Rise From The Doom

Chapter 251

The sound of gunfire and the smell of blood made the nearby zombies go berserk. Liu Wei An jumped up, raised his hand, and shot three grenades to the left, right, and back.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

The firelight soared into the sky and the zombies were blown into pieces. Three small holes appeared and the stench of blood filled the air.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Liu Wei An shot seven or eight arrows consecutively. They were all flame arrowheads. The flames exploded one by one, but they were still unable to stop the zombies that smelled blood. The encirclement quickly shrunk and more zombies were attracted.

"Leave immediately." Liu Wei An shouted.

"But little Hai …" Zhang Yingbo"s eyes were unwilling to accept this.

"Execute the command." Liu Wei An said angrily.

"Yes sir!" Zhang Shibo and the other five officers had no choice but to give up on shooting the black monkey and quickly ran forward. The behind-the-scenes Han Zhaoyi and Guo Shidi could not hold on any longer, retreating as they fought back. A few level 1.1 zombies hidden inside the normal zombies posed a huge threat to the two of them.

Liu Wei An"s eyes flashed and he once again jumped up. With a hum, a straight line whizzed out and arrived in front of the zombie. The lightning shot out and disappeared in a flash.

The three level 1.1 zombies and the six normal zombies didn"t even have a chance to react before an arrow came from between their eyebrows and they fell to the ground.

"Be careful — —" Gu Youyue suddenly let out an anxious cry.

Even without her reminder, Liu Wei An felt a strong gust of wind at the back of his head. It was already too late to turn around, and he could only do a flabbergasted action in mid-air.


The tip of its foot struck the black monkey"s stomach, and its acc.u.mulated energy exploded. The black monkey let out an ear-piercing shriek and flew out. Liu Wei An didn"t allow it to leave so easily. He shot out an arrow just as it was about to hit the ground.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

The arrow shot out, and only a faint shadow could be seen. The distance of tens of meters between them seemed to be ignored, as it instantly arrived in front of the black monkey, and just as it was about to hit the black monkey, a black shadow suddenly shot out from behind the black monkey and hit the arrow. The arrow immediately went off course and missed its target. It turned out to be a tail.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yingbo was incomparably disappointed. He hated this monkey that killed Little Hai to the bones. Just when he thought that the monkey could escape, something strange happened.

An arrow suddenly appeared in the air and shot out at a speed that was twice as fast as the previous arrow. The black monkey had no time to dodge; it had already pierced through its body. A bang could be heard as the monkey"s body exploded into pieces. It was as if a rain of blood had rained down from the sky.

A series of arrows!

Zhang Shaobo and the others who had never seen this kind of archery were all dumbstruck.

Stretching out his hands, Liu Wei An steadied himself and kicked away a nearby zombie. Suddenly, Liu Wei An"s face changed as he raised his head to look in the direction of the rescue team. The sound of gunfire was quickly approaching.

"What"s going on?" Han ZIye and Guo Yanzheng also recognized him.

"Ignore them!" Liu Wei An quickly gave up thinking and looked left and right, then suddenly pulled the bow and shot six arrows straight at the wall. Just when everyone was wondering what he was doing, the wall suddenly exploded, and with a boom, a section of the wall landed on the street, blocking off the street.

"Hurry up!" Liu Wei An shouted for the two people who were still in a daze, and with a sprint, he ran to the front. The black giant bow once again displayed its might, and with a buzzing sound, the zombies fell one by one.


When he looked up, it was actually a wild boar. Its tusks were as sharp as daggers, and its eyes were bloodshot. As he lowered his head to look at the pot lid, he saw that there were two indistinct marks on it, and he couldn"t help but break out in a cold sweat. Luckily he had this shield, otherwise, he would have had two holes in his stomach.

"Don"t stop!" Liu Wei An blocked the wild boar"s charge again. The 200 pound wild boar charged forward with an astonishing momentum, like a howling gale.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, the wild boar had just arrived in front of them. Liu Wei An stretched out his hand to support the wild boar"s stomach, and the wild boar instantly changed its direction and shot out like a cannonball, smashing into the crowd of zombies on the other side. The crackling sound of bones was mixed with the wild boar"s shouts, and a large number of zombies fell, but it was unknown whether they died or were injured, so Liu Wei An didn"t bother looking as he quickly caught up to the group.

If the elephant was here, he would certainly be happy to have a showdown with the wild boar. However, Liu Wei An didn"t have the time to waste. After pa.s.sing through another street, the number of zombies gradually decreased. Everyone was extremely happy and their speed increased yet again.

