Rise From The Doom

Chapter 257

"Are you interested in joining the army?" This was the first sentence that the gluttony worm said.

Liu Wei An remained silent.

"If you have any concerns or difficulties, you can tell me. I want to see if I can help. Although we haven"t known each other for very long, I think very highly of you." The gluttonous man spoke very straightforwardly and sincerely.

"Actually, I"m a wanted man." After a moment of hesitation, Liu Wei An told the truth.

"What?" The gluttonous bug was taken aback, but then it reflexively took a precautionary action before slowly relaxing, "What crime have you committed?"

"I killed someone." Liu Wei An said.

"Who did you kill? Why kill? Do you take the initiative to kill or do you kill in self-defence? " The gluttonous bug asked a few questions in succession.

"It should be considered a self-defense killing, because someone provoked me." Liu Wei An thought for a while and said.

"There"s evidence or something like that. If it"s self-defense, then we should be able to find a reliable lawyer and get rid of him." The worm heaved a sigh of relief.

"It probably won"t work. The person I killed has some background." Liu Wei An said.

"It doesn"t matter who comes and goes as you wish. Everyone is equal before the law." There was a sense of justice in these words.

"He is Ma Xiaoru, nephew of the governor of Tianfeng Province." Liu Wei An said slowly.

"What?" "The person who was wanted by the entire city a while ago and caused a huge uproar was you?"

Liu Wei An nodded.

The worm"s expression changed a few times before he finally said weakly, "I can"t help you with this matter, you …" After thinking for a moment, he said seriously, "Although the military is a branch family, the army still obeys orders. The wanted posters are not as effective in the army, but the Ma family is also very powerful in the army, so if they find out your ident.i.ty, it will be very troublesome. If I were you, I would leave this place as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your reminder, Cla.s.s Rep Kang. I"ll leave tomorrow morning." Liu Wei An said.

"That"s good. No matter what, you little brother, I still think very highly of you. If you don"t mind, why don"t you go have a drink with me?" The gluttonous bug looked at Liu Wei An.

"As long as Big Brother Kang is not afraid of being dragged down by me, what am I afraid of?" Liu Wei An laughed. The ident.i.ty he had registered was fake, and there weren"t any familiar people in the military camp, so he wasn"t too worried.

Drinking was not allowed in the military camp, but the situation was different now. With the addition of a commercial district, a huge crowd of people would inevitably bring rich deals. As long as there were people, there would be places to chat.

The gluttonous bug was only wearing casual clothes, otherwise, it would be inconvenient for him to go to an entertainment area in his military uniform. After taking a few steps, he suddenly frowned and looked at Liu Wei An, "You"d better change your clothes."

Liu Wei An lowered his head to look at himself and laughed involuntarily. Indeed, his entire body was covered in black blood, not to mention the mess. The key was that the smell was bad, and the disguise was a good disguise.

Returning to his room, he took out a set of ordinary clothes from his spatial ring and put them on. After saying a few words to Gu Youyue, he left his room and followed the greedy worm to the commercial street.

Once he entered the bar, a wave of heat hit him in the face. The bar was not big, but there were quite a few people. Liu Wei An glanced at the crowd and frowned, none of them seemed honest.

"Because of the appearance of zombies, there are two new jobs in society, do you know?" He was tall, strong as a bear, and extremely oppressive. A few people who harbored ill intentions involuntarily looked away when they saw his figure.

"I"ve been running for my life and my phone has no signal. How would I know so much?" Liu Wei An followed the gluttonous bug and sat down in a corner.

"One is a mercenary, whose goal is to make money and help those who need help." The gluttonous bug waved its hand and ordered two cups of unknown wine. It was a red colored liquid that was as red as fire.

Liu Wei An held up his wine cup and smelled it. A smell of alcohol rushed up his nose and he saw that there was ice on the side, with two pieces of ice between them, he put them in. The gluttonous bug saw it and didn"t stop him.

"The second one is the Eraser —"

"Eraser?" Liu Wei An raised his eyes.

"A person who cleans up zombies, zombies is too polluting." The worm said.

"Good person, the current Lei Feng!" Liu Wei An praised.

"The fee is 5 copper coins for a corpse, paid by the government. Where is Lei Feng now?" The worm shook his head.

"I also want to live, moreover, zombies are both stinky and dangerous, no one needs to pay fees to do it, hiss — —" Liu Wei An almost spat out the wine, but then swallowed it back down. He felt a burning sensation in his throat, as if his entire body was on fire.

"This wine is called the Arctic Fire. Although it might look red, it"s actually cold. This wine has a special characteristic. After ice is added to it, it will have a negative effect and become a blazing fire." The gluttonous bug explained with a smile.

"Why didn"t you say so earlier?" Liu Wei placed his wine cup down and didn"t dare to touch it. He really didn"t know what to drink with this thing.

