Rise From The Doom

Chapter 368

The night pa.s.sed, and the cold gradually disappeared with the brightness. At dawn, Liu Wei An opened the curtain and quietly entered the back mountain without disturbing anyone.

"Let"s go, Goudan, you go and follow me. I"ll go and report to the young master." Thirty meters away, a slightly anxious voice sounded from one of the stone houses.

"Skinny Monkey, why didn"t you follow along? Should I report this to Young Master?" The young man called Goudan rubbed his red eyes, slightly unwilling to do so.

"Hurry up, Liu Wei An has disappeared. If you don"t keep up, let"s see how young master will take care of you." Skinny Monkey glared at him.

"You son of a b * tch, I do every dangerous thing." Goudan cursed. He reluctantly left the stone house and followed Liu Wei An. Almost at the same time, Skinny Monkey ran in the opposite direction and disappeared at the end of the path.

Liu Wei An was surprisingly energetic as he walked along the road at the back of the mountain. Looking at the silhouettes that flashed in front of him from time to time, he lamented the fact that these insect eating birds came out so early, almost as if they stepped on the cold air from their tails.

According to the profit ratio, the loot from the treasure hunt far exceeded the profit from drawing talismans. After painstakingly drawing talismans for 24 hours, he still couldn"t compare to a piece of gold equipment, so he naturally didn"t want to hide at home in broad daylight. Moreover, there would be one less treasure at the back of the mountain, so he couldn"t let them get it.

The green mountains were verdant, and the fog was hazy. Although there were no wild flowers on the roadside, there were white clouds in the sky, and the Immortal River Pond was like a jade belt that twisted and turned around the mountains, disappearing into the depths.

There were quite a number of pursuers, five Bronze-rank, four Silver-rank and one Gold-rank, riding a small wooden boat. The boat had many people, and it was as if there were ten people trying to squeeze into a can, because once they entered the area of the back mountain, they would no longer have to hide. The boat was like an arrow, drawing a straight line across the water.

"Not good!" The Silver rank standing right at the front suddenly shouted. The others followed his gaze and their faces all changed. Liu Wei An, who had crossed the river, suddenly fell back. He stood on the sh.o.r.e, drew his bow and aimed at them.

Halfway through the battle, the phrase that should have been used during the battle appeared in everyone"s mind. Goudan shouted excitedly, "Liu Wei An, he is Liu Wei An."

"Shut up!" Several people shouted at the same time. Goudan smiled in embarra.s.sment, not daring to make a sound. He was only a Bronze-rank expert, and everyone here was stronger than him. Otherwise, it would not be his turn to follow him, and if someone told him to shut up, he could only shut up.

As he spoke, Liu Wei An shot out an arrow. Everyone seemed to be facing a great enemy. The boat was in the middle of the river and there wasn"t even room for them to dodge. However, someone soon noticed that something was amiss.

"It doesn"t seem to be shooting at us."

duo —

When the arrow hit the wooden boat, everyone let out a sigh of relief. This person"s archery skills were too lacking. However, he did not notice that the face of the only Gold rank expert, Hao Guo An, had changed the instant that the arrow was shot like water. Just as he said "be careful", something terrible happened.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

The arrow exploded, and wood shavings flew everywhere. A big hole was left in the wooden boat as the river surged in.

"Aiyo, this isn"t good. The boat is about to sink."

"This little thief is so crafty, killing people first and attacking the horse first."

"Don"t move, you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! The boat is going to capsize!"

… ….

Now that the river was tumbling down, how could everyone maintain their calm? The ones in front wanted to retreat, the ones in the back squeezed forward, shook left and right. In this kind of situation, even a Gold rank master like Hao Guo An could not control the scene.

Finally, because there was no room to squeeze, the small boat lost its balance and with a "hualala" sound, the small boat flipped over.




Some of them fell into the water, while some others soared into the air. The level of their strength was immediately displayed at this moment. There were only five people who were sent flying, four of them were Silver rank experts and Hao Guo An. All of the Bronze-rank players were wiped out and sunk into the water. Their hatred for the water was like that of a king"s water, and they were incomparably domineering. The people in the water disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Another scream rang out, and it was a Silver rank expert who was stopped by a Bronze-rank expert. The drowning person had used all his strength to grab onto something, so it was basically impossible to break it apart. The Silver rank expert was also vicious, slapping the other party on the head, and with a "pa" sound, his head was split into pieces, his brain splattered everywhere, and it was even more tragic than a watermelon that fell to the ground. Even though he was dead, his hands were still tightly holding his feet. By the time he had pulled out his knife in the chaos, he had already entered the water. Starting from his feet, his calves and knees had already disappeared. If he could immediately chop off his leg, he would have a slim chance of survival. However, he hesitated, and that moment of hesitation ended his last chance.

He was like a frog thrown into boiling water. After bouncing a few times, he turned into a corpse and sank down.

