Rise From The Doom

Chapter 447

There was a huge gap between Gold-rank experts. Beginner, intermediate, advanced, pinnacle and perfection. Step by step, the difference was like the heavens themselves. Liu Wei An could easily kill an early stage Gold rank expert, but if he encountered a middle stage Gold rank expert, he would not be able to do so. If he encountered a late stage Gold rank expert, only death awaited him.

Qian Ruying was a Gold rank expert of the middle stage. He came from a large family with many methods and skills. Although he was in the middle stage, his strength was comparable to that of the late stage, and he also had the ability to challenge those above his level. This place, Little Flower had brought him here before, and he took out a stone egg from inside. Little Flower had already told him not to come in again, or else, besides dying, there would be no other result. Even a Platinum-ranked warrior would not be able to deal with him.

He had to take the risk and enter the tunnel, everything went smoothly, but he had underestimated Qian Ruying"s strength. Even after a day of fierce fighting, his reaction speed was still faster than an ordinary Gold rank expert"s, and as he was leaving, he received a slap on the back. He did not manage to land a solid blow, he had probably withstood seventy percent of the palm"s force. If it was an ordinary Silver rank master, he would already be a corpse at this moment. But with the protection of the King Corpse Scripture and the Dark Emperor"s Scripture, even though he was injured he did not die. Even his internal organs were injured, after breathing for a while, he felt pain and a mouthful of blood rushed to his mouth, forcefully swallowing it.

This was because he saw an old man thirty meters away, a Gold rank expert. It was his second time meeting him, but he had a deep impression of him. For these types of cultivation techniques that came with attributes, there were many experts he had encountered before and after, but only this old man had these additional attributes.

"Senior, what can I do for you?" The golden-white bow appeared in his hand, and he drew the bow with an extremely fast speed. A huge wave of arrow intent locked onto Bing Lao Er.

Bing"er"s movements froze. A Silver rank player had actually made him feel threatened. She raised her foot and stomped down again. She stared at Liu Wei An expressionlessly and asked in a cold voice, "Where"s Old Devil Qian?"

"Senior, are you asking about Qian Ruying?" Liu Wei An"s face was calm as he said, "I have not seen Qian Ruying yet."

"Nonsense, I came here following Elder Qian and disappeared right here. You are right here, how could I not see you?" Bing"er said harshly.

As expected of someone who cultivates an ice attribute magic technique. At such a low temperature in the back mountain, his hair bun was covered with a layer of faint white frost. His movements seemed to be unaffected.

"Senior Qian Ruying is a Gold rank expert, and this junior is a Silver rank expert. How could I be able to discover the whereabouts of Senior Qian Ruying? Senior is overestimating this junior too much." Liu Wei An said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.

"Is that so?" Bing Lao 2"s mouth revealed a cold smile, and walked towards him.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

As the platinum bow was pulled back, a burst of energy that was ten times stronger than before surged forth. A distance of thirty meters did not seem to exist, and this unparalleled sharp light did not obstruct the second brother"s advance at all.

After reaching silver level Great Perfection, his strength had risen explosively, he could draw the bow by five points. But now, with six points, a terrifying power filled both of his arms, he felt that even a thirty centimeter piece of metal could instantly pierce through him. This feeling was so strong that a trace of killing intent unconsciously flowed into his eyes as he stared at Bing Lao Er. However, he knew that Bing Lao Er was not an iron plate and was not someone he could casually kill. In an incomparably calm voice, he said, "Junior is timid, senior should not get too close."

"Junior, although your strength is quite good, it"s still very funny for you to threaten a Gold rank expert." Bing"er said in a cold voice. White cold air was gathering in her palms that drooped down.

In this sort of environment, the power of his ice attribute technique multiplied.

"I don"t dare. I am only speaking the truth." Liu Wei An said indifferently. He shot out a faint divine beam, not looking into Bing Lao Er"s eyes, but towards the right side of Bing Lao Er"s navel, which was three inches below his navel.

"I like honest youngsters like you." Bing Er suddenly let out a rare warm smile. The ball of cold air instantly disappeared from his hand. "Since you didn"t see Old Devil Qian, then I"ll go take a look elsewhere." He abruptly turned around, appearing tens of meters away before disappearing among the vegetation.

"Junior pays his respects to senior." Liu Wei An"s voice sounded from afar, showing that he had a lot of inner strength. The second brother"s figure suddenly slowed down as his speed increased.

Liu Wei An put away his platinum bow. Without any hesitation, he left in big strides, faster and faster, not towards the front mountain, but towards an area in the back mountain.

