A week later

All around the Capital everyone was talking about the recent Ranking Battles that allowed outside powers to compete. Many were uncomfortable at first but after seeing the ones who were sent to represent those fractions everyone cheered on the fights like it was any other Ranking Battle.

The Snow Wind team at first was not that interested in the battles, but after what happened to their Princess they made it their mission to do well.

They then went on to crush every other team with little resistance, the fighter that stood out the most among them was Tezrian. She alone was acknowledged as the strongest fighter in the tournament.

Her ability to control blue h.e.l.l flame suppressed all her opponents.

Every fraction went over to introduce themselves trying to build ties with the woman only to receive an unexpected coldness from her. If not for Valara announcing that she would soon become one of the Dragon Emperor"s new wives many would have tried to make things difficult for her here in the Empire.

The other teams fighting did not like the fact that these outsiders managed to obtain decent ranks during the battles.

While team Snow Wind won over all the other two also managed to rank in the top 5.

Blue Stone Guards ranked third while the Beast Union ranked fifth.

The second and fourth place teams were teams under the control of two of the more powerful military families.

The Joas Family ranking second and the Miller Family forth, while both families took the brunt of Tezrian"s wrath they did not seem to mind. Most of the reason being that the Dragon clan supported and backed both of these Families.

Allowing them to become powerful pillars in the Empire, they are deemed to be the Emperor"s most loyal soldiers.

So they had already been informed that every Demon female fighting here would soon become their new Empresses, both teams still fought to obtain first in the rankings but did not expect the female team of Demons to rival that of the their Generals.

With the support of the Dragon Clan and the Emperor himself they were groomed into being the absolute best, given the best training, Instructors, skills, arts, techniques, and resources that would destroy most Empires resource limits yet they stood no chance against these women.

If they knew these women were a entire realm above their Generals and most of their Instructors who are at the True G.o.d realm how would they feel.

Tia who oversaw the Ranking battles even allowed the team from Snow Wind to only fight those within the Pathless G.o.d realm and up. This should have been a blow to their overall score but they received a full score even for those matches they could not fight in.

The other powerful Clans wanted to complain but when they saw both the Joas and Miller Families keep quiet they knew they should too.

This caused a rumor to spread that the extremely powerful yet beautiful Demons had already caught the eye of the l.u.s.tful Dragon Emperor.


Within the Thousand Empress Palace Demon guards could be seen within this once empty Hall, they had arrived alongside the Demon Empress and after finding out their Princess was injured and recovering here they took over guarding this area under Empress Adina"s orders.

This left the Empress with little to no guards of her own, so she gladly accepted the Emperors personal company in her travels everywhere she went.

Yet many swear they have never seen the Empress once visit her own daughter, they suspected something between the Empress and their Emperor was happening on another layer they could not understand.

As they frequently saw both the Emperor and the team from Snow Wind visit the Princess, was the Empress not visiting in order to send a message to her brash child or was she forbidden by the Emperor?

No one knew and many rumors started to spread.

Yet right now inside the Princesses room she was not injured at all, instead she was moaning like a wild animal as her sweat drenched red skin let off steam as she continued to grind away on top of the Emperor who also seemed to be happily lost in his l.u.s.t.

After a few more hours of loud moans and pounding that caused the guards outside to feel the ground tremble the room went silent. The few guards were sweating buckets as they were told by the Empress to never enter the room no matter what they heard, some even requested to be transferred away.

Leaving only the strong willed elders who followed the Demon Empress through many years remaining. The ones that replaced those powerful guards were maids no weaker than the Immortal G.o.d realm, that would enter the room everytime the Emperor left it.

At first the Demon guards thought their Princess was being relentlessly tortured with his every visit but by now they clearly understood that was not the case. The moaning of a wild beast in heat followed by the yelling and screaming along with the pounding that caused light trimmers let them all know she was no longer a Princess.

