Rise Of A Fallen God

Chapter 126

Shattering the barrier would aid him greatly in his escape as Tristan could not slow him down or stall for time until their father got close.

Although he felt that his father regained and surpa.s.sed his previous self he knew he could escape once he was in the Void.

He and all his siblings were born within the Void and before leaving to explore the worlds Lilly created they made sure to search the Void from top to bottom to ensure Dashnell would never face a threat to his life within the Void.

Who knew that today he would use that knowledge he gained to keep his father safe would be used to escape from his father who he wished to embrace once more.

Looking behind him he could see he barely made it, even as Dashnell caught up to him he knew he had escaped.

Now he could have a chat with his father before he vanished to retrain his son.

"Father! Why are you so angry with this little brother of ours? Has he not died for his past sins?

I think you should let us help him work out all these bad kinks of his for you, we will surely change him into a son you can be proud of "father"."

Looking out at the child that was once apart of me I can see the dead look in his eyes, he has long since decided to do all these things Victor was just a backup plan if they failed in their first attempt.

"I remember that you were once my ability to ignore s.p.a.ce and time, which allowed me to be anywhere and everywhere whenever I wanted. Have you learned how to control those powers of yours well child?

Do you think you can outrun me?"

Smiling at me with his dead grey eyes I could see a bit of a silver glow as he made his move.

"Who would be stupid enough to fight you with the powers you mastered and then abandoned, we hold this grudge, this hatred deep into our bones. Why did you not abandon Morrigan and Xillah!?

Tell me this before we part!!?"
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How can this s.h.i.t blame me for the behavior of those two?

Those two ignore my orders if it puts my life at risk and never do anything that is not directly benefiting me. Once they were created they never interacted with each other or any of their siblings focusing fully on me and me alone.

So how could I have abandoned anyone while in a deep slumber I was not even aware that I created so many lives until I met Ibrahim.

Sending these thoughts of mine into his mind his old and tired body trembled slightly before he sent a smile and vanished.

"While I can no longer go back I hope the next time we meet is when I die in your hands, I also wish for you to give me a name as I never liked the one given to me much like Tristan.

When t.i.tus received a name while none of us did we thought you only planned to keep those three.

It was the only time after being born that we heard anything from you and it was to name t.i.tus.

Farewell Father!."

Looking at the empty spot were the two stood I understood they lured me out here and had long since went a different way. Chasing him would do nothing but put me behind him as he could ignore time and s.p.a.ce as I do.

"Stupid children"

Stretching out my hand I focus for a bit and pinpoint their location, if I can"t catch you I should just handle killing that son of mine while you think you got away.

Feeling the chill of death arrive the grey eyed Elder a.s.sumes he is about to meet his end, gathering ma.s.sive amounts of power from his aged body he prepares to send Victor away.


Flying out of a tear Sammara slams into my back after she took the tunnel I made to reach here.

As she slams into my back I pull back my attack to turn around and catch her, looking up into the sky of the Void here I spot a smile from a child dressed in all black. She stands still and waits for Sammara to finish unloading on me before she acts.

"Y-You... You!! What did you do to our Vesta! I was with Valara before we came here and she gave me a smile she gives me when she defeats me!! Explain this to me.

I always held it over her that I out of the two of us gave you a son! Not only did I give you a son Vesta was our very first child as a family! So tell me why I now have an extra daughter Dashnell."

Staring at the angry 10 year old Samara I can only take her serious after laughing at how adorable she looks in this form. That is until she punches me in my right thigh, blood tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Cupping her face in my hands after I lift her up with my tail I pull her close.

"Vesta has a wife called Larisa right?" Looking at me she nodded.

"Yes everyone knows this, it is the dragon girl who is most likely the last of her kind. After searching the entire planet we only found less than 10 other dragons and they were all from the South region.

Why are you bringing her up?"

With a smile I lift up my hand and open up a cut and let a drop of blood float in the s.p.a.ce between us.

