Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 101

swindle, peculate, embezzle; sponge, mulct, rook, bilk, pluck, pigeon, fleece; defraud &c.545; obtain under false pretenses; live by one"s wits.

rob Peter to pay Paul, borrow of Peter to pay Paul; set a thief to catch a thief.

disregard the distinction between meum and tuum[Lat].

[receive stolen goods] fence, launder, launder money.

Adj. thieving &c. v.; thievish, light-fingered; furacious[obs3], furtive; piratical; predaceous, predal[obs3], predatory, predatorial[obs3]; raptorial &c. (rapacious) 789.

stolen &c. v.

Phr. sic vos non vobis[Lat].

#792. Thief.-- N. thief, robber, h.o.m.o triumliterarum[obs3][Lat], pilferer, rifler, filcher[obs3], plagiarist.

spoiler, depredator, pillager, marauder; harpy, shark*, land shark, falcon, mosstrooper[obs3], bushranger[obs3], Bedouin!, brigand, freebooter, bandit, thug, dacoit[obs3]; pirate, corsair, viking, Paul Jones!, buccaneer, buccanier!; piqueerer, pickeerer; rover, ranger, privateer, filibuster; rapparee[obs3], wrecker, picaroon[obs3]; smuggler, poacher; abductor, badger*, bunko man, cattle thief, chor[obs3], contrabandist[obs3], crook, hawk, holdup man, hold-up* [U.S.], jackleg*

[obs3][U.S.], kidnaper, rustler, cattle rustler, sandbagger, sea king, skin*, sneak thief, spieler[obs3], strong-arm man [U.S.].

highwayman, d.i.c.k Turpin, Claude Duval, Macheath, footpad, st.u.r.dy beggar.

cut purse, pick purse; pickpocket, light-fingered gentry; sharper; card sharper, skittle sharper; thimblerigger; rook*, Greek, blackleg, leg, welsher*; defaulter; Autolycus[obs3], Jeremy Diddler[obs3], Robert Macaire, artful dodger, trickster; swell mob*, chevalier d"industrie [Fr]; shoplifter.

swindler, peculator; forger, coiner; fence, receiver of stolen goods, duffer; smasher.

burglar, housebreaker; cracksman[obs3], magsman*[obs3]; Bill Sikes, Jack Sheppard, Jonathan Wild.

gang[group of thieves], gang of thieves, theft ring; organized crime, mafia, the Sicilian Mafia, the mob, la cosa nostra [Italian].

Dillinger[famous thieves], Al Capone; Robin Hood.

#793. Booty.-- N. booty, spoil, plunder, prize, loot, swag*, pickings; spolia opima[Lat], prey; blackmail; stolen goods.

Adj. manubial.

-- 3. Interchange of Property --

#794. Barter.-- N. barter, exchange, scorse, truck system; interchange &c. 148.

a Roland for an Oliver; quid pro quo; commutation, composition; Indian gift [U.S.].

trade, commerce, mercature, buying and selling, bargain and sale; traffic, business, nundination, custom, shopping; commercial enterprise, speculation, jobbing, stockjobbing[obs3], agiotage[obs3], brokery[obs3].

deal, dealing, transaction, negotiation, bargain.

free trade.

V. barter, exchange, swap, swop[obs3], truck, scorse; interchange &c.

148; commutate &c.(subst.i.tute) 147; compound for.

trade, traffic, buy and sell, give and take, nundinate; carry on a trade, ply a trade, drive a trade; be in business, be in the city; keep a shop, deal in, employ one"s capital in.

trade with, deal with, have dealings with; transact business with, do business with; open an account with, keep an account with.

bargain; drive a bargain, make a bargain; negotiate, bid for; haggle, higgle[obs3]; d.i.c.ker [U.S.]; chaffer, huckster, cheapen, beat down; stickle, stickle for; out bid, under bid; ask, charge; strike a bargain &c.

(contract) 769.

speculate, give a sprat to catch a herring; buy in the cheapest and sell in the dearest market, buy low and sell high; corner the market; rig the market, stag the market.

Adj. commercial, mercantile, trading; interchangeable, marketable, staple, in the market, for sale.

wholesale, retail.

Adv. across the counter.

Phr. cambio non e furto[It].

#795. Purchase.-- N. purchase, emption[obs3]; buying, purchasing, shopping; preemption, refusal.

coemption[obs3], bribery; slave trade.

buyer, purchaser, emptor, vendee; patron, employer, client, customer, clientele.

V. buy, purchase, invest in, procure; rent &c. (hire) 788; repurchase, buy in.

keep in one"s pay, bribe, suborn; pay &c.807; spend &c.809.

make a purchase, complete a purchase; buy over the counter.

shop, market, go shopping.

Adj. purchased &c. v.

Phr. caveat emptor; the customer is always right.

