Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 77

providing &c. v.; purveyance; reinforcement, reenforcement[obs3]; commissariat.

provender &c. (food) 298; ensilage; viatic.u.m.

caterer, purveyor, commissary, quartermaster, manciple[obs3], feeder, batman, victualer, grocer, comprador[Sp], restaurateur; jackal, pelican; sutler &c. (merchant) 797[obs3].

grocery shop [U. S.], grocery store.

V. provide; make provision, make due provision for; lay in, lay in a stock, lay in a store.

supply, suppeditate; furnish; find, find one in; arm.

cater, victual, provision, purvey, forage; beat up for; stock, stock with; make good, replenish; fill, fill up; recruit, feed.

have in store, have in reserve; keep, keep by one, keep on foot, keep on hand; have to fall back upon; store &c. 636; provide against a rainy day &c. (economy) 817.

#638. Waste. -- N. consumption, expenditure, exhaustion; dispersion &c. 73; ebb; leakage &c. (exudation) 295; loss &c. 776; wear and tear; waste; prodigality &c. 818; misuse &c. 679; wasting &c. v.; rubbish &c.

(useless) 645. mountain in labor.

V. spend, expend, use, consume, swallow up, exhaust; impoverish; spill, drain, empty; disperse &c. 73.

cast away, fool away, muddle away, throw away, fling away, fritter away; burn the candle at both ends, waste; squander &c. 818.

"waste its sweetness on the desert air" [Gray]; cast one"s bread upon the waters, cast pearls before swine; employ a steam engine to crack a nut, waste powder and shot, break a b.u.t.terfly on a wheel; labor in vain &c.

(useless) 645; cut blocks with a razor, pour water into a sieve.

leak &c. (run out) 295; run to waste; ebb; melt away, run dry, dry up.

Adj. wasted &c. v.; at a low ebb.

wasteful &c. (prodigal) 818; penny wise and pound foolish.

Phr. magno conatu magnas nugas[Lat]; le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle[Fr]; "idly busy rolls their world away" [Goldsmith].

#639. Sufficiency. -- N. sufficiency, adequacy, enough, withal, satisfaction, competence; no less; quantum sufficit[Lat], Q.S..

mediocrity &c. (average) 29.

fill; fullness &c. (completeness) 52; plenitude, plenty; abundance; copiousness &c. Adj.; amplitude, galore, lots, profusion; full measure; "good measure pressed down and running, over." luxuriance &c. (fertility) 168; affluence &c. (wealth) 803; fat of the land; "a land flowing with milk and honey"; cornucopia; horn of plenty, horn of Amalthaea; mine &c.

(stock) 636.

outpouring; flood &c. (great quant.i.ty) 31; tide &c. (river) 348; repletion &c. (redundancy) 641; satiety &c. 869.

V. be sufficient &c. Adj.; suffice, do, just do, satisfy, pa.s.s muster; have enough &c. n.; eat. one"s fill, drink one"s fill, have one"s fill; roll in, swim in; wallow in &c. (superabundance) 641; wanton.

abound, exuberate, teem, flow, stream, rain, shower down; pour, pour in; swarm; bristle with; superabound.

render sufficient &c. Adj.; replenish &c. (fill) 52.

Adj. sufficient, enough, adequate, up to the mark, commensurate, competent, satisfactory, valid, tangible.

measured; moderate &c. (temperate) 953.

full.&c. (complete) 52; ample; plenty, plentiful, plenteous; plenty as blackberries; copious, abundant; abounding &c. v.; replete, enough and to spare, flush; choke-full, chock-full; well-stocked, well-provided; liberal; unstinted, unstinting; stintless[obs3]; without stint; unsparing, unmeasured; lavish &c. 641; wholesale.

rich; luxuriant &c. (fertile) 168; affluent &c. (wealthy) 803; wantless[obs3]; big with &c. (pregnant) 161.

unexhausted[obs3], unwasted[obs3]; exhaustless, inexhaustible.

