Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 91 - A visit to the parents (Translated and edited by Xing)

Chapter 91 - A visit to the parents (Translated and edited by Xing)

Li Yubing"s compet.i.tion performance was excellent for the entire September, causing his popularity to rise even further.

Tang Xue took a dim view of this. She felt that there were too many people blindly following the crowd. Out of those who fangirled over Li Yubing, many of them did not know anything about ice hockey at all. Scalpers started reselling the Dauntless Dragon Chinese team"s compet.i.tion tickets, which was rarely seen in the regular season. Then, Li Yubing went on another magazine cover, which sold out very quickly.

Li Yubing would often be stopped by fans on the streets and they would lie in wait at his cla.s.srooms as well. He needed to wear a mask when he went out and on the rare occasion that he was able to meet Tang Xue, it felt like they were involved in a covert operation involving spies.

Tang Xue"s mind turned and she bought two Spiderman head masks—one for each of them. When strutting on the streets like this, they attracted everyone"s attention, startled stray dogs and stunned crying children into stopping their cries.

However, when they pa.s.sed by the bank entrance, the security guards stared at them with a deep alert, causing the both of them to feel slightly awkward.

Furthermore, they had to remove the head masks if they wanted to kiss…

After taking off the head mask, Tang Xue saw that Li Yubing"s originally soft and loose hair was flattened into a helmet. She burst into laughter at how silly he looked.

"Li Yubing, you look like the manifestation of a mushroom," Tang Xue said.

Li Yubing was a little petulant. He lowered his head, wanting to kiss her. Tang Xue dodged away. She informed him with a straight face, "No, I cannot kiss a mushroom."

Li Yubing: = =

He felt that life was way too difficult. Translated by Xing for only teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com.

Life was tough for the two of them but everyone in the club brimmed with delight. After putting in so much effort, they were finally rewarded; they had nurtured an ice hockey star who had both skills and commercial value!

In the days to come, he would surely rise to become a top ice hockey superstar in China!

Everyone in the club, including the cleaner auntie, was filled with confidence in him.

Li Yubing was a.s.signed his own specialized team that discretely helped him to sign on two commercial deals. Shortly after this, Li Yubing received two paychecks.

He pa.s.sed his bank card to Tang Xue. "Buy whatever you want with this in the future."

Tang Xue asked, "Then what about you?"

"You can buy it for me."

"Li Yubing, you"re really good at making deals. When there"s no more money in your account, I have to help you to top it up, don"t I?" As Tang Xue spoke, she used Li Yubing"s account to log into the bank and checked the account balance.

When she saw the string of numbers in the balance, she froze. Her grip slackened and her phone fell onto the floor.

Li Yubing bent down to pick up the phone and put it back onto her palm.

"Li Yubing," Tang Xue pursed her lips and asked, "Did you obtain this money legally?"

Li Yubing knocked her head. "Of course."

"That"s true." Tang Xue nodded. "The money earned from drug trafficking won"t come so quick."

Li Yubing was torn between laughter and tears. He pressed her into his chest and rubbed her head. He promised, "In the future, all my money is yours to spend."

Though Tang Xue"s heart fizzed with sweetness, she said, "Tsk, it"ll be great if I can get a few more boyfriends like this."

Li Yubing rolled his eyes in exasperation. He ground his teeth and whispered into her ear, "Just you wait."


"Let me educate you in the time to come." His tone was loaded with meaning.

After much shameless coaxing and pestering, Tang Xue finally managed to convince her mother to allow Li Yubing to pay a visit to them. Though her mother agreed readily, Tang Xue was a little worried. She asked, "Eh, dad won"t object, will he?"

"His objection is invalid. I"ll let him know who the boss in the house is."

During the National Day Golden Week, Li Yubing squeezed out a day and a half of free time to pay a visit to his parents-in-law. Before heading over, he went home first.

Having been informed in advance, Mama Li had already prepared the gifts. Next, the couple began to give Li Yubing a small talk where they emphasized how he should please his parents-in-law.

"Don"t talk too much. It makes you seem unreliable. Don"t start debating over anything."

"You can"t stay too silent either. Staring blankly would make you seem like a fool."

"Be a little more proactive. Don"t really treat yourself as a guest."

"But don"t be too proactive either. You"ll look too eager to please."

"Don"t casually joke around with the elders."

"Of course, remember to still keep your sense of humour at appropriate moments."

"Most of all, boosting is to be avoid at all costs."

"Being overly humble is a turn-off as well."

"Don"t play with your phone."

"Remember to message and keep us updated."

As the two of them nattered on, Li Yubing felt like a tiny bee was buzzing in his head.

Finally, he managed to escape and carrying numerous packages, he was set for h.e.l.l… uh, wait… on his way.

Tang Xue watched the television while her parents bustled about in the kitchen and chatted as they cooked. However, her attention was not on the television. When the doorbell rang, she leapt up from the sofa and dashed to the door with noisy steps. When she saw Li Yubing"s face on the digital viewer, she beamed and called his name. "Li Yubing?"

"Mm, Tang Xue." Li Yubing"s expression was a little stiff.

"I"ll open the door only if you call me something nice."[1]

Li Yubing grinned. His tense expression softened and his face became more animated. He whispered, "Stop fooling around."

Tang Xue pressed the b.u.t.ton to unlock the door, turned and scampered into the kitchen. "Esteemed fellows, your son-in-law is here!" Tang rolled his eyes.

Li Yubing came up quickly. Though Tang was tugged out by Mama Tang to welcome Li Yubing, he was stony throughout the whole process.

After some small talk, Mama Tang said, "Have a seat first, Li Yubing. Auntie is still cooking and will come over to join you all later… hubby," Mama Tang turned her head and instructed Tang, "Go to the Green Homeland Supermarket across our residential area and buy some salted duck and dried tofu."

"Mm." Tang nodded. This chapter is a labour of love that should not be found outside of teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com.

Li Yubing spoke, "How about I"ll go with Tang Xue?"

"It"s fine. Sit, sit. Tang Xue, bring some snacks for Li Yubing."

Tang Xue bought the basket of snacks over and poured a drink for Li Yubing. She teased, "Have some tea, Brother Bing."

Li Yubing sat in a prim and proper manner. His lips were lightly pressed together as he gave a decorous smile.

Tang Xue then saw her father fussing about at the doorway. He searched the key box and fished around his pockets. She asked, "Dad, what"s wrong?"

"I can"t find the key card."

"Take mine first."

"Mm, where is it?"

"In that bag." Tang Xue pointed to the chain strap bag hanging from the clothes hanger next to the door. Tang took down the bag and rummaged through it. Thinking that the key card was in the inner slip pocket, he felt around in it. He had yet to feel the key card when he found a small white paper receipt printed with black letters.

Casually sweeping his eyes over the receipt, he was suddenly stunned.

Airport Rest Room: 1 Double room. Signed: Li Yubing.

This is an original work of 酒小七 (Jiu Xiaoqi) translated by Tea Fragrance. If you are not reading this at teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com, this translation has been reposted without the translator"s consent. Head there for extra content or to leave feedback and comments on the novel translation.

Translator"s Notes:

[1] From Chapter 59: 叫声好听的 (jiào shēng hǎo tīng de) means "call me something pleasant/nice". The person saying this is fishing for an endearment.

A moment of silence for Li Yubing.

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