Rise From The Doom

Chapter 138

Liu Wei An didn"t know that one act of self-preservation had ignited the whole country"s food crisis. Although his original intention was to store a bit of food, the consequences of doing so would make countless people unable to sleep. Without sufficient information, Liu Wei An was still fighting excitedly in the "World of Warcraft".

At the bottom of the volcano, the temperature was extremely high and it was hard for ordinary people to enter, so there was no need to worry about the red furnace being carried around by others, which could be considered a helpless task. At the bottom of the volcano, the temperature was extremely high, and it was hard for ordinary people to enter, so there was no need to worry about the red furnace being carried around, which could be considered a helpless task, the red furnace was more than two meters tall, with a diameter of 88 centimeters.

The red furnace had always been in the middle of roasting magma, so the process of igniting the furnace could be skipped. Opening the lid, adding the raw materials of blue ice iron into the furnace, sitting and waiting to be refined, then changing the container.

Compared to the lack of technology, Liu Wei An was more focused on drawing the rune. He had been thinking about one thing, since he could draw double rune, then could he draw triple, fourth or even fifth rune? Although his talisman technique had been improving, he was still not satisfied.

He could not be considered as someone who was good at thinking. However, when it came to his own strength, he would become more sensitive. In other words, this was a sense of crisis.

However, this idea was unrealistic after he put it into practice. After wasting twelve shields in a row, he could only helplessly give up. Perhaps the method was wrong or he was lacking in strength, but in short, he couldn"t succeed.

He could even draw it with his eyes closed, and the second level of symbols could also be big and small, without any deviation. The third level of symbols could also be flawless, and he also thought about the conflict between their auras. But for some reason, after the symbols fell, the shield was immediately broken.

If it was just a failure, the shield could still be used. At most, there would not be the addition of the power of the third stage Golden Stone Talisman, but being disabled was different, not only did the third stage of the Talisman Talisman had disappeared, even the two stage Golden Stone Talismans that were previously drawn had also disappeared. If it was just that, the shield would be the same as before, but the situation was worse than what Liu Wei An had imagined.

After the failure of the experiment, the charm of the shield had been completely lost. The shield made of fine iron had been turned into sc.r.a.p metal after a thousand years of decay.

This situation puzzled Liu Wei An. He could only suppress his thoughts and earnestly draw the dual runes. When the "Golden Stone Talisman" was tired, he would draw the "Undoing Corpse Talisman" and when the "Undoing Corpse Talisman" was tired, he would draw the "Flame Talisman" and he did not have to worry about anything boring or boring. With the power provided by the leaves of the Kunlun Divine Tree, he would be able to maintain his spirit for an extended period of time.

Considering that he had to go to school tomorrow, Liu Wei An finished his work at around 3 in the morning. Just as he was about to pack up and leave, he heard the lava bubbling nearby.

The lava"s bubbling was not unusual, but it suddenly intensified, which made it seem unusual. Liu Wei An was worried that a volcano would suddenly erupt, so wasting such a treasure trove would be a waste, so it would be troublesome if it died.

He did not want to stay in bed for a month. He was younger than Zhou Jie, and Zhou Jie had a girlfriend to take care of him. Of course, this was secondary. What was important was that he didn"t want to die.

This was because he did not think that there was any treasure that could be found in the magma underground. As the bubbles became more and more intense, the white mist rose, and the unease in Liu Wei An"s heart grew stronger and stronger, and just as he was about to desperately carry away the scarlet furnace, an abnormally vigorous roar sounded out, pa.s.sing through the long cracks, and reaching his ears, it seemed very weak. However, the pressure of that kind of prehistoric beast was exceptionally clear, causing his mind to tremble.

The roar was like that of a tiger or a leopard, with a cheerful mood, as if they had just woken up after a long sleep, ringing for more than three minutes before stopping. Liu Wei An"s face was pale, what kind of monster could howl for so long, and even though the location he was at was also deep underground, it could only be called the periphery of the underground, and he did not know how far it was from the real one.

It was hard for him to imagine that at such a high temperature, how could any living creature survive?

Liu Wei An put down the furnace he had carried with him. After the monster howled, the bubbles began to weaken. It seemed like all of this was caused by this monster, as the volcano didn"t erupt that quickly. At this depth of several hundred meters, Liu Wei An became very interested in a ferocious beast that lived under high temperatures.

He quietly entered the dark pa.s.sage. No one knew how these many pa.s.sages were formed, but it seemed as if the dark red wall of the cave could burst into flames at any time. A drop of sweat fell on the wall and instantly evaporated into steam.

He had only walked fifty meters or so when he started to be unable to take it anymore. The further in he went, the higher the temperature was, and Liu Wei"an took it for granted. He thought that magma was similar to water, whether it was in the center or outside, the temperature was almost the same, and even if there was a difference, it wasn"t too big. Although magma was also liquid, it was basically two different substances from water.

