Rise From The Doom

Chapter 453

Next was the experiment shield. The Black Faced G.o.d volunteered. He used to use a middle-grade Silver weapon, but after following Liu Wei An, he gave him a top-grade Silver weapon. He felt that his strength had greatly improved and that he had become a lot more high-profile.


His arm went numb, and he couldn"t help but take a step back. Looking at the shield again, his eyes immediately became round, and only a faint mark appeared on his face. Not to mention the words he had spoken before: One slash, two halves! It shattered into pieces!

There was not even a crack. It was completely undamaged.

"I don"t believe it." The Black Faced G.o.d roared and the blade light flashed again.

Clonk! Clonk! Clonk!

After seventeen consecutive slashes, a crack appeared on the shield. Only with the twentieth slash did the shield break completely. The Black Faced G.o.d withdrew his blade and the haughtiness on his face was long gone. There was only shock.

The members of the security team were also shocked. Black Faced G.o.d was a Silver rank expert and used 20 blades to break a black iron shield. If it was a weaker person or a weaker weapon, they probably wouldn"t be able to see a gap for a long time.

However, after the initial shock, all of them were overjoyed. This was because Liu Wei An had brought out a lot of shields. After counting them, no more and no less, one for each of them.

Liu Wei An left for a few days and didn"t take out many things. However, whether it was the Bursting Talisman or the shield, they were all excellent items. One spear and one shield, they could multiply the team"s fighting strength.

The meeting ended with just a few words. On the contrary, studying the Bursting Talisman and Shield took more than half an hour. Yan"er looked at the crowd"s admiration, envy, and shocked expressions towards Liu Wei An, feeling extremely happy and proud in her heart.

Demon Ancient Mountain.

The number of players increased, and the aftermath of Full Moon Night began to disappear. Some people died because of their different physiques, and some had already logged on, while others, with their fame spread, had more and more players rushing to this unique mountain. Some were exploring, while others chose a place to protect.

In groups of three to five, or following a large caravan, there were very few single travellers. While the magical beasts were rampaging about, it was not an easy task to travel dozens or even hundreds of kilometers to reach this place. Most of the players were wounded, the blood on their armor had dried, and the blood on their weapons was dripping. The players who had just entered Mount Devil Ancient Village had cold expressions and vigilance in their eyes.

This kind of distrust would take a few days to be dispelled.

Liu Wei An led the team, no, the meeting also decided on one thing. By changing their names, everyone unanimously decided that the team didn"t have any momentum, and was just playing around. It was too serious, but with the change of name, the team instantly became full of vigor.

Liu Wei An had always been indifferent to such matters and allowed them to do as they pleased.

Liu Wei An was stopped by a person on the main street.

"Liu Wei An, I want to challenge you." It was Zou Lengzhi, the second grandmaster talisman in Black Dragon City and now the second grandmaster talisman in Demon Ancient Mountain.

"Master Zou, you"re so young."

"Master Zou Leng, I used the flame talisman arrow that he made. It"s very powerful."

"I heard that Grandmaster Zou Leng had improved a flame talisman arrow by himself, causing its power to increase by leaps and bounds. He is extremely talented."

… ….

The appearance of Zou Lengzhi coincided with Liu Wei An"s absence. Unlike Liu Wei"an, who was a professional talisman master, Zou Lengzhi had created 80% of the flame talismans on the market and was extremely popular.

"Where did this good dog come from? Why did he block the road?" The Black Faced G.o.d with a bad temper rushed out before Liu Wei An could open his mouth. There were a lot of monsters and monsters in the Demon Ancient Mountain nowadays. According to his previous temperament, those who dared to stand in his way were lured to the back of the mountain and beheaded.

"I"m not a good dog." Zou Lengzhi glared at the Black Faced G.o.d.

"So it"s a bad dog." Hei Mianshen was suddenly enlightened. "Then he"s a bad dog."

The people who stopped to watch the commotion knew that they shouldn"t have made a sound, but they still couldn"t help but laugh. Zou Leng One"s handsome face immediately flushed red. He became angry out of embarra.s.sment: "You ugly man, go away, I"m talking to Liu Wei An, it has nothing to do with you."

"You"re the ugly man, your entire family is ugly." Black Faced G.o.d"s expression changed. It was true that he was not handsome, but he had never thought so himself. He roared, "Who do you think you are? You want to talk to my young master? Go back and look in the mirror first."

The crowd burst into laughter again. This time, it was Laughing Black Faced G.o.d. The team covered their faces. They couldn"t afford to be hurt by such a r.e.t.a.r.d following them.

"Liu Wei An, what"s the point of hiding behind the scenes without making any noise? If you have the ability, then come and compete with me." Zou Lengzhi finally realized that arguing with a fool was a matter of lowering his IQ. His eyes fell back on Liu Wei An.

Liu Wei An raised his right hand to stop the Black Faced G.o.d from speaking. He stared at Zou Lengzhi and asked, "What are you challenging me for?"

"Flame Talisman Arrow!" Zou Lengzhi said loudly, "Previously in the Black Dragon City, you were advertising everywhere that my fire talisman arrows were inferior to yours. At that time, I was not here and was framed by you, and now that I have returned, I will personally break your rumors and let the world know that there is only one Master Talisman Master, and that is me, Zou Lengzhi, and you are just a shameless person."

