Chapter 30

Chapter 30 – Music room part 2 (Translated by Xing and edited by Souhi)

Li Yubing felt that something was wrong and opened his eyes instantly, only to see Tang Xue clutching a pair of black handcuffs . One of his wrist was already shackled while the other was currently being seized over——

Without thinking, Li Yubing instinctively jerked back his hand .

How could Tang Xue let her nearly captured prey get away like this? She tightened her grip hastily . “Stop moving!”

Li Yubing of course did not obey her words . He tried to free his arm from her grasp frantically . Perhaps due to the unexpectedly large force that he used to do so, Tang Xue was caught off guard . She was yanked over along with the handcuffs and narrowly missed landing onto his body .

Tang Xue was a little panicked . She tightly clutched onto the handcuffs with one hand while using the other to recapture Li Yubing’s escaped wrist . Unfortunately, Li Yubing’s arm was much longer than hers . By simply raising his arm a little more to the side, he was making it difficult for her to do so . No matter how hard she tried, she could only reach his forearm . To add insult to injury, she was completely incapable of even budging his arm ……

“What are you doing?” Li Yubing asked while wrinkling his forehead .

“Cooperate a little!” Tang Xue was still striving to accomplish her goal .

Triggered, she continued to grab at his arm relentlessly, causing their bodies to press and rub against each other . Li Yubing could sense the softness of her limbs, and how delicate and fragile she was . He was afraid of hurting her and did not dare to put up too much of a physical struggle, using only enough force to evade her . The more he evaded, the more fiercely she grabbed at him—to the point that almost her entire body was sprawled across his .

Pressed together like this, he could smell a faint fragrance from her body . It was the clean and soft scent unique to girls . Like the gentle mist of a light drizzle or the freshly unfurled petals of a blossoming flower, it was both unfamiliar and different, and lingered in a subtle but irresistible manner .  This chapter is a labour of love that should not be found outside of teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com .

Li Yubing was vaguely disconcerted .

Taking advantage of his lapse in concentration, Tang Xue quickly pounced and pinned him down .

Then, before he could recover his senses, she shackled his other hand at lightning speed .

Li Yubing lay on the floor and looked up at her . She straddled his body . Due to exhilaration, her face was flushed and her eyes sparkled . Her short, inky black hair fell forward and framed the two sides of her face, gently swaying with her every movement . Streaks of sunlight filtered in through the window and clearly outlined her body .

This was a fairly AV-like[1] angle .

She saw Li Yubing watching her and winked at him, a tiny smile lighting up her face .

Li Yubing’s mind was in a little disarray . He shifted his gaze to avoid her face and tried to move his hands . He discovered that he was firmly trapped .

He tried to break free but was unable to do so .

Darned handcuffs were quite durable after all .

Li Yubing wrinkled his brows . “What exactly are you up to?”

Tang Xue got up from his body . In a tone of reproach, she said, “Li Yubing, it’s you . You’re the one who forced me onto this insidious path . ”

Li Yubing wanted to sit up but she pressed his legs down immediately . “Don’t move!”

Through the layer of fabric, he could distinctly feel the shape of her fingers and the warmth of her hand .

He was fl.u.s.tered and felt something surge within him . It was an uncomfortable feeling . He exhaled softly and relaxed his body . Still lying across the floor, he stared at Tang Xue . “Fess up . Just what are you up to?”

Tang Xue propped her phone on the window sill and faced it towards them .

Li Yubing thought, this completely shameless rogue even wants to make a recording .

Then, she took out numerous objects from her bag and arranged them on the floor: a scalpel, gauze rolls, and alcohol swabs……

Li Yubing’s brows ticked heavily .

Tang Xue picked up the scalpel and spun it with ease, her actions clean-cut and graceful .

Li Yubing could not resist snorting . “Is this mainly what you learnt in anatomy lessons? Acrobatics?”

“Cut the c.r.a.p . ” Tang Xue continued twirling the scalpel and gave him a sinister smirk . “Indeed, my anatomy grades aren’t the best . The professor told me to practice my dissecting skills more . That being the case, mind if I practice on you?”

