Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 103

V. be in debt &c. adj.; owe; incur a debt, contract a debt &c. n.; run up a bill, run up a score, run up an account; go on tick; borrow &c. 788; run into debt, get into debt, outrun the constable; run up debts, run up bills (spend) 809..

answer for, go bail for.

[notify a person of his indebtedness: ISA:written_communication] bill, charge.

Adj. indebted; liable, chargeable, answerable for.

in debt, in embarra.s.sed circ.u.mstances, in difficulties; inc.u.mbered, involved; involved in debt, plunged in debt, deep in debt, over one"s head in debt, over head and ears in debt; deeply involved; fast tied up; insolvent &c. (not paying) 808; minus, out of pocket.

unpaid; unrequited, unrewarded; owing, due, in arrear[obs3], outstanding; past due.

Phr. aes alienum debitorem leve gravius inimic.u.m facit [obs3][Latin]; "neither a borrower nor a lender be" [Hamlet].

#807. Payment.-- N. payment, defrayment[obs3]; discharge; acquittance, quittance; settlement, clearance, liquidation, satisfaction, reckoning, arrangement.

acknowledgment, release; receipt, receipt in full, receipt in full of all demands; voucher.

salary, compensation, remuneration (reward) 973.

repayment, reimburs.e.m.e.nt, retribution; pay &c.(reward) 973; money paid &c. (expenditure) 809.

ready money &c. (cash) 800; stake, remittance, installment.

payer, liquidator &c. 801.

pay cash, pay cash on the barrelhead.

V. pay, defray, make payment; paydown, pay on the nail, pay ready money, pay at sight, pay in advance; cash, honor a bill, acknowledge; redeem; pay in kind.

pay one"s way, pay one"s shot, pay one"s footing; pay the piper, pay sauce for all, pay costs; do the needful; sh.e.l.l out, fork out; cough up [coll.], fork over; come down with, come down with the dust; tickle the palm, grease the palm; expend &c. 809; put down, lay down.

discharge, settle, quit, acquit oneself of; foot the bill; account with, reckon with, settle with, be even with, be quits with; strike a balance; settle accounts with, balance accounts with, square accounts with; quit scores; wipe off old scores, clear off old scores; satisfy; pay in full; satisfy all demands, pay in full of all demands; clear, liquidate; pay up, pay old debts.

disgorge, make repayment; repay, refund, reimburse, retribute[obs3]; make compensation &c.30.

pay by credit card, put it on the plastic.

Adj. paying &c. paid &c. v.; owing nothing, out of debt, all straight; unowed[obs3], never indebted.

Adv. to the tune of; on the nail, money down.

#808. Nonpayment -- N. nonpayment; default, defalcation; protest, repudiation; application of the sponge!; whitewashing.

insolvency, bankruptcy, failure; insufficiency &c. 640; run upon a bank; overdrawn account.

waste paper bonds; dishonored bills, protested bills; bogus check, bogus cheque, rubber check.

bankrupt, insolvent, debtor, lame duck, man of straw, welsher, stag, defaulter, levanter!.

V. not pay &c. 807; fail, break, stop payment; become insolvent, become bankrupt; be gazetted.

protest, dishonor, repudiate, nullify, refuse payment.

pay under protest; b.u.t.ton up one"s pockets, draw the purse strings; apply the sponge; pay over the left shoulder, get whitewashed; swindle &c.

791; run up bills, fly kites.

Adj. not paying, non-paying, non-performing; in debt &c. 806; behindhand, in arrear[obs3], behind in payments, in arrears; beggared &c.

(poor) 804; unable to make both ends meet, minus; worse than nothing; worthless.

insolvent, bankrupt, in the gazette, gazetted.

unpaid &c. (outstanding) 806; gratis &c. 815; unremunerated.

#809. Expenditure.-- N. expenditure, money going out; out goings, out lay; expenses, disburs.e.m.e.nt; prime cost &c. (price) 812; circulation; run upon a bank.

payment &c.807[Money paid]; pay &c. (remuneration) 973; bribe &c.

973; fee, footing, garnish; subsidy; tribute; contingent, quota; donation &c.784.

pay in advance, earnest, handsel, deposit, installment.

investment; purchase &c. 795.

V. expend, spend; run through, get through; pay, disburse; ante, ante up; pony up* [U.S.]; open the purse strings, loose the purse strings, untie the purse strings; lay out, sh.e.l.l out*, fork out*, fork over; bleed; make up a sum, invest, sink money.

run up debts, run up bills (debt) 806.

fee &c. (reward) 973; pay one"s way &c. (pay) 807; subscribe &c.

