Rise Of A Fallen God

Chapter 145

Running forward a youth is trying his best to fix his torn and bloodied clothes, today was the finals of the martial arts tournament and he was one of the finalist that was to fight.

He then looked back at the dead bodies that now littered this once empty forest, thinking about his future Osie no longer looked back as he ran past the trees in the forest.

Osie was 19 years old and after he won or lost he would be joining the military, like all other youths at the age of 19 joining the Warlore Planetary Defence Force was a proud thing.

Who knew that his enemies were going to ambush him today so that not only would he miss his chance to win the finals but end up dead and shame his entire family by looking to be a runaway trying to avoid the army draft.

His military uniform was already sent to him earlier this month and he had no choice but to wear it today, otherwise if he showed up covered in blood his opponent would know he was not at his best.

Here on Warlore the power condensed inside everyone allowed one to control powerful Spirits.

The Spirit he had was only Rank C, while the strongest was S. Some have heard that in the higher levels of the Military there are SS or SSS ranked Spirit users. No one was sure on this but joining the Military would allow one to train their Spirit to a higher grade granting them untold power.

While Osie had an average C Rank Spirit it had an unknown type and was cla.s.sified as a Beast Spirit, he was proud of this and so was his family and friends. Having a Beast Spirit meant one was born for war and on this world, war was a very commonplace thing.

Only Osie and his wife Odel knew that his Spirit was injured and only weakened to the state of appearing as a C rank when in truth he possessed a S Rank Thunder Dragon Spirit.

While he did have a low rank spirit at birth while he was training in the depths of the forest he encountered a dark skinned youth that gifted him a orb that allowed his old spirit to evolve.

He was grateful of his youth but had no idea how to find him again or if the orb he obtained would allow his wife and family to gain a similar result.

The only thing he could do was win the tournament and allow his weakened spirit to eat the reward.

The reward for winning the Finals is to be drafted into the Sacred Wolf Legion, this Legion was built by a powerful ancestor who possessed a powerful Wolf Spirit.

No one knew what its elemental type was, only that it was able to suppress and destroy anything easily. Soon Osie no longer though about the Legion and thought about the rewards, for 1st place he would gain Spirit dew, this mystical liquid would allow any Spirit to be strengthened.

With his weakened Spirit in need of something like this he stopped hunting in the Deep forest and joined the tournament like many other youths. The only requirement was to have power to manifest the Spirit and for the Spirit to be C Rank or above.

During the tournament no one had seen Osie use Spirit manifestation, which would allow his Spirit to leave his body and fight alongside him.

This is also the reason those with Beast Spirits were valued more, having a Spirit Beast fighting alongside you in a war that could shield you from damage all while launching magical elemental attacks was a blessing no warrior could pa.s.s up.

Soon Osie saw the gate to the Colosseum, the guards on duty saw the military uniform and stood stiff only to realize it was Osie the Finalist that they were waiting on.

It was a light blue tight fitting shirt that had powerful protection runes carved into its design that showed on the shirt glowing bright silver.

The long pants were similarly filled with runes and were pure silver and blue, everyone knew this was the military uniform for all new recruits and called them Blue Wolves.

Both guards on duty saw the young BlueWolf running toward them and only thought about the trouble a youth who just joined the Military would cause.

Once they saw that it was Osie they relaxed, he was a youth of this small city and he had shown them that he was not only a great person but forgiving.

Arriving at the gate Osie showed his badge that was a bright Silver with a bit of gold taking up the four corners of the badge.

This badge was linked with him by blood and showed signs of becoming pure Gold which would mean that he became the champion. While those ranked below him were Silver each with one, or more gold corners of their badge filled, showing how far they came in the tournament.

Those other youths in the top ten were watching as Osie in his Military uniform walked onto the stage to stand alongside another youth, everyone looked on as their badges started to glow.

A sign that showed that both badges wanted to devour the power of the other.

Once one lost to many matches their badge would dim and lose its connection with the holder, while winning would allow the badge to change and become stronger. Those thousands of youths fighting in this tournament all fought for the past few months trying to get a silver badge but failed.

While Osie who joined late with his copper badge quickly and easily crushed hundreds for his to evolve into a silver badge. Then he challenged the top 100 youths and beat them until he was ranked second and would fight for first place and the chance to become the champion.