"Two of them are looking for a car while the others are looking for zombies." He knew that running for a short distance wasn"t a problem. If they were to run for a long period of time, then everyone"s physical strength would definitely not be comparable to a zombie"s.

There were quite a number of cars on the road, but most of them were damaged from the collision. Most of them were probably caused by the sudden outbreak of zombies and many people were panicking. After the order was restored, was there anyone else in the city? Or could order be restored?

A few cars in the parking lot were not damaged, but they did not have a key. They could start a fire without using a key, but Han Zaiye gave up after just one look. These cars all had an alarm system, and breaking the windows would cause an alarm, so at that time, all the zombies within a few hundred meters of the parking lot would be attracted over.

"Found it." He had to turn another street to find two cars that could start a fire. One was a Jiuzhou SUV and the other was a pickup truck.

"Get in the car!" As the two policemen started the car, the sound of the engine immediately made the zombies irritable. Liu Wei An had to use all his strength to suppress the zombies that were charging at them five meters away, but even so, after the car had started, the encirclement shrank at an alarming rate.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Liu Wei An"s fingers pulled on the bowstring so frequently that they couldn"t see the arrow clearly. Everyone could only see streaks of cold lightning shooting out and couldn"t see the shape of the arrow at all.

"Be careful!"


He was stunned for a good few seconds before he regained his senses. A three-year-old child suddenly jumped out from the back of the car and bit onto the neck of a police officer. No one could have imagined that there was actually a child in the car, and this child was even infected by a zombie.

The child was less than 60 cm tall, her tender skin had already dried up and turned dark red. There were very few places that were rotten, and her face was green and black. Her eyes were fierce. She was not an ordinary zombie, but a level 1.1 zombie. He bit the policeman"s neck so hard that his whole body was hanging from it. Blood dripped from his neck, turning a bright red colour.

The police officer"s screams were only half heard when his windpipe was bitten off. He tried his best to pull the child, but the child"s strength was too great. He could not move at all. He staggered three or four steps and fell down.


Although he was a level 1.1 zombie, he did not have much experience. All he had to do was focus on sucking blood, and he did not know how to dodge, so he was easily killed by Zhang Yingbo.

"Shihui!" Hot tears filled the eyes of all the policemen, especially the one driving the car. They were filled with regret.

"It"s all my fault that I didn"t check the car properly, or else I wouldn"t have … I deserve to die. " If he had died in a dangerous situation, it would be hard to accept that he had just escaped from danger.

"Don"t cry anymore, get in the car." Zhang Yinbo yelled, his teeth almost bleeding. The pain in his heart was not any less than the pain of everyone else, but as the leader, he had to be responsible for the remaining people"s safety.

"Madam, get in the car. You guys get in the car too." Liu Wei An pointed at Han Zaiye and Guo Yanzi. The two of them were relatively strong in combat, and could protect the safety of the two ladies.

"Everyone else, follow me. Pika, clear the way." The others didn"t hesitate and quickly got in the truck. Before the last person got in, the door was still open, but the truck had already jumped out like a wild horse. At this moment, the flame from the flame arrow was extinguished and the zombie pounced forward, almost touching the car"s body.

Liu Wei An stared ahead as if he didn"t see what was happening behind him. The road conditions were good, even though there were a few cars on the road, the road was big enough so it wouldn"t block the road. The only accident was the zombies rushing up.

The majority of zombies were quite stupid. They only knew how to chase after their b.u.t.ts, but there were a few zombies blocking their path. This was the reason why Liu Wei An was standing in the carriage. With a cold flash, a zombie got hit in the middle of the road by an arrow. Because the strength behind the arrow was too strong, the zombie was directly thrown away.


The two zombies were hit by the car and sent flying. They fell to the ground and rolled a few times. Then, as if nothing had happened, they got up. Besides leaving a pool of blood on the ground, there wasn"t much damage.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Liu Wei An turned his head and aimed at the zombies behind him. These zombies couldn"t catch up to the pickup truck, so they just happened to intercept the SUV, and directly pounced on it with their bodies, causing the SUV to fall to the ground. Just when they couldn"t hold on any longer, they found that the zombies were falling one by one with a sharp arrow stuck between their eyebrows. In a blink of an eye, all of the zombies were dead.

The number of zombies quickly decreased, the alarmed zombies were left far behind the car, and they could no longer catch up. Occasionally, there would be a few zombies that would appear in front of the car, but they would also be hit and sent flying. Suddenly, the pickup truck stopped, and Liu Wei An"s body shook, almost flying out of the car.

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