Li Yubing did not speak . He watched her face impa.s.sively .

Li Yubing did not speak . He watched her face impa.s.sively .

“Hmm, whereee should I start……” Tang Xue purposely dragged out her words . She reached out her hand and patted his face . “This face is quite pleasing . It’ll be a pity if a cut was to mar it . ”

Li Yubing held her gaze . In a low voice, he asked, “So you think I’m good-looking?”

Tang Xue was a little fl.u.s.tered . She pointed at him . “You’re great at picking out the key points, I see . ” As she spoke, she slowly surveyed his body from top to bottom .

Finally, her gaze stopped between his legs . She held her chin and examined it .

Li Yubing was certain that Tang Xue did not have that kind of intention . However, her innocuous and blatant stare on that particular spot caused his breath to deepen .

Still fiddling with the scalpel, Tang Xue said, “Let me give you a small sterilization procedure . ” After speaking, she peeked at his expression furtively .

Li Yubing was also looking at her . When she glanced over, he faintly narrowed his eyes . His dark, glittering gaze landed on her face .

“Stop playing,” he said . His tone was grim .

Tang Xue felt that his expression was a slightly odd . However, he was definitely not frightened . She was somewhat disappointed, and at the same time, a little sceptical . She probed, “You’re really not scared? I’m about to castrate you . ”

If it was someone else who suddenly did this to Li Yubing, he would probably be genuinely frightened . However, he was not afraid of Tang Xue . This was because he understood her and what kind of person she was; she was someone who knew what lines could not be crossed .

He had confidence in her character because of his familiarity with her .

Li Yubing’s chest rose and fell heavily with every breath . He repeated, “I’ll say it one more time: stop playing . If not, you’re responsible for what happens . ”

Tang Xue was not afraid of his threat . However, she was currently trapped in a severe dilemma[2] . She originally only wanted to give Li Yubing a good scare . She even bought a scalpel prop online to prevent any accidents . Despite looking scarily realistic, the scalpel was incapable of slicing even an apple .  This translation is meant to be published only on teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com .

The scalpel was fake but her acting was real . She felt that her acting was extremely convincing . If it was anyone else, after being threatened with their D cut off, wouldn’t they have probably wet their pants and beg for mercy by now? Better for them to be safe than sorry!

However, Li Yubing was simply the exception . He watched her fixedly, as if he was merely waiting for her knife to fall .

Could it be that he was fearless as he did not have a D?

Could it be that he was fearless as he did not have a D?

This wouldn’t do, she refused to believe that she could not scare him .

Tang Xue steeled her resolve and pretended that she was going to remove his pants . She pushed up his track jacket along with the t-shirt he wore inside . She saw his lower abdomen .

His flat lower abdomen did not have a single piece of fat . Due to years of not seeing the sun, his skin was porcelain-white . His body was tightly wound up from nerves and his abs were taut . Here, they lay in neat and well-defined rows like a bar of white chocolate .

Oho, so he was actually this nervous……

Tang Xue was a little gleeful . She gave a whistle and giggled . “Hey, someone has a pretty good figure!”

His skin was bared to another . Besides feeling unsettled, Li Yubing was a little, little bit t.i.tillated . This t.i.tillation was instinctive and he had no way of supressing it . Feeling that the situation was spiralling out of control, Li Yubing closed his eyes helplessly for a few moments . He gave her a final warning . “Stop fooling around . ”

Tang Xue thought that Li Yubing was still faking it even though secretly, he was about to die from fright . She traced her fingers over edge of his track pants and pretended that she was going to take it off . She observed his expression with an impish smile .

The soft, delicate fingers of a girl carelessly brushed across his abdomen . This feeling was like setting a tiny spark to a barrel of gunpowder—whoosh, everything went up in raging flames .

Li Yubing’s forehead was covered in sweat . His chest began to heave deeply as he pulled in harsh, heated breaths . He saw that Tang Xue was looking at him and his Adam’s apple bobbed . He rasped, “You……”

Tang Xue felt that his expression was becoming way too strange . Baffled, she drew back, swept her eyes over him and jumped in shock . “AH!”

