Rise From The Doom

Chapter 499

Li Xiaogang attacked the elephant like a madman. His eyes were glazed; his attack was like a torrential storm. The elephant"s punch sent him flying. Seeing this, Chen Shanyu"s heart skipped a beat.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

The cold light that pierced through the air interrupted Chen Shanyu"s charm.


The arrow hit Chen Shanyu like it hit a rock. His clothes were torn to shreds and his muscles were exposed, completely undamaged. The arrow exploded and turned into flames that filled the sky. The high temperature swelled up and the surrounding temperature abruptly rose. The nine dragons and Bai Xiaodong couldn"t help but take a few steps back.

Seeing the flames, Chen Shanyu was first shocked, then he was filled with disdain. In the blink of an eye, the flames had incinerated the clothing into ashes. When the flames reached his skin, they suddenly lost their effect.

"Fire is useless against me!" Chen Shanyu sneered and rushed towards Liu Wei An. As he walked, the fire on his body weakened rapidly. When he reached Liu Wei An, the fire disappeared. Yang Wuya and Yi Fengshu exchanged glances and could see the astonishment in each other"s eyes. They were very clear on the power of Liu Wei An"s fire arrow. It could burn a corpse to ashes within seconds and the temperature was exceptionally high. Was the Unbreakable Body really that amazing?

"If I kill you, your team will be mine." Chen Shanyu sneered as his fists sped up.

"Be careful — —" Several members of the security team couldn"t help but shout out upon seeing that Liu Wei An didn"t resist.


In a split-second, the ground suddenly exploded, revealing a gap. A thin shadow shot up from the ground like a bolt of lightning, pa.s.sed by Chen Shanyu"s back, and disappeared into the ground in the blink of an eye. Its speed was too fast, and many people didn"t even manage to see what it was. The running Chen Shanyu suddenly split apart.

"Crash ~ ~ ~"

From the top of the head to the bottom of the crotch, it is divided into two segments, one on the left and one on the right. The incision is smooth and symmetrical. Blood flowed to the ground, and his internal organs were steaming hot. The squad recognized the black shadow and revealed a happy expression. Bai Xiaodong and the other nine dragons sucked in a breath of cold air.

"What"s wrong with me?" Li Xiao, who had just rolled up from the ground, rushed towards a few members of the security team. Halfway through, he suddenly woke up. He looked at his metalized body in astonishment and felt his mind go blank.

"Quick, look at the corpse." Second Fool shouted loudly, pulling everyone"s attention to Chen Shanyu"s corpse.

The hot internal organs were no longer steaming, and the blood had stopped flowing. The body solidified at an alarming speed, transforming into a rock in a matter of seconds.

"Stones?" Everyone looked at each other.

Would the Unbreakable Body turn to stone after death? The lynx couldn"t help but ask, "Is it the sariras?" The Unbreakable Diamond Physique seemed to be a buddhist divine art. The buddhas would become sariras after death.

"I"m afraid this isn"t the Unbreakable Diamond Physique. It should be the boulder"s body." You Mengshu was experienced and knowledgeable, so he came up with the answer.

"Oh!" Everyone came to a realization.

"It"s your turn." Liu Wei An stared at Bai Xiaodong and Nine-Dragons. "I"m a man who does things fairly, fought a match with Ceng Kang, and also fought with Chen Shanyu. Of course, before I could announce the rules of the game, he broke a rule, and so did I. The two of you have the right to choose a fight. "

Upon hearing this, the elephant was ready to move, and Yang Wujiang was also eager to give it a try.

"What are the rules?" When the nine dragons saw the fighting spirit in the eyes of the squad, their hearts turned cold.

I know that you guys have a grudge against me, so I"ll give you guys a chance to turn the tables. You guys send one person, I"ll send one person, fight with each other, win, take your people and leave. If I win, you guys will all be my subordinates. Liu Wei An said.

"The rules are simple, but who knows if you will keep your word. If we win, you won"t let us leave?" Bai Xiaodong said loudly.

"You also have the right to choose not to partic.i.p.ate." Liu Wei An looked at him indifferently.

"Alright!" The nine dragons strode forward. When everyone thought that he was going to fight, they suddenly knelt down before Liu Wei An and shouted, "I surrender!"

The members of the safety squad were greatly taken aback, while the subordinates of the nine dragons cried out in unison, "Boss!"

"Shut up and kneel!" The nine dragons turned their heads to scold their little brother.

The lackey froze for a moment, then obediently kneeled down. Huala! Almost a third of the people kneeled down.

"I accept your surrender." Liu Wei An stared at the nine dragons for a few seconds before stepping forward and helping them up. During Liu Wei An"s advance, You Mengshu and Fu Jiang had only stared at the nine dragons, but he hadn"t made any moves until the nine dragons had started. The two of them were curious, did he really surrender just like that?

