Rise From The Doom

Chapter 371

"That is the dragon"s territory." The repairman pointed at an abandoned building in front of them.

It was daylight, but there was no light. There was basically no one upstairs, and about fifty ragged people were gathered on the first floor. The people living in the slave district basically had this image. Their hair was messy and their faces were dirty. It was hard to tell whether they were ordinary citizens or slaves from their appearance.

The dragon was the leader of this group, and it was said that he was a very cruel man. With his vicious methods, he gathered a group of people to kill monsters for food, and originally there were more than 200 of them. A few days ago, he met a relatively powerful monster, and a large number of people died.

In the morning, Liu Wei An sent Xie Shiqiang as an emissary with five new weapons to trade with the dragon, hoping to trade for the doctor. With the current slave market, one new weapon could be exchanged for more than fifty slaves and five new weapons, which were worth far more than a single surgeon. Unfortunately, the dragon had a huge appet.i.te. Not only did it not make a trade, it even took Xie Shiqiang captive and confiscated his weapon.

Liu Wei An was very angry. "You and I will be first, then we"ll fight back. You play the hooligan for me!" After the slaves that stayed in the dark to observe came back to report, Liu Wei An immediately led his men to surround the dragon.

The dragon"s management was very loose. It was one thing for there to be no cordon lines. There weren"t even any sentries. This kind of person was extremely lucky not to have been ambushed by monsters. A group of people were sitting on the first floor with bright lights. There was a huge pot set up in the hall and matches were being lit. They were probably cooking lunch, and the fragrance drifted out.

He was astonished in his heart. Where even the black buns could not be obtained, the dragon actually had the ability to obtain meat. Suddenly, he noticed that the repairman"s face was extremely ugly, so he asked, "What happened to you?"

"Human flesh!" The repairman"s voice was low, but it was hard to tell if it was anger or sadness.

Liu Wei An was taken aback. In that instant, he came to a realization. Human flesh was definitely human flesh. In this place where food was extinct, the corpses of magical beasts could not be eaten. If there was meat, he could only think of the dead.

"How do we fight?" The elephant moved closer. His body was huge, and even if he were to lie down, he would still be taller than others. If not for the dragon"s lack of guards, he would have been discovered long ago.

However, they were well-equipped with long range weapons, guns, and new types of weapons for close combat. As long as the dragon was not too abnormal, victory would not be a problem, but to prevent any mishaps, Liu Wei An still felt that they should be cautious, so he pondered for a moment and said, "The elephant will lead five people to charge in front, and save Xie Shi Qiang as soon as possible. The cultivator will attack from the back, making it difficult for the dragon to take care of this."

"Got it." The elephant said.

"Understood." the repairman said.

The two of them left with their people, while Liu Wei An chose a high ground and took out his sniper rifle. A distance of 100 meters was like fun for him, the moment he took aim, he saw Xie Shiqiang, who was tied up, pushed out from the hall. A man with disheveled hair was pointing a dagger at him.

This person"s body was short and st.u.r.dy, and his muscles were well-developed. He was in stark contrast to the surrounding emaciated bones. His eyes were like bells, emitting a vicious light, and his surroundings emitted a faint red glow.

This was definitely an extremely vicious person. Liu Wei An was sure that this person was the dragon without anyone introducing him to anyone. The leader of this team.

Xie Shiqiang shook his head as he watched the dragon question Xie Shiqiang. Then, he saw the dragon slap towards him with immense force, causing two of Xie Shiqiang"s teeth to fly off. His mouth was covered in blood as he glared at Xie Shiqiang. The dragon asked again. Xie Shiqiang glared at him without saying a word. The dragon"s vicious gaze flashed as the dagger in his hand flashed with a cold light. The devil was aiming for Xie Shiqiang"s neck.

Vicious and merciless!

Liu Wei An finally understood this guy"s ruthlessness. No wonder he could gather a group of people around him. Without even thinking, it was clear that the dragon wanted Xie Siqi to submit. Xie Shiqiang refused, and the dragon then planned to kill him.

The moment the knife touched Xie Shiqiang"s skin, the evil dragon"s heart suddenly jumped, a sense of extreme danger rose up, and the person who was struggling with life and death suddenly tilted his head, an extremely sharp gust of wind blew past his scalp, the penetrating force directly tore off a piece of his scalp, and with a pu, an egg-sized hole appeared on the wall in front of him.

That was a 30 centimeter thick concrete ground, it actually couldn"t be penetrated. A vicious dog pounced on food and hid in the crowd. Just as he left, he heard a "pu" sound coming from the back of his foot, and the head of one of his subordinates exploded, his brain splattering everywhere.

Everyone in the hall was stupefied as they stared dumbly at their half-headed comrade slowly falling to the ground. After a long while, they let out heart-wrenching shrieks and then became completely chaotic like ants that had gone into a frying pan.

Puff, puff!

