Rise From The Doom

Chapter 537

"Mayor Liu, you self-proclaimed yourself, right?" When Jiang Chengfeng said this, the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became tense, as if a storm was brewing.

"What do you mean?" Ouyang Xiu Rui said in a deep voice. His eyes were filled with killing intent. Some things could be done, but they couldn"t be said to be done. The mayor, Liu Wei An, was naturally self-styled, and this was an act of treason and a violation of the law. Jiang Chengfeng was an outsider, but he couldn"t let him know. Otherwise, if word of this got out, Liu Wei An would be in deep trouble.

Jiang Chengfeng flicked a glance at Ceng Huai"s hand, which was on the weapon just now, and a trace of indiscernible disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"My appet.i.te is not that small. The person I am calling myself is not the mayor, but the Taoist." Liu Wei An said with a smile, as if he didn"t notice the tense atmosphere at all.

"Apologies, apologies. Please forgive my poor eyesight, Daoist Master Liu." Jiang Chengfeng greeted him again.

"I"m sorry, I don"t want to call myself that, it"s just that —" Liu Wei"an sighed, indicating Wu Lili to find the information of his wanted criminal, "I want to take the official examination as a civil servant, and then step by step, walk into the position of mayor and Taoist priest. "But the government doesn"t want to do it. I thought that instead of begging from others, I might as well earn it myself. So I decided to become a Taoist and fulfill my childhood dream."

"I always thought I was very bold, but after seeing Daoist Master Liu, I found out that I was really far from being my match." Jiang Chengfeng retracted his gaze from Liu Wei An"s wanted poster and took out a piece of paper from his chest pocket. "Actually, we can be considered colleagues. My original name was Xiao Luoyu."

"Are you the one who kidnapped Vice Governor Zhang"s family three years ago, Xiao Luoyu?" Ouyang Xiu Rui suddenly stood up with a shocked expression.

"You had a plastic surgery?" Zeng Huaicai frowned, his expression becoming increasingly vigilant.

"I drank a bottle of bone-crushing water." Jiang Chengfeng said nonchalantly.

He could tell from the name that this was the best cosmetic medicine. Even his mother wouldn"t be able to recognize this bottle of water, but the pain it brought was unbearable for those who drank it. Nine out of ten people who died from the pain and dared to drink it were all amazing people.

The name of Bone Wiping Water was a bit like the Hundred Herbs Desolation from several hundred years ago.

Three days ago, the Xiangshui Province"s Vice Governor, Zhang De Biao"s family, went on a tour of Earth and was robbed away in outer s.p.a.ce by the interstellar bandit, Xiao Luoyu. Three days later, Zhang De Biao"s family was sent back, with the exception of two infants, all 12 of them were killed, including Zhang De Biao and his wife, two brothers, and their parents.

The most miserable of them all was Zhang Debiao himself. Through the a.n.a.lysis, his muscles were injected with "Strong Regeneration Water". It was clear that the people who tortured him were worried that he would die too soon and use "Strong Regeneration Water" to prolong his life.

This incident had a huge impact on the entire Darkhan Dynasty. Xiao Luoyu was wanted by the empire, and Ouyang Xiu remembered this incident because he was responsible for publicizing this area that year. He had seen some internal materials and had not slept well for several nights, so he was deeply impressed by this extremely vicious Xiao Luoyu.

"Because Vice Governor Zhang Debiao was also serving as the military"s commander, and the military issued a wanted order as well. I also partic.i.p.ated in the hunt, and after tracking them for only three months, I caught a few unrelated people. Xiao Luoyu seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth, and never appeared again." Ceng Huai-cai

She recalled.

"Why did you —" Wu Lili suddenly stopped because she had discovered that Jiang Chengfeng had suddenly become a completely different person.

Jiang Chengfeng sank into reminiscence as a sorrowful emotion filled his heart. His deep and calm voice rang out.

"I was born in a rich family, my genes are probably better than others. I have been a child of another family since I was young, a good role model, and a standard for my peers. "Reading, I was skipping, every time I took a test, I would be first in the entire year, 16 years old. I was in high school, I was in university, I graduated in four years, I graduated in 2 years, I graduated first in the entire school. What I regret the most is that I did not join the army after graduation, but chose to do business."

"When I was in university, I talked about a girlfriend, a very ordinary girl with a very poor family. The first time I saw her, she ate in the school cafeteria to offset the high school fees. She was two years older than me, and I could have graduated in college in a year.

After graduation, she said that she wanted to start a business, so I joined her. With the help of my parents, my path of business was very smooth, my starting capital of 100 thousand copper coins only took a year and a half, and I already had 120 million in a.s.sets, and after the third year, our a.s.sets broke through 5 billion, and that was the year. I remember very clearly, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, she said that she had received a big order and needed to sign a contract, and at that time, I did not want her to go, because it was Mid-Autumn, and I wanted to spend time with her, but she said that her clients only had the time to do it, so I did not stay on that night.

