Rise From The Doom

Chapter 467

Wu Xun City was a city under the jurisdiction of Tianfeng Province. It was located at the southeast end of Tianfeng Province. There are 11 counties, 178 towns and 8 townships in Wu Xun city. The distance from the capital to the capital was 1120 kilometers. The entire county was 186 kilometers long from north to south, 122 kilometers wide from east to west, with a total mask of 4912.38 square kilometers, and a total population of 789 thousand people.

Wu Xun City is a glorious revolutionary tradition of the red homeland, the old generation of leading revolutionaries once engaged in great revolutionary practices here. Previous leaders have written chapters such as the Wu Xun Survey and Against Aristocracy.

Wuxu City is a land of abundant resources and abundant production. It has the cities of "Rare Earth Kingdom", "Country of Chinese Myrtle" and "Jiangnan Wind and Power Market". The wind power resources are very rich, the whole county has been built into the production of more than 160 power stations, installed capacity of 3.08 billion kilowatts, the total number of power stations in the province is the first, also is the national electrification standards of the county, especially investment of 3.24 billion yuan, installed machine 375 million kilowatts of construction and power generation, for the economic development of the city and the overall progress of society provides a new power.

Liu Wei An didn"t look at the mineral resources, human customs, income per person and so on. He knew that the generator was the best in the entire province, with a capacity of 3.08 billion kilowatts.

He did not expect to be able to deliver much electricity to other cities. As long as he could ensure that South Dragon City would be able to use it, that would be enough.

"You guys actually came for electricity." Li Xiaogang"s eyes widened. In this time when food was equivalent to the sky, there was actually someone who ran over a hundred miles for electricity, risking death to s.n.a.t.c.h it.

He felt incredulous.

"Strange?" Liu Wei An looked at him with a smile. Li Xiaogang was a very simple person. Although he was a Town Security member, he had a lot of prestige amongst the crowd. A person who could leave good comments in the mouths of his subordinates and merchants, such a person was very interesting.

"If it"s me, I"ll get food first, food second, and weapons third." Li Xiaogang said.

"You"re right." Liu Wei An looked at the doc.u.ment that Zeng Huai had prepared with a glance.

The Town Security army that Li Xiao had just led had a total of 286 people. These were people that could fight; 58 were injured, 26 were severely injured, and 42 were killed. In accordance with the tradition of the army, Zeng Huajing eliminated 36 out of the 286 people, leaving behind 250 people, who dispersed and stuck within the five teams. He then selected a portion of the elites from the five squads to form the sixth squad. Li Xiaogang was tentatively preparing to replace the captain of the sixth squad.

There were still notes after the materials. The quality of Li Xiaogang"s team was pretty good. Most of them came from the army, and there were five snipers, all kinds of different types of troops. After a little training, they could become elites.

"Can you tell me about the situation in Wu Xun City?" Liu Wei An placed the doc.u.ments on the table and took out food and water from his ring.


Li Xiao Gang swallowed his saliva and forced himself to look away from the roasted chicken and said seriously: "After the outbreak of the zombies in Wu Xun City, countless citizens were killed and a.s.similated, during the crisis, the garrison launched missiles, but the situation is still not good. In less than a week, a lot of people were bitten to death by zombies, the population of Wu Xun City was reduced by half, large numbers of garrison troops and police officers became zombies, and after half a month, evolved people started to appear in the crowd. Then countless monsters rushed out and we took the opportunity to escape. In the end, we couldn"t hold on due to hunger, so we decided to go all out. I didn"t expect to meet you guys. Did you escape? "

"He"s gone to the King of h.e.l.l." Liu Wei An pointed at the food, "Let"s talk while we eat."

"Dead?!" Li Xiaogang was shocked. Although Old Li was a criminal, he disdained such a person, but towards Old Li"s strength, he was still very respectful. Relying on his numbers, defeating Old Li might be easy, but killing him was not an easy task.

"Is there any army in Wu Xun City?" Liu Wei An asked.

"No more." Li Xiaogang shook his head with a sad expression.

"Why not?" Liu Wei An didn"t understand. The army was the most powerful military force in troubled times, so it was impossible for one criminal to survive. On the contrary, the army was gone.

After the Abyss monster attacked Wu Xun City, the army resisted at the front line, Old Li stabbed his knife in the back, cutting off the army"s retreat. After the Abyss monster attacked Wu Xun City, the army resisted at the front line, Old Li stabbed his knife in the back, cutting off the army"s retreat. When Li Xiao said this, his eyes flashed with killing intent.

