Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 96

V. restrain, check; put under restraint, lay under restraint; enthral, enthrall, inthral[obs3], inthrall[obs3], bethral[obs3], bethrall[obs3]; restrict; debar &c. (hinder) 706; constrain; coerce &c. (compel) 744; curb, control; hold back, hold from, hold in, hold in check, hold within bounds, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep within bounds; hold in leash, hold in leading strings; withhold.

keep under; repress, suppress; smother; pull in, rein in; hold, hold fast; keep a tight hand on; prohibit &c. 761; inhibit, cohibit[obs3].

enchain; fasten &c. (join) 43; fetter, shackle; entrammel[obs3]; bridle, muzzle, hopple[obs3], gag, pinion, manacle, handcuff, tie one"s hands, hobble, bind hand and foot; swathe, swaddle; pin down, tether; picket; tie down, tie up; secure; forge fetters; disable, hamstring (incapacitate) 158.

confine; shut up, shut in; clap up, lock up, box up, mew up, bottle up, cork up, seal up, b.u.t.ton up; hem in, bolt in, wall in, rail in; impound, pen, coop; inclose &c. (circ.u.mscribe) 229; cage; incage[obs3], encage[obs3]; close the door upon, cloister; imprison, immure; incarcerate, entomb; clap under hatches, lay under hatches; put in irons, put in a strait-waistcoat; throw into prison, cast into prison; put into bilboes.

arrest; take up, take charge of, take into custody; take prisoner, take captive, make prisoner, make captive; captivate; lead captive, lead into captivity; send to prison, commit to prison; commit; give in charge, give in custody; subjugate &c. 749.

Adj. restrained, constrained; imprisoned &c.v.; pent up; jammed in, wedged in; under lock and key, under restraint, under hatches; in swaddling clothes; on parole; in custody, doing time &c. (prisoner) 754; cohibitive[obs3]; coactive &c. (compulsory) 744[obs3].

stiff, restringent[obs3], strait-laced, hidebound, barkbound[obs3].

ice bound, wind bound, weather bound; "cabined cribbed confined"

[Macbeth]; in Lob"s pound, laid by the heels.

#752. [Means of restraint.] Prison.-- N. prison, prison house; jail, gaol, cage, coop, den, cell; stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon, dungeon, Bastille, oubliette, bridewell[obs3], house of correction, hulks, tollbooth, panopticon[obs3], penitentiary, guardroom, lockup, hold; round house, watch house, station house, sponging house; station; house of detention, black hole, pen, fold, pound; inclosure &c. 232; isolation (exclusion) 893; penal settlement, penal colony; bilboes, stocks, limbo, quod*[Lat]; calaboose, chauki[obs3], choky[obs3], thana[obs3]; workhouse [U.S.].

Newgate, Fleet, Marshalsea; King"s (or Queen"s) Bench.

bond; bandage; irons, pinion, gyve, fetter, shackle, trammel, manacle, handcuff, straight jacket, strait jacket, strait-jacket, strait-waistcoat, hopples[obs3]; vice, vise.

yoke, collar, halter, harness; muzzle, gag, bit, brake, curb, snaffle, bridle; rein, reins; bearing rein; martingale; leading string; tether, picket, band, guy, chain; cord &c. (fastening) 45; cavesson[obs3], hackamore [obs3][U.S.], headstall, jaquima [obs3][U.S.], lines, ribbons.

bolt, deadbolt, bar, lock, police lock, combination lock, padlock, rail, wall, stone wall; paling, palisade; fence, picket fence, barbed wire fence, Cyclone fence, stockade fence, chain-link fence; barrier, barricade.

drag &c. (hindrance) 706.

#753. Keeper.-- N. keeper, custodian, custos[Lat], ranger, warder, jailer, gaoler, turnkey, castellan[obs3], guard; watchdog, watchman; Charley; chokidar[obs3], durwan[obs3], hayward[obs3]; sentry, sentinel; watch and ward; concierge, coast guard, guarda costa[Sp], game keeper.

escort, bodyguard.

protector, governor, duenna[Sp]; guardian; governess &c. (teacher) 540; nurse, nanny, babysitter, catsitter, dogsitter, bonne[Fr], ayah[obs3].

