Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 43

V. go out, die out, burn out; fizzle.

extinguish; damp, slack, quench, smother; put out, stamp out; douse, snuff, snuff out, blow out.

fireproof, flameproof.

Adj. incombustible; nonflammable, uninflammable, unflammable[obs3]; fireproof.

Phr. fight fire with fire

#389. Thermometer. -- N. thermometer, thermometrograph[obs3], mercury thermometer, alcohol thermometer, clinical thermometer, dry-bulb thermometer, wet-bulb thermometer, Anschutz thermometer[Ger], gas thermometer, telethermometer; color-changing temperature indicator; thermopile, thermoscope[obs3]; pyrometer, calorimeter, bomb calorimeter; thermistor, thermocouple.

[temperature-control devices] thermostat, thermoregulator.

-- (3) Taste --

#390. Taste. -- N. taste, flavor, gust, gusto, savor; gout, relish; sapor, sapidity[obs3]; tw.a.n.g, smack, smatch[obs3]; aftertaste, tang.

tasting; degustation, gustation.

palate, tongue, tooth, stomach.

V. taste, savor, smatch[obs3], smack, flavor, tw.a.n.g; tickle the palate &c. (savory) 394; smack the lips.

Adj. sapid, saporific[obs3]; gustable, gustatory; gustful[obs3]; strong, gamy; palatable &c. 394.

#391. Insipidity. -- N. insipidity, blandness; tastelessness &c. adj.

V. be tasteless &c. adj.

Adj. bland, void of taste &c. 390; insipid; tasteless, gustless, savorless; ingustible, mawkish, milk and water, weak, stale, flat, vapid, fade, wishy-washy, mild; untasted[obs3].

#392. Pungency. -- N. pungency, piquance, piquancy, poignancy haut- gout, strong taste, tw.a.n.g, race.

sharpness &c. adj.; acrimony; roughness &c. (sour) 392; unsavoriness &c. 395.

mustard, cayenne, caviare; seasoning &c. (condiment) 393; niter, saltpeter, brine (saltiness) 392a; carbonate of ammonia; sal ammoniac[obs3], sal volatile, smelling salts; hartshorn (acridity) 401a.

dram, cordial, nip.

nicotine, tobacco, snuff, quid, smoke; segar[obs3]; cigar, cigarette; weed; fragrant weed, Indian weed; Cavendish, fid[obs3], negro head, old soldier, rappee[obs3], stogy[obs3].

V. be pungent &c. adj.; bite the tongue.

render -pungent &c. adj.; season, spice, salt, pepper, pickle, brine, devil. smoke, chew, take snuff.

Adj. pungent, strong; high-, full-flavored; high-tasted, high- seasoned; gamy, sharp, stinging, rough, piquant, racy; biting, mordant; spicy; seasoned &c. v.; hot, hot as pepper; peppery, vellicating[obs3], escharotic[obs3], meracious; acrid, acrimonious, bitter; rough &c. (sour) 397; unsavory &c. 395.

#392a. Saltiness. -- N. saltiness.

niter, saltpeter, brine.

Adj. salty, salt, saline, brackish, briny; salty as brine, salty as a herring, salty as Lot"s wife.

salty, racy (indecent) 961.

Phr. take it with a grain of salt.

#392b. Bitterness -- N. bitterness, acridness[obs3], acridity, acrimony; caustic, alkali; acerbity; gall, wormwood; bitters, astringent bitters.

[additive for alcoholic beverages]Angostura aromatic bitters.

sourness &c. 397; pungency &c. 392.

[bitter substances] alkaloids; turmeric.

Adj. bitter, bitterish, acrid, acerb, acerbic.

Phr. bitter as gall; bitter pill to take; sugar coating on a bitter pill.

#393. Condiment. -- N. condiment, seasoning, sauce, spice, relish, appetizer.

[exlist] salt; mustard, grey poupon mustard; pepper, black pepper, white pepper, peppercorn, curry, sauce piquante[Fr]; caviare, onion, garlic, pickle; achar[obs3], allspice; bell pepper, Jamaica pepper, green pepper; chutney; cubeb[obs3], pimento.