Adv. sufficiently, amply &c. Adj.; full; in abundance &c. n. with no sparing hand; to one"s heart"s content, ad libitum, without stint.

Phr. "cut and come again" [Crabbe]; das Beste ist gut genug[Ger].

#640. Insufficiency. -- N. insufficiency; inadequacy, inadequateness; incompetence &c. (impotence) 158; deficiency &c. (incompleteness) 53; imperfection &c. 651; shortcoming &c. 304; paucity; stint; scantiness &c.

(smallness) 32; none to spare, bare subsistence.

scarcity, dearth; want, need, lack, poverty, exigency; inanition, starvation, famine, drought.

dole, mite, pittance; short allowance, short commons; half rations; banyan day.

emptiness, poorness &c. Adj.; depletion, vacancy, flaccidity; ebb tide; low water; "a beggarly account of empty boxes" [Romeo and Jul.]; indigence &c. 804; insolvency &c. (nonpayment) 808.

V. be insufficient &c. Adj.; not suffice &c. 639; come short of &c.

304 run dry.

want, lack, need, require; caret; be in want &c. (poor) 804, live from hand to mouth.

render insufficient &c. Adj.; drain of resources, impoverish &c.

(waste) 638; stint &c. (begrudge) 819; put on short allowance.

do insufficiently &c. adv.; scotch the snake.

Adj. insufficient, inadequate; too little &c. 32; not enough &c. 639; unequal to; incompetent &c. (impotent) 158; "weighed in the balance and found wanting"; perfunctory &c. (neglect) 460; deficient &c. (incomplete) 53; wanting, &c. v.; imperfect &c. 651; ill-furnished, ill-provided, ill- stored, ill-off.

slack, at a low ebb; empty, vacant, bare; short of, out of, dest.i.tute of, devoid of, bereft of &c. 789; denuded of; dry, drained.

unprovided, unsupplied[obs3], unfurnished; unreplenished, unfed[obs3]; unstored[obs3], untreasured[obs3]; empty-handed.

meager, poor, thin, scrimp, sparing, spare, stinted; starved, starving; halfstarved, famine-stricken, famished; jejune.

scant &c. (small) 32; scarce; not to be had, not to be had for love or money, not to be had at any price; scurvy; stingy &c. 819; at the end of one"s tether; without resources &c. 632; in want &c. (poor) 804; in debt &c. 806.

Adv. insufficiently &c. Adj.; in default of, for want of; failing.

Phr. semper avarus eget [Lat][Horace].

#641. Redundancy. -- N. redundancy, redundance[obs3]; too much, too many; superabundance, superfluity, superfluence, saturation; nimiety[obs3], transcendency, exuberance, profuseness; profusion &c.

(plenty) 639; repletion, enough in all conscience, satis superque[Lat], lion"s share; more than enough &c. 639; plethora, engorgement, congestion, load, surfeit, sickener[obs3]; turgescence &c. (expansion) 194[obs3]; overdose, overmeasure[obs3], oversupply, overflow; inundation &c. (water) 348; avalanche.

acc.u.mulation &c. (store) 636; heap &c. 72; drug, drug in the market; glut; crowd; burden.

excess; surplus, overplus[obs3]; epact[obs3]; margin; remainder &c.

40; duplicate; surplusage[obs3], expletive; work of supererogation; bonus, bonanza.

luxury; intemperance &c. 954; extravagance &c. (prodigality) 818; exorbitance, lavishment[obs3].

pleonasm &c. (diffuseness) 573; too many irons in the fire; embarras de richesses[Fr].