"Most of you are already addicted to my blood, if I wanted I could control you all like puppets and you would not even resist in the slightest. I gave that girl some of my blood long ago so she would be able to live a life with Vesta without dying of old age.

I never expected the effects of that single drop to also change as I regained my powers. It reacted with the blood orb I gave Vesta and effected him, we can no longer reverse things unless you want to make a trip through time and stop him.

He is ... She is still "Our" child, if you want to change this I won"t stop you but Vesta has come to terms with it and is happy.

I may have thought to loud about sharing Larisa with her but maybe that was not the reason Vesta choose to stay female forever."

Hearing most of the story calmed her down all until she heard the last part, she quickly ate the dot of blood floating in front of her and kicked at my chest with her small legs putting no power in her kicks just letting out her frustrations.

Once I let her down she ran away leaving through the tunnel that was still open.

"You can come down now, does he know that you came here?"

I asked the child dressed in all black, her eyes were pitch black and time did not affect her unless she allowed it. I guessed she must be the fusion of two of my abilities, but why would they merge?

Answering my question she spoke.

"We always knew these things would happen but to live and save those with us today we had to live long enough to help them. So we meet and talked about things we could to do extend our life, the option that was the easiest way was to merge with a few others into our current form.

Time does not affect us, we can see everything that will happen and every thing that you see.

We have other abilities but you should know them as we were once apart of you right Father!"

Looking at the child speak to me I can feel her overwhelming love for me and her desire to save her brothers and sisters blinded by hatred.

Looking into her eyes I can see that the Elder from before is called Frost for being cold to everyone around him, after our talk and gaining my memories he found out that none of them were abandoned and was going to walk this path he had stepped on alone as he told the others to return to my side.

He knows that he is to die in this life either by my hands or by Samara"s or Ella"s as he nearly killed Vesta as she was maintaining that barrier and Ella wanted him dead for the obvious reason of even having the thought to take my life.

In his next life I will find him and take him in, this I promise.

"And your name is?" I asked the girl to speak her name that the others had given her.

"My name is Envy. Simple right, I was given this name for my intense jealousy of Xillah and Morrigan.

I tried my best to get along with those two but over time I learned it was not possible short term, I had to wait for them to fuse before I could befriend them.

Yes father I can befriend them now, you don"t need to know anymore than that if you try looking for what I plan to do and say to get on their good side I am sorry to let you know that Lilly has already agreed to help me block your sight from the things I do.

She did not want to agree to this request at first but Nala agreed to help us if Lilly did not."

She said all this with a playful smile on her face, as she looked at me she aged before my eyes into a pale skinned beauty with pitch black hair that matched her eyes.

She then extended her left hand towards me as she tilted her head to the side.

Pulling out a heart from my chest I was about to give her a special heart of mine, she then shoved her hand into my chest and pulled out a pale glowing heart.

"We will take this one instead you can give that one to someone else Master, we know what most of your hearts do that one should be given to Nala she is waiting for you to stop giving her the cold shoulder."

Saying so she placed the heart into her chest, after adjusting her smile turned brighter than before and she vanished and reappeared behind me. The others watching had expressions of shock on their faces, she sent them memories she gained from Ibrahim to prove that they were never abandoned.

They all wept as they knelt down to beg for forgiveness for ever possessing hatred of their creator.

I never held it against them as I understood the pain of being abandoned, I myself had to deal with it when I was chosen to become the last remaining Guardian. Deep down did I not also hate the other Guardians for abandoning me and leaving me behind?

Tossing the heart I originally pulled out into the air I said.

"Here Nala while I give this to you I hope you don"t mind the rough treatment I give you in bed from now on."

Catching the heart I hear a sweet giggle of laughter as the heart was absorbed into her hands.

"You can try but can you really be rough with us? We might turn out to like it, that is if you can even injure us, also we want a share of the Eros within your body."

Laughing I cause the hearts within Nala and Envy to pulse and within both hearts was what they both desired which was my blood filled with the Eros.

In unison they both said.

"We will serve you faithfully for all eternity Master!"

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