Rise From The Doom

Chapter 505

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" Liu Wei An"s calm voice sounded from within the room.

Zhang Zian pushed the door open and entered. There were no lights on in the room. In the dim light, Liu Wei"an stood by the window and looked up at the sky. From her angle, all he could see was the back of a person.

"Are you here to comfort me? I"m fine, don"t worry. " Liu didn"t look back, but he knew it was Liu Yueyue, not because of the smell of her body, but because of the sound of footsteps and scent.

"Your internal energy is very unique. I"ve never seen it before. I can feel that it"s very effective on my injuries. Can you help me with something?" Liu Yueyue opened her mouth to ask Liu Wei"an for help, but from her tone, there wasn"t the slightest hint of wariness in her tone. It was as if she was just talking about something that was too peaceful: I"m going to eat!

"Healing, I have no experience." Liu Wei An turned around. In the darkness, the hazy silhouette was becoming more slim and elegant, with long hair flowing down like a waterfall. The face of Liu Wei An looked like a moon G.o.d who had descended to the mortal world, looking sacred and inviolable. A faint fragrance lingered in his nose, proving that the other party was a real person and not an illusory fairy.

"I"ll teach you."

On the surface, it looked as if her injuries were completely healed, but in reality, it was the result of her suppression. The injury from last time was very stubborn, fighting against the tree demon, the suppression from the injury had erupted, but on the surface, it seemed as if nothing had happened. Her heart meridian had already been damaged, and many of her meridians had ruptured.

She was actually able to act as if nothing had happened.

Yuan Yue Ying"s hands were delicate and smooth, but they were ice-cold. Holding her hands in the summer, he didn"t need to blow the air conditioner anymore. The "Corpse King Scripture" was very obedient, a light yellow qi entered the body of Liu Yue Ying, something strange happened, and the white qi in Liu Yue Ying"s body was like a lover that had been separated for a thousand years, suddenly meeting each other again, the collision did not happen, the hostile aura did not happen, the two instantly merged together, the water and milk mixed together, and there was no rejection at all.

Liu was able to feel the tension in her body relax. His half bucket of water was unclear, healing others was definitely not as simple as it was shown on TV. His hands were placed on his back or chest, and then inner force was sent in to heal the wound. The most obvious explanation was that people had different auras, and it was strange if there was a foreign aura that entered his body.

In the beginning, it was Liu"s moon shadow that guided Liu Wei"an. If it worked, then Liu"s pa.s.sivity would quickly turn into initiative, and he would be able to learn very well, or he would be able to understand it easily with a single glance. He would actively guide the internal energy of both sides, repair the blocked meridian channels for Liu"s moon shadow, and open up the blocked meridian.

Liu Wei An"s "Corpse King Scripture" was of the fire attribute and belonged to the yang attribute. Normally speaking, the lonely Yin did not grow, and the lonely Yang did not grow, so this kind of cultivation was problematic, but since Liu Wei An had a powerful background, he naturally had ways to overcome this kind of problem. Liu Wei An did not have a background, so no one helped him, but he obtained the "Dark Emperor Scripture" from his body, and the miraculous "Dark Emperor Scripture" could resolve all of the hidden ailments and unfavorable factors that resulted from his practice of the "Corpse King"s Scripture".

The two of them walked on the strange path, which was not the right path. Under normal circ.u.mstances, there was no problem, her progress was fast, far surpa.s.sing her peers, but once she was injured, this negative factor would be infinitely expanded, Liu Wei An relied on himself, "Dark Emperor Sutra", but Liu Yue"s shadow was different, she had never been injured before, so she never expected her body to have such a big hidden injury. Once one gets injured, it is impossible to treat it even after such a long period of time. Of course, being too seriously injured is also one aspect.

It was normal for her to feel uncomfortable after so many people had died, but the moment she walked into the room, she discovered that Liu Wei An was stronger than she had imagined. Or rather, Liu Wei An didn"t want to expose his weak side to her, so she changed her mind the moment she opened her mouth.

It was already the latter half of the night when Liu Wei An walked out of the room. Helping others to heal him was originally a very tiring task, and it would be hard to win his favor if he did his best. However, treating the injuries of the moon was very different, as the inner strength of the two were complementary to each other, and the inner strength of the moon shadow had unknowingly increased his inner strength. He thought that the purity of his inner strength had already reached its peak, but now he realized that his mind had restrained his own progress.

