Rise From The Doom

Chapter 206

"Liu Wei An!"

"Liu Wei An!"

"Liu Wei An!"

… ….

Thousands of students shouted in unison, and their voices echoed throughout the entire academy. For the past few consecutive years, the students had been shaming themselves at the bottom of the school, so it was easy to imagine the agitation in their hearts. At this moment, Liu Wei An"s name was recorded in the hearts of every single student.

Liu Wei"an had enjoyed the treatment of a hero. Qin Zu had no face at all, and he didn"t even eat lunch. Ignoring Tang Tian Yao"s urging him to stay, he quickly led his students away from the school. The lively atmosphere in the sports field slowly dispersed, and peace once again returned to its original tranquil state.

After lunch, Liu Wei An was brought to his office by Tang Tianyao. Liu Wei An thought that Tang Tianyao would ask him about his truancy, but he had already prepared a good reason for his absence.

"You"ve won honor for the school. The school will reward you with a quota to send to the First Army. Are you willing to go?"

"First Army?" Liu Wei An"s pupils constricted and he stood up involuntarily. Surprise flashed across his face and he said with great excitement, "I am willing."

"Make some preparations. The time is about a month from now." Tang Tian Yao revealed a faint smile on his stern face, as if he was very satisfied with Liu Wei An"s reaction.

"Yes sir!" Liu Wei An raised his chest and said loudly.

"You can leave. Don"t spread the news, the cla.s.s will be as usual during this time." Tang Tian Yao waved his hand.

"Yes sir!" Liu Wei An bowed and left the office. As soon as he left the office, he couldn"t help but wave his fists. This was too exciting, First Army.

After entering the new society, the old hierarchical system was broken and the new hierarchical system was reborn. After the end of the last century, a new hierarchical system was gradually formed, which was composed of officials, soldiers, soldiers, merchants and citizens.

The officials were referring to the politicians. Their status was high and they enjoyed the best treatment, while their welfare was the most comprehensive. It could be said that after entering politics, one did not have to worry about material problems.

The military referred to the military. In times of peace, the military was relatively low-key. Once one entered the war, the importance of the military would be highlighted. The military was the best way to change one"s ident.i.ty.

Scholar: refers to the scholar, the so-called "all things are only good at reading", moral in the heart, achievement in the world, the proclamation of virtue, Zerg people. Scholars were the most difficult people to define. Their ident.i.ties could be changed at any time, and their knowledge could change their fates. As long as they had knowledge, they could start a business, enter politics, or join the army at any time.

Merchants: also refers to the commercial, mutual existence, production, must rely on others and can work. Of course, this was an ancient commentary. Today, business filled every corner of society, and the status and utility of business had greatly increased.

People: meaning citizens, ordinary people.

Further down, there were civilians, refugees and slaves.

Liu Wei An was originally a slave. After hard work and luck, he had successfully become a commoner. The difference between a commoner and a refugee was in the amount of wealth, which was essentially the same, but compared to a citizen, there was a fundamental difference. Citizens had the right to vote, and in some major events, civilians did not have the right to vote.

There were only two paths to changing the hierarchy of this ident.i.ty: enlist in the army or enter politics. Politics required admission, and without a degree, it was wishful thinking to enter politics. Liu Wei An had experienced the harsh conditions to enter the academy, so ordinary people didn"t even need to think about it. Although he had entered the academy, this was only the first step in the long journey. If he wanted to become a civil servant, not only did he need ability, he also needed connections. Therefore, this path was destined to be difficult. Joining the army was much easier.

Entering the army was something that relied on one"s ability. As long as one had the ability, there was no need to worry about not being promoted. The Darkhan Dynasty had ten great legions, from the 1st to the 10th Legion. The 1st Legion was the most elite of all the Legions, regardless of strength or quality, they were all the toughest and had the least number of people. However, military expenditures made up 30% of the total military expenditures.

Liu Wei An didn"t know how many slots there were in Xinglong University, but he knew that the slots given to him must be very precious.

Those who had a car could go back to the cla.s.sroom for lunch, while those who had money could get a room outside. Those who didn"t have money could only lie on the table and take care of Liu Wei An who couldn"t get a lunch break today, and was called out by Tang Ding Dong the moment they entered the cla.s.sroom.

"Hey, what"s going on with you? Why are you late for school every few days? Do you think that school is just a public restroom?" Under the tree, Tang Dingdong yelled a lesson at the top of his lungs. His tone was very aggressive.

The afternoon sun was very bright. Before the match, he hadn"t felt it at all, but now, after walking a few steps, he was covered in sweat. Even under the tree, he couldn"t block the steam. Tang Dingdong would definitely shower again after lunch because his clothes were different from the morning. They were still sportswear, which was yellow in the morning, and now it was a light red. Because of the material, the perfectly round and slim b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the small waist were very prominent. The round collar was very shallow, but because of his high vantage point, Liu Wei An was able to see a shallow trench. The white and black were so glaring that a faint body fragrance spread out along with the evaporation of the sweat.