The "Corpse Emperor Scripture" circulated throughout his body and the high temperature had weakened the pressure. Liu Wei An was worried that there would be danger, so he slowly walked forward, one step at a time. There were large and small tunnels, and there were even dead ends. Even after walking for twenty minutes, they had only walked for about a thousand meters. Some of them were roundabout, and the distance between them was estimated to be less than six hundred meters. The temperature was much higher than the surroundings.

Liu Wei An"s clothes seemed to be starting to burn. He quickly stopped, afraid of being burned to death. However, at this moment, he smelled a sweet, pungent smell of sulfur. It had a strong life force and made him feel refreshed.

This was clearly the smell of a genius" treasure.

"Crash ~ ~ ~"

This was the sound of lava hitting a rock wall, and it was also accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing. Liu Wei An knew he was close to the center of attention. Giving up at this time was not worth it. After thinking for a moment, he stripped off all of his clothes and pants, resisting the high temperature that was almost about to burn his skin, he began to circulate the《 Dark Emperor Scripture》, worthy of being the mysterious and unfathomable Ancient Scripture. Although he had only learned a little bit of it, when the energy from the《 Dark Emperor Scripture》 flowed throughout his body, the high temperature was still uncomfortable, but it no longer felt like it would ignite at any time.

Carefully avoiding the sharp thorn above his head, Liu Wei An suddenly felt a little puzzled. Even iron-level clothes couldn"t withstand the high temperature here. It was really strange that his hair wasn"t charred. However, most of them were pleasantly surprised. If not, they would have become bald. Although monks would not be mocked by others, it would still not be in accordance with their low profile.

With the protection of the "G.o.d of Darkness" Scripture ", his journey was more stable, but he was not used to it. He was always worried that the sudden sparks would break his appearance, but luckily, the thing he was worried about didn"t happen. The flowing lava slowly flowed along the pa.s.sage, and it took Liu Wei An a long time to find a dry pa.s.sage and carefully step on it. He now roughly knew how these tunnels came about. It was more than likely that these tunnels were caused by the corrosion of the magma.

After zigzagging along for more than 150 meters, the fragrance in the air became even stronger, and the hualala sound and the beast"s breathing became even louder. Liu Wei"an cursed under his breath, there was no way out in this narrow s.p.a.ce, and just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. If it was a dead end, why was it so fragrant?

At the end of the tunnel, there was a hole. Although it wasn"t big, it was still okay for one person to go in. Because of the dark red reflection, if one didn"t look carefully, they wouldn"t be able to find it.

He couldn"t even stand up, so he could only squat as he walked. Liu Wei An was helpless as he walked step by step, and just as he turned a corner, the light in front of him brightened up and an abnormally wide s.p.a.ce appeared in front of him. At this moment, the terrifyingly high temperature also reached its peak.

It was like being trapped in a steamer. The air was distorted, and everything he saw was distorted. Liu Wei An"s breathing stopped. He could hardly believe his eyes as he saw a gigantic beast swimming happily in the magma. It was a monster that looked like a lizard. Its body was more than twelve meters long and pitch black in color. Although it was inconspicuous in the crimson lava, its terrifying aura was like a knife, causing people to feel uncomfortable.

Liu Wei An"s position was about two meters above the ground, there was a piece of rock that came out in front of him, so he didn"t have to worry about being discovered by the monsters. The only part of the ground that was close to the left side was about two to three meters above the ground, and the rest of the place was covered in lava.

The giant lizard wasn"t swimming around randomly, but had a pattern to follow. It always circled around a certain center, and Liu Wei An focused his attention towards the center. Through the layers of white mist and distorted s.p.a.ce, he finally saw clearly what it was.

It was a lotus the size of a washbasin. Its entire body was scarlet red, and lotus petals had already formed on its surface. The four white seeds were especially eye-catching, and the strong fragrance was coming from the lotus.

When he looked down, Liu Wei"s body trembled and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes. The lotus flower was actually suspended in the air, with only a few roots piercing into the magma 30 centimeters above it. Judging from its curved roots, it definitely could not play any supporting role.

In the depths of the earth, where even steel could melt, the appearance of a giant lizard swimming in the magma, a lotus that was impossible to find, and another that took root in the void, wasn"t something unacceptable.

However, after taking a look at the giant lizard, Liu Wei An wisely chose not to act rashly. Although the giant lizard didn"t show any fighting strength, its body was emitting more than ten times the aura of the most powerful Demon Wolf he had ever seen, the Black Armored Demon Wolf. It could probably kill the giant lizard with a single sneeze, much less fight.

A wave of weakness spread out, and the circulation of the "Dark Emperor Sutra" became unstable. Liu Wei An didn"t have the time to carefully examine it, and could only retreat.

He had to swallow a single Strength Seed before returning to the place where the red furnace was located. He looked at the time and saw that it was already 4 AM, so he quickly logged out of the game.

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