The Great Perfection was starting to loosen up. He saw a glimmer of hope to advance to Gold rank.

He had heard many people saying that a Gold rank was something that could only be found by chance. Apart from talent and hard work, the most important thing was luck, the matter of him advancing to the great perfection stage was not long, whether it was Fu Jiang, You Meng Shou, Mountain Cat, or Ouyang Xiu Rui, they all advised him not to act in a rush, the combat power of his Silver grade equipment was already so strong, he had to acc.u.mulate the resources behind it in preparation for a Gold rank. This amount was at least five to ten times that of an ordinary person"s.

If not, then the risk of advancing to the next level would be the same as if he were asking himself, although the power would continue to expand, the territory would continue to expand, the number of people under his command would continue to increase, and the enemies he would encounter would become more and more powerful. He had to be patient, and slowly acc.u.mulate his strength step by step, but it would be false to say that he did not have any thoughts at all.

Who didn"t want to be strong? Who didn"t want to kill their enemies like slaughtering dogs? During the day, if he was only Gold rank, there wouldn"t be a need to put in so much effort to deal with the Treant. Even if he didn"t dare to say that he had wiped out the Treant, at least he wouldn"t have caused so many casualties.

When he returned to his room alone, he felt more self-blame for being too weak. At that moment, he strongly wished that he could advance quickly. As much as he hoped, he still knew his own limits. He knew he wasn"t that fast. However, he did not know that happiness came so suddenly, his promotion of a few people in the moon shadow.

This girl who had turned her enemy into a friend had given him a few important a.s.sistance and pleasant surprises.

"Why aren"t you asleep yet?" Liu Wei An took off his own clothes and draped them over Huang Jiajia"s shoulder.

She was wearing thin clothes, and her face was a little blue. Her already thin body looked even thinner, and as a result of staying in prison for a long time, her face did not even have a few pieces of flesh on it. As she reduced her weight, her two large eyes became more prominent as she looked at Liu Wei An An, revealing a emotion that a young girl should not have.

Naturally, Liu Wei An held her in his arms, warming her with his body and pressing his chin against her head. "Don"t worry, I"m fine."

The little girl"s slightly pale face had a faint blush on it. It was a bit bashful, but she didn"t resist. Instead, she placed her small hand on Liu Wei An"s thick waist.

This night was not quiet. During the battle in the day, too many people were injured. There were those who dealt with wounds, operated on them, repaired their equipment, and formed a team … Everyone was extremely busy, but they all avoided the area. Liu Wei An and Huang Yue held each other quietly, enjoying the silence and warmth.

"I"ve heard my grandpa say that governance of a country is like cooking food, neither hurried nor impatient. The size of the country, the principles are the same, for example, telling a highway that the Darkhan Dynasty has so many people and the number of cars in the universe is the highest. But as long as one follows the rules, there is nothing wrong with it …" Huang Yuyue"s slightly childish voice was a little out of place when she spoke of such a great principle. The logic behind it was not very clear.

Liu Wei An held her hand tighter, and his heart felt especially warm. The failure during the day, on the one hand, was undoubtedly due to strength, but most importantly, it was related to the command. The command was chaotic, and one could neither move nor retreat, the tank army was a powerful force, and yet it was crippled without being able to exert its full power. The security team"s combat strength was not low, but they could only exert 20% of their full strength.

From the casualty figures, it could be seen that those who died were basically the new members of the peace team. The old members of the security team were very few in number.

After the security team entered the high-speed expansion, there was almost no training. They banned this set of military management, which Zeng Huai had only mentioned a few times, but because there weren"t any big problems, plus the unstoppable offensive, the situation was getting better. Liu Wei An ignored this point, but in fact, even Zeng Huai had forgotten about it.

But the problem was, if it didn"t explode, then nothing would happen. Once it did, there was still a chance to recover. After Liu Wei An sent Huang Yue to bed, the first meeting after the expansion of the territory was held in the middle of the night. After Liu Wei An sent Huang Yue to sleep, the first meeting after the expansion of the territory was held in the middle of the night.

The meeting didn"t last long, most of the time, it was either Liu Wei"an who spoke, or announcing, and the others were listening. Liu Wei An talked for half an hour, and then the discussion lasted for one hour, and finally, it lasted for ten minutes. At the end of the meeting, when many people walked out, their footsteps were firm and their eyes were sharp.

Liu Wei An entered the game. He needed to prepare for his own advancement, so he temporarily didn"t attack. He had to rest for half a month.

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