Rise From The Doom

Chapter 581

The scene was silent. After a long while, Fu Jiang finally spoke, "I suggest that the mastermind be executed!"

"You can"t!" Liu immediately objected.

"Reason?" Liu Wei An looked at Fu Jiang.

"Three days ago, we sent a letter to Chen Laoshan, but the other side did not seem to care about this grandson of Chen Bohan, nor did they care about him. They directly said that unless all the prisoners were released, they would not negotiate with us." Yang Wujiang said.

"This old man is willing to make a trip, I can definitely persuade Princ.i.p.al Chen Laoshan." Liu is now a powerful figure.

"Professor Liu, please take a seat. Where"s Chen Bohan?" Liu Wei An looked at everyone.

"Room 5." Zhou Xian Yang said.

"Bring it up!"

Chen Bohan was very good at being brought up. He appeared to be about twenty-five to twenty-six years old, full of heroic spirit, filled with righteousness between his brows, and his physique strong and robust. He walked into the meeting room with his head held high and his chest puffed up.

"Who gave him food?" Liu Wei An"s expression suddenly changed.

"Professor Liu suggested not to mistreat the prisoners." The warrior that brought Chen Bohan up said.

"Isn"t there no more food?" Liu Wei An stared coldly at Liu Jing.

"We haven"t eaten in two days." The warrior said in a low voice, with a trace of grievance in his voice.

"Break both of his legs!" Liu Wei An"s expression immediately darkened.

"You can"t — —" Liu now stood up in alarm, "If you hurt Chen Bohan, then you won"t be able to explain it to Princ.i.p.al Chen Laoshan!"

"Could it be that no one has ever thought that my men are injured or dead? Could it be that Chen Laoshan is unable to explain himself to me?" Liu Wei An said coldly.

"In a battle between two armies, casualties are unavoidable. The intention to abuse the captives is truly despicable." A few scholars stood up to support him.

"It seems like no one can understand my words?" Liu Wei An"s gaze was as sharp as a knife as he scanned the area around the ten leaders.

Chen Bohan landed on his knees, his face full of pain, but this person was tough, his teeth were clenched tightly, and he didn"t make a sound, but continued to use his haughty eyes to look at Liu Wei"an, with disdain.

"Dao Lord Liu, I understand your feelings. However, by doing this, you will only bring greater difficulty to the cooperation between the two sides." Liu now said in a deep voice.

"When the prisoners were brought back, did anyone mistreat them?" Liu Wei An looked at everyone.

"There is no mistreatment!" Zhou Xian Yang said.

"What did they do to us?"

Liu Wei An looked at Liu Jing.

"This …" Liu didn"t know how to answer.

"Talking with a venomous snake will only harm everyone in the end. Professor Liu can guarantee it with the lives of his entire family. If I don"t hurt Chen Bohan, won"t they attack us?" If Professor Liu is able to put down the military order, I"ll immediately ask the doctor to treat Chen Bohan. " Liu Wei An said.

"I …" Liu Ming"s expression changed a few times, but he didn"t dare to reply.

"Since even Professor Liu is uncertain, please take a seat. The lives of hundreds of thousands of our soldiers cannot be relied on." Liu Wei An said coldly.

Liu now had a drastic change in expression as he sat down with a dark face.

"In an hour, the entire army will gather at the Bell Tower Plaza. Those who are late or absent, behead!" Liu Wei An suddenly gave the order with murderous intent. He didn"t even look at Chen Bohan when he brought it up.

Everyone was stunned, but Liu Wei An didn"t explain as he led Wu Lili out of the meeting room.

Everyone was still in Anji Street. Although they were at the border with Fuzhou Road, they still needed an hour to feel the clock tower"s plaza. Time was of the essence, so they didn"t have much time to think and quickly gathered their teams to go.

An hour later, in the square of the clock tower.

The black ma.s.s of the Peace Corps was here. Aside from the two squads that were stationed at the base, the other eight battalions" main forces were all present. Each squadron consisted of 15 thousand people, for a total of 120,000.

However, there were far more than one hundred and twenty thousand people here. There were more than two hundred thousand men and eighty thousand captives. These captives were no longer treated like before. They lived in luxurious hotels and had a meal a day. Their hands and feet were tied with string made from indica rice and they enjoyed the treatment of a captive.

The Indica rice was extremely tough, even evolved people would not be able to break it. It was the best way to bind someone.

The square was circular, so the formation was circular. The security team surrounded the captives, and the most important ones were Liu Wei An, Wu Lili, and the elephant. There was also Chen Bohan, who was kneeling on the ground.

He was an evolved person, but he did not evolve his pain perception. He almost fainted from the pain and fell to his knees, no longer having the heroic spirit he had an hour ago.