(give) 784; subsidize.

Adj. expending, expended &c. v.; sumptuary.

Phr. vectigalia nervos esse reipublicae [Lat][Cicero].

#810. Receipt.-- N. receipt, value received, money coming in; income, incomings, innings, revenue, return, proceeds; gross receipts, net profit; earnings &c. (gain) 775; accepta[obs3], avails.

rent, rent roll; rental, rentage[obs3]; rack-rent.

premium, bonus; sweepstakes, tontine.

pension, annuity; jointure &c.(property) 780[obs3]; alimony, palimony [coll.], pittance; emolument &c. (remuneration) 973.

V. receive &c. 785; take money; draw from, derive from; acquire &c.

775; take &c. 789.

bring in, yield, afford, pay, return; accrue &c. (be received from) 785.

Adj. receiving, received &c. v.; profitable &c. (gainful) 775.

#811. Accounts.-- N. accounts, accompts!; commercial arithmetic, monetary arithmetic; statistics &c. (numeration) 85; money matters, finance, budget, bill, score, reckoning, account.

books, account book, ledger; day book, cash book, pa.s.s book; journal; debtor and creditor account, cash account, running account; account current; balance, balance sheet; compte rendu[Fr], account settled, acquit, a.s.sets, expenditure, liabilities, outstanding accounts; profit and loss account, profit and loss statement, receipts.

bookkeeping, accounting, double entry bookkeeping, reckoning.


[person who keeps accounts] accountant, auditor, actuary, bookkeeper, bean counter [derogatory]; financier &c. 801; accounting party; chartered accountant, certified accountant; accounting firm, auditing firm.

V. keep accounts, enter, post, book, credit, debit, carry over; take stock; balance accounts, make up accounts, square accounts, settle accounts, wind up accounts, cast up accounts; make accounts square, square accounts.

bring to book, tax, surcharge and falsify.

audit, field audit; check the books, verify accounts.

falsify an account, garble an account, cook an account, cook the books, doctor an account.

Adj. monetary &c.800; accountable, accounting.

#812. Price.-- N. price, amount, cost, expense, prime cost, charge, figure; demand, damage; fare, hire, wages &c. (remuneration) 973; value &c.


dues, duty, toll, tax, impost, cess[obs3], sess[obs3], tallage[obs3], levy; abkari[obs3]; capitation tax, poll tax; doomage [obs3][U.S.], likin[obs3]; gabel[obs3], gabelle[obs3]; gavel, octroi[obs3], custom, excise, a.s.sessment, benevolence, t.i.the, tenths, exactment[obs3], ransom, salvage, tariff; brokerage,, freightage.

bill &c. (account) 811; shot.

V. bear a price, set a price, fix a price; appraise, a.s.sess, doom [U.S.], price, charge, demand, ask, require, exact, run up; distrain; run up a bill &c. (debt) 806; have one"s price; liquidate.

amount to, come to, mount up to; stand one in.

fetch, sell for, cost, bring in, yield, afford.

Adj. priced &c. v.; to the tune of, ad valorem; dutiable; mercenary, venal.

Phr. no penny no paternoster[Lat]; point d"argent point de Suisse[Fr], no longer pipe no longer dance, no song no supper, if you dance you have to pay the piper, you get what you pay for, there"s no such thing as a free lunch.

one may have it for; a bon marche[Fr].

#812a. Value [intrinsic worth] -- N. {ant. to 812b} worth, rate, value, intrinsic value, quality; par value.

[estimated value] valuation, appraisal, a.s.sessment, apprais.e.m.e.nt.

[value as estimated in a market] price current, market price, quotation; fair price, going price; what it will fetch &c. v.; what the market will bear.

money"s worth; penny &c. worth.

cost (price) 812.

V. value[transitive], esteem; appreciate.

[estimate value] appraise, evaluate, a.s.sess.

Adj. valuable, estimable; worthwhile; worthy, full of worth.

precious (expensive) 814.

Phr. worth the price; worth a king"s ransom; accountants who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

#812b. Worthlessness -- N. {ant. to 812a} worthlessness, valuelessness[obs3]; lack of value; uselessness.

[low value] cheapness, shoddiness; low quality, poor quality.

[worthless item] trash, garbage.

Adj. worthless, valueless; useless.

[of low value] cheap, shoddy; slapdash.

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