Rise From The Doom

Chapter 552

The army seemed determined to eradicate this stronghold. It continued to attack for a day and a night without stopping for a quarter of an hour. In the sky, helicopters were firing back and forth. This time, they ate well and flew very high, not giving the slave army a chance to hit them. Five armoured vehicles and two tanks on the ground were bombarding the ground. The sniper had appeared out of nowhere and killed people several hundred meters away. There were troops everywhere, and the sound of gunfire could be heard from the morning until the evening.

Dozens of buildings were destroyed, and the streets were beaten beyond recognition. The slave army broke out of the encirclement a few times, but they were also caught up to several dozen miles around. Corpses could be seen everywhere on the ground. The military had suffered heavy losses. Two armoured vehicles had been destroyed, more than three hundred soldiers had died, and more had been seriously injured. In contrast, however, the slave-army casualties were even greater.

Those who joined the rebellion in succession had died for close to twenty thousand. Those who did not join the rebellion did not know how many had died. In any case, as long as they were discovered, there would be no survivors.

The lion had less than 30 direct descendents left, and this was the result of Liu Wei"an taking care of them. Otherwise, it would have been great if the spider had been shot in the left chest. Luckily, it had not hit its vital points. Once again, Alec was taken care of by a sniper rifle. A bowl-sized hole was shot through his abdomen, but his miraculous healing ability saved him. In less than three hours, he recovered completely.

The youth with the flying knives had lost an eye. This caused his already arrogant face to turn incomparably gloomy, as if someone owed him millions of gold coins.

San Ye was shot in the leg and became a lame old man. However, he did not care at all. Every time he charged, he would always be at the forefront, filled with a heroic spirit.

Liu Wei An and the lion were considered better inside. They were only scratched by a stray bullet and looked like they were covered in blood. Basically, they had been shot at by someone else, so they didn"t do much damage. After Liu Wei An found the sniper rifle"s bullets in the transport car, he had always treated himself as a sniper and had never charged in front of anyone, so he was able to preserve his life. However, for the rest of them, they needed the existence of a sniper.

Five snipers appeared in the army. If it wasn"t for Liu Wei An, half of the people here would have been able to survive. Liu Wei An"s most dangerous battle was dealing with two snipers at the same time, attacking from both sides. He managed to escape death"s grasp several times and finally succeeded in killing the enemy.

It could be said that Liu Wei An had always been the center of attention, and he had saved everyone before.

The reason why the lion wasn"t injured was because he had the highest martial prowess out of all of them. After breaking through, Liu Wei An suspected that he possessed the strength of a bronze-level advanced stage or even a silver-level primary stage. It was because of his existence that the team managed to break out of the siege several times. Although they were chased by the army in the end, without the lion, they wouldn"t even be able to break out of the siege once. In addition, there was an elephant.

Apart from sniping bullets, ordinary bullets could only penetrate the surface of his skin at most. At most, they would only be able to stop a single warhead. Moreover, this ability could be greatly enhanced after being satiated. The second abnormality was his body"s healing ability. Although it wasn"t as good as Aley"s, it was still ten times stronger than an ordinary person"s.

However, his abilities were closely related to his diet. If he was hungry, his abilities would decrease. Only when he was full would his abilities be normal. The problem was that this guy was hungry too quickly. One person"s appet.i.te was more than ten times that of an ordinary person"s. If it wasn"t for Liu Wei An robbing more food, it probably wouldn"t even be enough for him alone.

When daybreak arrived, the army launched the most ferocious attack in history. Even Liu Wei An, who was at the highest point of the army, was beaten up so badly that he couldn"t even lift his head up, let alone the people below him.

Gla.s.s flew everywhere. Liu Wei An covered his head tightly with a corpse to prevent himself from getting broken. It was a small matter. If he wasn"t careful, he might get stabbed in the head by the sharp gla.s.s.

Three hundred meters away, the head of a soldier who was shooting a submachine gun exploded as he fell backwards onto the ground. Down the corridor, Alley, who was running frantically, looked at the pillar that was less than two meters away in despair, closed his eyes, and waited for the bullet that had reached him from the back of his b.u.t.t to reach him, only to find that the bullet had suddenly gone up, sweeping the ceiling with it before it turned around, just in time to see the soldier fall to the ground. He hurriedly flashed and appeared behind the pillar, his body filled with the joy of surviving a calamity.

