Rise From The Doom

Chapter 477

Nanlong City was surrounded!

The news was like a blow to Liu Wei An"s head, making him dizzy. While he was trying to take over their city, his old nest had been surrounded by others, so he was no longer in the mood to ridicule this kind of dark humor. He quickly spoke to Zeng Huaicai and led the elephants and fifty safety squads to South Dragon City at the fastest speed possible.

Zeng Huaicai meant for him to bring 100 people, but he refused. Right now, there were only 150 people left. He was very worried, but there was nothing he could do about it, the time it took for the security team to be established was too short, before they could even protect a city, they had already become three cities, and the shortage of manpower had already expanded infinitely.

The car roared like a wild beast as it rushed out of the Changhui city and sped along the road. It was not because the potholed road surface shook up and down, but because those driving it were all soldiers with first-rate skills.

"Ouyang Xiu Rui asked, do you want him to send some reinforcements?" Qiu Quan Sheng looked at Liu Wei An, his phone in his hand. Liu Wei An touched his pocket and realized that his phone had dropped out of nowhere.

"Give me your phone."

Qiu Jiansheng handed the phone to him.

"I am Liu Wei An. How is Wu Xun City?" After Liu Wei An took the phone, his expression became calm again. Ouyang Xiu Rui was the deputy mayor, and his management ability was not any weaker than that of Ceng Huaijun"s. As soon as he left, the person who was in charge of the overall situation became him.

"Steady expansion!" Ouyang Xiu Rui"s answer was very simple. The four words were enough to explain everything.

"Try your best to keep the situation as stable as possible and send someone over. If there are any disobedient people, don"t be polite." Liu Wei An said the last four words, revealing a chilling aura.


Just as Liu Wei An threw his phone to Qiu Quan Sheng, the dashing Tiger Jip suddenly came to a sudden stop. Caught off guard, he almost flew out of the car, grabbed the handlebars on the roof, turned the impact into rotational force, and shot out of the open window. When he landed, the four tires of the jeep left two black marks on the ground, which were five to six meters long.

It was unknown who had broken the path, digging out a gaping hole with a width of nearly one meter, occupying two-thirds of the path. The soil was piled up everywhere, and it just happened to block the other one third of the path.

Just as the car stopped, a group of zombies rushed out from the abandoned buildings on both sides of the road. Although the air had dried up, one could still smell the strong stench of blood and rotting flesh.

"Coincidence?" Liu Wei An"s gaze shifted from the gap to the zombie. Was this considered setting up a trap and waiting for them?

He was a big guy, and although he had quite a bit of s.p.a.ce, he could not stand the crowd, which made it difficult for him to hold his breath.

"Boss, are we going to kill him?" The elephant"s eyes were red and murderous.

"Elephant, three inch nail, Qiu Quan Sheng, follow me to kill zombies. The rest of us will return to normal as soon as possible." Liu Wei An ordered.

"Yes sir!" Everyone agreed.

The elephant stomped both its feet on the ground and the ground exploded. Like a cannonball, the man shot out. With a flash, he crossed the distance of over twenty meters and swept out with his trunk like a bolt of lightning.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

The three zombies were blown away like flies, their bodies were severely deformed, the nearly 300 jin trunk was as light as a needle in the hands of the elephant, the shadow of the stick flickered, and a burst of sound could be heard. The zombies that rushed up exploded their heads one after another, like watermelons falling to the ground.

The three inch nail was like a black shadow as it flew through the zombie. Its sharp claws cut through the zombie as if it was tofu. With a "hua la" sound, the zombie was split in half from top to bottom.

The three-inch nail"s size was in stark contrast with the elephant"s, and its attacking style was also of two extremes: one was wide and broad, with immense strength, and the other was tricky and hard to guard against.

In comparison, Qiu Quan Sheng"s attacks were the most obedient. The scalpel shone brightly, and each ray of light was like a kiss of death, sweeping past the zombie"s neck, and instantly disconnecting its head from its body.

Three people were like thousands of horses and soldiers, blocking all the zombies that were charging at them. The members of the security team found a military shovel in the car and quickly filled in the gap. The more people there were, the easier it would be. In a short while, the gap was already half filled. Some of the people rushed to the front and moved the cars that were blocking the road.

Liu Wei An suddenly frowned. The zombies on both sides of the road were increasing in number. It seemed like there was a gathering place for zombies nearby. Liu Wei An spread his fingers and a silver bow appeared in his hands.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

The sound of the bowstring vibrating could be heard, and a long string of arrows whizzed out. Halfway through, the arrows suddenly dispersed, turning into nine arrows of normal size. The lightning struck the nine zombies, and a strange and terrifying power exploded.

The Corpse Dissolving Curse!

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

The zombie"s body exploded into pieces.

"Consecutive Arrows!"

"Consecutive Arrows!"

"Consecutive Arrows!"

… ….

Liu Wei An shot ten times in a row, killing ninety zombies, leaving a floor full of corpses. The extremely thick stench of rotting flesh filled the air, making people feel nauseous.

