Rise Of A Fallen God

Chapter 106

With 5 injured people standing in between us the new group of arrivals order for the advance scout unit to disengage, out of all the people who just arrived there are three that are able to put pressure on me.

All three men stand behind the rest allowing them to handle things.

"Isa tend to the wounded, the rest of you capture him alive. We need to find out were he sent that women she knows to much, we can force him to lead the way to her after a light beating."

The Shade in the center spoke and ordered.

"Yes High Lord!!"

Answering in unison Isa heads towards the group of 5 injured Shades while the rest rush at me.

With Laura"s blades in hand I parry the fist attack at me holding him in place as the rest of the remaining 19 set up and surround me, so in total they sent a team of 35 to watch over this area.

The Shade that is a "High Lord" must be the leader in charge of this operation but the other two besides him should also be High Lords.

Why do they put so much effort into suppressing the Demons?

I"ll be asking Empress Adina a lot in today"s meeting, well let"s finish this up and rush back before they find a way out of my trap.

They should have found Laura by now and are should know not to head here, but just in case a few try and rush here (Val,Kiera,Verena) I have to finish fast.

Not wasting any time I shatter the weapon of the Shade in front of me, forcing him into retreating.

"High Lord he is Above the Void Realm Tier 3! We will need you to step in."

As he took the time to retreat and inform the others surrounding me I shot a bolt of darkness to surround and take hold of Isa.

As the leader of the team that confronted Laura paled in fright, he informed the others that another one of them was taken away in the same manner.

"Why are you still struggling? You, ant only above Tier 3 what can you do against 3 Tier 5s? we will bring both Isa and Rashul back from wherever you placed them after we subdue you!"

The three Tier 5 Void Realm Shades then moved over as the rest of their men moved back giving the battlefield to the 4 of us.

Using one of Laura"s short swords I open up a small cut and allow my blood to seep into both of the weapons, they then give off a bright blue light as a shrill cry could be heard from them both.

I can feel the Shades frantically sending information to the three High Lords speeding my way.

With 7 of the 12 seals on my body now, I have more than enough control over my powers to pull from my slumbering self in the Void.

So while others try and guess my true power they will never know just how powerful I am, even I have no idea.

Is there even anything above the Void G.o.d Realm?

Not letting these thoughts distract me to much I dodge out of the way of the first attack sent by the charging High Lords, chains try to pin me down as swords rain down on me restricting my movements.

The third High Lord was waiting for the opportunity to strike me down.

They were very good at teamwork their every attack was well coordinated and practiced.

As all 7 seals shined a bright white light they quickly turn golden as I lift up the blades and launch a blue beam of flaming wrath at the two attacking High Lords.

With each of them taking on one attack from each of the blades in my hands they are forced back as they cough out black blood.

"Who said I was so weak? I am "Almost at the Void Realm" but don"t look down on me!!

I am the G.o.d of all Dragons! Remember this well dear Shades for I will one day return for what is mine!

With a smile on my face I toss both blades into the Void cutting open a path were Valara and two others could be seen rushing here.

After they spotting three more incoming enemies.

The three High Lords knew they had to either retreat or finish me off now before three more unknowns showed up.

Taking out a Golden Chalice the three High Lords pour their collective might into the divine treasure as it starts to give off a frightening amount of power.

As it is focused on me I know that they are a dangerous bunch with that weapon in their possession, with both my eyes turning crimson red I tell the three war maidens to get ready to catch me as I am sure to be sent flying their way after I take on this attack.

With my left hand extended outward ma.s.sive amounts of concentrated power is pulled together as a spear takes shape, as my red eyes shine with a golden light.

Verena takes in a deep breath seeing the weapon I am manifesting.

The High Lords have long since told their people to not only run but request more powerful Elders to come and a.s.sist them.

As they knew they underestimated the "help" of the Demons.

As the two forces begin to solidify and clash against each other a blinding bright white pushes against a ferocious looking gold that rushes at the opposing white.

