Rise From The Doom

Chapter 234

"... The sunspot is unusually active, a storm is brewing in the solar system, the communication between planets is interrupted, and the internal communication within the same planet is also extremely unstable. I hope that everyone is prepared to travel and contact their families and friends in advance, so as to not cause unnecessary trouble … " This was the news report of the burly man on Mars.

In the living room, Liu Wei An and Zhao Hanyi sat together for breakfast. Zhao Hanye"s body recovered very quickly, and after two days, he was able to get off the bed and walk, and the wounds on his body had already begun to stutter, and the places where he was scratched by the mutated beasts had started to grow tender flesh.

This was a habit of hers, or perhaps more accurately speaking, it was the habit of most beauties, and they paid a great deal of attention to the quality of their food. Although her body had not completely recovered and she still looked like a bag of bones, she would never be at ease with her own diet. He ate as much as he could without wasting a single bit. In the past two days, he had relied on the vigorous nourishment of the seed to stabilize his silver middle stage and his body had also grown a little bit. However, he still looked very thin, a match for Zhao Hanyi.

Liu Wei set down his chopsticks. Zhao Han Qing wiped the corner of his mouth with a towel. She had never done such a thing before, but now she did it naturally. Liu Wei An didn"t pay much attention as he stared at the television.

"... Starting from last night, several provinces and cities were attacked by mutated beasts, resulting in huge personnel losses and property losses. This was the largest incident of mutated beasts in recent years, and experts had a.n.a.lyzed that a major change may have occurred in the uninhabited region. They advised citizens to not go to the uninhabited region, as it is best not to go to the borders, lest they encounter mutated beasts … "

If one were to look at the map, then the three provinces and cities would form the defensive line of the Darkhan Dynasty on Mars. Now that this defensive line had been completely attacked by the mutated beasts, wouldn"t that mean that the Darkhan Dynasty"s territory had been surrounded by mutated beasts?

If, Liu Wei"an thought, if there was a lot of contact with no-man"s-land in Tianfeng Province, then would Tianfeng Province not be attacked by mutated beasts? There was no mention of the name of Tianfeng Province in the news, but Liu Wei An was clear that Tianfeng Province had a strong independence. If some information was suppressed by Ma Xuelao, the news department would not know.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Liu Wei"an replied, his eyes still glued to the television.

"Do you still have the habit of eating breakfast?" The one who walked in was actually Zhang Wu Xian"er, for the past two days, because of her body"s discomfort, she had been recuperating and rarely came out, but now she looked much better.

Perhaps because she was familiar with the situation, she didn"t wear the veil anymore.

"So it"s the Fifth Miss!" Liu Wei An and Zhao Han Qing quickly stood up. Liu Wei An only took a glance before shifting his gaze elsewhere. He asked, "Breakfast is very delicious. Did the Fifth Miss eat it?"

"I"ve already eaten. You two don"t have to be so formal. Please take a seat." Zhang Wu Xian"er sat down on the sofa and waited for Liu Wei An and An Xin to sit down. Then she said, "I have something to ask of you two."

"Go ahead." Liu Wei An looked at her.

"You promised to give me a pail of blood, but I don"t have the time right now. I"m going back to Mercury immediately. We can only wait until later." Zhang Wu Xian said.

"I can give it to you now." He was not used to owing things to others.

"You might not understand how much a pail is, but if I were to put a pail in front of you right now, don"t even mention how much blood you don"t have, even if you had, you wouldn"t be able to survive even if you let it out. We"ll talk about it later. " Zhang Wu Xian"er rolled her eyes at Liu Wei An.

"Alright, I"ll give it to you anytime if you want it." Liu Wei An smiled in embarra.s.sment.

"You are a doctor, and a researcher. I would like to ask you to be my a.s.sistant, is that possible?" Zhang Wu Xian"s gaze turned to Zhao Han Qing.

"Sure, this is my interest and job, as long as the five ladies don"t mind." Zhao Han Qing was pleasantly surprised. With the Zhang Clan"s name, how could she not know that one of the two great powers of a medical expert was to become the a.s.sistant of Zhang Wu Xian"er?

"Your profession is enough to help me. I need a talent like you. However — "Zhang Wuxian paused for a moment," Our research site is not here, but on Mercury. "

"Fifth Miss means to leave this place?" Zhao Han Qing"s expression changed slightly, while Liu Wei An"s gaze flickered.