"Alright." The security team filled in the gap and stomped on it a few times.

"Return to the team, don"t get entangled with these zombies." Liu Wei An ordered.

The security team quickly returned to the car. They killed the elephant perfectly, but he didn"t dare to disobey Liu Wei An"s orders. He was the last to return to the car. Without anyone to stop him, zombies started to flood in again.

"Let"s go!"

Liu Wei An leaped up and landed on the roof of the first car. His feet exerted a suction force on the roof of the car, and the bowstring vibrated again.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

A deep sound spread out in all directions, and dozens of arrows shot out. The rushing zombies seemed to have found their way back, and didn"t even get to the ground before they exploded.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

Pieces of flesh were scattered all over the floor.

Swish, swish, swish …

Arrows shot out one after another, the fastest zombie, the one that fell back the fastest, basically exploding in the air, turning into a pile of minced meat.

Liu Wei An each took a bow, killing a pig in the midst of the group of zombies.

The jeep was full of speed and roared as it rushed forward at a speed of close to 140 yards. Occasionally, the zombies that were caught by the net would be knocked away by the jeep.

At this moment, a mournful cry came from the side, and a giant zombie rushed over like a bolt of lightning.


The members of the security team were all shocked. Since the establishment of the team, many ogres had been killed, but there was still no one who didn"t fear the ogres.

According to the ogres" speed and angle, they just happened to run into the last car in the group. Liu Wei An didn"t even look at the Ogre. A different arrow appeared and split into eight parts. He let go of his feet, and the arrow disappeared. He couldn"t see the path the arrow had taken. By the time he saw the arrow, it had already hit the Ogre"s body.

Bursting Talisman Arrow!

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

The ogre"s neck was blown to smithereens, and the headless ogre continued to run for more than 10 metres before falling face first. Its heavy body smashed into the ground with a loud thud.

At the start, the zombies weren"t willing to give chase. However, after Liu Wei An shot the fastest few zombies, the zombies behind them couldn"t catch up, so the zombies had to stop and slowly dispersed.

"Young Master, Miss Wu Lili just sent a message. The enemy is from Nanding City." Qiu Quan Sheng reported to Liu Wei An, who had returned to the car.

"Number of people? Combat strength? Forging a weapon? " Liu Wei An looked at Qiu Jianhan.

"The signal has been cut." Qiu Jiansheng shook his head.

"How much longer?" Liu Wei An asked the driver.

"About 30 kilometers, about 15 minutes." the driver replied.

The car drove for about ten minutes before the sound of gunfire could be heard from the horizon. It was so intense that Liu Wei An"s eyebrows suddenly twitched. A sense of danger hit him and he couldn"t help but shout, "Stop!"

The driver reflexively stepped on the brake until he reached the bottom. The car"s b.u.t.t was raised high and he was just about to flip over it. In the end, he was still a little bit off before he landed heavily on the ground.

Almost at the same time, two rockets were fired from two buildings to the left and right, three meters away from the car. With a bang, the rockets exploded.

"Enemy attack!"

Liu Wei An rushed out of the car and took out his sniper rifle. The second one out of the car was Qiu Quan Sheng. As he was rushing out of the car, he saw a man on the left side of the building falling from the top, along with the rocket launcher in his hand.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

When Liu Wei"an shot at the enemy on the right side of the building, the enemy had just pressed down on the launcher.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

The flames were blinding. A car soared through the air and then fell down heavily. It was blown into a serious distortion, and two of the squad members that didn"t have time to charge out were shaken until their seven orifices bled and bled themselves to death.

Bullets rained down from both sides of the building. There was no cover on the streets at all. The security team had been shot down to a few people. The rest rushed into the first floor and began their counterattack.

Bang, bang, bang …

Liu Wei An"s eyes were ice-cold. The sniper rifle shot at the fastest speed possible, and all the people that fell on the building connected together. It was basically a headshot.

Liu Wei An was under a lot of pressure. Every second, more than a dozen bullets would hit him. Even the iron plate with the double metal stone charm had become deformed.

However, it created favourable conditions for the security team to counterattack.

The elephant was shot as a target. Every second, it would bear far more bullets than Liu Wei An. Liu Wei An was. .h.i.t so hard that he would run away while screaming in rage. He hated fighting like this the most. He could not even touch the enemy"s skin, yet he was being suppressed by them.

After the security squad had fully launched their counterattack, Liu Wei An rushed into the building on the left side. Three minutes later, the building on the left side quieted down, leaving only the loud gunshot undetected.

When Liu Wei An came down from the left side of the building, even the building on the right side of the street became quiet.

"Split the troops into two, the elephant and I will go first. Qiu Quan Sheng, with everyone in tow, came over." When Liu Wei An said the first word, he was still in front of him. When he said the last word, he was already several hundred meters away. He was so fast that even the elephant, without saying a word, just followed him.

Two minutes later, Liu Wei An arrived at Nanlong City.

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