Liu Wei An knew that Tang Dingdong was just a little chili, so he quickly took a glance and shifted his gaze away. Although Tang Dingdong"s words were unpleasant to hear, he had made a mistake. He had to be sincere, since he was a learning committee member and a leader. After a moment of silence, he found a reasonable excuse.

Tang Dingdong"s expression eased up a bit. What kind of person was she? From Liu Wei An"s expression, one could tell that this was a fake reason. However, she only wanted a step forward, and even the instructor had neglected this matter. He warned, "No matter what we do, our att.i.tudes are the most important. We are students, and our basic att.i.tude is to attend cla.s.s on time. Listen carefully. This is also the basic quality of a person."

"You"re right, I"ll definitely change it." Liu Wei An lowered his head and was very honest.

"Alright, let"s end this here." Tang Dingdong paused for a moment, his tone slightly lightened: "Thank you for this morning"s matter. If it wasn"t for you, our school wouldn"t have been able to win."

"Of course, of course. I"m also part of the school. Bringing honor to the school, this is what I should do." Liu Wei An"s att.i.tude was correct.

"It"s good that you have this kind of awareness." Tang Dingdong"s gaze fell on the ground as he casually said: "Are you free tonight? I want to treat you to a meal to celebrate the success of today."

Her expression was very calm, and nothing could be seen on it. After pondering for a moment, she shook her head and refused: "These few days of truancy, I will work hard tonight to fill in the gap in my cla.s.ses, I"m afraid I won"t have much time."

"Hmm, studying is important, so that"s it."

Tang Dingdong nodded his head. He turned around and left, very straightforward. Liu Wei An rubbed his nose as he looked over Chili Pepper"s face. He did not know if he was in the right or wrong. The afternoon was still the horse stance, and this was the tradition of Xinglong University, paying great attention to basic skills. In today"s restless society, this kind of method of settling down and training was really rare. Liu Wei An didn"t think about whether this teaching method was right or wrong, but he knew it was very useful for him. Although his horse stance wasn"t very long, he could still feel the improvement. His physique was increasing every day.

His punishment had yet to be lifted, so he was still practicing calligraphy with a hundred pound brush. What shocked the students was that Liu Wei An, who had been desperate last time and couldn"t even draw a line, was actually able to write words today. Moreover, he looked like he was going to do it.

They could not imagine how Liu Wei An had managed to do it. Could it be that he had been practicing at home the past few days after skipping cla.s.ses? Even if he was practicing, he couldn"t be so fast. Only she knew that Liu Wei"an had written out a few words on the first night. She was thinking, if this news were to spread, would the students be so desperate that they would think they were babies.

The test was not only strength, but willpower and perseverance. Liu Wei An already had a successful experience, and still ate the wrong things, his cla.s.smates had already finished their lessons, and he was still writing. He wrote the wrong things in a pile, but it was better than the last time.

When he put down the pen, he felt that both his arms were not his own. He really wanted to lie on the ground and not move, but he knew that if he were to lie down now, he would definitely have a serious illness tomorrow.

"Come with me, let"s get some water." A familiar voice sounded from behind him. He suddenly turned his head, Tang Dingdong was standing behind him, wearing a white dress. The light shone over from behind, and his face couldn"t be seen clearly, but his clothes were like snow, and his hair flowed down like a waterfall, making him look like a fairy from a dream. Liu Wei An had never seen Tang Dingdong dressed like a woman, so he was momentarily stunned.

Tang Dingdong frowned, regretting that he had put on the dress. He opened his mouth but didn"t say anything. He turned around and walked towards the dorm area behind the school. Liu Wei An quickly followed.

The boiling medicinal liquid, the burning flame, and the rising fog had soaked Liu Wei An inside, causing his skin to turn red, but compared to the last time, the situation was much better, the absorption speed was also faster by more than three times. Tang Dingdong sat behind the table and read a book, aside from the occasional crackling of the firewood, the room was very quiet.

"Um …" This medicinal herb is pretty good. Can I pay you to buy a few more portions of it? " Liu Wei An was at a loss for words. But in his heart, he felt that this medicinal liquid was very beneficial to his body.

"No need, you"ve contributed to the school today. In the future, the school will provide free medicinal liquids."

After pausing for a moment, he said, "Don"t think too highly of this medicinal liquid. There are some stubborn medicinal effects that a normal person would need dozens of years to digest, and although your physique is strong, you shouldn"t soak too much in it. The instructor said five times, it"ll be enough."

"So it"s like that." Liu Wei An was a little disappointed. He had thought that he could continue to soak in the water for a long time. However, it was normal when he thought about it. After all, medicinal liquids were auxiliary methods. If medicinal liquids alone could transform a person"s physique into that of a superhuman, why would they need to cultivate? Scientists don"t have to sleep and eat to study genetic engineering.

This time, the absorption speed was much faster than last time. Not long after, Liu Wei An jumped out of the urn and bid farewell.

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