Rise From The Doom

Chapter 403

The shockwave arrived in the form of a gust of wind.

Liu Wei An pressed Little Wei under him and covered her ears tightly with his hands. The terrifying sound kept drilling into her ears, and when the shock wave slightly weakened, he suddenly jumped up and rushed out of the dust cloud with Little Wei on his back. After running for over a hundred meters, their vision cleared up. Looking back, they saw that the building was broken into two, one was directly smashed into the ground and was basically destroyed while the other one landed on the building they rushed down from, causing the building to be almost deformed.

The area within a few hundred meters radius was covered in smoke and dust. The black shadow shook and one figure after another flew out of the smoke and dust. They were members of the team and took deep breaths the moment they rushed out. Looking around, most of the zombies were lying on the ground, swaying and struggling to get up.

"Hurry up!" Liu Wei An"s face suddenly changed. His internal force was deep, so he could hear a large number of zombies rushing towards him. It should be caused by the loud sound.

"There are a lot of zombies coming this way, three ogres." Bats burst out of the smoke and roared.

"w.a.n.g Pengpeng points the way. With Hong Tao leading the way, Qiu Quan wins. Counting the number of people left, he attacks freely." Liu Wei An shouted loudly, and everyone agreed with him in a loud voice.

They were able to escape the attacks of the Loathsome Evil, so everyone"s morale was high.

"The counting of the people has been completed. There should be 64 people and 62 people." Qiu Quan Sheng shouted.

"What about the other two?" Liu Wei An asked in a low voice.

"Unfortunately, I was crushed to death by the shattered rocks." Qiu Quan Sheng"s voice was a little low.

"Did you confirm it?" Liu Wei An was expressionless.

"Yes." Qiu Quan was the victor.

"Life and death are in the sky, now it"s them, maybe the next moment will be us. We don"t have time to be sad, and we can only continue to live on our brothers" wishes, which is the best way to repay our fallen brothers. Tell me, are you ready?" Liu Wei An swept his gaze across everyone and shouted harshly.

"I"m ready." The crowd roared.

"Let"s go!" Liu Wei An tied Little Wei to his back and the sniper rifle instantly appeared in his hands. He didn"t follow the group but chose the building and rushed up as fast as he could.

He couldn"t kill all the zombies, so he was in a hurry.

The slaughter on the ground had already begun. Normal firearms were of little use to zombies, so the members of the safety squad used their own ways to attack. Some used blades, some used steel rods, some even fists. The vast majority of people"s evolution is reversed towards strength. More than half of the warriors were in the category of speed. Although it was not as fast as the lightning, it was still very easy for them to reach the 100-meter sprint as the champion of sports.


Screams sounded as the first member of the security team lost his life. There were too many zombies. He could not take care of so many people by himself, and what was important was that he had many blind spots. Sometimes, he could see that there was danger, but he could not do anything about it.

Hong Tao was the most powerful out of everyone here. He was like a bulldozer, holding a large piece of metal that Liu Wei"an had meticulously engraved with a rune. He charged forward recklessly, causing the party to disappear at a relatively high speed.

Bang, bang!

The two zombie heads exploded, and their bodies were sent flying.

Qiu Quan Sheng raised his head and looked at the building, showing a grateful expression. He knew very well that Liu Wei An took care of him as he knew him very early. If not, he would have died at least three times. It wasn"t that he wasn"t careful, but there were too many zombies. Everyone had to pay attention to at least three directions of zombies. From the six directions, their eyes, ears, and ears could only reach the ideal location. The most important point was that the colossal zombies were as fast as lightning and impossible to guard against.

Bang, bang, bang …

Liu Wei An"s shooting speed became slower and slower, but every shot was fired at the most critical point without fail. With every shot, a zombie would fall to the ground and one of its members would be saved.

It wasn"t that he didn"t want to kill more zombies, but there were less and less bullets.

Because this building"s height wasn"t high enough, a few 2.0 level zombies rushed up to the rooftop, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws at him. Little Wei"s reaction was a bit slow, she smelled the strong stench and suddenly woke up the zombies behind her.

Five meters, three meters. At two meters, the slow movements of the zombies seemed as if they were mounted on a spring. The zombies suddenly jumped and pounced, as fast as lightning, this was the terror of zombies. Normally, they were walking shakily, their speed was very slow, but when they were close by, very few people were able to avoid them.

Right when the sharp claws were about to touch Xiao Wei"s back, Liu Wei An moved. He stood up, ran, accelerated, sprinted, and instantly reached the peak of speed. The feeling he gave off was as if he was also a zombie.


Liu Wei An shot out of the building like a cannonball, flying dozens of meters away in a flash. While flying in the air, the fire hose shot out like a lightning bolt and coiled around an air-conditioning rack in the opposite building. After counteracting the falling force, he easily entered the building.

Little Wei turned around and saw the zombies that were pouncing towards her fall down towards the ground in a beautiful parabola. Liu Wei An carried her and rushed into the room, but she couldn"t see what was happening behind them. She didn"t know if they were dead or not, but at this height, breaking their limbs shouldn"t be a problem.