The only thing they did not understand was why the Empress had yet to visit her own daughter, even when she knew the current situation. They had long guessed that the Empress knew of her daughters relationship with the Dragon Emperor, otherwise why would she send mostly female guards to guard and protect this location.

Another strange thing was that the "Princess" did not allow Tezrian to enter her room at all, many of these loyal guards knew the secret between Tezrian and Erida.

When they first turned her away they felt the disbelief and shock in her sorrowful eyes, only for her to send the other members of the team she came with in her place.

They were allowed to enter but left only after being inside the room for less than 10 minutes, after that they would become the second most to visit the Princess while she was "being treated" the one who visited the most would be none other than the Dragon Emperor himself.

Today the guards got the order that all previous restrictions were now removed, this order was then announced to everyone in the Palace. That the now restricted area were the Princess was allowing all visitors so long as they sent word of their arrival first.

The very first visitor was none other than Tezrian and the Empress, this duo caused the hearts of everyone in the Palace to panic. Was it true then that the Emperor forbid the Empress from seeing her own daughter? And what about the young female Demon that was always trying to find a way into the Princesses room what was her story?


Inside the room both Tezrian and Erida"s mother were shocked to see before them a lavish room.

The room was almost a copy of Erida"s own room back home, filled with low light with black and red being the main colors of the room. A ma.s.sive bed that look worn, surrounded by pillars that enclose the bed area with a path of black stone leading to the bed.

The thing that shocked them the most was the door that was hard to notice unless one"s senses were powerful enough to see the red door merged into the wall. Standing by the door was two maids that slightly bowed to the both of them, while sitting in a chair next to the bed is Dashnell the Dragon Emperor.

Slightly back from the bed near the secret door was a sofa were Samara and Tia could be seen chatting. Before them they saw many tables that are now empty, along with various soft chairs, the room looked like it was a popular meeting spot with a bed in the middle acting as the seat of importance.

Sitting up in the bed with her legs hanging down Erida could be seen facing Dashnell, before their very eyes they saw Erida lean in before snuggling firmly into his lap.

"f.u.c.king s.l.u.t! Get away from her. She is mine, what have you done to her!!" Tezrian could not hold in what she was thinking and threw everything she was holding in at the "s.l.u.t" in front of her the Dragon Emperor.

Erida just looked at Tezrian with a smile on her face.

"He is My Husband Tezrian, no he is Our Husband! I will explain everything to you just take a seat on the sofa with Tia and Samara." These few words terrified both of them to their core.

What happened to her was her mind no longer her own? Only to hear her continue.

"Mother don"t look at me like that I am me! I have changed a little do to a mistake I made during his first visit.

His blood healed most my injuries but let"s just say I can no longer live without him.

Tezrian I understand why you are confused but you have already spread your legs for him, nothing he does or has done is unknown to me.

We Demons have strong affinity with blood and his blood granted me many of our Demon Clans long lost abilities.

Shapeshifting, Telekinesis, Instant Regeneration.... I have gained so many new abilities and powers, that I have yet to try them all out.

Soon the two of you will gain them as well, but for now I will answer your questions and worries."

Seeing Adina look at her in shock Tezrian"s pale white skin showed a rare flush of red as she avoided the Empresses gaze. The Empress then reached out and grabbed Tezrian"s head back towards her looking into the girls eyes.

"I ....I only wished to talk to him at first, about not breaking the deal to save our people but he.... I could not resist his l.u.s.t for me. In his eyes I was already being devoured the next thing I knew I was dripping with sweat as I laid in my bed!

After that I could not help but crave more and more! I know you are the same Adina so don"t you judge me! I smell him on you and it is thicker than the smell on me!" Tezrian was red in the face as she tried to deflect onto the Empress.

Demon Empress Adina and Tezrian then began to argue with each other, about sleeping with the Dragon Emperor. This caused all the others in the room to give him cold stares, Erida then punched him in the side before rushing to Tezrian.

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