Rise Of A Fallen God

Chapter 160

Igna.s.s simply looked over at the side that wanted to go against him and cast them aside as a group of stupid fools who wanted to prove their point through their own deaths.

He only took the Elder G.o.ds that were near him in age seriously, now that he was fused with 2 others he did not think Dashnell would be a match for him, now that in his possession is more than just the Balance Affinity no matter how powerful it was.

Igna.s.s watched as the tens of thousands of G.o.ds of Creation and the millions of followers that they had all hidden moved to his side, leaving only the G.o.d of Balance Dashnell and the five Faction Leaders who only managed to keep a few of their fellow G.o.ds of Creation on their side.

"I will say this once more before I begin to slaughter you fools for testing my patience, join me! Is it so bad to be ruled by me, long ago I ruled for quite some time until Istina dethroned me and the Factions we have today were made.

The only ones who lose out on this are Istina and Nala why are you forcing me to kill all of you, are you not afraid that those created by you would vanish from this world never to appear again?"

Ignaas asked his fellow G.o.ds of Creation one last time pleading them to join his side over death.

"Ignaas you should know that none of us will allow you to rule, I am sure you will have trouble with us if we are to fight otherwise why all the words. We know how to survive, if the world must return to the chaotic times of old let it.

We prefer that rather than submitting to you and losing our right to Create life." Said Ghost, Ignaas former Leader.

Shaking his head Ignaas looked over at Chesla who was still recovering and licked his lips at the sight of her, His newfound desire for her coming from Higras.

Chesla"s white hair dropped down to her feet as she hung her head low trying to keep awake, she floated barefoot like most of the G.o.ds of Creation.

Her pale white eyes glow as a gold glint can be seen within, she was now holding a pale white sword as she kept her gaze on the youth who freed her.

Seeing this caused Ignaas to boil over in rage, just like Higras did when Nala and Istina ignored him when the youth showed up before, his fused personality was balancing out and he was becoming someone new.

Rahiem knew this would happen and happily allowed himself to be absorbed as they would truly become one and become a True G.o.d, one without flaws or limits with the ability to control the Void and avoid death.

The look on Ignaas face twitched as he realized this change in his psyche, soon a smile replaced it as he kept undergoing transformations before everyone"s eyes. Soon what they saw was an Elderly man floating in front of them looking down on those who opposed him.

This Grey haired Elder possessed similar eyes to the youth below, everyone quickly noticed this similarity. They only saw that within the Elders eyes were Black, Red, Gold, White, Silver while in Dashnells eyes there was an additional color of Green.

They all stared at Dashnells Green pupil and the iris like ring that the other colors rotated around as they circled the green pupil. Looking into those Draconic eyes frightened most of the G.o.ds of Creation many of them wanting nothing more than to flee.

"Child why is my power incomplete compared to yours? I Feel that you possess nothing within you like an empty Void, preventing me from seeing everything there is to understand about your power compared to mine.

From what I can feel my Domain of Balance is much larger and is covering yours, this why I know you will die but before I kill you to satiate this urge within me I must know how it is you have understood Balance."

Everyone heard Ignaas confirm their fears or hopes that he was indeed more powerful than Dashnell the young G.o.d of Balance below at least from his understanding.

The 5 Faction Leaders looked over at Dashnell who stood above the Barrier that protected Nala and Istina, they wanted to ask him if he would be helpful in this battle but decided to handle things themselves.

Just before they were about to launch their attack, Dashnell waved his hand that was once empty, what appeared in his hand was a pitch black sword that caused Chesla to visibly shake as she gripped her pale sword tighter.

The pitch black blade in the youths hand was similar in design to the one she owned and she had learned how to make weapons from Istina when she was young. A few of the others who knew her also looked at the youths weapon strangely but did not think much of it.

This sudden attack by Dashnell was seen as a desperate show of force to show that he could put up a fight against the more powerful G.o.d of Balance Ignaas.

They all saw the sword light rend s.p.a.ce and time as it sped towards Ignaas, Ignaas on the other hand looked down with pity at the child attacking him and did not bother to put too much into blocking the attack.

As they were both G.o.ds of Balance, the power they controlled was similar so how could this attack harm him? He would just absorb it, rendering Dashnells attack ineffective.

All G.o.ds understood this fact, that those who possessed the same Affinity could not truly harm each other unless one was ma.s.sively more powerful than the other just like now, but instead of taking on a different approach they watched Dashnell throw out an attack to seem strong.

The Faction Leaders hoped the youth possessed more than just the Affinity of Balance as he could then use that to fight against Ignaas. They all knew which Affinities Igna.s.s possessed and prepared to counter him by using those to power their attacks.

But before they could use this plan to force Ignaas back they were about to lose a strong piece in this upcoming war. Michael and Ghost were about to aid the youth until Chesla stopped them.

"Leave him!!