"Drinking is just a form of stimulation due to greed. If I say it then the taste will be gone." The gluttonous bug laughed heartily, enjoying the embarra.s.sing look on Liu Wei An"s face.

Liu Wei An swept a glance at the people in the bar. There was quite a bit of this arctic fire, and there were quite a few people adding ice. It seemed like they were all drunkards.

"All the people that pa.s.sed by the edge of death wanted to relax here. Although there are a lot of people here, I"ve actually come here three times and haven"t seen many of the same kind of people every time." The worm said.

"Dead?" Liu Wei An"s heart sank.

"The variant zombies were too fast, and there were some animal zombies mixed in. There were a lot of people leaving, and a lot less coming back." The gluttonous bug shook his head, "Moreover, many of these people haven"t been trained professionally and have poor equipment. If I were these people, I would rather join the army."

"Is it that easy to be a soldier?" Liu Wei An rolled his eyes. "The requirements to join the army are so high."

"That was before, but now it has changed." The worm said.

"How are things now?" Liu Wei An asked.

"With specialties, good health, and a healthy mind, it"s all fine." The worm said.

"It"s that simple?" Liu Wei An looked at him.

"It"s that simple, but —" The worm nodded, and made a turn, "This should be an extraordinary period of time, I estimate that it won"t last for long."

"You mean just to deal with this wave of zombies?" Liu Wei An asked.

"I"m not sure what it means, but I guess so." "After all, if we recruit too many ordinary people, the cost of training will greatly increase. The military expenditures in recent years have always been very tight."

Liu Wei An was speechless. The reason why the Military Department was recruiting was due to lack of money.

"Have you heard of the Awakening Potion?" The worm suddenly lowered its voice.

"What is this?" Liu Wei An shook his head.

"It"s a type of superhuman medicine!" The gluttony was astonishing.

"Superman?" Liu Wei An"s expression turned serious. "There"s such a medicine?"

The human body"s potential is limitless, and humans have never stopped researching themselves. Not long ago, when the Awakening Potion was developed successfully, it could awaken a large portion of the human body"s innate talent. In principle, no human is an ordinary person, and humans are supermen that have not awoken. The worm said.

"The superhuman that can fly in the sky and escape in the earth?" Liu Wei An"s eyes widened.

"It"s not that exaggerated. The Superman I"m talking about is just an adjective. In fact, it"s more appropriate to describe him as an esper. Please forgive me for not only using words." The gluttonous bug chuckled.

"That"s amazing too, not to mention espers, dealing with zombies is not a problem. If everyone becomes an esper, then zombies will not be a problem." Liu Wei An said.

"Everyone became an esper?" The gluttonous worm shook his head, "This is impossible."

"Why?" Liu Wei An asked.

"First of all, the Awakening Potion production is very low, so it cannot be popularized. Second of all, the success rate of the Awakening Potion is very low, out of a hundred people, only five will succeed. Third, and most importantly, the consequences of failure are very serious." The worm said.

"How serious?"

"The lesser ones will be sick, while the heavier ones will die." The worm said.

"Is this divine medicine or poison? It"s so dangerous." Liu Wei An frowned.

"Those that defy the heavens will naturally be punished by the heavens. This is the law of nature." The worm said.

"What does Big Brother Kang mean by this?" Liu Wei An was suddenly enlightened.

"The military has an Awakening Potion. As long as the soldier"s contribution points reach 10,000 points, anyone can exchange their contribution points for a bottle of Awakening Potion." The worm said.

"How much is ten thousand contribution points?" Liu Wei An asked.

"The amount of contribution points lost from killing one is around 0.1." The worm said.

"Doesn"t that mean we have to kill 100 thousand zombies?" Liu Wei An"s eyes widened.

"Indeed." The worm said.

"Has anyone completed 10,000 contribution points?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Not yet." The worm said.

"How many contribution points are there currently?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Around two hundred." Etiquette was slightly embarra.s.sed as she said.

"Forget I asked." Liu Wei An was instantly discouraged. But then, he seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Can I buy it with money?"

"In principle, I can"t, but —" The worm hesitated. "If you know a high ranking military official or something of the sort, you may be able to be on the outside. But I"m not sure. My level isn"t up to that level yet."

"Understood!" Liu Wei An nodded, "Oh yeah, who developed the Awakening Potion. Army?"

"I"m not sure either." The gluttonous bug said honestly.

"One last question. Why do I find that everyone in the hotel drinks arctic fire?" Liu Wei An was puzzled.

"The raw materials for the arctic fire are not food and fruit, they are made from industrial alcohol and are cheap." "So, you understand."

"Isn"t industrial alcohol poisonous?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Do we usually consume less poison?" Gluttony rolled his eyes.

"That"s true!" Liu Wei An nodded happily.

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