Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 110

#845. Beauty. -- N. beauty, the beautiful, [Grk], le beau ideal.

[Science of the perception of beauty] aesthetics, callaesthetics|!.

[of people] pulchritude, form elegance, grace, beauty unadorned, natural beauty; symmetry &c. 242; comeliness, fairness &c. adj.; polish, gloss; good effect, good looks; belle tournure[obs3]; trigness[obs3]; bloom, brilliancy, radiance, splendor, gorgeousness, magnificence; sublimity, sublimification|.

concinnity[obs3], delicacy, refinement; charm, je ne sais quoi[Fr], style.

Venus, Aphrodite[obs3], Hebe, the Graces, Peri, Houri, Cupid, Apollo[obs3], Hyperion, Adonis[obs3], Antionous[obs3], Narcissus.

peac.o.c.k, b.u.t.terfly; garden; flower of, pink of; bijou; jewel &c.

(ornament) 847; work of art.

flower, flow"ret gay[obs3], wildflower; rose[flowers: list], lily, anemone, asphodel, b.u.t.tercup, crane"s bill, daffodil, tulip, tiger lily, day lily, begonia, marigold, geranium, lily of the valley, ranunculus[ISA:[email protected]], rhododendron, windflower.

pleasurableness &c 829.

beautifying; landscaping, landscape gardening; decoration &c. 847; calisthenics|!.

[person who is beautiful] beauty; hunk [of men].

V. be beautiful &c. adj.; shine, beam, bloom; become one &c. (accord) 23; set off, grace.

render beautiful &c. adj.; beautify; polish, burnish; gild &c.

(decorate) 847; set out.

"s.n.a.t.c.h a grace beyond the reach of art" [Pope].

Adj. beautiful, beauteous; handsome; gorgeous; pretty; lovely, graceful, elegant, prepossessing; attractive &c. (inviting) 615; delicate, dainty, refined; fair, personable, comely, seemly; bonny [Scottish]; good- looking; well-favored, well-made, well-formed, well-proportioned; proper, shapely; symmetrical &c. (regular) 242; harmonious &c. (color) 428; sightly.

fit to be seen, pa.s.sable, not amiss.

goodly, dapper, tight, jimp[obs3]; gimp; janty[obs3], jaunty; trig, natty, quaint, trim, tidy,neat, spruce, smart, tricksy[obs3].

bright, bright eyed; rosy cheeked, cherry cheeked; rosy, ruddy; blooming, in full bloom.

brilliant, shining; beamy[obs3], beaming; sparkling, splendid, resplendent, dazzling, glowing; glossy, sleek.

rich, superb, magnificent, grand, fine, sublime, showy, specious.

artistic, artistical[obs3]; aesthetic; picturesque, pictorial; fait a peindre[Fr]; well-composed, well grouped, well varied; curious.

enchanting &c. (pleasure-giving) 829; becoming &c. (accordant) 23; ornamental &c. 847.

undeformed, undefaced, unspotted; spotless &c. (perfect) 650.

Phr. auxilium non leve vultus habet [Lat][Ovid]; "beauty born of murmuring sound" [Wordsworth]; "flowers preach to us if we will hear" [C.G.

Rossetti]; gratior ac pulchro veniens in corpore virtus [Lat][Vergil]; "none but the brave deserve the fair" [Dryden]; "thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty" [Byron].

#846. Ugliness. -- N. ugliness &c. adj.; deformity, inelegance; acomia[obs3]; disfigurement &c. (blemish) 848; want of symmetry, inconcinnity[obs3]; distortion &c. 243; squalor &c. (uncleanness) 653.

forbidding countenance, vinegar aspect, hanging look, wry face, "spretae injuria formae" [Vergil].

[person who is ugly] eyesore, object, witch, hag, figure, sight, fright; monster; dog[coll.], woofer[coll.], pig[coll.]; octopus, specter, scarecrow, harridan|!, satyr|!, toad, monkey, baboon, Caliban, Aesop[obs3], "monstrum horrendum informe ingens cui lumen ademptum"


V. be ugly &c. adj.; look ill, grin horribly a ghastly smile, make faces.

render ugly &c. adj.; deface; disfigure, defigure|; distort &c. 23; blemish &c. (injure) 659; soil &c. (render unclean) 653.