We should not be here, Nala has contacted me and told me to rush inside the barrier below it is the only thing that can withstand the youths attacks once he starts to rampage."
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These words only reached those who sided with the Faction Leaders, Chesla did not wish to save those who wanted only to live or those that betrayed her and allowed her to be a puppet for Higras.

She was certain that a few within her Faction were filled in by Higras.

After hearing from Chesla the small army of a few thousand rushed down and quickly entered the barrier below, the army Ignaas controlled was then sent to bombard it.

"Spare no single life within that Realm, Bring Nala, Istina and Chesla to me alive.

For everyone else, you can devour their power and make it you own, I will not fight you for it.

All I ask is that you beat those three women half to dea....." As he was trying to finish speaking the attack he tried to absorb ripped off his left hand and maimed the left side of his body.

The scream of pain and the blood, flesh and bone trying to come back together shocked all those watching, even Nala and Istina below only knew Dashnell would be able to fight Ignaas but this!!

"You say that my Domain is being overshadowed by yours but you are wrong!! It is your spec like Domain that is unable to match my own!

My Domain covers all within this reality and that Void within me is the Void itself, I absorbed it before coming here.

You and I have both been trapped within the Void for so long but it was I who learned True Balance and it was when I brought Nala and Istina back to life that I awakened and fully Controlled Balance.

I thought I would never get to test my idea and see if I could become one with the Void once I died but those two brought me back as soon as they realized what I did. Once I was back I expected a warm welcome from them but found myself in between the Void and this Reality.

That"s when I knew I could become one with the Void, but I had no way to get back into the Void unless I wished to kill Nala or Istina. Something I would never do, I could exit the Void but not enter it at will, not until you sent me back inside where I could absorb it.

Now that everyone on my side has entered the Barrier below I will do them this favor and end all of your lives here today, but don"t worry you will all be reborn but I will be taking your Status as G.o.ds of Creation as payment.

If you can once again in your new life awaken any Affinites, you will still be unable to call yourselves G.o.ds of Creation.

The difference between a G.o.d of Creation and those that awaken the Affinity of Creation is that one is naturally able to Create life without the need to expend life energy, while the other needs life energy unless they kill a naturally born G.o.d of Creation.

This is the only reason Raheim survived so long within the Void, he absorbed Ivan"s life essence.

If only Ivan possessed more Affinities, Raheim would have been able to exit the Void like I did if he awakened the Affinity of Time or s.p.a.ce."

After speaking for so much Dashnell looked over at the blood drained face of Ignaas.

"That wound will take time to heal Old Man, I infused Destruction, Death and Erosion into my attack.

Those Affinities work really well together after all."

The Tens of Thousands of G.o.ds of Creation no longer tried to flee they all deflated and looked over at Ignaas in disappointment. It was evident that the youth before them never seen them as threats and that included Ignaas who fused with 2 others to strengthen himself.

They all just hoped the youth kept his word and allowed them to be reborn once they were ultimately killed by him.

Ignaas looked at the dejected faces of his Kin and once again activated his Domain, this time however he used it to scan around him and indeed he saw that his barrier was large.

Larger than a few G.o.ds of Creations entire Realms put together but then as he looked outside its border he saw a ma.s.sive Green Serpent coiling around Reality and staring down at him.

He could not count its wings and he even noticed that more were growing on the body of the Serpent, and its size was also increasing at a visible rate. The same rate s.p.a.ce expanded naturally on its own.

All this information rocked Ignaas and he started to understand and as he did his uncolored pupil turned a Dark Grey for all to see, as it did his Domain became thousands of times larger until it too matched Dashnells in size.

This did not give Ignaas hope, even as his wounds were now healing at a faster rate. It allowed him to see that he was never an opponent for the Child before him, he never was going to even put up a challenge.

The evident fear in Ignaas"s eyes showed everyone once again that they were doomed to die for their choice.

They all saw Ignaas grow several trillion times stronger and even saw his pupil gain color just like Dashnell"s the only difference being Color and they knew this was the Color of owns own unique aura as Ignaas possessed a Dark Grey Domain while Dashnell"s was Green.

The final fight was going to be in Dashnells favor and they were all now watching Dashnell launch another simple sword strike at Ignaas. While the expression on Ignaas"s face was panicked he quickly saw a way to live another day.

He gathered his energy and pulled all his power into a desperate attack that would greatly wound even Dashnell and threw it all at the Barrier Below.

As a wicked smile crept across his face he fled in the direction of the G.o.ds of Creation and their army of Guardians and started to ma.s.sacre and absorb them.

He expected his attack to Delay Dashnell long enough so he could grab a few Affinities he lacked from his kin and their strongest Creations.

Only to feel his body go numb with pain as another Slash exited out of his back, this attack also saved a few of the G.o.ds of Creation he tried to kill.

Those few that did die at his hands had yet to be fully absorbed but he did acquire what he desired from them, wasting no more time and not wanting to be wounded again he vanished from sight.

Before Dashnell could rush after him Nala demanded he stay and revive those G.o.ds of Creation that were just killed.

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