While the two attacks collapsed s.p.a.ce trying to force each other back, the High Lords took this time to flee as the attack nearly cost them their lives. The Golden Chalice was now being used to save their lives as they ran away.

"How did the Demons convince someone near the Void G.o.d Realm to aid them, our entire Clan only has 3 such monsters.

We must report this to the Clan, while he is not a threat now he could soon become one. It was wise to not let that female come and go as she wished as we now know about her master!"

The three of them agreed, they were sure this mission was unnecessary for just one scout that was sent to check out the Sealed world the Demons were inside.

Who would have expected them to gain such valuable information in just trying to capture her.

Fleeing out of sight I find myself covered in my own blood and in the hands of three beauties, or should I say as I rest on Kiera"s back my b.l.o.o.d.y hand is in her mouth and the other two are drinking the flowing blood coming off my body not wanting it to be left to the Void.

"Don"t look at us like that, you know what your blood does to us. Just sit still and heal like a good little boy as mommy has her lunch." - Verena

"As the one carrying you I could not resist, forgive me for this Master but I will continue drinking my fill, so don"t jerk away your arm or I"ll bite." - Kiera

"I don"t want to be left out so after we caught you and they started feasting I just got wrapped up in drinking your blood as well, rest well we will reach the Palace after we finish." - Valara.


Fixing my shirt I carry the three blood intoxicated women in my tail, they are wrapped up with their bodys tangled against each other. Every now and then I wince in pain when they bite my tail, they should know that doing that would enrage me.

They are trying their luck in their drunken state.

After traveling for a while I find Laura still fainted in the Void were I left her, they only checked and treated her wounds before leaving her here and rushing towards me.

They must have felt a lot of panic from Laura to have moved so quickly. Moving closer I find a Shade near her body.

Taking a quick glance at a Shade that was checking on Laura, I see a smile and a hear a few hushed words before it vanishes.

"Oh Master how are you here when I know you are slumbering in the Void beyond? I will visit you after I return back to the Shades. You should Know better than anyone that those are my children right "Daddy"?"

As the Shade Vanished I turned to see no one has noticed them but me.


Placing the sleeping girl on my back I place a small bottle of my blood in her mouth.

The blood bottle"s were Tia and Samara"s Idea of ways to treat each of my many wives, as it is not only extremely addictive to them all but increases their regeneration and all their abilities and powers.

As the cold liquid runs down her throat I feel her body clench up as she grips my body with all her might.

"I Will Not Fail!" Snapping awake Laura yells out loud slightly waking up the three tail ridders.

"Shut up Laura! My head is already in to much pain, I want more Dashnell!! Put blood in your tail or I will bite it harder damit!!"

So that"s why they are causing me so much pain, I already tried to toss them off into the Void and get them away from my tail but they just won"t let go.

Laura then tries to get up and move on her own but I force her to remain on my back so she can fully rest.

"Master please release me!" She said as she sent a flurry of blows onto back.

With a bright smile on my face I continue moving through the Void.

"Laura tell me about your childhood and all the mean things Tia said about us Guardians!"

As soon as those words left my mouth she stopped her struggle and slumped down on my back, she started to tense up and press her breast against my back and speak seductively to me.

"If you keep what you found out a secret I will let you do anything you want with my body the next time we go on our "date"!! Please don"t let Lady Tia find out I leaked this to you, she has already told me and Kate that if she find out..... Master please don"t bully me I will do anything I promise!!"

The four of us hearing the trained a.s.sa.s.sin Laura plead for her life, only want to know more about how Tia instilled such fear into her and Kate.

About to offer up more of her body to me, we arrive at the Palace with Samara, Teressa and more importantly Tia waiting for us.

Laura stiffens a bit before sending me deals we quickly worked out mentally.

"Just in time Master! Demon Empress Adina has just arrived she should be heading to the Throne room as we speak, Elder Elwin is with her as well.

Once you meet her I am sure you will be delighted, she will definitely catch your eye." - Tia

As everyone looks at her, Tia only responds with.


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