Many people were not from Black Dragon City and were not clear about the enmity between the two Symbol Masters. Even the people from Black Dragon City were not clear about the enmity between the two of them because they did not reveal it publicly. After hearing what Zou Leng had said, their gazes towards Liu An changed.

"That"s right, that"s right. It"s a matter of public opinion. A loud voice doesn"t mean anything." Liu Wei An said lightly, "I"m going out to kill some demon beasts. I"m very busy, so I don"t have time for a boring challenge. Please leave now, otherwise, according to the rules of Demon Ancient Mountain, you might get into trouble."

According to the rules of demon ancient mountain, if someone causes trouble, he or she can fight back.

"You must be scared." Zou Lengzhi laughed out loud and said to the people around him, "You see this, right? This is the master talisman master you are talking about. When I was not around, he used a small talisman trail to flaunt his might, slandering me everywhere, damaging my reputation. Now that I was here, he could only run away dejectedly."

"It can"t be. I didn"t expect Liu Wei An to be such a person."

"A man knows his own face but doesn"t know his heart. Normally, he would look rather quiet and calm, but I didn"t expect him to be so powerful."

"No wonder Liu Wei An"s fire talisman arrows are selling less and less. So there"s actually an even more powerful talisman master."

… ….

In the past, when experts were young, the Black Faced G.o.d was able to rule over all of them. This was the reason why even generals of short statuses would not be as strong as him, and his words would be loud and clear.

The members of the Peace Corps were furious. They had only been here for a short period of time, so they didn"t know what Liu Wei An had to say. However, they knew that Liu Wei An"s character couldn"t be slandered. Yan"er was the clearest on the whole situation, but she was just a servant, not even qualified to speak. She anxiously looked around with unfriendly eyes, she was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears.

"Please. You are a cowardly person who only knows how to slander others. I don"t even care about sparring with you anymore." Zou Hanzhi stepped aside, a cold sneer on his face.

"At least you know your place. Our young master has a little over 10 gold coins per minute, how could he possibly have the time to waste on such a boring matter?" Nie Po Hu suddenly spoke, his voice was filled with disdain towards Zou Leng.

"What arrogant words. As a master talisman master, do you still lack money?" He wasn"t afraid that someone would answer him. He was afraid that Liu Wei An would leave without saying a word, so he said loudly, "I"ll pay one thousand gold coins as a reward. We"ll compete on whose arrows are stronger, and whoever wins will receive one thousand gold coins, so that you won"t say that I"m bullying you."

"Alright!" The surrounding people were cheering and applauding for Zou Lengzhi"s magnanimity. Of course, there were also those who were just here to watch the show. After all, killing a magical beast was tiring, and it would be good to watch the show.

Everyone looked at Liu Wei An to see if he would accept the attack. However, all they saw was him shaking his head slightly.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Everyone immediately let out a disdainful sound.

"A grand master talisman master only bids a thousand gold coins, this is too embarra.s.sing. I won"t take advantage of you. Everyone will pay ten thousand gold coins, whoever loses will be given to the opponent. We can compete with the arrows and determine the victor." Liu Wei An"s lips curled up into a smile. He looked at Zou Lengzhi provocatively and said, "Do you dare?"

Zou Lengzhi hesitated. He could squeeze out a thousand gold coins and take them out right in front of him, but he would sell them for ten thousand gold coins.

He could not take it out either. Hearing the suspicious voices from around him getting louder and louder, he suddenly turned his head and stared at the a.s.sistant head storekeeper, "Money is my head. Could you please take out the money, storekeeper?"

"Alright." The Vice Shopkeeper gritted his teeth in agreement. Even if he didn"t agree, there was no other choice. He couldn"t lose his reputation as the Plum Flower Chamber of Commerce. The most important thing was that he saw the ferocity in Zou Lengzhi"s eyes. Ten thousand gold coins wasn"t a small sum. When the Vice Manager took it out, he was extremely nervous.

Honestly speaking, he had heard a bit about the grudges within Black Dragon City. He wasn"t too confident about Zou Lengzhi. If he hadn"t personally seen him create an upgraded version of the flame arrow, he definitely wouldn"t have followed him in.

"How do we compete?" Liu Wei An also took out ten thousand gold coins.

"It"s very simple. Shoot at the black iron shield, and those who shoot will win." Zou Lengzhi was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence.

"Agreed." It was simple, clear, and time-saving. Liu Wei An really liked this kind of topic.

Everyone moved aside to create a s.p.a.ce. There were items on the screen, a metal shield, and a total of three shields that were stacked on top of each other. This caused the surrounding players to change their expressions. The Plum Blossom Trading Company had sent out an expert archer, and he was very famous in the Demon Archaic Mountain. With one arrow shot, the two shields in front exploded on the spot, and the third shield had a few cracks on it.

Boom — —

Everyone was shocked, unable to believe their eyes as they watched this scene. If an arrow were to explode two shields, how could a warrior survive in the future? Wouldn"t meeting an archer be an instant kill?

When it was Liu Wei An"s turn, he put on too many shields. Under Zou Leng"s uneasy expression, he shot five arrows from his shields.


The five shields shattered into pieces as the fragments shot in all directions.

The entire arena was silent!

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