original security information company, the last five teams and two foreign delegates had all joined in, but they could only follow behind the spiders and eat the dust.

"Pu ci!"

A computer suddenly flashed with white light. The dazzling snowflakes flashed a few times before the screen went completely black. A skinny youth with long hair was gritting his teeth. He picked up the keyboard and smashed it on his knees. With a "pa" sound, the keyboard was broken into two pieces.

The so called Dark Thunder is actually a kind of hidden virus. Normally, it wouldn"t break out, only when it encounters certain special codes would it suddenly explode. The young man was so excited that he forgot that the other party was a famous spider and used a tracking data stream to cover the other party. In the end, it turned out to be a tragedy.

The original security information company had a large number of people. Hundreds of super computers were the capital for them to dominate the security software industry. However, at this moment, it did not seem like enough.

Deleting posts, repairing web pages, defending against hacking, tracking data streams, cracking viruses … The original security information company was split into dozens of teams, each with five to eleven people working at the same time. However, they were still unable to keep up with the speed at which the spiders were posting.

All the famous websites, where did you go, where did you go, where did you go, where did you go? He changed locations again, and when you finally deleted the post, he suddenly popped up again, using his lightning fast speed to find the loophole backstage, forcefully breaking through.

The only way for the original security information company to block the spider"s powerful attack was to hit a spot to protect the enemy"s forces. If they dispersed their forces, it would be impossible for them to block the spider"s powerful attack.

The 82nd and 83rd floors of the Gemini Building were occupied by computer teams, the 80th and 81st floors were occupied by ordinary staff, and the 84th floor was the work of a computer expert.

The 85th floor was the most important part of the original security information company. 36 computers connected the front and back of the building, which was a defensive fortress that was built by the original security information company after three years. Using the principle of internal and external breathing, the so-called internal and external breathing was what martial arts had transformed into the name, and it was called the Turtle Aura Technique.

Faced with an attack by hackers at any time and anywhere, most of the time, it was not as simple as cutting off electricity. The original security information company hired dozens of computer experts at a high price, spent a lot of energy and money, and finally built an internal breathing computer defense fortress, which could automatically cut off the connection with the network when in danger, forming an internal operating environment to avoid the risk of being attacked.

Customer can be a.s.sured of storing the information in the original security information company because of this fortress system.

Crack! Crack! Crack! The sound of the keyboard hitting came from the 86th floor. The rapid rhythm made people involuntarily think of a pair of slender fingers jumping on the keyboard. There were not many people on the 86th floor, only seven of them. They were the famous seven swordsmen, smoke swirling around them, the heavy smell of smoke undissipated by the closed windows, cigarette b.u.t.ts everywhere proving that the seven of them were old cigarette guns, the reflection of their computer monitors shining on the pale, unspeakable faces. It was unknown how long it had been since he had his hair cleaned, but it emitted a layer of oil.

The seven of them had struggled for an entire night, but their bloodshot eyes were still as sharp as ever.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The only one who did not hold a cigarette in his mouth was the boss of the Seven Blade Master, Xu Liufeng. The ten slender, pale fingers were jumping on the keyboard at an astonishing speed. Even raindrops could not describe the speed of the fingers. His mouth was trembling slightly, and he was biting his teeth so hard that they were bleeding. His gaze became sharper and sharper.

Ever since he was young, he had displayed a strong interest in computers. When he was studying, he was heavily biased and his other results were all in single digits, only computers could give him extra points in each exam. In the end, he was specially recruited by Taojiang University and nurtured for three years and two years.

At the same time, the invader could also find a flaw in the defense in the shortest amount of time. Xu Liufeng studied both defense and invasion at the same time, but not only did he not slow down his rate of improvement, he even complemented each other. His technique would increase by leaps and bounds, ultimately establishing him as the leader of the seven swordsmen.

However, very few people knew that he was still an expert at deciphering formations. A fortress system formed by 36 super computers, its defensive capabilities were renowned in the world. Everyone knew that, but no one knew that the even more terrifying ability of the fortress system was its attack, just like a starship that could destroy everything.

With the fortress system acting as a shield, Xu Liufeng was able to mobilize limitless resources. He was able to lock onto one of the spiders in the tens of millions of streams of data. It could simultaneously release tens of millions of virtual streams of data. These streams of data appeared to be no different from real data, and were even aggressive, but if you followed the streams of data in the past, you would desperately discover that the source of every stream of data was only a set of virtual code, and of these tens of millions of streams of data, only one was real.

In order to a.n.a.lyze the millions of streams of data within seconds, other than this fortress system, no other computers could do so. Xu Liufeng had followed behind him all this while, but in order to prevent the spiders from spotting him, he did not launch an attack.

The number of times he lost to a spider had been a nightmare. Therefore, he would appear wherever the spider fought, in order to gain a better understanding of the spider and find a way to deal with it. Xu Liufeng"s eyes were fixated on the screen. Because he was too nervous, his face was almost pressed up against the screen.

There had never been a time when a spider was so close to it, he could even smell its breath. A night of high-intensity invasion, even if the spider was a G.o.d, was impossible not to leave a single flaw, and it was almost dawn. The spider had a habit of not working during the day, which was to say, the spider was about to leave.

A stream of data quietly disappeared. In the tens of millions of streams of data, there was no way to discover it at all. However, Xu Liufeng had discovered it. Even the supercomputer fort system had not been able to a.n.a.lyze it. Without any hesitation, he ignored the other streams of data and commanded the tens of thousands of meat chickens he had been preparing to use to smash his head on them.

One could not blame him for being so cautious in the face of such a great enemy. The main reason was that the spiders were terrifying. They had roamed the internet for many years and had never lost. If he faced them, even the slightest bit of carelessness could lead to total annihilation.

A large hole opened up in the s.p.a.ce where the stream of data had disappeared. Xu Liufeng"s eyes instantly widened and he could not help but curse, "c.r.a.p, honey jar!"

There were at least a hundred of them. Honeypot was a powerful trap. Once trapped, it would corrode and reveal its ID. Xu Liufeng was not a rookie online, and he had seen plenty of honeypot. However, upon seeing so many of them, he felt his scalp tingle. It was too late to break them, so determination flashed in his eyes.


Tens of thousands of meat chickens exploded at the same time, and the silent smoke spread in their line of sight, almost occupying the entire screen. Tens of thousands of meat chickens exploded at the same time, and the silent smoke spread out in their line of sight, almost occupying the entire screen, and almost took up the entire screen.

"Not good — —" The Six Blade Master who had surrounded them at some point in time glared at the monitor, his face pale.

Xu Liufeng felt as if he had fallen into an icehouse, his entire body ice-cold, his fingers hanging over the keyboard. In his line of sight, the starry sky was covered in countless black dots, and if one did not look carefully, they would be ignored. However, in the eyes of the seven swordsmen, these black dots were the most frightening things, even more frightening than beasts from prehistoric times.

"Worm virus!" Xu Liufeng"s voice was hoa.r.s.e to the extreme, like two pieces of stone rubbing against each other. The moment his finger touched the monitor, it turned black.

"Turn off the power supply." The second brother roared, his face full of anxiety.

"Too late." Xu Liufeng fell weakly onto the chair. The 80th floor and 81% of the hundreds of employees who had worked hard the entire night were celebrating that most of the posts had been deleted. Suddenly, the screen flashed and turned black, and a second later, it lit up again, and a pink spider appeared and began to form a web. As more and more spider webs covered the entire screen, the display lit up for a moment, and then completely turned black.

Hundreds of computers went black at the same time. All the staff were dumbfounded.

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