Jumping from one building to another was something that only Liu Wei An and no one else could do. Otherwise, walking from the top of the building was the safest route.

"There are ogres." The bat warned.

The line immediately slowed down. Everyone looked at the roof and saw a green flag waving around. Qiu Jiansheng shouted without any hesitation, "Charge over!"

This was the agreed flag language. The green flag indicated that they were advancing, the red flag stopped, and the yellow flag took a detour. This could not be done without the walkie-talkie. In fact, most of them had cellphones, but because the signals were cut off and they were worried that they would lose their connection at a critical moment, they could only temporarily give up on this convenient communication method.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

A violent roar exploded in his ears, and the ogres emerged from the corner. Since they were too close, it was too late for them to take a detour. This couldn"t be blamed on the fact that the bat didn"t discover them ahead of time. It was just that this ogre had gone crazy and was hiding inside the building, coming out all of a sudden. When it did, it was already not too far away.

There were buildings on both sides of the street. There was not even a fork in the road. Meeting on a narrow path, the brave wins. Hong Tao grinds his teeth and roared: "Charge!"

If he did not take the lead, the morale of the others would fall. He did not know how to march and fight, but he knew that he could not be afraid. If he was afraid, he would die even faster.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Before Hong Tao"s fist and the Ogre"s fist collided, the bullet had already hit the Ogre"s fist, shooting in half of the warhead and then ejected out. In terms of lethality, this shot was a waste, but Hong Tao understood that the real effect of the bullet at this moment was to cancel out at least 40% of the Ogre"s strength.


His right hand was instantly dislocated and he was sent flying. His left fist, which had stored up all his strength, was now wasted, but the Ogre"s other fist also hit empty air. This could be considered a blessing in disguise; otherwise, if this second fist landed on him, he would undoubtedly die.

Bang, bang, bang …

Kacha, kacha, kacha …

Hong Tao rolled on the ground a few times and crawled up while enduring the pain from his entire body. He happened to see more than a dozen people shooting in all directions and screaming miserably, either their hands were broken or their feet were dislocated. Many of them spat out blood, no one knowing where their wounds were. Like his choice, most of the people attacked using force.

The end result was very tragic. The effect was … No!

So many of them were unable to stop the Ogre"s advance, not even one step. w.a.n.g Pengpeng rushed over and his hands shot out. After extending seven or eight meters, he bound the ogre"s feet firmly like a rope, stopping the ogre"s steps. However, w.a.n.g Pengpeng"s face was red as he shouted with eyes filled with pain, "Quick attack! I can"t hold on for long. " The Chinese people all rushed forward.

Dang, dang, dang …

Dozens of metal rods, hammers, unknown hard objects struck the ogre"s head, the fire flaring everywhere and its head rolling around for a long time, but the people who attacked were hurt by the rebound, showing a look of pain. The only thing that worked was Qiu Jiansheng, his blade light mixed in with the attack, chopping off a layer of flesh on the ogre"s neck.

If it was an ordinary zombie, its head would have been chopped off, but the toughness of the ogre"s muscles was too high. Even if he used all his strength, he could only cut off a third of its thickness.

"Can you still hold on?" Liu Xiaohui roared and rushed forward.

"Still — —" Before w.a.n.g Pengpeng could finish his sentence, he heard a popping sound and a pair of arms hung limply down, unable to continue entangling. The ogre broke free from its restraints and took a step forward.

A look of despair appeared in Liu Xiaohui"s eyes as he helplessly watched the fist approach. In a split-second, Hong Tao roared and stabbed the large piece of metal into the middle.


The ogre"s fist smashed into the large piece of metal, which instantly shattered into pieces. The remaining power of the fist did not even manage to land on Liu Xiaohui"s body, who screamed miserably and flew out, jumping over the crowd, landing in the midst of the zombies. Leaving a trail of blood in the air, Zhang Xueqiang rushed forward to save her.

The Ogre let out a heaven-shaking roar, charging towards the injured players who were lying on the ground, unable to get up. On the rooftop, Liu Wei An had finally finished drawing the fire charm. He pressed the bullet down like a gun, aimed, and shot, completing the shot in one go.


The bullets shot into Qiu Quan Sheng"s split muscles, only leaving him with one bullet behind before they caught him, but that was enough. The power of the fire charms erupted, the red light exploded, and the Ogre was instantly enveloped by the flames, the temperature suddenly rose as the Ogre let out a painful howl. It actually didn"t feel any pain, it just hated this feeling.

Qiu Quan Sheng"s eyes gleamed with a bright light, and suddenly rushed forward. The magnificent saber light exploded, and disappeared in a flash. When the blade light vanished, a huge head flew out, its roar abruptly ended.


The huge headless body of the Ogre fell to the ground. Qiu Jiansheng retreated back to his original spot. His right hand was scorched and deformed by the heat, but he still held on to the dagger without loosening his grip.

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