"That"s right, this place …" Zhang Wu Xian hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly made a decision, "This is supposed to be a high level secret, but I don"t think it will be hidden for long, so I"ll tell you guys, there will be chaos on Mars soon, and it will be very dangerous. Although I"m not afraid, but in order not to affect the research, I must leave."

"What do you mean by chaos?" Liu Wei An suddenly stood up with a serious expression.

"There are some things that you won"t be able to gain by knowing too much. You only need to know that in the following days, you will only need to take good care of your body." "First, your research cannot be affected. Second, if you stay, you might implicate Liu Wei An. Thirdly, I can only bring one stranger out to the public; I will give you ten minutes to consider it. I will set off at 8: 30, so come find me when you have made up your mind." With that, he walked out of the room, not caring about the expressions of Zhao Han Qing and Liu Wei An.

The room fell into silence. She did not think that Zhang Wu Xian would lie on this matter. Since she had said so, there must be a problem with it, and reason told him that Zhao Hanyin should leave, but he did not want Zhao Hanye to leave. During this period of interaction, they had been through a lot and they had unconsciously developed feelings together, so she opened her mouth, but did not know what to say.

Suddenly, he reached out his hand and gently rubbed on Liu Wei An"s stuttering wound. His expression was gentle, and as time pa.s.sed, the last minute, Zhao Hanyi suddenly smiled, and said in a soft but unquestionable voice: "In my life, this only belongs to you. Last time, if it wasn"t for me, you wouldn"t have gotten hurt, I would be at Mercury, waiting for you to come find me, and if you didn"t come, then I would have to wait for you."

Liu Wei An wanted to speak, but just as he opened his mouth, it was sealed by Zhao Hanyi"s mouth. Zhao Hanyi"s kiss was very forceful. Although it was very rough, he was very engrossed. Liu Wei An was instantly lost. When he woke up, Zhao Hanye had already left. There was still a faint fragrance in the air …

Zhang Wu Xian left, and so did Zhao Han Qing. They took the two huge pythons with them, and gave the mansion to Liu Wei An, along with the servants and the bugs in the bas.e.m.e.nt.

To suddenly acquire a villa worth nearly a hundred million was originally a very happy thing, but Liu Wei An was very disappointed. He didn"t send Zhao Hanyi off nor did he take a look even after the exhaust fumes of the car had dissipated.

Go online, draw talismans, go offline, eat, sleep, go online again … After repeating the same thing for a week, he suddenly woke up to find that the outside world had changed.

The factories were closed and the workers were unemployed. There were refugees everywhere, police officers and soldiers everywhere, gunshots were incessantly fired, and screams could be heard from all directions. On the ground, from time to time, one could see the corpses of people and rotten eyes.

When the army tried its best to resist, they were stabbed in the back by some unknown force. The defense line had a flaw, and a portion of the mutated beasts charged into the city, hundreds of thousands of people were injured or killed, and more than 80% of the injured people were infected, turning into zombies. The zombies attacked other people, and in just a few days, more than 60,000 zombies appeared, and there were mutated beasts outside, zombies inside and outside the city.

Today, traffic was paralyzed, and messages were frequently cut off. Some people hid at home and did not dare to come out, while others went out to escape. It was a chaotic scene. The more chaotic the world was, the more nourishing their lives would be. If attacking humans was basically the work of zombies, then robbing and rape were done by these hoodlums. In this chaotic world, the evil in their hearts was infinitely amplified.

n.o.ble men did not stand by the wall of danger. When the rich saw how chaotic Tianfeng Province was, their first thought was to leave. However, they quickly received bad news. The day before the chaos, the last s.p.a.ceship had left and Mars had become a lonely planet. It was at this moment that they realized that the super rich and top figures had all disappeared. They had left in secret a few days ago. Wealthy people like them had no right to get inside information about what had happened. Only then did they wake up from their stupor.

There was no choice, they could only go back home, but rich people still had many advantages, after all, rich people had plenty of resources, food was not lacking, the district was high cla.s.s, the defense was strong, many people had their own bodyguards and fighters, together, they became a force to protect the district, compared to the city, these high cla.s.s districts were relatively peaceful, it"s not like there were no zombies that attacked them, but after failing a few times, they turned around and went after the other citizens.

In just a week"s time, the world had turned into chaos. Liu Wei An couldn"t help but exclaim at the fickleness of the world. Suddenly, he thought of something and his face changed.

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