She jerked and flung out the scalpel .

Between Li Yubing’s legs was a small, hill-like bulge .

Tang Xue could not believe that under such tense conditions, he could still…… eh……

“You……” Tang Xue’s face heated from embarra.s.sment . Her thoughts were a jumbled mess and she was at a loss for words .

Then, it struck her that she seemed to have heard that when guys needed to pee, that area would become bigger as well? And so, she pointed a finger at Li Yubing and asked in an uncertain tone, “You, you, you’re going to pee from fright, right?”

Li Yubing: “………………”

Then, it struck her that she seemed to have heard that when guys needed to pee, that area would become bigger as well? And so, she pointed a finger at Li Yubing and asked in an uncertain tone, “You, you, you’re going to pee from fright, right?”

Li Yubing: “………………”

Tang Xue felt that there was something off about his expression . As the situation seemed perilous, she rapidly packed her stuff before fishing out the key and tossing it onto the floor . “Head to the toilet yourself, I’m going off first, bye bye!”

She threw out these words, quickly strode past him and broke into a run .

Li Yubing continued lying on the floor for a while . Only after his body was somewhat calmer did he sit up to retrieve the keys and unlock the handcuffs .

Then, he sat on the floor in a daze .

After sitting in a daze for some time, he glanced at the time and realized that he still had training in the afternoon . Thus, he started packing to leave .

While packing up, he saw Tang Xue’s abandoned phone on the window sill . Her phone was still recording diligently .

Li Yubing picked up the phone, exited the camera app and deleted the recorded video . After doing so, he was about to lock the screen when a message came in .

If this was anyone else, Li Yubing would definitely not look . However, the sender’s name was “Yu Yan” .

This was something he doubtlessly needed to see .

Whenever he encountered anything related to Tang Xue and that rascal, Li Yubing’s moral baseline would hit a new low . Here, he had no qualms peeking at their private messages at all .

Yu Yan: What are you doing?

Li Yubing’s brow ticked . He helped Tang Xue to reply .

Tang Xue: Just managed to make Li Yubing hard .

Yu Yan: …………

Chapter 30 – Music room part 2 (Translated by Xing and edited by Souhi).

Li Yubing felt that something was wrong and opened his eyes instantly, only to see Tang Xue clutching a pair of black handcuffs . One of his wrist was already shackled while the other was currently being seized over——.

Without thinking, Li Yubing instinctively jerked back his hand

How could Tang Xue let her nearly captured prey get away like this? She tightened her grip hastily . “Stop moving!”.

Li Yubing of course did not obey her words . He tried to free his arm from her grasp frantically . Perhaps due to the unexpectedly large force that he used to do so, Tang Xue was caught off guard . She was yanked over along with the handcuffs and narrowly missed landing onto his body

Tang Xue was a little panicked . She tightly clutched onto the handcuffs with one hand while using the other to recapture Li Yubing’s escaped wrist . Unfortunately, Li Yubing’s arm was much longer than hers . By simply raising his arm a little more to the side, he was making it difficult for her to do so . No matter how hard she tried, she could only reach his forearm . To add insult to injury, she was completely incapable of even budging his arm …….

“What are you doing?” Li Yubing asked while wrinkling his forehead

“Cooperate a little!” Tang Xue was still striving to accomplish her goal

Triggered, she continued to grab at his arm relentlessly, causing their bodies to press and rub against each other . Li Yubing could sense the softness of her limbs, and how delicate and fragile she was . He was afraid of hurting her and did not dare to put up too much of a physical struggle, using only enough force to evade her . The more he evaded, the more fiercely she grabbed at him—to the point that almost her entire body was sprawled across his

Pressed together like this, he could smell a faint fragrance from her body . It was the clean and soft scent unique to girls . Like the gentle mist of a light drizzle or the freshly unfurled petals of a blossoming flower, it was both unfamiliar and different, and lingered in a subtle but irresistible manner .  This chapter is a labour of love that should not be found outside of teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com

