Rise From The Doom

Chapter 253


Everyone"s heart skipped a beat, especially the people walking on the street. They were scared out of their wits. Bai Yi quickly covered the kid"s mouth with his hands, but didn"t dare to use any strength. When they turned around to look, a human figure jumped out from the crowd, grabbed the infant in the arms of the white clothed person, and threw it with all his might. The infant flew out and fell towards the gulf, crying and wailing as it disappeared into the distance.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" The gluttonous bug roared. The gun in its hand instantly aimed at that person, but just as it was about to pull the trigger, it stopped. He saw clearly, that person was Su Fei.

"Baby!" Bai Yi let out a mournful cry and jumped out as well.

"Don"t —" Gu Youyue was frightened to the point of losing her composure.

"F * ck!" He was following behind the two girls, but because he was close with Gu Youyue, after seeing her safely walk away, his attention was focused on the wild boar. Who would have thought that a crisis would come from behind and cause him to be unable to react, causing such a disaster?

"I"ll kill you!" Xu Feihuang, who was the first to go over, aimed his gun at Su Fei. Su Fei was so scared that sweat started to appear on his forehead. He shouted, "Gluttonous insect, don"t forget that your mission is to save me." Xu Feihuang"s anger was instantly doused by a bucket of water and cooled down.

Although everyone wished to kill Su Fei in one shot, everyone was more concerned about the safety of the baby. Even if the baby was not injured after falling from such a high alt.i.tude, it would not be able to escape the calamity caused by the zombies below. Many of them even closed their eyes.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

When the baby had fallen to about two meters, a ray of light streaked across the sky, striking the baby, causing many people to let out a cry of alarm, but the arrow still hit the wall of the pit with an arcane sound, the arrow had landed at an ingenious angle, just right under the armpit, only the clothes were hit, there was no injury to the baby at all, the zombies below heard the noise, their mouths were wide open, waiting for the food to come out, and could only watch as the food in their mouth ran away, letting out an earth-shaking roar.

Then, the white clothes that jumped out saw that her child was fine, and her heart immediately shrank back into her stomach, closing her eyes, feeling that even if she died right now, it was worth it. When she fell onto the zombie"s head, she suddenly felt her waist tighten, being protected by a pair of large warm hands, and she heard a crisp sound. When she opened her eyes, she saw two zombie cannonb.a.l.l.s flying out of the hole, violently smashing into the wall of the pit, a footprint on her chest, deeply sunken.

There were two zombies lying on the ground. Their heads were stuck in their chests, looking very strange. He raised his head and coincidentally saw a pair of black eyes that carried a trace of concern.

"Stand firm."

As soon as his voice fell, his hands left his waist, and a familiar buzzing sound could be heard. Four sharp arrows were shot out like lightning in four different directions. In the next moment, four zombies died, two were nailed to the wall of the pit, and two flew three meters away. At this point, all the zombies in the gap died.

"Hold me."

Immediately, he felt his whole body fly up into the air. Liu Wei An madly rushed a dozen steps, borrowing the momentum to rush up the wall of the pit, just in time to reach the position of an infant. He pulled on the arrow, causing the stress of the arrow that was deeply embedded in the soil to fall.

"My baby!" When she came back to her senses, the first thing she thought of was her baby. Liu Wei An pa.s.sed the baby over. She didn"t know if it was fun or not, but the baby didn"t seem to be afraid at all.

"Thank you!" He held the baby tightly in his arms, and huge tears began to fall.

"Let"s go, this place is dangerous." Liu Wei An said hastily as he dashed out. As he pa.s.sed by a abandoned car, he pulled down the car door and sped up once again.

"Clank ~ ~ ~"

After 0.6 seconds, he b.u.mped into the wild boar. Liu Wei An felt that both of his arms were about to break as he was sent flying backwards. In mid-air, a black giant bow appeared in his hands and a terrifying arrow was aimed at the wild boar.

The wild boar did not expect a human to be able to block its charge. It was either shocked by the collision or lost all feeling as soon as it threw the door that was stuck to the fangs out.

On the trailer, the gluttonous bug looked at the wild boar that suddenly exploded and blew its head off, almost not daring to believe it. Blinking its eyes, it looked at the gun in its hands and suddenly had an illusion.


Liu Wei An smashed into the roof of a car, causing the entire car to collapse. He felt pain all over his body, the wild boar"s strength was truly terrifying, no wonder the mad wild boar didn"t even dare to provoke Blind Xiong.

One, two, three, more and more wild boars were alerted, and if it were not for the abandoned vehicles stopping them from accelerating, the consequences would have been unimaginable. Even so, the six special forces including the Gangkang Devourer Worm couldn"t suppress the wild boar"s attack, and many cars were knocked over by the wild boar.