After the shot, Liu Wei An quickly rolled his body and rolled over the broken gla.s.s. It was definitely going to take a lot of courage, but Liu Wei An didn"t hesitate at all.

The next moment, hundreds of meters away, a Vulcan Cannon suddenly burst into flames. The lion and the other twenty or so people simultaneously shot and killed more than a dozen people before immediately crouching down.

Their bodies and walls touched each other, and they immediately shrunk their bodies into a ball, rolling into another room. Only then did they dare to squat and dash forward a few steps, jumping into a corridor from a windowless window. The moment they almost landed on the ground, the original room was. .h.i.t by a cannonball, and amidst the explosion, the flames shot out in all directions. He didn"t know if there were any burns, so he didn"t bother to check them out. He quickly ran through the corridor, rushed into another room, and continued his a.s.sa.s.sination.

When the first ray of the sun rose from the horizon, the army finally stopped their attacks and retreated five kilometers away. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Their bodies became weak and they just sat there motionlessly on the ground. Only Liu Wei An was still able to maintain his physical strength. He had been replenishing his physical strength with the strength seed. As soon as he saw the enemy retreating, he went downstairs to collect his weapons. Weapons were a matter of life and death. The enemy troops had an endless supply of weapons, but they did not have any. One bullet meant one less bullet. The reason why he had to fight so hard before was because he didn"t have enough ammunition. Thus, he had to use it sparingly.

He had just reached the 30th floor when he suddenly raised his head. Two red dots of light entered his eyes and moved towards him at an astonishing speed. When he saw what the two dots of light were, his pupils dilated and his face turned extremely ugly.

"There"s a missile, quickly find cover."

When he reached the third floor, he took out his sniper rifle and used it to support himself on the aluminum alloy fence. With a loud bang, the sniper rifle immediately changed to ninety degrees, Liu Wei An did not pay any attention to it, but when he was at the second floor, he pulled out his sniper rifle and broke it into two halves. However, Liu Wei An"s falling momentum was also reduced, after landing, he rolled two times before getting up again, and charged towards a direction while shouting at the lion and the others.

"Let"s go!"

The others didn"t hear what Liu Wei An had shouted from the 30th floor. Although they were curious, they weren"t very alarmed when they saw Liu Wei An"s burning a.s.s look. The enemy had already retreated, so what danger was there? Only lions and elephants listened to Liu Wei An"s words.

"Hurry and go — —" The lion hesitated for a moment, but still carried San Ye on its back and rushed out of the hall. A dozen remaining direct descendants, spiders, elephants, and San Ye"s underlings also rushed out. The youth looked left and right, thought for a moment, and then followed him out. There were still fifty people left, and a dozen of them ran out hesitantly. The rest of them did not want to move, and joked, "Don"t think about getting me up unless there"s a missile in the sky." Before he finished his sentence, his eyes suddenly turned round and his face turned bloodless. He stared blankly for almost a second before jumping up from the ground. He didn"t even have the time to take out his gun before he rushed out of the building.

The others looked at him in confusion. The next moment, they all jumped up like they had been struck by lightning, rushed out of the building, and chased after Liu Wei An and the others.

At this moment, there was no one who did not see the missiles in the sky. They wished that their parents would give up on their legs and use all their strength to run. The sound of the missiles piercing through the air was getting louder and louder, as if they were all behind them.

He did not know if this distance was enough, but he knew that even if he won, the people like Lion, who were tens of meters behind, would not be able to survive. Looking left and right, he pointed at an armoured vehicle that had been blown up and shouted.

"All inside the armored vehicles, Elephant, turn him over."

The elephant gave a low roar and flipped the armoured vehicle over. Liu Wei An first opened the door and jumped in, throwing out the five or six corpses inside before letting the people in. The lion was the last to enter, and as for those who didn"t catch up, they didn"t care anymore, the moment he closed the door, the missile hit the building.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

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