Li Yubing was vaguely disconcerted

Taking advantage of his lapse in concentration, Tang Xue quickly pounced and pinned him down

Then, before he could recover his senses, she shackled his other hand at lightning speed

Li Yubing lay on the floor and looked up at her . She straddled his body . Due to exhilaration, her face was flushed and her eyes sparkled . Her short, inky black hair fell forward and framed the two sides of her face, gently swaying with her every movement . Streaks of sunlight filtered in through the window and clearly outlined her body

This was a fairly AV-like[1] angle

She saw Li Yubing watching her and winked at him, a tiny smile lighting up her face

Li Yubing’s mind was in a little disarray . He shifted his gaze to avoid her face and tried to move his hands . He discovered that he was firmly trapped

He tried to break free but was unable to do so

Darned handcuffs were quite durable after all

Li Yubing wrinkled his brows . “What exactly are you up to?”.

Tang Xue got up from his body . In a tone of reproach, she said, “Li Yubing, it’s you . You’re the one who forced me onto this insidious path . ”.

Li Yubing wanted to sit up but she pressed his legs down immediately . “Don’t move!”.

Through the layer of fabric, he could distinctly feel the shape of her fingers and the warmth of her hand

He was fl.u.s.tered and felt something surge within him . It was an uncomfortable feeling . He exhaled softly and relaxed his body . Still lying across the floor, he stared at Tang Xue . “Fess up . Just what are you up to?”.

Tang Xue propped her phone on the window sill and faced it towards them

Li Yubing thought, this completely shameless rogue even wants to make a recording

Then, she took out numerous objects from her bag and arranged them on the floor: a scalpel, gauze rolls, and alcohol swabs…….

Li Yubing’s brows ticked heavily

Tang Xue picked up the scalpel and spun it with ease, her actions clean-cut and graceful

Li Yubing could not resist snorting . “Is this mainly what you learnt in anatomy lessons? Acrobatics?”.

“Cut the c.r.a.p . ” Tang Xue continued twirling the scalpel and gave him a sinister smirk . “Indeed, my anatomy grades aren’t the best . The professor told me to practice my dissecting skills more . That being the case, mind if I practice on you?”.

Li Yubing did not speak . He watched her face impa.s.sively

“Hmm, whereee should I start……” Tang Xue purposely dragged out her words . She reached out her hand and patted his face . “This face is quite pleasing . It’ll be a pity if a cut was to mar it . ”.

Li Yubing held her gaze . In a low voice, he asked, “So you think I’m good-looking?”.

Tang Xue was a little fl.u.s.tered . She pointed at him . “You’re great at picking out the key points, I see . ” As she spoke, she slowly surveyed his body from top to bottom

Finally, her gaze stopped between his legs . She held her chin and examined it

Li Yubing was certain that Tang Xue did not have that kind of intention . However, her innocuous and blatant stare on that particular spot caused his breath to deepen

Still fiddling with the scalpel, Tang Xue said, “Let me give you a small sterilization procedure . ” After speaking, she peeked at his expression furtively

Li Yubing was also looking at her . When she glanced over, he faintly narrowed his eyes . His dark, glittering gaze landed on her face

“Stop playing,” he said . His tone was grim

Tang Xue felt that his expression was a slightly odd . However, he was definitely not frightened . She was somewhat disappointed, and at the same time, a little sceptical . She probed, “You’re really not scared? I’m about to castrate you . ”.

If it was someone else who suddenly did this to Li Yubing, he would probably be genuinely frightened . However, he was not afraid of Tang Xue . This was because he understood her and what kind of person she was; she was someone who knew what lines could not be crossed

He had confidence in her character because of his familiarity with her

Li Yubing’s chest rose and fell heavily with every breath . He repeated, “I’ll say it one more time: stop playing . If not, you’re responsible for what happens . ”.

