An aroma of sweat fills the room as a moan is heard, with a thud the body of a young girl joins another on the bed. Looking through the room you can see a body of a naked female tied up, standing upright on the beds rails sweat drenches her body along with her own ever flowing juices gathering on the floor. Various glowing toys remain inside both her a.s.s and p.u.s.s.y, alone with many lashes on her soft flesh caused by a whip like object "my tail", her panting is betraying her as she is begging for more punishment even as her body is no longer responding to her.

The two on the bed are Eleanor and Hera while Trish pushed her luck causing her current state, though I am sure this was what she intended.

As I stand up and move away from the bed my tail makes its way out of one of the girls causing her to moan once more, the warmth made me forget where I placed it last. I look back one last time to admire my word of art, the c.u.m leaking out of each and everyone of their holes puts a smile on my face and improves my mood, it will be needed as I intend to show both the Demon Fox Clan and the Lynx Clan a proper way to treat others.

I wonder how should I play with them scratching my head as I think a pair of moist t.i.ts rest on my back, looking back again I notice the struggling Hera with barely any life in her eyes.

"Take me with you please Dashnell I never had a family in the Void, they were just thinking of the Clan don"t destroy them! If you must make them pay spare the younger ones!" Hera knew my methods from my time on the battlefields in the Void, she will be shocked to know how much I have changed.

With a light tap I use my tail to wake up Eleanor and Trish, when that fails to wake them I split it in two and drive it deep inside them. This wakes them up but the effect was to strong as Trish broke her restraints an rushed me, while Eleanor made her way to me at her own pace making sure to keep hold of my tail inside her. "Stop you l.u.s.tful beasts! We have things to do I will break you down after we take control of this Clan but until then you will have to endure!!" Thinking these words would snap the two from their l.u.s.tful daze I turned my back on them.

Only to be tackled to the ground by Trish, she halted while I spoke only to resume when I stopped talking to her. She is too well trained as a dog, that her urges are now taking over what"s worse is Eleanor is joining in. As the four of us once again begin, the plug inside Trish"s a.s.s is no longer needed as I intend to give her a lesson she will enjoy. The b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l moan escapes the sealed room forcing those on the other side to begin throwing themselves at the door, but I have already placed a barrier to block them.

Continuing the a.n.a.l a.s.sault on Trish each thrust causes a puddle of drool to form below both her mouth and p.u.s.s.y, a low growl then comes from Eleanor on the side who feels left out. Thrust after thrust sends pleasure down Trish"s spine, my tail is in multi task mode keeping both Hera and Eleanor occupied long enough for me to finish this starving women off. 10 minutes later Trish is a lump of exhausted flesh lying limp on the ground with the only sign she is alive her slow breathing that happens every so often.

Next is the nearest of the two Hera, she seems to have realized her mistake in tempting me as memories of this happening to her in the past flood her mind. No longer in a semi dazed state she does not resist as she spreads her legs, her face bright red her 9 tails doing the best they can to hid her l.u.s.tful gaze and antic.i.p.ation of what is to come. Using my tail to drag her closer I dive into those 9 tails to get face to face with the reborn beauty, as my nose touches hers she grabs my b.a.l.l.s.

"f.u.c.k me! I don"t need foreplay give me everything that you gave Trish she seemed to love it so much she pa.s.sed out." A smile soon transformed into a face that had its eyes rolled into the back of her head. With the 9 tailed fox defeated my last victim is the beauty licking my tail up and down as she grinds on it, the four tails merge back into one as it coils around her bringing her closer to me as it wraps around her upper body.

"So how do you wish to be devoured? I am guessing a combi-." She looks at me as she kisses me to seal my mouth, after she pulls back she says. "I want another child Dashnell, so f.u.c.k me with that in mind anything and everything else I will accept but impregnate me!"


Outside Princess Hera"s room

"Master this barrier is not something she can make, before it was her own barrier after she was beaten for not showing up for the party were her future husband wanted to see her. She has been hiding in her room since then, a few hours ago the barrier changed into this purple one we have here." The guard reported. The Demon Fox Clan Elder brushed his 9 tails against the surface of the purple barrier.

After putting a bit of force on the barrier it shattered and he wore a smug expression as he looked at the guard. But before he could praise himself or give the guard a mouthful the door was swung open and a youth carrying the sweat drenched body of Hera in a light red nightgown over his shoulder came into view.

"You though with that weak push you could break my barrier? I was coming out once I noticed you at the door. h.e.l.lo Elder I am Hera"s Husband Dashnell is my name nice to meet you!" These words caused the Elder to stagger backwards, he can see the light red blush still on Hera"s unconscious face. "Blasphemy!! You would dare to ruin the purity of our Clan Princess even daring to name yourself her Husband!"

His words were loud enough for anyone in the Palace to hear his shout, looking at me with rage filled eyes he failed to notice the two female bodies on the ground covered in sweat and c.u.m. He might have missed that but the guards eyes widened as he pointed into the room attracting the Elders gaze, with a wave of my hand I close the door to keep anyone else from looking at my work.

The Elder had his face redden as he pointed at the closed door, words could no longer exit his mouth as he had never been in such a situation in all his life. Before he could calm down the door was ripped open as one of the women inside was completely nude still unable to move while the other wore a lavish dress full of cold elegance. She then produced several cloths to cover the still sleeping beauty Trish who had nothing but a smile on her face, Eleanor then slowly made her way towards the group.

"If you ever tell anyone you seen me in such a state I will ensure you are quietly erased from existence! You will also make room for me in this Palace, I expect it to be done quickly. Gather a few maids to clean that room as well as help my subordinate to my new room." She said without batting an eye or flinching as she moved down the Palace hall waiting for the guard who stood stunned before the three of us at the same time replied with a Yes!"

"Y-Yes!! This way Mistress." Said the terrified guard.

"Yes of course. No one will speak of this event even if toruchered!" The Elder promised.

"Yes I will wait here for the maids to make sure they do a good job!" I said but before I could laugh at how things played out Eleanor grabbed me by the gold circlet on my neck and dragged me along.

"Elder follow me so when Hera wakes up she can have a nice chat with you about our marriage! I Promise I can offer better gifts than the Lynx Clan!" These words were hard to get out but I promised I would not cause any bloodshed if it could be avoided to this sleeping beauty. As we moved Eleanor was then informed of the Palace in extreme detail by the two tamed men, she then lead us into a meeting hall were she allowed the guard to fetch the sleeping Trish and gather maids to clean that room. As for the nervous Elder he was told to gather every other Elder or important power from the Demon Fox Clan.

A task he was happy to complete if it meant getting away from the woman whose very presence caused him the Clan"s strongest power to feel that his death was a simple wave of her hand.

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