#754. Prisoner.-- N. prisoner, prisoner of war, POW, captive, inmate, detainee, hostage, abductee[obs3], detenu[Fr], close prisoner.

jail bird, ticket of leave man, chevronne[Fr].

V. stand committed; be imprisoned &c. 751.

take prisoner, take hostage (capture) 789.

Adj. imprisoned &c. 751; in prison, in quod*[Lat], in durance vile, in limbo, in custody, doing time, in charge, in chains; under lock and key, under hatches; on parole.

#755. [Vicarious authority.] Commission.-- N. commission, delegation; consignment, a.s.signment; procuration[obs3]; deputation, legation, mission,; agency, agentship[obs3]; power of attorney; clerkship; surrogacy.

errand, charge, brevet, diploma, exequatur[Lat], permit &c.

(permission) 760.

appointment, nomination, designation, return; charter; ordination; installation, inauguration, invest.i.ture, swearing-in; accession, coronation, enthronement.

vicegerency; regency, regentship.

viceroy &c. 745; consignee &c. 758; deputy &c. 759.

[person who receives a commission] agent, delegate, consignee &c. 758.

V. commission, delegate, depute; consign, a.s.sign; charge; intrust, entrust; commit, commit to the hands of; authorize &c. (permit) 760.

put in commission, accredit, engage, hire, bespeak, appoint, name, nominate, return, ordain; install, induct, inaugurate, swear in, invest, crown; enroll, enlist; give power of attorney to.

employ, empower; set over, place over; send out.

be commissioned, be accredited; represent, stand for; stand in the stead of, stand in the place of, stand in the shoes of.

Adj. commissioned &c. v.

Adv. per procurationem[Lat].

#756. Abrogation.-- N. abrogation, annulment, nullification, recision; vacatur[Lat]; canceling &c. v.; cancel; revocation, revokement[obs3]; repeal, rescission, defeasance.

dismissal, conge[Fr], demission; bounce* [U.S.]; deposal, deposition; dethronement; disestablishment, disendowment[obs3]; deconsecration; sack*, walking papers, pink slip, walking ticket; yellow cover*.

abolition, abolishment; dissolution.

counter order, countermand; repudiation, retraction, retractation[obs3]; recantation &c. (tergiversation) 607; abolitionist.

V. abrogate, annul, cancel; destroy &c. 162; abolish; revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall; abolitionize[obs3]; overrule, override; set aside; disannul, dissolve, quash, nullify, declare null and void; disestablish, disendow[obs3]; deconsecrate.

disclaim &c. (deny) 536; ignore, repudiate; recant &c. 607; divest oneself, break off.

countermand, counter order; do away with; sweep away, brush away; throw overboard, throw to the dogs; scatter to the winds, cast behind.

dismiss, discard; cast off, turn off, cast out, cast adrift, cast out of doors, cast aside, cast away; send off, send away, send packing, send about one"s business; discharge, get rid of &c. (eject) 297; bounce*

[U.S.]; fire*, fire out*; sack*.

cashier; break; oust; unseat, unsaddle; unthrone[obs3], dethrone, disenthrone[obs3]; depose, uncrown[obs3]; unfrock, strike off the roll; disbar, disbench[obs3].

be abrogated &c.; receive its quietus; walk the plank.

Adj. abrogated &c. v.; functus officio[Lat].

Int. get along with you! begone! go about your business! away with!

#757. Resignation.-- N. resignation, retirement, abdication, renunciation, abjuration; abandonment, relinquishment.

V. resign; give up, throw up; lay down, throw up the cards, wash one"s hands of, abjure, renounce, forego, disclaim, retract; deny &c. 536.

abrogate &c. 756; desert &c. (relinquish) 624; get rid of &c. 782.

abdicate; vacate, vacate one"s seat; accept the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds; retire; tender one"s resignation.

Adj. abdicant[obs3].

