Within the hall leading to the sealed chamber. Valara stares into the eye"s of the youth before her, looking deep into his every changing eye"s.

Black,Red,Green.Silver.Gold never in a set pattern rotating in random combinations, as she looks deep into the current pair of emerald green eye"s she starts to physically mature into a ravishing beauty. her pair of eye"s a perfect match for his own, her long silver green hair now reach her waist, at the same time not noticing this change happening to Mara behind her.

As well as the young man in front of her eye"s. As if becoming aware of his very being she drops her lance tears flowing down her cheeks as she embraces him, placing her head into his chest. Mara watches this all play out as she is once again flooded with the needed information about her and Val"s sudden change.

Hearing an utterly terrifying collision. The duo looks at the young man before them, they have just bonded with. Now permanently linked to him for their lives, death being the only form of separation.

"You could have saved us all why, why did you do nothing Dashnell!" Falling to the floor Valara could not take the wave of emotions, undying love for her two mates and madness from losing those she was supposed to protect while they slept.

"Calm down I said I would save you did I not" "But I also saved the others the beam did not hit Teress you can check for yourself Val.

"Walking up to Samara he embraces her giving her a long deep kiss after he continues to walk away going up into the lab.


"Lets go" "He can"t lie to us, lets check on our family" Saying so Mara walks over to the collapsed girl. Who no longer looking like the Asura of Death she was on the battlefield.

"Yea" Picking up her lance she follows behind the dark skinned man"s back. No longer covered in the darkness of the room she see"s his defined, well toned muscles remembering that she just embraced this naked young man moments ago it was her that flared up immediately wearing her skin tight battle suit. Only to regret it as her toned muscles are exposed alongside her athletic figure, covering her chest she looks back to see Mara doing the same. The two beautiful female warriors of the Guardians looking ahead at their male mate feeling his very being through their bond, they both can feel his never ending rage surrounded by complete madness. Yet his face only shows a smile of love for the two.

For Guardians a Bond is one of Mind,Body and Soul. While they gain a life long partner who will die for them if needed, shared powers and thoughts. It has its weakness once either of the bonded dies in battle it causes the living bonded partners to be consumed by madness. Not overcoming the madness leads to death, so most Guardians try to limit the number of mates they have to lessen the chance of them dying during war. The main benefit being the ability to share powers, gaining what your partner has.

"Val it seems we have a wild one, after we check on the others we can grill him for answers."

"You should watch out he might kidnap you Mara I saw after he kissed you, you seemed possessed by l.u.s.t!"

"Oh yea then why did you, miss nudist decide to start wearing the suit seems you might be his first victim." Mara walking in the back begins to tease Val trying to ease her mind at this sudden change in her life. "Um Val were did his tail go?"

"What tail.." Thinking back to her rushing embrace, she did remember that he held her in his arms and wrapped his tail around them both before she pushed away. Thinking to herself she tries to find a means to address him, "Husband,Love,Dashnell s.h.i.t this is to much for me. Dash it is if he has a problem he can just say it. About to call out to him, he speaks to her instead.

"Dash is fine wife, you should do your best to not think so loud Val." Walking into the center of the lab his tail once more comes into being as he sits atop it as it curls around his surrounding." His ma.s.sive serpent like tail seems a life on its own.

"I am new to this, our memories do not posses much information about Bonding. To ensure we make our own choices the information is limited." "Now speak, you first said you would only be able to save those within this lab."

"It means that old man Ibrahim is alive somewhere in the Void, he has always tried to control me from being able to see the correct future." "Testing my loyalty to our race is his game of choice, for now lets not worry ourselves with that." "After you inform the Generals outside about me, come to Val"s room Mara." Saying this Dashnell stood up wrapping his tail around Val and carrying her towards the living quarters inside the lab.

"Saw this coming this was all Val was thinking about after she made sure everyone was still alive, he even warned her to not think so loud." Mara looked over to see Val once again retract her suit into her skin becoming nude once more, happily being taken away. "I wonder how he will take it when he finds out I had a taste of Valara before him" Mara smiles as she contacts General Vargas.

Above planet Teress the Bisar fleet seemed to have vanished. While Vargas became an enrage beast seeing the target of the cannon weapon he charged out to meet it. Wanting to do anything he could to change its path, behind him every Draconian and Ancient Void expert attacked the beam heading at the planet only for their attacks to meet the emptiness of s.p.a.ce were the Bisar fleet was stationed.

Dumbfounded by what they just witnessed everyone looked to Vargas the leading General of the alliance forces.

"Don"t Stare at me like that, it was not me i have no ability to completely stop such a ma.s.sive sudden attack." Looking behind him he see"s planet Teress unharmed by the beam, but what shocked him more is that it was now headed for the Void Gate. The Collision between the two destroying part of the Void Gate.

The Void Gate has never taken any form of damage that was permanent, even the G.o.ds who developed it were unable to destroy it. Only being able to open the Gates that connected both Vas and Teress, but the damage the beam caused is not repairing itself meaning the G.o.ds are no longer supporting it.

"Not good" "Go inform the other Generals of this, seems they were not just a scouting party after all."

Seeing his communicator light up he checks to find Samara sending him incoming data but nothing more as if in a rush, he hurriedly rushes back to the Command Ship of the Alliance sitting in the meeting room. Erin being the last to show up sits down joining in on the emergency meeting about to take place looking ahead at General Vargas.

Standing Vargas smiles even with the known fact that the Bisar have betrayed them, Saying to everyone in the room.

"Elder Ibrahim Lives!"

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