"I wasn"t here before, but something happened to our Peace Corps." Liu Wei An"s calm voice spread across the entire square, "Sorry for the grievances."

The solemn atmosphere became lighter, and many warriors felt their hearts warm up. It was true that if a prisoner who had exploded his food had something to eat, he would instead starve. Moreover, these people had also killed his comrades, so no matter who it was, they would still feel angry. However, the rules of the Peace Corps prevented them from having any objections.

"It won"t happen again. Everyone here is the most important person in my life. No one is more important than you." As soon as Liu Wei An finished his sentence, a palm struck down.

"Crack ~ ~ ~"

Chen Bohan"s head burst open and he collapsed to the ground without making a sound.

Hiss —

At this moment, not to mention the eight captains, each guest and eighty thousand captives, none of them had expected Liu Wei An to suddenly make a move.

After a short period of calm, there was a roar of rage. The 80,000 captives released a furious roar, their eyes shot out a sharp killing intent, they wanted nothing more than to tear Liu Wei An into pieces and struggle with all their might to tie him up.

"You … How can you kill him? " Liu Wei An rushed over like a fleeting ray of light. His speed was extremely fast, but Liu Wei An"s attack was too sudden and there was no time.

"What is it? Can"t we kill him? " Liu Wei An asked.

"You are provoking the anger of Chen Laoshan, ruining our cooperation."

"This is the opportunity." Liu Jing said while suppressing his anger.

"Chen Laoshan, why aren"t you afraid of provoking my anger?" "To pay with one"s life." Liu Wei An said coldly, "In my dictionary, I have never seen anyone who killed me alive. Brothers, tell me loudly, should I kill this person?"




Three loud shouts shook the heavens. The eighty thousand prisoners trembled in fear, their faces ashen. Liu Wei An narrowed his eyes as he looked at Liu Jing. His intention was clear, killing Chen Bohan was what everyone wanted.

"The erection is not worth mentioning!" Liu now threw down his words and returned back to the ranks of the Guest Warriors.

"Where"s Tiger of the Forest?" Liu Wei An shouted coldly.

"Here!" The forest tiger stepped out and loudly responded.

"You have 10 minutes to execute all the prisoners!" Liu Wei An"s understatement was like a bomb, causing everyone to feel like they were going to explode.

Some were aghast, some were astonished, some were excited. Only the captive"s expression was the most uniform: despair, and deep despair.

"I object!" Liu Shisui shouted.

"Can you hear me?" Liu Wei An didn"t care about Liu Hao at all. He just stared coldly at Tiger of the Forest, his narrowed eyes flashing with an extremely sharp light.

"Yes!" The Forest Tiger was frightened.

Liu Wei An appeared again in front of Liu Wei An and held out his hand to stop Lin Hu. This time, he didn"t come alone, there were a few people following behind him. They weren"t Gold rank, but they were all Silver rank late stage and were at their peak.

Lin Hu did not know what to do. Before he had joined the Peace Corps, he had done a lot of selfish things and had lost a lot of manpower, but he had never done anything like executing eighty thousand prisoners at once. This was not eight lives, nor was it eighty thousand.

He hoped that Liu Wei An would be able to take back the order.

"If you can"t do it, I"ll let the elephant do it." Liu Wei An said lightly.

Lin Hu"s finger trembled as he moved past Liu Zhi and coldly said, "Everyone, listen to my orders, aim for —"

"Don"t kill —" Liu was in a great hurry to stop Lin Hu once again.

"Fu Jiang, listen up!" Liu Wei An said with an expressionless face.

"Here!" Fu Jiang stepped out.

"Anyone who disobeys or blocks the order shall be killed without pardon!" Liu Wei An"s words didn"t hide the killing intent in his eyes at all. The strong chill made everyone"s body turn cold. Even a Gold rank expert couldn"t avoid it. Liu Ming"s body trembled, and at the moment he hesitated, Lin Hu gave the order.

"Shoot!" The forest tiger roared.

Bullets shot from all directions, and blood blossomed from the captive"s body. The rice being harvested fell to the ground, and the sound reverberated through the entire square. Some people were willing to face death as if they were in a panic, and even more people were afraid to cry.

"Don"t kill me, I don"t want to die!"

"Please, let me go. It was all planned by Chen Bohan. I didn"t do anything."

"Devils, you are devils, I will not let you off even if I become a ghost!"

… ….

The gunfire continued for ten minutes. In fact, by the eighth minute, there was no sound on the battlefield anymore. The place was littered with corpses and the thick smell of blood permeated the entire square.

"Reporting to the Dao Lord, the mission is complete!" The forest tiger roared loudly, its eyes turning red without anyone noticing. Although he did not make a move, the strong killing intent had already affected him. Its heart was blocked by a wave of energy, and it wished to vent.

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