Adj. ugly, ugly as sin, ugly as a toad, ugly as a scarecrow, ugly as a dead monkey; plain, bald (unadorned) 849; homely; ordinary, unornamental[obs3], inartistic; unsightly, unseemly, uncomely, unlovely; unshapely; sightless, seemless[obs3]; not fit to be seen; unbeauteous[obs3], unbeautiful; beautiless[obs3], semibeautiful; shapeless &c. (amorphous) 241.

misshapen, misproportioned[obs3]; monstrous; gaunt &c. (thin) 203; dumpy &c. (short) 201; curtailed of its fair proportions; ill-made, ill- shaped, ill-proportioned; crooked &c. (distorted) 243; hard featured, hard visaged; ill-favored, hard-favored, evil-favored; ill-looking; unprepossessing, unattractive, uninviting, unpleasing.

graceless, inelegant; ungraceful, ungainly, uncouth, stiff; rugged, rough, gross, rude, awkward, clumsy, slouching, rickety; gawky; lumping, lumpish[obs3]; lumbering; hulky[obs3], hulking; unwieldy.

squalid, haggard; grim, grim faced, grim visaged; grisly, ghastly; ghost like, death like; cadaverous, grewsome[obs3], gruesome.

frightful, hideous, odious, uncanny, forbidding; repellant, repulsive, repugnant, grotesque, bizarre; grody [coll.], grody to the max [coll.]; horrid, horrible; shocking &c. (painful) 830.

foul &c. (dirty) 653; dingy &c. (colorless) 429; gaudy &c. (color) 428; disfigured &c. v.; discolored.

#847. Ornament. -- N. ornament, ornamentation, ornamental art; ornature[obs3], ornateness; adornment, decoration, embellishment; architecture; jewelry &c. 847a.

[surface coatings for wood: list] garnish, polish, varnish, French polish, veneer, j.a.panning, lacquer.

[surface coatings for metal] gilding, plating, ormolu, enamel, cloisonn.

[surface coatings for human skin] cosmetics[in general], makeup; eye shadow[list], rouge, face powder, lipstick, blush.

[ornamental surface pattern: list] pattern, diaper, powdering, paneling, graining, pargeting[obs3]; detail; repousse (convexity) 250; texture &c. 329; richness; tracery, molding, fillet, listel[obs3], strapwork[obs3], coquillage[Fr], flourish, fleur-de-lis[Fr], arabesque, fret, anthemion[obs3]; egg and tongue, egg and dart; astragal[obs3], zigzag, acanthus, cartouche; pilaster &c. (projection) 250; bead, beading; champleve ware[Fr], cloisonne ware; frost work, Moresque[Lat], Morisco, tooling.

[ornamental cloth] embroidery; brocade, brocatelle[obs3], galloon, lace, fringe, trapping, border, edging, tr.i.m.m.i.n.g; hanging, tapestry, arras; millinery, ermine; drap d"or[Fr].

wreath, festoon, garland, chaplet, flower, nosegay, bouquet, posy, "daisies pied and violets blue"

ta.s.sel[L.L.L.], knot; shoulder knot, apaulette[obs3], epaulet, aigulet[obs3], frog; star, rosette, bow; feather, plume, pompom[obs3], panache, aigrette.

finery, frippery, gewgaw, gimcrack, tinsel, spangle, clinquant[obs3], pinchbeck, paste; excess of ornament &c. (vulgarity) 851; gaud, pride.

[ornamentation of text] ill.u.s.tration, illumination, vignette.

fleuron[obs3]; head piece[Fr], tail piece[Fr]; cul-de-lampe[Fr]; flowers of rhetoric &c. 577; work of art.

V. ornament, embellish, enrich, decorate, adorn, bead, beautify, adonize[obs3].

smarten, furbish, polish, gild, varnish, whitewash, enamel, j.a.pan, lacquer, paint, grain.

garnish, trim, dizen[obs3], bedizen, prink[obs3], prank; trick out, fig out; deck, bedeck, dight[obs3], bedight[obs3], array; begawd[obs3], t.i.tivate[obs3]; dress, dress up; spangle, bespangle, powder; embroider, work; chase, emboss, fret, emblazon; illuminate; ill.u.s.trate.

become &c. (accord with) 23.

