Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 132

temporality, secularization.

layman, civilian; parishioner, catechumen; secularist.

V. secularize.

Adj. secular, lay, laical, civil, temporal, profane.

#998. Rite.-- N. rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation &c. (spell) 993; service, psalmody &c. (worship) 990.

ministration; preaching, preachment; predication, sermon, homily, lecture, discourse, pastoral.

[Christian ritual for induction into the faith] baptism, christening, chrism; circ.u.mcision; baptismal regeneration; font.

confirmation; imposition of hands, laying on of hands; ordination &c.

(churchdom) 995; excommunication.

[Jewish rituals] Bar Mitzvah, Bas Mitzvah[Fr], Bris.

Eucharist, Lord"s supper, communion; the sacrament, the holy sacrament; celebration, high celebration; missa cantata[Lat]; asperges[obs3]; offertory; introit; consecration; consubstantiation, transubstantiation; real presence; elements; ma.s.s; high ma.s.s, low ma.s.s, dry ma.s.s.

matrimony &c. 903; burial &c. 363; visitation of the sick.

seven sacraments, impanation[obs3], subpanation[obs3], extreme unction, viatic.u.m, invocation of saints, canonization, transfiguration, auricular confession; maceration, flagellation, sackcloth and ashes; penance &c. (atonement) 952; telling of beads, processional; thurification[obs3], incense, holy water, aspersion.

relics, rosary, beads, reliquary, host, cross, rood, crucifix, pax[Lat], pyx, agnus Dei[Lat], censer, thurible, patera[obs3]; eileton[obs3], Holy Grail; prayer machine, prayer wheel; Sangraal[obs3], urceus[obs3].

ritualism, ceremonialism; sabbatism[obs3], sabbatarianism[obs3]; ritualist, sabbatarian[obs3].

holyday, feast, fast.

[Christian holy days] Sabbath, Pentecost; Advent, Christmas, Epiphany; Lent; Pa.s.sion week, Holy week; Easter, Easter Sunday, Whitsuntide; agape, Ascension Day, Candlemas[obs3], Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Holy Thursday; Lammas, Martinmas, Michaelmas; All SAint"s DAy, All Souls" Day [Moslem holy days] Ramadan, Ramazan; Bairam &c.[obs3], &c.

[Jewish holy days] Pa.s.sover; Shabuoth; Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement; Rosh Hashana, New Year; Hanukkah, Chanukkah, Feast of Lights; Purim, Feast of lots.

V. perform service[ritual actions of clergy], do duty, minister, officiate, baptize, dip, sprinkle; anoint, confirm, lay hands on; give the sacrament, administer the sacrament; administer extreme unction; hear confession, administer holy penance, shrive; excommunicate, ban with bell book and candle.

[ritual actions of believers] attend services, attend ma.s.s, go to ma.s.s, hear ma.s.s; take the sacrament, receive the sacrament, receive communion, attend the sacrament, partake of the sacrament, partake of communion; communicate; receive extreme unction; confess, go to confession, receive penance; anele[obs3].

[teaching functions of clergy] preach, sermonize, predicate, lecture.

Adj. ritual, ritualistic; ceremonial; baptismal, eucharistical; paschal.

Phr. "what art thou, thou idol ceremony?" [Henry V].

#999. Canonicals. -- N. canonicals, vestments; robe, gown, Geneva gown frock, pallium, surplice, ca.s.sock, dalmatic[obs3], scapulary[obs3], cope, mozetta[obs3], scarf, tunicle[obs3], chasuble, alb[obs3], alba[obs3], stole; fanon[obs3], fannel[obs3]; tonsure, cowl, hood; calote[obs3], calotte[obs3]; bands; capouch[obs3], amice[obs3]; vagas[obs3], vakas[obs3], vaka.s.s[obs3]; ap.r.o.n, lawn sleeves, pontificals[obs3], pall; miter, tiara, triple crown; shovel hat, cardinal"s hat; biretta; crosier; pastoral staff, thurifer[obs3]; costume &c. 225.

#1000. Temple.-- N. place of worship; house of G.o.d, house of prayer.

temple, cathedral, minster[obs3], church, kirk, chapel, meetinghouse, bethel[obs3], tabernacle, conventicle, basilica, fane[obs3], holy place, chantry[obs3], oratory.

synagogue; mosque; marabout[obs3]; pantheon; paG.o.da; joss house[obs3]; dogobah[obs3], tope; kiosk; kiack[obs3], masjid[obs3].

[clergymen"s residence] parsonage, rectory, vicarage, manse, deanery, glebe; Vatican; bishop"s palace; Lambeth.

altar, shrine, sanctuary, Holy of Holies, sanctum sanctorum[Lat], sacristy; sacrarium[obs3]; communion table, holy table, Lord"s table; table of the Lord; pyx; baptistery, font; piscina[obs3], stoup; aumbry[obs3]; sedile[obs3]; reredos; rood loft, rood screen.

[parts of a church: list] chancel, quire, choir, nave, aisle, transept, vestry, crypt, golgotha, calvary, Easter sepulcher; stall, pew; pulpit, ambo[obs3], lectern, reading desk, confessional, prothesis[obs3], credence, baldachin, baldacchino[obs3]; apse, belfry; chapter house; presbytery; anxious-bench, anxious-seat; diaconic.u.m[Lat], jube[obs3]; mourner"s bench, mourner"s seat.

[exterior adjacent to a church] cloisters, churchyard.

monastery, priory, abbey, friary, convent, nunnery, cloister.

Adj. claustral, cloistered; monastic, monasterial; conventual.

Phr. ne vile fano[It]; "there"s nothing ill can dwell in such a temple" [tempest].

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