Rise From The Doom

Chapter 429

An abnormally mournful scream came from afar. In the blink of an eye, a figure appeared at the end of the road. At the turning point, it suddenly accelerated and jumped with force to grab the rope in the air.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

When they were about to fall to the floor, two black iron chains suddenly jumped over like a poisonous snake. As fast as lightning, they wrapped around the figure"s waist, and there was no way to borrow any strength in the air. When the figure sensed that something was wrong, the iron chains had already arrived in front of them.

At the end of the iron chain was an iron chain zombie. It was surrounded by iron chains and had a ferocious expression. Its aura was very strong.

Bang, bang!

In a split-second, two gunshots rang out. The two iron chains were like a viper that had been struck by seven inches of metal and instantly weakened. At the same time, a loud shout came from the top of a tall building.


"Huuu ~ ~ ~"

The wind was like thunder, and a huge black shadow descended from the sky, bringing with it an earth-shattering force that could be felt from hundreds of meters away. Upon closer inspection, this black shadow was actually the wreckage of an abandoned tank.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

Forty tons of wrecked tanks landed on the ground, causing the ground to shake. The sound waves caused the gla.s.s in the surroundings to shatter, and with a crashing sound like rain, the poor iron chain zombie didn"t even have time to fly out before it was crushed into slag.

"Eight o"clock direction, two kilometers away, second one." Immediately, Hong Tao, the enemy luring Huang Guofu, the elephant on the rooftop, and the other collaborators dashed down the stairs, heading towards the next rendezvous point as fast as they could.

In these three hours, everyone had jointly killed three ogres, two saber-toothed tigers, a double-headed iron armored crocodile, a large belly toad, and four iron chain zombies. It was unknown where these monsters came from, but they were all heading towards the warehouse. If that happened, the warehouse would be in danger from the combined attacks of dozens of high-level monsters. But now, the danger was decreasing as the high-level monsters were being killed one by one.

Two kilometers away, lynx and You Mengsheng, two Gold rank experts, intercepted the Ogre. Yi Feng Jiu hara.s.sed them while the rest of them could not get past a dozen or so people. They died the moment they came into contact with one another.

He was not a direct descendant of Liu Wei An, he was a loyal follower of the latter star, so if he surrendered to Liu Wei An, his trust level would be the lowest. Therefore, he was smart enough to send a vote of honor to Mayor Guo, and this move greatly changed Liu Wei An"s impression of him.

However, even though he was injured, he was still beaten back by the ogres with the help of You Mengsheng. In less than five minutes, he was already riddled with wounds.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The lynx was known for its fast attacks, but when it encountered the ogres with four arms, his quick attacks became a joke. In the end, he was forced to clash head on with the enemy, his fists met his four arms, and only he could defend against them perfectly, his arms were sealed, but his terrifying strength was irresistible, and he was forced to retreat while spurting out blood. The bright sword light sent one of the ogres" eyes flying, and then it was grabbed by the ogres.

Yi Feng clenched her teeth. Just as she was about to push the bullet forward, a sniper bullet twice as long as an ordinary bullet shot out from the ogres" eye sockets. Yi Feng heaved a sigh of relief and retreated quickly.

Bang, bang, bang …

Six consecutive shots, one after another, connected in a single line, all shot in the same position, the four bullets in front all bounced off, the fifth shot shot in half a bullet, the last shot shot completely shot in, the ogre roared out loud, one arm raised, covering his eyes, blocking the last bullet.

"Eat my rod!"

The elephant was too fast. From a distance, it looked like a big black shadow shooting over. The 300 pound iron rod hacked down on the ogre"s head without any fancy tricks. The force that could split open a mountain turned into sound waves and spread out.


The iron rod and the ogre"s head clashed, causing a dazzling spark to burst out. The head sank down two centimeters, and the straight iron rod became a curved trunk. The ogre was unable to keep its balance, and its body was slanted. Another person came at them. It was Hong Tao. He stabbed his broadsword into the gap between the ogres" eyes and forced it open, exposing five to six centimeters of gap. A gunshot rang out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The three bullets connected in a single line and shot through the eye socket. Half of the bullet went through the back of the head. Hong Tao looked at his fist, which was less than a centimeter away from his chest, and his back was covered in cold sweat. His broadsword had pried open the ogre"s arm, but the ogre had many arms and had also grabbed his blade. At the same time, he also threw out another fist.