Liu Wei An originally felt somewhat guilty for killing the man controlling the Ogre, but now he felt that their deaths weren"t enough. Needless to say, Old Li stabbed him in the back, and the man would definitely be the accomplice.

"How many people are left in Wu Xun City?"

"I don"t know, but I don"t think it will exceed fifty thousand." Li Xiaogang"s voice was low. Among those who died, many were his relatives and friends. The food in his mouth didn"t seem to be that delicious anymore.

"Reporting in, Sanwen Fish is reporting in with the team!" The salmon arrived with 200 members of the security team.

"To a.s.sist Zeng Huaicai to control the city and exterminate the zombies and the monsters in the abyss, as well as to rescue the trapped citizens." Liu Wei An didn"t give them any time to rest.

"Yes sir!" The salmon saluted, turned, and walked out.

"Is the food not to your taste?" Liu Wei An turned to look at Li Xiaogang.

"It"s a little greasy." Li Xiao was chewing on a pig"s foot, not even sparing the bone.

"I"m treating you to food. You"re the first one to be so picky." Liu Wei An joked.

Just as Li Xiao was about to speak, he suddenly turned his head and heard hurried footsteps. A member of the security team rushed in, "Reporting to young master, the Dojo of Limits" main gate is sealed shut and won"t be able to open."

The Dou Yan Power Station was the largest one among all the wind power stations in Wu Xun City. Everything else could go wrong except for this one.

"Take me there." Liu Wei An threw down his food and stood up immediately.

"Can I go?" Li Xiaogang suddenly said.

"Let"s go."

The Dou Yan Power Station was located in the northwest part of the city, about 15 kilometers away from the city. The road was not smooth, and it took them around 20 minutes to get there. Seven or eight members of the security team were waiting at a large iron gate. This place was relatively far from the city, so it didn"t have any ogres or powerful zombies, making it easier to deal with. When Liu Wei An got off the car, there were already more than 30 zombies lying on the ground.

"What"s going on?" When Liu Wei An looked at the iron gate, his first impression was that it was heavy, just like the door of the warehouse in Nanlong City. It was made of metal, with a gap in the middle, and no paper could fit inside.

He was puzzled. The main gate of the power station was made of metal. Was he not afraid of conducting electricity?

"There"s no key. The door has to be opened from the inside, but there doesn"t seem to be anyone inside." The members of the security squad said.

Liu Wei An pressed his ear against the metal door and could faintly hear the sound of something colliding with each other. He knew that the sound wasn"t that of a human but of a zombie.

"Is there no other entrance?"


"What"s the plan now?" Liu Wei An looked at Yi Fengshu. He was in charge of this place.

"The thickness of the power station gate is over half a meter, so you can"t blow it up, which will cause damage to the power station." The thickness of the power station gate is over half a meter, which can"t be blown up, which will cause damage to the power station. Yi Feng smiled bitterly. This thing was just a turtle sh.e.l.l.

"Where is the person who unlocked the door? "What about the staff who were originally stationed at the power station?" Liu Wei An asked.

"The person who unlocked the door is looking for it. The staff at the power station is also looking for it. However, I don"t think there"s much hope for them. They might all be inside." Yi Feng pointed to the inside of the door.

"Maybe I can try." Li Xiao took a step forward and pressed his hands on the metal door.


Yi Feng"s unintentional expression turned into shock. The other members of the security team also cried out in alarm.

In the blink of an eye, he had turned into a metal figure. His body was covered by his clothes, but his exposed skin had turned into a silver color. His hair, in particular, was standing straight up like steel needles.

The metal door was black, Li Xiaogang was silver, and a silver ray of light flowed from his hand to the iron door. Surprisingly, it was able to penetrate through, and it was obvious that the black metal door was mixed with a silver ray of light.

Kacha, kacha, kacha …

With the sound of the mechanism turning, the members of the security team were all pleasantly surprised. Even those who didn"t know how to unlock the door would know that this was a good sign.

"Fu Jiang and Ouyang Xiu Rui said that they were ambushed by a silver metal man. It should be Li Xiaogang." Yi Feng said as she approached Liu Wei An.

Liu Wei An was very surprised. He had always been wondering what kind of ability Li Xiaogang had, because he didn"t feel any fluctuation of power from Li Xiaogang. This made him curious, how an ordinary person led the Town Security team. The moment he saw the metal man, all his doubts were dispelled.

The world was big and full of wonders. Even the metal man had appeared. He remembered Li Xiao appearing on the street and facing countless guns. Only now did he understand that it was not because his heart was good, but because he had confidence.

"Drip, drip ~ ~ ~"

The iron gate shook slightly and a crack appeared.

The door opened.

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