The youth standing next to Osie was sweating even more now once he saw Osie enter and walk on the stage perfectly fine, he knew that others were trying to kill Osie and their were a few A Ranked Spirit users among the group of 20 that was sent to kill him.

Osie showing up frightened him even more so than when he found out what type of Spirit Osie had.

While no one had seen Osie manifest his Spirit the organizers knew it was a Thunder Dragon Spirit, they also saw that it was recovering and was only temporarily at C Rank.

This is also one of the reason they allowed such late entry, the higher ups forced their hand and pushed Osie through.

This youth with a Dragon Spirit shocked them, they were sure he was from the Serpent Clan and while the stronger ones of this Clan could evolve their spirits they never heard of someone with a F Rank Spirit evolving theirs into a Dragon Spirit.

Sitting in a private room watching the youths below is a man wearing a black version of Osie"s uniform, reflecting off the gla.s.s in front of him one could see a wolf medal attached to his chest.

The wolf was covered in black scales and howled at the silver moon above, this was a medal only those within the Sacred Wolf Legion could wear.

This middle aged man was here for the winner of this small Cities tournament, never in his wildest dreams did he expect to find a Dragon Spirit among the youths here. He showed up today to watch this match and he even saw how Osie killed those 20 men that tried to delay him.

He very much wished for Osie and the other youth to fight so he could get another look at Osie in combat but he was not expecting the same level of display as before. One fight was in a controlled environment while the other was with his life on the line, still he wished to see Osie fight today.

While he was waiting patiently he soon found himself annoyed as the youth on stage was visibly shaking out of fear, Osie was disappointed as well he never thought this youth would not even try to fight him after he learned what his Spirit was.

Within the crowd Osie looked over and saw a young girl with her head down trying not to be noticed, this was Odel his wife who had once nearly ruined them both.

He had no time to think about their past as he heard his opponents young wife yelling at him to fight.

Many youths could be seen in pairs, each a couple that is to be married.

Those with Spirits had to marry early or their Spirit would kill them and find a new host.

The reason why Spirits grew stronger was its bond with its host and dual cultivation that would strengthen it.

The main reason is that the Spirit would eat the user who lacked support, two Spirits were used to balance each other out inside the body but no one could house more than one Spirit without becoming a puppet.

Through the years many found that by pairing up with another they could form a balance, some did this with arranged marriages while others formed a pact with a fellow warrior who they fought together with since their youths.

Osie was arranged to marry Odel but when her family found out Osie, one of the Serpent Clans heirs possessed an F rank Snake Spirit they tried to cancel their marriage.

Once Osie"s father found out, he with his half Dragon-Serpent Spirit went and started to rampage, the only thing he could do for Osie was to delay the cancelation until Odel"s Spirit needed a companion.

This time would allow Osie to train and evolve his F rank Spirit or he would be forced to cancel his marriage and end up shaming his Clan and more importantly his father.

He clenched his fist as he looked over at Odel, she possessed a rare Phoenix type Beast Spirit and her family had many offers sent to them to sell her off. This was only because everyone found out Osie had an F Rank Spirit and if he could not improve to C rank he was to annul their marriage.

After being humiliated while growing up within the Clan he trained like a mad man with his spear, this spear was a weapon gifted to him by his mother once he turned 10.

With this spear he as a 10 year old youth left to train in the forest alone until he could improve himself, everyone expected him to die within the deep forest but if he could survive there was no doubt he would possess at least a C Rank Spirit.

Soon he snapped back to reality when his opponent roared and his Bear Spirit manifested besides him, his wife was finally calming down as she watched on. She did not mind if he lost but she would never allow him to surrender without fighting or it would make her look weak as well.

Many youths had no idea how this beauty married the nervous wreck on stage who possessed a Bear Beast Spirit that ranked at near the top when it came to Beast Spirits.
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His Spirit was even A Rank.

They did not believe he should be afraid of this unknown Beast type Spirit that was just C rank, they were all unaware that Osie possessed the highest ranked Beast Spirit which was a Dragon.

While the bear Spirit was also ranked highly by many people it could only compete with a Dragon Spirit if it evolved into a Divine Bear Spirit and Wilis this youth was not yet at that stage.

Wilis looked on at Osie and calmed his beating heart, then he looked over at his future wife and her glare before he took strides an ran forward towards Osie.

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