Not long after Liu Wei An left, Bing Er appeared again, and checked the place where Liu Wei An stood for a while, but there was nothing he could do, so his eyes flashed with suspicion. He chased after Liu Wei An, and soon caught up to Liu Wei An, and he realized that Liu Wei An"s posture was very natural, there was no discomfort, and the doubt in his eyes became even more obvious.

He was a good-natured person in the headquarters. The ice attribute spell did not make his heart as calm as still water. On the contrary, it only made his heart as cold as ice, but his temper was as violent as usual. Previously, he had intended to kill Liu Wei An without thinking about the consequences. However, Liu Wei An"s stare had made him give up all thoughts of killing Liu Wei An.

After practicing it, its power would be great, but it had a weakness. This weakness was located three inches below the navel, right, and he had never told anyone about it. He did not know how Liu Wei An had offended Liu Wei An, but when he saw Liu Wei An looking at him, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt as if someone had pinched him seven inches. That was why he was able to retreat. However, he didn"t dare to do so after thinking about it for a while. Thus, he decided to turn back.

After walking for 20 full minutes, his body disappeared into the fog, and his expression changed instantly. His smile turned into pain, and with a wail, he spat out a large mouthful of blood, which turned black, and was instantly absorbed by the yellow sand on the ground.


His face was pale to the extreme, and his eyes, which were as bright as the stars, looked extremely dim, like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time. The tiredness attacked him like a tide, and Liu Wei An struggled to open his eyes, he knew that he could not sleep, and once he closed his eyes, he would never be able to open them again. He bit down on the tip of his tongue, and the intense pain jolted his mind slightly. He used his last bit of strength to set up a reverse formation, and with a bang, the flame talisman paper turned into flames. He couldn"t hold on any longer, so he closed his eyes and completely lost consciousness.

The layer of ice covering his body was quickly thickened, but when the flames expanded to their maximum size, it rapidly receded. No droplets of water flowed out, and directly evaporated.

After being injured by Qian Ruying, he had struggled to persevere. The confrontation with Bing Er had only increased his injuries, and a journey of five kilometers was definitely the hardest part of his life. The reason why his actions were so relaxed was because he knew that the second brother Bing was watching him from behind. The moment he exposed the slightest flaw, the second brother Bing would not hesitate to make his move, and in the confrontation just now, after exhausting all his energy, pulling the golden-white bow had already not been an easy task, even when his body was still in good condition, it had not been easy for him to do so for a single second.

"Not good, this junior is trying to trick me —" Bing"er saw that the footprints were much deeper than normal and understood everything. Her heart was filled with a strong killing intent and she felt a sense of anger from being toyed with. His figure flashed as he chased after Liu Wei An"s back. Unexpectedly, everything changed as soon as he entered.

The person disappeared. The thin fog did not seem to be thick, but it blocked his vision and he could not see Liu Wei An from dozens of meters away. Liu Wei An and him were in the front and back, and the time that pa.s.sed was definitely not more than a second, but when he looked, Liu Wei An was nowhere to be seen.

From a little over 10, to a little past 11, to early in the morning, the temperature had dropped lower and lower, similarly at low temperatures. However, the low temperature of Demon Ancient Mountain and the ice attribute cultivation method that Bing Lao Er practiced were two different types of power. At the start, he was still able to restrain himself.

It was four in the morning, not far from dawn. Bing Er was still walking in circles inside the Bamboo Shoot Formation, and Liu Wei An couldn"t find him, nor could he find the exit, but there were quite a few skeletons on the ground. When he saw the corpse of a Platinum rank master, the indifference in his heart was instantly broken, becoming impatient, going crazy, and even a Platinum rank master died from being trapped inside, how could he be stronger than a Platinum rank master? It was a height he could only look up to now.

At 5 AM in the morning, the darkest moment had already pa.s.sed. The sky lacked any light and Bing"er, who was in despair, finally saw Liu Wei An. However, it wasn"t that he found Liu Wei An, but that he came to see him on his own accord.

"Senior, are you looking for me?" Liu Wei An stood casually, shrouded by a white mist, causing his figure to appear and disappear.

"Junior, you dare to play with me. I will make you suffer a fate worse than death, I will crush your four limbs, and leave you in the ice to endure three days and three nights of torture before you die." Bing Er"s eyes turned red, and he struck his palm towards Liu Wei An.

In that instant, the s.p.a.ce within a radius of several dozen meters solidified, and a thick layer of frost covered the ground. Even the mist was frozen, unable to move.

"Chi, chi, chi, chi …"

A light sound rang out. It was the yellow sand on the ground. It could not withstand the explosion and exploded into fine powder.

The next moment, he heard a bowstring ringing out from the bottom of his heart. Suddenly, he raised his head and a silver light shot out from his mingmen, piercing through his back and disappearing without a trace.

"So fast …"

Bing"er"s neck tilted and she fell to the ground, gasping for air.

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