Rise From The Doom

Chapter 379

From this sentence, it could be seen that Guo Longchang"s heart was in turmoil.

"Things have already happened, there"s no point in pursuing the reason anymore. Besides, we don"t have the time." Lai Qicheng took in everyone"s expression and said solemnly, "The most important thing for us to do now is to apprehend the murderer, uphold the dignity of the law, and give Chief Zhang justice."

"Right, this person is actually so crazy, we definitely can"t let him go." Vice Mayor Xiao said in a stern voice.

"Capture the murderer at all costs."

"Have the Public Security Bureau issue a military order to arrest the murderer within a limited time."

… ….

Killing public officials was a taboo in the government. Even political enemies would not choose this way to fight their enemies to the death. Liu Wei An"s shot had aroused a common hatred among everyone.

Guo Longchang didn"t expect that with a single sentence, he would push all of the deputy mayors into Lai Qicheng"s arms. However, he also saw that even if there was no such thing, Lai Qicheng"s presence in the deputy mayor"s office would become a trend, and at least several deputy mayors would secretly support him. He slammed the table, pulling everyone"s attention towards him and said loudly, "Okay, immediately give a death order to the Public Security Bureau. Within three days, the murderer must be apprehended, and Chief Zhang also has a fair cause."

"The Public Security Bureau is going to handle it as soon as possible." Lai Qicheng"s expressionless face turned even more serious. "Vice Bureau Chief Yan said that if we can"t catch the killer, he"ll skin him alive. He just communicated with our military subsector and if necessary, they"ll send troops to a.s.sist us …" Lai Qicheng spoke confidently and arranged everything perfectly. The most difficult series of responses were all completed right after the incident, showing a strong ability to adapt and coordinate.

Guo Longchang looked at the admiration in everyone"s eyes, and a trace of gloominess flashed across his face. After the deputy mayor finished his work, his position as the mayor became awkward.

… ….

South Dragon First Affiliated Hospital.

The hospital was full of people. The casualties in troubled times were ten times more than in times of peace. On the contrary, people with a bad cold didn"t dare to come to the hospital. There were heavy soldiers guarding the entrance and exit of the hospital. If he were to rush into this place, he probably wouldn"t be able to get out.

His skin continued to deteriorate, and he feared that continuing would cause irreparable damage to his own immune system, so he had to treat himself.

"Wait, you, right, that"s you! Lift your head —" A temporary worker in a patrol uniform was waving a baton at Liu Wei An.

He did not recognize Liu Wei An, but he was used to blackmailing people that he did not like. Now, in this world, it was most suitable for him to make a small fortune and no one cared about him. This time, however, he ran into a nail. As Liu Wei An raised his head, he saw an inhuman face with potholes, disgusting blood and rotten skin.

"You —" The temporary worker"s eyes bulged, and he suddenly remembered the photo of the wanted criminal that he had sent to his cell phone last night. It was exactly the same face as the one in front of him, and a chill arose from the bottom of his heart. When his mouth opened, he heard the crisp sound of his bones breaking.

"Crack ~ ~ ~"

He took off the mask and the walkie-talkie on his face as fast as he could, and after searching for a while, he found that he still had two big cakes, scallion pancakes. After not eating for a few days, his stomach suddenly rumbled as he stuffed the two scallion pancakes into his stomach. A warm feeling rose within him.

He had lost his hat, and a wig from an abandoned barbershop hung on his head. His dazzling red hair made it easier for people to ignore him, and as he walked past several groups of mercenaries, they all brushed past him without noticing him.

When he saw the familiar sign of the cross, he stopped and did not turn back. Instead, he used his spiritual sense to check. When no one was looking, he quietly entered the clinic and closed the door at the first moment.

"Who are you?" Inside the small clinic sat more than a dozen people. Some had a cold, some had a fever, some had broken legs, and some were old people who came to buy painkillers. The doctor didn"t see it. It must have been an internal infusion.

"Come, let me do a magic trick for you." Liu Wei An raised his hand and shifted everyone"s attention away. When everyone"s gaze fell onto a pair of black and blue fingers, he moved. His hands moved like lightning, slashing at each person"s neck. Plop, plop, plop … A bunch of them fell.

"Who are you? What did you do to them? " The doctor inside heard the noise and stuck his head out and was surprised to see the patients falling.

"My illness is not suitable for many people to see, so I knocked them out." Liu Wei An"s words allowed the doctor to relax a little. As long as they weren"t dead, he would be fine. As a doctor, he had to deal with dead people, but he didn"t like seeing such dead people.