The two heads exploded and blood splattered. The already chaotic hall became even more chaotic. Those who were hiding, holding weapons, screaming … Using actual actions to explain what it meant to be a mob.

Liu Wei An had fired two shots and had no choice but to give up on the dragon. This person was truly worthy of being a person who grew up during battles, and was far more vigilant and responsive than his peers. In the blink of an eye, he had lost track of him.

Bang, bang, bang …

One by one, people fell, all of them were decapitated, and all those who dared to approach Xie Shiqiang, no matter if they were escaping or trying to take the opportunity to do something, were mercilessly shot by Liu Wei An. There was no room for negotiation, seven or eight people died, and the rest of them seemed to have realized that the area around Xie Shiqiang was a restricted area.

Tat tat tat tat tat tat tat …

The hall was in chaos, and the attention of the dragon was greatly diverted. Only when the elephant and the rest rushed to the door was they discovered, a bullet swept across and a large number of them fell to the ground.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

The elephant let out a loud roar, like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky. Several were shaken until their brains rumbled, and their reactions were all sluggish for a split-second. Looking back at the elephant, it carried a thick layer of iron on its shoulders and directly rushed in through the gate like a board. That kind of momentum was comparable to a heavy truck at high speed. The elephant rushed into the hall, picked up Xie Shiqiang, and rushed out like a whirlwind. The slaves suddenly came to their senses and quickly opened fire.

Tat tat tat tat tat tat …

When the bullets. .h.i.t the metal, the flames shot out in all directions, and all of them were sent flying. The next moment, all the slaves in the hall were swept up by the fire from all directions and could not even raise their heads.

Bang, bang, bang!

After a few slaves with fierce firepower were decapitated, the battle had basically reached its end. The repairman sneaked into the building from the back, and thought that they would be in danger, but unexpectedly, the road was smooth, and just as he was about to enter the building, he encountered an evil dragon that was escaping for his life. When both sides started fighting, the repairman didn"t even have the time to fire a gun before he was seriously injured.

Miserable screams rang out. Of the five slaves he brought along, two of them had died in the blink of an eye, while the other two had sustained minor injuries. The remaining two had been shooting at the dragon crazily, avoiding all of the bullets even though the dragon was as st.u.r.dy as a paG.o.da.


A slave company member flew out with a gun, leaving a trail of blood in the air. Just as the last slave turned his muzzle, he felt a sharp pain in his throat. The dragon"s fingers were like hooks, and with a crack, it tore his throat apart as blood spurted out.

"You"re looking for death —" The elephant who had just arrived was on the verge of tearing up. It leaped seven or eight meters away and sent a fist flying.

The dragon wanted to escape, but he found that the other slaves had taken a detour to cut off his retreat path, and the distance of tens of meters was within the best range for his submachine gun. At this time, if he were to run, it would be equivalent to a live target, he was also ferocious, seeing that there was no escape, he immediately launched a punch.

The two fists quickly approached each other. Both of them could see the disdain in each other"s eyes. Obviously, both of them were extremely confident in their own power. The surrounding slaves subconsciously stopped shooting and looked at this scene.

The two fists collided.


After the dull sound came a series of crisp bone cracking sounds, fast and urgent like fried beans.

Kacha, kacha, kacha …

The evil dragon flew out, and blood began to spurt out of its mouth. Its fierce gaze turned into disbelief, then despair, then unwillingness, and finally, gray.


The corpse was lying limply on the ground like a pile of mud. More than half of its bones had been broken.

With the death of the dragon, the battle had basically ended. Even those who hadn"t died gave up on resisting and knelt to beg for mercy. When Liu Wei An walked into the hall, Xie Shiqiang found the surgeon with two slaves. They were in their 30s, wearing gla.s.ses. Their faces were pale, and their eyes were filled with fear of the unknown. The others also found the five weapons that were taken away. The dragon was selfish, even if he had good weapons he wouldn"t give them to his subordinates.

"Doctor Song, there"s no need to be afraid. I"m just asking you to go and save them." Liu Wei An said.

"Oh, oh, that"s right. It"s the duty of a doctor to save the dying and help the wounded." Perhaps it was because of Liu Wei An"s sincere tone, Song Hai felt a little bit more at ease.

"Thank you for understanding, Doctor Song." Liu Wei An was also very happy. It was better to be a cooperative doctor than not to be cooperative.

Xie Shiqiang left with Doctor Song. As soon as they left, the elephant came over, "Young master, how should we deal with these people?"

Liu Wei An"s gaze swept across the steaming pot in the middle. Several broken hands and thighs began to rise and fall along with the boiling water, and his pitch-black eyeb.a.l.l.s seemed to still be alive. The tempting fragrance almost made him nauseous at this moment, a flash of killing intent flashed across his eyes, and he made a beheading gesture as he strode out of the hall.

Behind him, the sound of the slaves begging for mercy was suppressed by the sound of the bullets, but soon it quieted down.

There were no rules in the slave quarters, but Liu Wei An had his own bottom line.

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