The nine dragons" underlings had always thought that their boss surrendering was a kind of strategy, but from the beginning to the end, all nine dragons were very cooperative and had given up several chances to retaliate. This made them feel both baffled and a little disappointed.

What"s wrong with the boss?

Bai Xiaodong was caught off guard by the nine dragons" sudden surrender. Two of the four forces had suffered losses. Although Chen Shanyu"s forces were still present, he had lost his leader and was basically crippled. Now he was alone. His gaze swept across the safety squad. f.u.kang, Youmeng Shou, lynx had a terrifying aura. It was as if the elephant had a prehistoric beast hidden within it, Liu Wei An was unfathomable … And the shadow that killed Chen Shanyu, it was so elusive. All the people standing behind him were his trusted subordinates, but he did not feel safe at all. Ever since he saw the black figure come out of the ground and return to the ground, fear grew within him.

He did not believe that his body was harder than Chen Shanyu"s.

Everyone"s eyes were focused on Bai Xiaodong. In just a few seconds, it was as if several centuries had pa.s.sed. His forehead was beaded with sweat as he hoa.r.s.ely said, "I —"

"What happens if I don"t surrender?" A voice could not help but come out from behind him.

Liu Wei An smiled, his eyes intentionally falling on Chen Shanyu"s corpse.

"I surrender." As he said this, Bai Xiaodong felt as if his spine had been pulled out.

"What about you?" Liu Wei An"s calm gaze swept across Chen Shanyu"s team. There was fear, unease, and fear on their faces, but there was no anger or killing intent. There was not a single one, and Chen Shanyu had failed to be the leader and had lost all of his trusted aides.

"Crash ~ ~ ~"

All of them knelt down. Those behind Bai Xiaodong also followed suit and knelt down. In an instant, only Bai Xiaodong remained standing. His face was flushed red as he slowly bent his knees and knelt down.

Liu Wei An revealed a faint smile. The security squad quickly took over everyone"s arms and controlled everyone.

The situation in Zhengping city was much better than expected. In fact, in addition to the four forces, there were many scattered groups and lone rangers struggling in this chaotic world. These people had teamed up with the four forces when the large-scale zombies appeared.

By relying on this pattern of timing, he had been able to live till now. Not only that, there was even food in Zhengping city. Although there was a pitiful amount, none of the underground trades were interrupted. Relying on these meager grains, the people of Zhengping city were able to survive.

For the city of Zhengping to still have over 50,000 people alive, this was definitely a miracle. Without an army, support, or good equipment, these people had to survive on their own.

The security team controlled the territories of the four great forces as fast as they could, then they would subdue and reorganize the surrendered people. Of course, these people were more obedient. Although this kind of judgement was very unscientific, but until there was a better way, this was the only way.

In less than an hour, Zhengping city had changed owners. Before the surrounding small groups could react, the security squad had issued out a summon order in the name of the four faction leaders.

The hegemons had invited all four of them at the same time. Very few people dared to reject the invitation. 80% of the small groups and organizations had come. As for those lone rangers who failed to get the necessary notice, they were temporarily ignored. Bai Xiaodong, Jiu Long and Che Zeng Kang were responsible for everything. The three of them led their forces to suppress these small groups and organizations, and the ones that survived and rebelled died, and in a b.l.o.o.d.y battle, the death rate was as high as thirty percent. The remaining seventy percent surrendered, and Bai Xiaodong, Jiu Long and Che Zeng Kang were responsible for more than ten percent of the casualties.

The security team was divided into three groups, led by Fu Jiang, You Mengshu and Yang Wugou. They swept through the 20% of the other small forces as fast as lightning, and when the sun set and Bai Xiaodong, Jiu Long and Che Zeng"s side finished their battle, the security team returned with their captives.

This battle had made 99% of the people into Liu Wei An"s slaves. Before dinner, the city of Zhengping had been tightly controlled by Liu Wei An. In this chaotic world, food was the most important food. Many people could abandon their wives and children for a piece of bread. Some people could sell their brothers for a piece of bread …

Liu Wei An had a rich dinner, breaking down 80% of the people"s will to resist and their hatred. Sometimes, hatred would disappear after a full meal. It could be seen that many people were glad that they had surrendered instead of stubbornly resisting. This was the right decision.

The nine dragons were called to a separate room.

"You seem to know him?" Liu Wei An looked at the nine dragons. He was not only the first to surrender, but he was also the most hardworking one in the war at Zhengping city. Disregarding his own safety, this was definitely more than just trying to attract his attention.

"The lion saved my life."

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