Jiang Chengfeng"s expression was fierce as his voice grew deeper and calmer. "Half a month later, I found a bracelet from her at the crematorium. It was given to me by her mother when she was young." It was made by her mother herself, a bracelet polished with stone. It was her most precious thing, and she regarded it as life. From the crematorium staff, he learned that when she was sent here, she was still breathing. She was forcefully sent to the crematorium to be burned alive. Her body was covered in wounds and bruises, not a single part of her body was intact … Inside her spark furnace, I saw a faint handwriting on the wall: Rain.

Just thinking about how high the temperature inside the furnace was was was enough to scare people away. The furnace"s materials were hard, and it was hard to injure with blades and swords. A heavily injured woman was actually able to leave words on it, just what kind of power was supporting her.

"... I went crazy in search of my enemy and exhausted all my connections. Finally, I found him, Zhang Debiao, the Deputy Governor. Even though my family has some money, compared to other people"s status, my family has some money, so I can"t do anything about it. I locked myself in my house for half a year and didn"t go out, my parents were worried about me, they used some connections to help me vent my anger, and just as I was about to make a move, I was discovered by Zhang Debiao. My mother was. .h.i.t by a large truck, and my father was captured for tax evasion. At night, when I came back, I killed all of the staff who were present at the crematorium. After that, monitoring Zhang De Biao became the only thing that I could do in my life. Finally, three years ago, I waited for an opportunity. " Jiang Chengfeng"s expression could not be described as ending. He paused for a long time before slowly saying, "Taking revenge is even more painful, so I had no choice but to become a pirate. Heh heh, I thought I was wandering in s.p.a.ce my entire life, but now the world is in chaos and I"ve come back."

"Too bad there"s no wine." Zeng Huai sighed.

"I"m drunk." Ouyang Xiu Rui said.

Everyone laughed heartily. Unknowingly, they had closed the distance between them and Jiang Chengfeng.

"I have ammunition, materials, food, genetic medicine, talent, gold coins. I wonder what Taoist Liu needs?" Jiang Chengfeng"s expression became serious again.

"Originally, I had thought that it would be food. However, now, I have changed my mind." Liu Wei An said.

"Go ahead."

"I want a universe ship, you kidnapped Zhang De Biao"s ship." Liu Wei An said.

"If it were still in my hands, I would give it to you without hesitation. However, I don"t have it anymore." Jiang Chengfeng had a regretful expression on his face.

"You sold it?" As a soldier, he was very clear about the huge benefits of a universe ship.

"I exiled him into s.p.a.ce, killed Zhang De Biao"s family, and lost his universe ship. After the chaotic world happened, I too was filled with regret. Who would"ve thought, it would be so difficult to get a universe ship now." Jiang Chengfeng had a bitter expression on his face.


Ouyang Xiu Rui and Zeng Huaiqi"s expressions were as wonderful as they could get. They had seen a prodigal s.p.a.ceship before, but they had never seen such a prodigal one. A s.p.a.ceship, that was a s.p.a.ceship, not a bicycle. He had actually lost it so casually.

"You don"t need to look at me like that. I"ve already despised myself many times." Jiang Chengfeng said dejectedly.

"How much food is there?" Liu Wei An was silent for a while before he asked.

"Thirty tons, but I can"t trade all of them. I have to keep some for myself." Jiang Chengfeng asked.

"Use grain to exchange first. If it"s not enough, use genetic medicine or materials. Mayor Ouyang, you are responsible for this." Liu Wei An said.

"Yes sir!" Ouyang Xiu Rui answered.

After discussing some details, Jiang Chengfeng took his leave and returned to the caravan to make the necessary arrangements.

"Is this person trustworthy?" Wu Lili asked.

"Unless Xiao Luoyu told his story to someone else, it should be believable." On the other hand, those who had seen the records all had details that weren"t recorded in the doc.u.ments. It was impossible for outsiders to know about them in such detail.

"It doesn"t matter whether he"s real or fake, as long as the food is real." Liu Wei An said with a smile. Wu Lili thought for a moment and felt that it made sense. Jiang Chengfeng was already on the level. Even if he wanted to think of something, he would have to consider it thoroughly. If Qian Ruhai was fine, he would still be a bit worried. But now, the entire righteous path was filled with people, like an iron bucket. If outsiders wanted to divide, they would only be bringing shame upon themselves.

The number of trades were large, and with the first deal, everyone was more cautious. It took them a whole day to complete the deal. Ouyang Xiu Rui came back with a report and brought back a piece of news.

At the same price, the genetic medicine that Jiang Chengfeng had brought with him was much more concentrated than the one that was provided by the Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce.

"Same breed?" Liu Wei An asked after pondering for a while.

"Professor Deng has already been tested. They"re all the same genetic medicine. The only difference is the concentration. Jiang Chengfeng"s genetic medicine concentration is about 8% higher." Ouyang Xiu Rui said.

"Don"t say anything about this, just say h.e.l.lo to Jiang Chengfeng and tell him that we"ve only traded food. Don"t say anything else." A light flashed across Liu Wei An"s eyes.

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