"Five Major Continent"s each with eight Empires, ten Kingdom"s and numerous Major Family Clan"s, and Sect"s that rival each other throughout the land. This is the Blood Sun Continent, Three Suns Empire rules this land of eleven Major Cities, with each housing a powerful Family Clan and Sect.

The current Emperor is part of the Three Suns Clan who founded the Empire, as they have fallen in power most of the other Families and Sect"s are biding there time before they erupt into a war over control of the Empire. That should be were we start moving into action Lady Samara."

Taking a drink after finishing his report Elder Omar awaits Samara"s response.

In a red cloak with two blood red daggers at each side of Samara"s waist, she wear"s a set of simple light armor suited for quick movement"s and hiding in the shadow"s.

"In this world the major powers each have three to four Earth realm expert, worry not Elder this world is going to find a new ruler soon enough. From all the information we gathered over the years you all train in many different method"s than our own people. Cultivation, Secret Techniques, Family Heritage, Bloodline Arts. So many different ways to make yourselves stronger."

Blood Sun Continent"s strongest forces are the rulers of all these Major Power"s, all at the Earth realm. under them is the normal humans who can not cultivate or have been crippled the Mortals, then there are those who start on the path of Cultivation who shed mortality to become Refinement realm experts. After the Refinement realm comes Earth realm experts, were they become able to control various powers of the elements. Before then reaching up to leave the Earth realm gaining a new ageless body in the Heaven realm. After a major calamity a few hundred of years ago none of these Major Powers of the Blood Sun Continent have any Heaven realm experts as a foundations.

"We have to hurry to seize power in this Continent before others try and interfere, an army of two hundred thousand Refinement experts have surrounded us. They can be ranked as low Tier Adepts from our realm, we have been holding back when clashing with them under order"s of Commander Tia. but now it seems its time to show these humans how powerless they are against us."

Standing up Samara hands Elder a list before leaving to inspect the Palace in Lime Leaf.

"Low Tier? Adepts? What realm is Lady Samara and the Young Master from. I have to tell the other Family Clans within Lime Leaf to hold on a bit longer then they will all rise to power with the Lime Family! They even have medicines that cured my crippled son, after Training with Lady Valara he is already at the Peak of the Refinement realm"


Military Camp Outside Lime Leaf Village.

A Flag high in the sky representing the Three Suns Empire waves through the air as fifty thousand troops move about, setting up tents, counting supplies, moving weapon shipments, preparing for the war to come. Just like the two other forces surrounding Lime Leaf Village. The Young Master of Crimson Clan is leading one hundred thousand forces a combination of many clans working together to claim as many Aliens as they can before the Empire. Last is a powerful Cult who wishes to cleanse these invaders from this land, also leading fifty thousand.

Rushing into a giant tent a soldier falls to a knee before making a report.

"General we have a report from one of the Clans who abandoned the Village, they sent word of the enemy having a Earth realm expert. We are unsure if they are at the Early stage or Middle stages, do we send for reinforcements?"

Looking at the man General Hars grunts.

"We have been having small scale battles with these Aliens for over ten years, they have been here for no more than thirty. their numbers are small but every single warrior they posses is strong, but not a single one is at the Earth realm or they would have crushed us long ago why hide their power for so many years. It is nothing but a bluff send an envoy to them, tell them to surrender to the Three Suns Empire and we will shelter them from being enslaved. If we do not get a reply don"t bother informing me just tell the troops not to kill Commander Kiera she is mine, tell them to capture her unharmed. If they do this well I can turn the other way if a few of these Aliens go missing."

"Understood General!"


Standing before a youth an old man makes his report

"Young Master. The enemy has refused to surrender even after being surrounded by two hundred thousand forces, if we are late to attack we won"t be able to take those Aliens as slaves before the Empire. And we must make sure to attack be for that d.a.m.n Cult, they will kill every single Alien if they are to reach the Village before our two forces."

"Stop worrying we have twenty thousand of our forces moving to block them so even if they make a move before us we will know of it. Get ready to move our forces to attack in a week if they do not submit to the Crimson Sun Clan than they will be enslaved by us by force, one way or another I will get her into my bed."

"Yes Young Master I shall inform the Generals of the army!"


Lime Leaf Village

Walking through the streets the Villagers greet Samara as she is pa.s.sing through, this once empty Village of one thousand is now reaching ten thousand after being ruled by the Draconian"s. Every Villager has had a better life, many have even volunteer for the army to protect the Village, the current number of troops the village has is four thousand. Several other small Village"s merged into Lime Leaf after hearing about the treatment of the citizen"s, its new rulers offered homes, education and work for everyone within the village. On top of the four thousand strong army of villager"s they also have the thousand strong Elite Army of female warriors, this boosted the amount of women who joined the Village"s Mortal army.

Near the Newly Built Thousand Empress Palace

Commander"s Tia, Kiera, Eleanor, Valara, Samara. All move in front of the army of five thousand troops. Each wearing light armor fashioned by the Ancients, making there female charm impact those who see them on the battlefield.

"Two hundred thousand enemy troops surround our Dragon Empire. The Emperor has give us the task of defending it from these invaders, four thousand of you mortal"s have joined our army sending you out to fight would only be leading you to your deaths. So we want you to watch as our army meets the enemy head on and crushes it with ease. We shall send twenty troops to meet the enemy, each will be tasked with defeating ten thousand enemies each. In this battle we shall capture these two hundred thousand troops showing that their lives after today they will forever be in our hands!"

Commander Valara walks out naming twenty of the selected Void experts to fight the on coming war.

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