Liu Wei An walked straight into the room. There were two patients inside: one of them had a head injury, and his head was bandaged. Blood could be faintly seen, and the other had a cast on his leg.

"Didn"t you see us brothers here? Who the h.e.l.l let you in —" The person with the head injury had a bad temper, seeing Liu Wei An barging in without a sound, he started to curse.

Liu Wei An didn"t say much. The two of them slashed their necks. His actions were too fast, and the two Chinese characters didn"t even have a chance to react before they fainted.

"Doctor, please take a seat." Liu Wei An"s gentle and courteous gesture calmed the doctor"s fearful heart a little.

"We made a rule that no one is allowed to expose my ident.i.ty. Right now, the only one who sees me is you. If I am exposed in your clinic, you will definitely die." Liu Wei An took off his mask, and as expected, the doctor revealed a look of shock, as if he knew Liu Wei An.

"If you cure me, I"ll leave on my own and pay you double the fee." Liu Wei An took out all of his remaining gold coins from his spatial ring. Even though it was not much, he still had over a hundred gold coins. It was still a huge sum of money for a valuable doctor.

"In short, I"m good, you"re good, I"m bad, you"re also bad, understand?"

"Understood, understood!" The doctor nodded his head again and again. His gaze moved back and forth between the gold coin and the dagger in Liu Wei An"s other hand. Finally, it stopped on the gold coin.

Even though he had seen many different kinds of patients, he still felt extremely uncomfortable when faced with such a situation. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "This kind of situation, after you have cleaned it up, you should soak in the nutrient solution to recover faster. However, I don"t have this kind of equipment here."

"Let"s do the usual treatment." He didn"t dare to go to a hospital with nutritional liquids.

Even though he was only a doctor from a small clinic, his methods were not bad. He cleaned up the rotten parts, picked out the worms in the flesh, and loaded them … His movements were skillful, and the doctor admitted that he could only do the initial treatment. Deep treatment was not something he could do, so after cleaning the surface, he poured the raw muscle powder over and covered it with layers of gauze.

Back, abdomen, arms, legs … Although the doctor had not rested for even a moment, it still took him almost two hours to finish the task. His eyes were filled with admiration, because the person in front of him, who did not have any anesthetic, did not utter a single word for two hours, which was not something an ordinary person could do.

"Next is the head, you really don"t need —"

"Let"s begin." Liu Wei An lowered his head. From his voice, no one could tell that he was acting differently.

"Endure it." The doctor began to clean up, the head was different from other places, it was the nerve center of the human body, any slight mistake could lead to unbearable consequences, the doctor"s mind was extremely focused, under the light of the shadow lamp, he forgot about the loss of time, when the last piece of carrion was sliced off, his entire body seemed to collapse, sprinkle powder, bandage, everything was done, he sat in a chair, breathing heavily.


"Thank you very much." Liu Wei An"s gaze fell on the two men who were still unconscious. "What did you inject them with?"

"The ingredients are sleeping pills." The doctor comforted her, "You don"t have to kill them. It will take you at least an hour to wake up."

"I always mean what I say." Liu Wei An took out a new set of clothes from his ring and put them on neatly. He approached the doctor and asked, "Do you know what reaction a person would have when they have something bad on their mind?"

"I have a guilty conscience." The doctor"s eyes were somewhat frantic, he didn"t understand why he suddenly asked this question.

"My pupils will dilate, my heartbeat will increase, and my capillaries will enlarge." Liu Wei An said lightly, "Of course, people who are too nervous will have the same reaction, but you should never have added poison into the powder. I have a special physique, so I"m immune to poison. Otherwise, I wouldn"t be alive right now."

"I"ll kill you!" The doctor"s eyes, the scalpel hidden in his palm, stabbed out without a sound.

"Crack ~ ~ ~"

Liu Wei An pressed down on the doctor"s head and twisted it. The clear sound dispersed all his luck. Liu Wei An"s voice seemed to come from endless time and s.p.a.ce.

"People can be greedy, but it cannot be lacking. The consequences of not having enough people"s hearts are usually not too good. I hope that you can be a satisfied person in your next life." Liu Wei An wiped his eyelids, not wanting to see the despair and regret in those gloomy eyes.

He found his cell phone in the doctor"s pocket. On the social networking app, he sent two messages to an online friend named Little Bird. One was kidnapped by a wanted criminal, the other was the police.

After finding the answer, he should have felt at ease. However, for some reason, Liu Wei An felt uncomfortable. He had a barrier in his heart when facing people who had helped him before.

But there was no helping it, his life was the most important thing.

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