#796. Sale.-- N. sale, vent, disposal; auction, roup, Dutch auction; outcry, vendue[obs3]; custom &c. (traffic) 794.

vendibility, vendibleness[obs3].

seller; vender, vendor; merchant &c. 797; auctioneer.

V. sell, vend, dispose of, effect a sale; sell over the counter, sell by auction &c. n.; dispense, retail; deal in &c. 794; sell off, sell out; turn into money, realize; bring to the hammer, bring under the hammer, put up to auction, put up for auction; offer for sale, put up for sale; hawk, bring to market; offer &c. 763; undersell.

let; mortgage &c.(security) 771.

Adj. under the hammer, on the market, for sale.

salable, marketable, vendible; unsalable &c., unpurchased[obs3], unbought; on one"s hands.

Phr. chose qui plait est a demi vendue[obs3][Fr].

#797. Merchant.-- N. merchant, trader, dealer, monger, chandler, salesman; changer; regrater[obs3]; shopkeeper, shopman[obs3]; tradesman, tradespeople, tradesfolk.

retailer; chapman, hawker, huckster, higgler[obs3]; pedlar, colporteur, cadger, Autolycus[obs3]; sutler[obs3], vivandiere[obs3]; costerman[obs3], costermonger[obs3]; tallyman; camelot; faker; vintner.

money broker, money changer, money lender; cambist[obs3], usurer, moneyer[obs3], banker.

jobber; broker &c. (agent) 758; buyer &c. 795; seller &c.796; bear, bull.

concern; firm &c. (partnership) 712.

#798. Merchandise.-- N. merchandise, ware, commodity, effects, goods, article, stock, product, produce, staple commodity; stock in trade &c.

(store) 636; cargo &c. (contents) 190.

#799. Mart.-- N. mart; market, marketplace; fair, bazaar, staple, exchange, change, bourse, hall, guildhall; tollbooth, customhouse; Tattersall"s.

stall, booth, stand, newsstand; cart, wagon.

wharf; office, chambers, countinghouse, bureau; counter, compter[Fr].

shop, emporium, establishment; store &c.636; department store, general store, five and ten, variety store, co-op, finding store [U.S.], grindery warehouse[obs3].

[food stores: list] grocery, supermarket, candy store, sweet shop, confectionery, bakery, greengrocer, delicatessen, bakeshop, butcher shop, fish store, farmers" market, mom and pop store, dairy, health food store.

[specialized stores: list] tobacco shop, tobacco store, tobacconists, cigar store, hardware store, jewelry shop, bookstore, liquor store, gun shop, rod and reel shop, furniture store, drugstore, chemist"s [British], florist, flower shop, shoe store, stationer, stationer"s, electronics shop, telephone store, music store, record shop, fur store, sporting goods store, video store, video rental store; lumber store, lumber yard, home improvements store, home improvement center; gas station, auto repair shop, auto dealer, used car dealer.

mall, suburban mall, commons, pedestrian mall; shopping street.

surplus store, army-navy surplus store.

[locations where used articles are sold] auction; flea market; yard sale, garage sale; p.a.w.n shop; antiques store; second-hand store, second time around shop, thrift shop.

warehouse, wareroom[obs3]; depot, interposit[obs3], entrepot[Fr].


real-estate broker.

vending machine.

#799a. Stock Market [specialized markets for financial instruments] -- N. stock market, stock exchange, securities exchange; bourse, board; the big board, the New York Stock Exchange; the market, the open market; over- the-counter market; privately traded issues.

commodities exchange, futures exchange, futures market.

the pit, the floor.

ticker, stock ticker, quotation; stock index, market index, the Dow Jones Index, the Dow Industrials, the transportation index, utilities, the utilities index; the New York Stock Exchange index, the Nikkei index [j.a.pan]; the Financial Times index, the FTI [England], the over-the-counter index, NASDAQ index.

[person or firm trading securities] broker, stockbroker, jobber, stock dealer, odd-lot dealer; specialist.

[person who buys or sells stocks] investor, speculator, operator; bull, buyer; bear, short seller; scalper, arbitrager[obs3], arbitrageur[obs3]; stockholder, share-holder, stockholder of record; bond holder, coupon-clipper [derogatory].

investment; speculation.

V. speculate, invest, trade, trade stocks, play the market; buy long, sell short, take a position, straddle; take a plunge, plunge in, take a flier [coll.].

#799b. Securities. -- N. securities, stocks, common stock, preferred stock, bonds, puts, calls, options, option contract, warrants, commercial paper, bearer bond, tax-exempt bond, callable bond, convertable bond[obs3].

share, stock certificate; coupon, bond coupon.

liquid a.s.sets.

-- 4. Monetary Relations --

#800. Money.-- N. money, legal tender; money matters, money market; finance; accounts &c. 811; funds, treasure; capital, stock; a.s.sets &c.(property) 780; wealth &c. 803; supplies, ways and means, wherewithal, sinews of war, almighty dollar, needful, cash; mammon.

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