There were four people left, Hao Guo An"s strength was the strongest, he was still floating in the air, and the three Silver rank experts could not hold on any longer. One of them stepped lightly on the head of a Bronze-rank companion, borrowing the force to float upwards, and the companion that was stepped on immediately sank.

A Silver-rank expert threw out a wooden board when he was about to fall into the water. This person was well-prepared and carried a spare river tool. The last Silver-rank expert looked around and didn"t have any companions to support him, nor any wooden board to support him. Facing the light of death, he made a shocking action, and silently stabbed his companion in the heart.


The sword pierced through his back, pierced through his chest, and his companion who was standing on the wooden board suddenly turned around. The first emotion that flashed across his face was not anger, but shock and disbelief.

"You, you, you …" His neck tilted and he fell into the water.

The silver player landed on the wooden board with an expressionless face. He exerted a lot of force and the wooden board shot out like an arrow.

"Brother Han, wait for me —" The silver player in mid-air cried out in despair. He had used up all of his strength, but he wasn"t a Gold rank expert. He paused for a bit before his body started to fall.

"Idiot, let him fight on your shoulder. Both of you can live." The Gold rank expert shouted angrily at Brother Han.

He instantly understood the feasibility of this idea. A single wooden board could not support the weight of two people, but it could still barely be used as a support. With his Silver rank strength, he could only use it eight or nine times to get to sh.o.r.e. Previously, in order to survive, he didn"t think too much about it. The moment he turned around to rescue his comrades, Liu Wei An, who had been staring at him the whole time, pulled the trigger.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

His hair stood on end as he felt himself being stared at by a venomous snake. A sword light flashed, and like a bolt of lightning, it cleaved through the air. Just at this moment, his body felt a sharp pain, causing him to lower his head in disbelief as a sharp arrow pierced deep into his heart.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d …" His companion let out a desperate sound as he fell into the Falling Immortal River.

If he had known the outcome would be death, he definitely wouldn"t have done such a thing. Killing his comrades, not saving them when they were at death"s door, no matter which one it was, he wouldn"t be able to stay in the circle anymore.


A sharp arrow struck the wooden board, and the power of the Corpse Dissolving Curse exploded. The wooden board shattered into pieces. Hao Guo An cursed at the b.a.s.t.a.r.d as he rushed over. His figure once again rose up high, and he took the risk to rush towards the small wooden boat that was already floating far away.

The small wooden boat was half submerged in the water. It was unknown what kind of tree this material was. It hated the fact that it was said to be like a bird that couldn"t cross the water, and its feathers couldn"t float.


Hao Guo An"s hair stood on end and he had no choice but to stop as he turned around and shot at the arrow. The sword light flashed and the arrow was easily knocked off, but the second arrow followed after it, the third arrow after it, the third arrow after it, and the fourth arrow after it … The only sound was the vibration of the bowstring, but more than a dozen arrows shot out.

A distance of over a hundred meters, even if it was a platinum bow, would not be that powerful. However, it was not a problem to shoot a person to death.

After shooting down the sixth arrow, Hao Guo An used up all of his energy and his body fell down. However, he stopped when he was three feet from the surface of the water. Liu Wei An"s face was calm as he fired another volley of arrows.

If he could speak, Hao Guo An would definitely curse him, but he didn"t dare to open his mouth. He was a Gold rank expert, although he couldn"t fly in the air, he could still stay in the air for a while, but that was in a normal environment. This was the Fallen Immortal River, and the pressure was ten times greater than the ordinary environment.

Hao Guo An still didn"t fall into the water, but after getting the last arrow shot down, Liu Wei An did not continue to draw the bow. Hao Guo An was feeling strange, but when he turned his head to look at the small wooden boat, he immediately exploded with anger. The Fallen Immortal River was calm and tranquil, but in truth, it was constantly flowing. In a short period of time, the small boat had already floated to a distance of over 100 metres.

"Remember this. If I don"t tear you into pieces, I swear I won"t be a human." Hao Guo An"s face was sinister and his voice contained a thick killing intent that even the Fallen Immortal River couldn"t wash clean.

Liu Wei An didn"t say anything and just crooked his finger.

"You"re p.i.s.sing me off!" Hao Guo An spat out a mouthful of blood and his Qi instantly leaked out. His body sank into the water and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"What a pity." Liu Wei An looked regretfully at the place where Hao Guo An had sunk. A Huang Family expert must have had quite a lot of good things on him. Now, all of them had sunk to the bottom of the river. When he left, he suddenly raised his head as if he sensed something. A group of people appeared on the other side of the Fallen Immortal River. The person leading them, not to mention the others, was Qian Haoshen.

Liu Wei An nodded at Qian Haoshen and waved his hand to leave. Qian Haosheng"s face was ashen, his teeth were about to shatter into pieces.

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