"Tell them to hurry over, there"s no time." Liu Wei An bellowed at the gluttony worm. An arrow landed on the ground and exploded with a bang, turning into a ball of fire.

"You guys hurry over, we"ll suppress the wild boar." The Gluttony Worm was also extremely nervous, but the citizens at the back were completely terrified by the ferocious appearance of the wild boar. They were so angry that the Gluttony almost cursed.

The wild boar was different from a zombie, the zombie movement was slow, the zombie body size was small, although it was ugly, but when the bullet landed on it, it still reacted, but the wild boar did not feel any pain, the bullet landed on it, and directly bounced off it, the black fur was like a steel needle, and it had an incredible force, it could easily send a two ton car flying, if it was a human, then their intestines would have come out.

The wild boar was still a little afraid of the fire. Seeing the fire, hesitation appeared in its eyes, but it became even more irritable. Liu Wei An saw a few more wild boars rushing towards him and felt a sudden urge to retreat.

"Gasoline!" The worm let out a loud roar, and Zhou Yaya found a gas tank from somewhere and threw it over.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three shots landed on the gas tank, and the fuel tank exploded two meters from the ground. The flames shot in all directions and the wild boar let out an ear-piercing howl.

The citizens finally mustered up the courage to run over. With the first one, they would have the second one. The power of an example was limitless. Liu Wei An heaved a sigh of relief as he stared at the flames.

He knew that a wild boar"s fear of fire was only its instinct. In reality, a zombie like wild boar did not have any pain sensation. They were not afraid of fire. Once their anger flared up, they would fearlessly charge forward.

Drip, drip …

The worms knew more about wild boars than Liu Wei An, so they didn"t dare to stop firing. Any wild boar near the fire was shot back.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

A car near the flames exploded and the entire car was blown away. The loud sound caused everyone to feel pain in their ears. The worm"s heart skipped a beat as he thought to himself, "Not good!"

He saw wild boars that had been stimulated break through the flames and madly charge towards him. The aura of being able to ignore everything made everyone"s hands and feet go weak.

"Rocket!" The gluttonous bug roared.

"No more." Zhou Ya Ya replied.

"Who the h.e.l.l is preparing the supplies? When you get back, just wait for laozi"s confinement." The gluttonous bug cursed, "Throw a grenade away."

Dozens of grenades flew across the air and landed on the path of the wild boar, exploding as they landed, b.a.l.l.s of fire shot into the sky, wild boars screamed, two wild boars fell to the ground from the explosion, and there were still two wild boars charging over, with many wounds on their bodies and dark brown blood flowing from them, emitting an unpleasant smell, but their eyes were blood-red, filled with bloodl.u.s.t.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

A cold light flashed through the void, accurately hitting the wild boar on the left side of its eye, shocking Liu Wei"an. The wild boar blinked the moment the arrow touched its eye, and the arrow was blocked by its eye.


The power of the Corpse Dissolving Curse erupted. The eyes of the wild boar along with half of its head exploded, but it did not die. The wild boar let out an ear-piercing howl and ran even faster, like a gale smashing into a crowd of people.

"Argh ~ ~ ~"

With a scream, the three citizens were hit by the wild boar. The wild boar broke through the fence and fell into the crevice with the other three citizens. The sound of a heavy object landing on the ground turned silent.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang ~ ~ ~"

When the wild boar told them to run, they shot at the same spot, breaking the boar"s right forelimb. However, the wild boar was a zombie, so after being injured, it became even crazier and charged into the crowd, colliding with two people and flying three meters away, its intestines exposed, and it was dead.

The citizens were scared and ran away, but this way, it stopped the worms from firing. They aimed several times for fear of accidentally injuring the people, but they did not dare to shoot.


It was Ren Dafu, whose face had turned pale from the pain. A large amount of blood spurted out, causing the wild boar to become even crazier, and after knocking a person away, it turned around to look for him, gnawing at the other thigh crazily. The power of the bite was at least twice as strong as it usually was, and with a single bite, it broke the thigh. Ren Dafu"s eyes rolled back as he fainted in pain.

The wild boar"s second bite was on Ren Dafu"s stomach. With a twist of its ugly head, its intestines were exposed. At the third bite, a cold light pierced through its stomach.


A dull explosion sounded as the wild boar"s stomach burst apart. Blood splattered everywhere, leaving only a good spinal cord. Both of its legs bent and it fell to the ground. It looked horrible, but the wild boar was not dead yet. It was still gnawing at Ren Dafu"s stomach. Blood spurted out, making it difficult for people to look at it directly.

The smell of blood filled the air!

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