Phr. "Oth.e.l.lo"s occupation"s gone" [Oth.e.l.lo].

#758. Consignee.-- N. consignee, trustee, nominee, committee.

agent, delegate; commissary, commissioner; emissary, envoy, commissionaire[Fr]; messenger &c. 534.

diplomatist, diplomat(e), corps diplomatique[Fr],; amba.s.sador, emba.s.sador[obs3]; representative, resident, consul, legate, nuncio, internuncio[obs3], charge d"affaires[Fr], attache.

vicegerent &c. (deputy) 759; plenipotentiary.

functionary, placeman[obs3], curator; treasurer &c. 801; factor, bailiff, clerk, secretary, attorney, advocate, solicitor, proctor, broker, underwriter, commission agent, auctioneer, one"s man of business; factotum &c. (director) 694; caretaker; dalal[obs3], dubash[obs3], garnishee, gomashta[obs3].

negotiator, go-between; middleman; under agent, employe; servant &c.

746; referee, arbitrator &c.. (judge) 967.

traveler, bagman, commis-voyageur[Fr], touter[obs3], commercial traveler, drummer [U.S.], traveling man.

newspaper correspondent, own correspondent, special correspondent.

#759. Deputy.-- N. deputy, subst.i.tute, vice, proxy, loc.u.m tenens, badli[obs3], delegate, representative, next friend, surrogate, secondary.

regent, viceregent[obs3], vizier, minister, vicar; premier &c.

(director) 694; chancellor, prefect, provost, warden, lieutenant, archon, consul, proconsul; viceroy &c. (governor) 745; commissioner &c. 758; Tsung- li Yamen, Wai Wu Pu; plenipotentiary, alter ego.

team, eight, eleven; champion.

V. be deputy &c. n.; stand for, appear for, hold a brief for, answer for; represent; stand in the shoes of, walk in the shoes of; stand in the stead of.

ablegate[obs3], accredit.

Adj. acting, vice, vice regal; accredited to.

Adv. in behalf of.


#760. Permission.-- N. permission, leave; allowance, sufferance; tolerance, toleration; liberty, law, license, concession, grace; indulgence &c. (lenity) 740; favor, dispensation, exemption, release; connivance; vouchsafement[obs3].

authorization, warranty, accordance, admission.

permit, warrant, brevet, precept, sanction, authority, firman; hukm[obs3]; pa.s.s,; furlough, license, carte blanche[Fr], ticket of leave; grant, charter; patent, letters patent.

V. permit; give permission &c. n., give power; let, allow, admit; suffer, bear with, tolerate, recognize; concede &c. 762; accord, vouchsafe, favor, humor, gratify, indulge, stretch a point; wink at, connive at; shut one"s eyes to.

grant, empower, charter, enfranchise, privilege, confer a privilege, license, authorize, warrant; sanction; intrust &c. (commission) 755.

give carte blanche[Fr], give the reins to, give scope to &c. (freedom) 748; leave alone, leave it to one, leave the door open; open the door to, open the flood gates; give a loose to.

let off; absolve &c. (acquit) 970; release, exonerate, dispense with.

ask permission, beg permission, request permission, ask leave, beg leave, request leave.

Adj. permitting &c. v.; permissive, indulgent; permitted &c. v.; patent, chartered, permissible, allowable, lawful, legitimate, legal; legalized &c. (law) 963; licit; unforbid[obs3], unforbidden[obs3]; unconditional.

Adv. by leave, with leave, on leave &c. n.; speciali gratia[It]; under favor of; pace; ad libitum &c. (freely) 748, (at will) 600; by all means &c. (willingly) 602; yes &c. (a.s.sent) 488.

Phr. avec permissin[Fr]; brevet d"invention [Fr].

#761. Prohibition.-- N. prohibition, inhibition; veto, disallowance; interdict, interdiction; injunction, estoppel[Law]; embargo, ban, taboo, proscription; index expurgatorius[Lat]; restriction &c. (restraint) 751; hindrance &c.706; forbidden fruit; Maine law [U.S.].

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