[capsic.u.m peppers] capsic.u.m, red pepper, chili peppers, cayenne.

nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, oregano, cloves, fennel.

[herbs] pot herbs, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, bay leaves, marjoram.

[fragrant woods and gums] frankincense, balm, myrrh.

[from pods] paprika.

[from flower stigmas] saffron.

[from roots] ginger, turmeric.

V. season, spice, flavor, spice up &c. (render pungent) 392.

#394. Savoriness. -- N. savoriness &c. adj.; good taste, deliciousness, delectability.

relish, zest; appetizer.

tidbit, t.i.tbit[obs3], dainty, delicacy, tasty morsel; appetizer, hors d"ouvres[Fr.]; ambrosia, nectar, bonne-bouche[Fr]; game, turtle, venison; delicatessen.

V. be savory &c. adj.; tickle the palate, tickle the appet.i.te; flatter the palate.

render palatable &c. adj.

relish, like, smack the lips.

Adj. savory, delicious, tasty, well-tasted, to one"s taste, good, palatable, nice, dainty, delectable; toothful[obs3], toothsome; gustful[obs3], appetizing, lickerish[obs3], delicate, exquisite, rich, luscious, ambrosial, scrumptious, delightful.

Adv. per amusare la bocca Phr[It]. cela se laisse manger[Fr].

#395. Unsavoriness. -- N. unsavoriness &c. adj.; amaritude[obs3]; acrimony, acridity (bitterness) 392b; roughness &c. (sour) 397; acerbity, austerity; gall and wormwood, rue, qua.s.sia[obs3], aloes; marah[obs3]; sickener[obs3].

V. be unpalatable &c. adj.; sicken, disgust, nauseate, pall, turn the stomach.

Adj. unsavory, unpalatable, unsweetened, unsweet[obs3]; ill-flavored; bitter, bitter as gall; acrid, acrimonious; rough.

offensive, repulsive, nasty; sickening &c. v.; nauseous; loathsome, fulsome; unpleasant &c. 830.

#396. Sweetness. -- N. sweetness, dulcitude[obs3].

sugar, syrup, treacle,, honey, manna; confection, confectionary; sweets, grocery, conserve, preserve, confiture[obs3], jam, julep; sugar-candy, sugar-plum; licorice, marmalade, plum, lollipop, bonbon, jujube, comfit, sweetmeat; apple b.u.t.ter, caramel, damson, glucose; maple sirup[obs3], maple syrup, maple sugar; mithai[obs3], sorghum, taffy.

nectar; hydromel[obs3], mead, meade[obs3], metheglin[obs3], honeysuckle, liqueur, sweet wine, aperitif.

[sources of sugar] sugar cane, sugar beets.

[sweet foods] desert, pastry, pie, cake, candy, ice cream, tart, puff, pudding (food) 298.

dulcification, dulcoration.

sweetener, corn syrup, cane sugar, refined sugar, beet sugar, dextrose; artificial sweetener, saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame, Sweet"N Low.

V. be sweet &c. adj.

render sweet &c. adj.; sweeten; edulcorate[obs3]; dulcorate, dulcify; candy; mull. Adj. sweet; saccharine, sacchariferous[obs3]; dulcet, candied, honied[obs3], luscious, lush, nectarious[obs3], melliferous[obs3]; sweetened &c. v.

sweet as a nut, sweet as sugar, sweet as honey.

sickly sweet.

Phr. eau sucre[Fr]; "sweets to the sweet" [Hamlet].

#397. Sourness. -- N. sourness &c. adj.; acid, acidity, low pH; acetous fermentation, lactic fermentation.

vinegar, verjuice[obs3], crab, alum; acetic acid, lactic acid.

V. be sour; sour, turn sour &c. adj.; set the teeth on edge.

render sour &c. adj.; acidify, acidulate.

Adj. sour; acid, acidulous, acidulated; tart, crabbed; acetous, acetose[obs3]; acerb, acetic; sour as vinegar, sourish, acescent[obs3], subacid[Chem]; styptic, hard, rough.

Phr. sour as a lemon.

-- (4) Odor --

#398. Odor. -- N. odor, smell, odorament, scent, effluvium; emanation, exhalation; fume, essence, trail, nidor, redolence.

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