V. superabound, overabound[obs3]; know no bounds, swarm; meet one at every turn; creep with, crawl with, bristle with; overflow; run over, flow over, well over, brim over; run riot; overrun, overstock, overlay, overcharge, overdose, overfeed, overburden, overload, overdo, overwhelm, overshoot the mark &c. (go beyond) 303; surcharge, supersaturate, gorge, glut, load, drench, whelm, inundate, deluge, flood; drug, drug the market; hepatize[obs3].

choke, cloy, accloy[obs3], suffocate; pile up, lay on thick; impregnate with; lavish &c. (squander) 818.

send coals to Newcastle, carry coals to Newcastle, carry owls to Athens[obs3]; teach one"s grandmother to suck eggs; pisces natare docere[Lat]; kill the slain, "gild refined gold", "gild the lily", b.u.t.ter one"s bread on both sides, put b.u.t.ter upon bacon; employ a steam engine to crack a nut &c. (waste) 638.

exaggerate &c. 549; wallow in roll in &c. (plenty) 639 remain on one"s hands, hang heavy on hand, go a begging.

Adj. redundant; too much, too many; exuberant, inordinate, superabundant, excessive, overmuch, replete, profuse, lavish; prodigal &c.

818; exorbitant; overweening; extravagant; overcharged &c. v.; supersaturated, drenched, overflowing; running over, running to waste, running down.

crammed to overflowing, filled to overflowing; gorged, ready to burst; dropsical, turgid, plethoric; obese &c. 194.

superfluous, unnecessary, needless, supervacaneous, uncalled for, to spare, in excess; over and above &c. (remainder) 40; de trop[Fr]; adscit.i.tious &c. (additional) 37; supernumerary &c. (reserve) 636; on one"s hands, spare, duplicate, supererogatory, expletive; un peu fort[Fr].

Adv. over, too, over and above; overmuch, too much; too far; without measure, beyond measure, out of measure; with ... to spare; over head and ears; up to one"s eyes, up to one"s ears; extra; beyond the mark &c.

(transcursion) 303; acervatim [Lat].

Phr. it never rains but it pours; fortuna multis dat nimium nulli satis [Lat].

#642. Importance. -- N. importance, consequence, moment, prominence, consideration, mark, materialness.

import, significance, concern; emphasis, interest.

greatness &c. 31; superiority &c. 33; notability &c. (repute) 873; weight &c. (influence) 175; value &c. (goodness) 648; usefulness &c. 644.

gravity, seriousness, solemnity; no joke, no laughing matter; pressure, urgency, stress; matter of life and death.

memorabilia, notabilia[obs3], great doings; red-letter day.

great thing, great point; main chance, "the be all and the end all"

[Macbeth]; cardinal point; substance, gist &c. (essence) 5; sum and substance, gravamen, head and front; important part, part, prominent part, essential part; half the battle; sine qua non; breath of one"s nostrils &c. (life) 359;cream, salt, core, kernel, heart, nucleus; keynote, keystone; corner stone; trump card &c. (device) 626; salient points.

top sawyer, first fiddle, prima donna[Sp], chief; triton among the minnows; "it" [U.S.].

V. be important &c. adj., be somebody, be something; import, signify, matter, boot, be an object; carry weight &c. (influence) 175; make a figure &c. (repute) 873; be in the ascendant, come to the front, lead the way, take the lead, play first fiddle, throw all else into the shade; lie at the root of; deserve notice, merit notice, be worthy of notice, be worthy of regard, be worthy of consideration.

attach importance to, ascribe importance to, give importance to &c.

n.; value, care for, set store upon, set store by; mark &c. 550; mark with a white stone, underline; write in italics, put in italics, print in italics, print in capitals, print in large letters, put in large type, put in letters. of gold; accentuate, emphasize, lay stress on.

make a fuss about, make a fuss over, make a stir about, make a piece of work about[Fr], make much ado about; make much ado of, make much of.

Adj. important; of importance &c. n.; momentous, material; to the point; not to be overlooked, not to be despised, not to be sneezed at; egregious; weighty &c. (influential) 175; of note &c. (repute) 873; notable, prominent, salient, signal; memorable, remarkable; unforgettable; worthy of remark, worthy of notice; never to be forgotten; stirring, eventful.

grave, serious, earnest, n.o.ble, grand, solemn, impressive, commanding, imposing.

urgent, pressing, critical, instant.

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