Rise From The Doom

Chapter 209

The Dark Emperor Sutra seemed to have been stimulated as the black airflow revolved at high speeds. Everywhere it pa.s.sed, the cold and rigid feeling was like the snow that saw the sun quietly melting. When Liu Wei An opened his eyes, he was shocked to find that the sky had already brightened.

Without doing anything, the night pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye. When he looked at the ancient stone tablet again, he felt an unfathomable feeling surging within him. The ancient stone tablet also had some old green stone tablets. The mysterious symbols that were half covered by dust seemed somewhat dilapidated. From the outside, it didn"t look impressive at all. However, such a stone tablet had caused him to be lost for an entire night.

He shook his head. He felt very tired, but there was a kind of joy in his heart. It seemed like he had gotten some kind of precious treasure, but when he thought about it, there was nothing. It was so weird and contradictory that he realized he had stepped onto the second step when he left.

He didn"t think about what was going on. He only felt that this place was filled with evil, and many things were illogical. No wonder Huang Qisheng refused to come in. He had just realized that he had underestimated the evilness in Huang Qisheng"s words. How could it be so easy to make a Silver rank expert fear him like a tiger?

"Grandmaster Glyph, you"re finally out?" Several times, he wanted to rush in, but his hand had already touched the stone door and retreated. Seeing that the sky was bright, he almost lost all hope and regretted bringing Liu Wei An to this place. Because in this place, two Gold rank experts had committed suicide.

"Go back." Liu Wei An was covered in a black cloth, so he couldn"t see his expression, but his voice could tell that he was weak.

"Alright, alright. Go back, go back." Huang Qide didn"t notice Liu Wei An"s weakness; his heart was filled with joy and his expression became even more respectful. A person who could stay in front of an ancient monument for an entire night was enough for him to look up to.

The Plum Blossom Chamber of Commerce had a very luxurious base in the Black Dragon City. In a large courtyard, there were over a thousand square meters of shops at the front and a four-way courtyard at the back. With the help of Ye Mao, the courtyard was very deep. Liu Wei"an had stood outside and watched once. At that time, he had wondered when he would be able to own such a courtyard. He hadn"t expected to have the chance to live in it today.

"Master Symbol Master, this is your residence. It has already been cleaned up. Take a look and see if there"s anything that you"re not satisfied with. I"ll immediately get someone to change it." Huang Qisheng said respectfully.

It was a small courtyard, a yard, a living room, a room, a work room, as well as a kitchen, a servant girl"s room, all by themselves, which was ten thousand times better than staying in an inn. Although Liu Wei An"s status had risen recently, and he still hadn"t gotten used to the change in status, he was stunned for a moment before saying, "Alright, let"s do it like this."

"Yes, Grandmaster Fu, please rest well, I will not disturb you. This is Yan Er, if you have any instructions, you can tell Yan"er that she will take care of everything." Huang Qisheng said.

"Got it." Only then did Liu Wei An notice that behind Huang Qide was a delicate servant girl. Her face was pretty and she looked to be around eighteen to nineteen years old. Her eyes had some fear in them, and her delicate fingers were pinching her clothes, full of nervousness and uneasiness about her new master.

Huang Qunsheng apologized and left. The servant girl called Yan"er also left, but after a while, she came back with a bowl of thick soup. This is the Qi Replenishing Soup, it contains angelica, ginseng, snow lotus, gnome, blood nourishing flower, King"s Flower and other medicinal herbs that can replenish Qi and help nourish the blood. After a warm fire simmering for 8 hours, it will be ready to be consumed at this time. Yan"Er"s voice was soft, and she did not dare to look at Liu Wei An.

The soup was filled with a bowl. It was very clear, so when he looked at it, he thought it was clear water. The faint fragrance it exuded made his body shake. Liu Wei An took the soup and thanked him. He thought to himself, "The Plum Blossom Trading Company"s treatment is really good. A bowl of this kind of soup would at least cost a thousand copper coins in the outside world."

He was about to pull the black cloth away, but after thinking for a moment, he said to Yan"er, "You can leave. I"ll call for you if there"s anything."

"Yes." Yan"er bowed and left the room. Liu Wei An then took off the black cloth and picked up the soup, tasting it. A thick fragrance slid down his throat and into his stomach, followed by a burning heat that spread through his entire body, ironing every cell inside out. It was indeed a good thing, although it was not as good as Sun Lingzhi"s All Aspects Nourishment Pill, it was still a first-cla.s.s good soup. After finishing the soup, he immediately fell asleep.

The strange events of the previous night had caused his mind to be extremely tired. He was not sure what had happened during the night, but he was sure that his body had changed. Otherwise, there would not be any happy emotions coming out of his soul. Two hours later, he opened his eyes in high spirits.