As the ogres fell, Yi Fangu and the other soldiers charged forward to deal with the other small monsters. The two soldiers charged up the building, hiding the two living people inside. There were also people who took care of the ogre"s corpse, and their coordination was extremely strange.

Liu Wei An approached from afar and looked at the ogre"s corpse with a frown. He couldn"t go on like this; a Gold rank expert had to recover their combat strength. Otherwise, one Ogre would cost him almost three Gold rank experts, and he didn"t have many Gold rank experts with him. At the same time, he missed the three-inch nail. His attack power was truly terrifying. With his cooperation, the Ogre could instantly kill him.

After killing more than ten monsters, the people upstairs came down. They were two evolved people with decent abilities, but they were so hungry that their legs were weak, and they needed someone to help them walk. At that moment, Yang Wuya"s voice came through Liu Wei An"s walkie-talkie.

"We rescued eight people and are powerless to fight again. Please return."

"Agreed!" Liu Wei An immediately asked about the situation with the other team, Fu Jiang, who had avoided high level monsters and was responsible for luring away the other monsters. Although the battle was the least, it was the most dangerous team.

"I"m rushing over to the rendezvous point." Fu Jiang"s hoa.r.s.e voice sounded.

"Return to the warehouse immediately." Liu Wei set down his walkie-talkie. Just as he finished his sentence, he heard a series of explosions about two kilometers away. The flames soared to the sky and the building collapsed, sending dust and smoke hundreds of meters into the air.

It was Fu Jiang!

Everyone quickly got into the car. Two soldiers set up the explosives, and when the car started, the bomb exploded.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

Fiery light radiated out, the load bearing wall was blown apart, the building collapsed and instantly blocked the street. The thick smoke and dust rose into the air and submerged everything within a few hundred meters of the street, causing the collapse and killing a lot of monsters. The most important thing was to block the road, the smoke and dust could even cover the smell of the monsters and prevent them from tracking for a short period of time.

Within a radius of three kilometers, there weren"t many monsters. Everyone would stop from time to time to clean up the road, and there would be a follow-up attack as well, because the smooth road was much more useful to them than the monsters. By the time they arrived at the meeting place, Fu Jiang and Yang Wujiang were already there.

Liu Wei An"s expression darkened. Yang Wuyu"s team had only lost seven or eight people, and Fu Jiang"s team had lost at least fifteen. These people were all elites. It was a pity that they died at this time.

"Let"s talk about it when we get back." Liu Wei"an stopped the two from getting off the car. He was only worried that there would be a temporary sniper spot that would allow him to observe the monsters" chase. Since they had all safely gotten rid of the monsters, there was no need to stop here.

Five hundred meters away from the warehouse, a simple and crude defense line had been completed. In fact, it was just a chasm filled with oil. This was the fastest and most effective fortification that he could think of. Liu Wei An saw the deputy mayors and secretaries following Mayor Guo, sweating as they moved the bricks. They could be considered to be taking advantage of the waste. They had been nourishing for a long time, so they were much stronger than many slaves.

"Twelve people were saved, all evolved people. After eating and drinking to their heart"s content, another man has appeared." When they arrived at the warehouse, Yang Wugou said with a smile.

"Five." His adopted son, as well as Hei Shan, disappeared when everyone woke up from their coma. When they disappeared, no one knew. He had always wanted revenge, but now, he couldn"t even find his enemies.

"Our stats are too low, so we shouldn"t attack again." Yang Wujiang hesitated for a while, but still said it out loud. Seven people from their team had died. Originally, they didn"t have to die, but their injuries were all a burden.

Liu Wei An turned around and looked at the returning person, the new injury plus the old wound, regardless of whether the wound was caused by the monster or the zombie, it was not easy to heal. The new wound plus the old wound, regardless of the monster"s wound or the zombie"s wound, it was not easy to heal.

"Go and get Qiu Quan Sheng for me." Liu Wei An said. His indifferent voice was like the winter wind, and it had a hint of killing intent. Many people felt a chill in their hearts as they quietly prayed for Zhu Lie. At this moment, a soldier stepped forward.

"Reporting to young master, the manager of the Nine Prefectures Chamber of Commerce requests an audience."

"What is he doing here?" Liu Wei An asked. The Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce"s position was unusual, he had always been thinking about how to deal with the shopkeeper, so he didn"t go to find him.

"He brought a large amount of medicine. He said he was here to deliver a gift." The soldier said.

"Bring him here." Liu Wei An"s eyes flashed as he instantly understood the shopkeeper"s intention in coming here.

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