Tang Xue was not afraid of his threat . However, she was currently trapped in a severe dilemma[2] . She originally only wanted to give Li Yubing a good scare . She even bought a scalpel prop online to prevent any accidents . Despite looking scarily realistic, the scalpel was incapable of slicing even an apple .  This translation is meant to be published only on teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com

The scalpel was fake but her acting was real . She felt that her acting was extremely convincing . If it was anyone else, after being threatened with their D cut off, wouldn’t they have probably wet their pants and beg for mercy by now? Better for them to be safe than sorry!.

However, Li Yubing was simply the exception . He watched her fixedly, as if he was merely waiting for her knife to fall

Could it be that he was fearless as he did not have a D?.

This wouldn’t do, she refused to believe that she could not scare him

Tang Xue steeled her resolve and pretended that she was going to remove his pants . She pushed up his track jacket along with the t-shirt he wore inside . She saw his lower abdomen

His flat lower abdomen did not have a single piece of fat . Due to years of not seeing the sun, his skin was porcelain-white . His body was tightly wound up from nerves and his abs were taut . Here, they lay in neat and well-defined rows like a bar of white chocolate

Oho, so he was actually this nervous…….

Tang Xue was a little gleeful . She gave a whistle and giggled . “Hey, someone has a pretty good figure!”.

His skin was bared to another . Besides feeling unsettled, Li Yubing was a little, little bit t.i.tillated . This t.i.tillation was instinctive and he had no way of supressing it . Feeling that the situation was spiralling out of control, Li Yubing closed his eyes helplessly for a few moments . He gave her a final warning . “Stop fooling around . ”.

Tang Xue thought that Li Yubing was still faking it even though secretly, he was about to die from fright . She traced her fingers over edge of his track pants and pretended that she was going to take it off . She observed his expression with an impish smile

The soft, delicate fingers of a girl carelessly brushed across his abdomen . This feeling was like setting a tiny spark to a barrel of gunpowder—whoosh, everything went up in raging flames

Li Yubing’s forehead was covered in sweat . His chest began to heave deeply as he pulled in harsh, heated breaths . He saw that Tang Xue was looking at him and his Adam’s apple bobbed . He rasped, “You……”.

Tang Xue felt that his expression was becoming way too strange . Baffled, she drew back, swept her eyes over him and jumped in shock . “AH!”.

She jerked and flung out the scalpel

Between Li Yubing’s legs was a small, hill-like bulge

Tang Xue could not believe that under such tense conditions, he could still…… eh…….

“You……” Tang Xue’s face heated from embarra.s.sment . Her thoughts were a jumbled mess and she was at a loss for words

Then, it struck her that she seemed to have heard that when guys needed to pee, that area would become bigger as well? And so, she pointed a finger at Li Yubing and asked in an uncertain tone, “You, you, you’re going to pee from fright, right?”.

Li Yubing: “………………”.

Tang Xue felt that there was something off about his expression . As the situation seemed perilous, she rapidly packed her stuff before fishing out the key and tossing it onto the floor . “Head to the toilet yourself, I’m going off first, bye bye!”.

She threw out these words, quickly strode past him and broke into a run

Li Yubing continued lying on the floor for a while . Only after his body was somewhat calmer did he sit up to retrieve the keys and unlock the handcuffs

Then, he sat on the floor in a daze

After sitting in a daze for some time, he glanced at the time and realized that he still had training in the afternoon . Thus, he started packing to leave

While packing up, he saw Tang Xue’s abandoned phone on the window sill . Her phone was still recording diligently

Li Yubing picked up the phone, exited the camera app and deleted the recorded video . After doing so, he was about to lock the screen when a message came in

If this was anyone else, Li Yubing would definitely not look . However, the sender’s name was “Yu Yan”

This was something he doubtlessly needed to see

Whenever he encountered anything related to Tang Xue and that rascal, Li Yubing’s moral baseline would hit a new low . Here, he had no qualms peeking at their private messages at all

Yu Yan: What are you doing?.

Li Yubing’s brow ticked . He helped Tang Xue to reply

Tang Xue: Just managed to make Li Yubing hard

Yu Yan: ………….

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