"No wonder the bodies of rich people are so good. Drinking this type of soup every day, even if it"s a pig, it can live for a few more years." Liu Wei An subconsciously believed that this was all thanks to the soup.

Opening the door and walking out of the room, Yan"er heard the sound of movement and immediately came out from the room next door with a hurried and uneasy tone, "What is it, young master?"

"I need to work. Are the things ready?" Liu Wei An"s gaze swept across Yan"Er"s face.

"It"s all prepared. Bamboo arrows, talisman paper, cinnabar, brush, and qi recovery pills …" Yan"Er said as she hung her hand.

"Qi Returning Pill?" Liu Wei An interjected.

"Yes, Qi Returning Pill." Yan Er looked up and quickly glanced at him. She seemed to be a little surprised to find that he was staring at her. She was shocked and immediately looked down like a frightened rabbit.

"What"s a Qi Returning Pill?" Liu Wei An was a little puzzled. What other pills would he need to draw a rune? He himself had only started out halfway through his career, so he was not too sure about this.

"Qi Returning Pill can help you recover your strength when you"re tired."

Yan"er explained, but she was even more surprised. She knew that Liu Wei An was a Charm Magician. Since he was a Charm Magician, how could he not know about the Qi Returning Pills that a Charm Magician needed? This confused her.

Arriving at the studio, Liu Wei An was once again shocked. The Plum Blossom Trading Company was indeed a big business. This studio was ten times more expensive than the ones he lived in. The pile of bamboo arrows were all high quality. Although bamboo arrows were of the lowest grade, they were also divided into three to six grades. The lower grade bamboo arrows were roughly made, which would affect the range, accuracy, and middle grade bamboo arrows, which would greatly increase the accuracy of the arrows. Basically, the lower grade bamboo arrows were made by the lowest grade bamboo arrows, which would affect the range, accuracy, and quality of the middle grade bamboo arrows, which would affect the middle grade bamboo arrows, which would affect the middle grade bamboo arrows. That was why he was so surprised to see so many high-grade bamboo arrows. There were a total of fifty to sixty thousand of them.

His gaze fell onto a bottle of pills on the table. He poured out a milky-white pill, about the size of a soybean, and placed it in his palm. It emitted a faint fragrance. Liu Wei An observed it for a while before putting it back into the bottle. Start debugging cinnabar. Seeing that, Yan"er left the room and closed the door. A Charm Magician couldn"t be disturbed while working. This was something Huang Qisheng had warned her about before. In reality, every Charm Magician had their own skills, and that was a secret.

As for the talisman, he put it away honestly. The other talismans needed to first draw the talisman, and then imprint it onto the bamboo arrow. This way, the success rate would be even higher, and he would not need to go through the process in one go.

With a flick of his wrist, the brush changed into a complicated shadow. Red traces flowed down, and a set of complicated symbols flashed. Soon after, the light dimmed and faded away. An arrow had been drawn.

Liu Wei An was overjoyed. His rune drawing technique seemed to have unknowingly increased by a whole realm, his arm remained suspended in the air, and he could only wiggle his wrist in a small area. His brush trembled as it drew out mysterious and mysterious trails.

Previously, when Liu Wei An was drawing talismans, he had to go through a warm up, slow down, and then gradually enter a good state, and finally enter the Psychic State. However, it was very difficult to enter the Psychic State, only being able to enter once every three to five days, moreover, every time he entered, the time was very short, and he would exit in less than an hour. The number of times he reached a good state was a lot more, and the duration was also longer than that of the Psychic State.

He casually threw away the completed bamboo arrows. However, they were neatly stacked together. The number of arrows decreased from a small to a large number. In the end, there were more and more arrows. One hour, two hours, three hours … At nightfall, Liu Wei An stopped. Looking at the number of arrows he had made, he was stunned. There were at least a thousand arrows in this pile.

"Why are there so many?"

He himself knew the most about the speed of making talisman arrows, from an hour and sixty arrows a month ago to eighty arrows and ninety arrows, barely reaching a hundred arrows ten days ago. For the past ten days, he had basically kept about a hundred arrows, sometimes one or two more arrows, sometimes one or two less arrows, and it was very difficult to break through.

From noon until now, it had been almost seven hours since he had drawn a thousand Talisman Arrows. He calculated that the average number of arrows drawn had exceeded 140 in an hour, and the number of arrows wasted was less than fifty, which was less than half of the total.

In the darkness, he sat on the ground with the brush casually thrown aside. He was pondering about the reason for his improvement; the materials were one, the state was another, but these two together were not enough to allow his rune skills to improve by leaps and bounds. The only possibility was last night …

Duo duo duo! The knock on the door startled him as it echoed through the empty room.

"What is it?"

"Dinner... "It"s done..." Yan"Er"s trembling voice sounded as if she was frightened by him.

"Wait a moment, I"ll be right there." Liu Wei An"s voice was calm again.

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