Adj. ornamented, beautified &c. v.; ornate, rich, gilt, begilt[obs3], tesselated, festooned; champleve[Fr], cloisonne, topiary.

smart, gay, trickly[obs3], flowery, glittering; new gilt, new spangled; fine as a Mayday queen, fine as a fivepence[obs3], fine as a carrot fresh sc.r.a.ped; pranked out, bedight[obs3], well-groomed.

in full dress &c. (fashion) 852; dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, dressed to advantage; in Sunday best, en grand tenue[Fr], en grande toilette[Fr]; in best bib and tucker, endimanche[Fr].

showy, flashy; gaudy &c. (vulgar) 851; garish, gairish|!; gorgeous.

ornamental, decorative; becoming &c. (accordant) 23.

#847a. Jewelry -- N. jewel[ornaments worn by people on the body][general], jewelry, jewellery[obs3]; bijoutry|!; bijou, bijouterie[Fr]; trinket; fine jewelry; costume jewelry, junk jewelry; gem, gemstone, precious stone.

[forms of jewelry: list] necklace, bracelet, anklet; earring; locket, pendant, charm bracelet; ring, pinky ring; carcanet[obs3]; chain, chatelaine; broach, pin, lapel pin, torque.

[gemstones: list] diamond, brilliant, rock[coll.]; beryl, emerald; chalcedony, agate, heliotrope; girasol[obs3], girasole[obs3]; onyx, plasma; sard[obs3], sardonyx; garnet, lapis lazuli, opal, peridot[ISA:gemstone], tourmaline, chrysolite; sapphire, ruby, synthetic ruby; spinel, spinelle; balais[obs3]; oriental, oriental topaz; turquois[obs3], turquoise; zircon, cubic zirconia; jacinth, hyacinth, carbuncle, amethyst; alexandrite[obs3], cat"s eye, bloodstone, hemat.i.te, jasper, moonstone, sunstone[obs3].

[jewelry materials derived from living organisms] pearl, cultured pearl, fresh-water pearl; mother of pearl; coral.

[person who sells jewels] jeweler.

[person who studies gemstones] gemologist; minerologist.

[person who cuts gemstones] lapidary, lapidarian.

[study of gemstones] gemology, gemmology; minerology.

V. shine like a diamond.

Adj. bejeweled; diamond &c. n[gemstones]..


#848. Blemish. -- N. blemish, disfigurement, deformity; adactylism[obs3]; flaw, defect &c. (imperfection) 651; injury &c.

(deterioration) 659; spots on the sun|!; eyesore.

stain, blot; spot, spottiness; speck, speckle, blur.

tarnish, smudge; dirt &c. 653.

[blemish on a person"s skin: list] freckle, mole, macula[Anat], patch, blotch, birthmark; blobber lip[obs3], blubber lip; blain[obs3], maculation, ; scar, wem|; pustule; whelk; excrescence, pimple &c. (protuberance) 250.

V. disfigure &c. (injure) 659; speckle.

Adj. pitted, freckled, discolored; imperfect &c. 651; blobber-lipped, bloodshot; injured &c. (deteriorated) 659.

#849. Simplicity. -- N. simplicity; plainness, homeliness; undress, chast.i.ty.

V. be simple &c. adj.

render simple &c. adj.; simplify, uncomplicate.

Adj. simple, plain; homely, homespun; ordinary, household.

unaffected; ingenuous, sincere (artless) 703; free from affectation, free from ornament; simplex munditiis [Lat][Horace]; sans facon[Fr], en deshabille[Fr].

chaste, inornate[obs3], severe.

unadorned, bare, unornamented, undecked[obs3], ungarnished, unarranged[obs3], untrimmed, unvarnished.

bald, flat, dull.

Phr. veritatis simplex oratio est[Lat].

#850. [Good taste.] Taste. -- N. taste; good taste, refined taste, cultivated taste; delicacy, refinement, fine feeling, gust, gusto, tact, finesse; nicety &c. (discrimination) 465; [Grk]; polish, elegance, grace.

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