Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 122

V. be jealous &c. adj.; view with jealousy, view with a jealous eye.

Adj. jealous, jealous as a barbary pigeon[obs3]; jaundiced, yellow- eyed, envious, hornmad.

#921. Envy. -- N. envy; enviousness &c. adj.; rivalry; jalousie de milier[Fr]; illwill, spite.

V. envy, covet, burst with envy.

Adj. envious, invidious, covetous; alieni appetens[Lat].

Phr. "base envy withers at another"s joy" [Thomson]; caeca invidia est [Lat][Livy]; multa petentibus desunt multa [Lat][Horace]; summa pet.i.t livor [Lat][Ovid].



#922. Right. -- N. right; what ought to be, what should be; fitness &c. adj.; summum jus[Lat].

justice, equity; equitableness &c. adj.; propriety; fair play, impartiality, measure for measure, give and take, lex talionis[Lat].

Astraea[obs3], Nemesis, Themis.

scales of justice, evenhanded justice, karma; suum cuique[Lat]; clear stage, fair field and no favor, level playing field.

morals &c. (duty) 926; law &c. 963; honor &c. (probity) 939; virtue &c. 944.

V. be right &c. adj.; stand to reason.

see justice done, see one righted, see fair play; do justice to; recompense &c. (reward) 973; bold the scales even, give and take; serve one right, put the saddle on the right horse; give every one his due, give the devil his due; audire alteram partem[Lat].

deserve &c. (be ent.i.tled to) 924.

Adj. right, good; just, reasonable; fit &c. 924; equal, equable, equatable[obs3]; evenhanded, fair.

legitimate, justifiable, rightful; as it should be, as it ought to be; lawful &c. (permitted) 760, (legal) 963.

deserved &c. 924.

Adv. rightly &c. adj.; bon droit[Fr], au bon droit[Fr], in justice, in equity,, in reason.

without distinction of persons, without regard to persons, without respect to persons; upon even terms.

Int. all right! fair"s fair.

Phr. Dieu et mon droit[Fr]; "in equal scale weighing delight and dole"

[Hamlet]; just.i.tia cuum cuique distribuit [Lat][Cicero]; just.i.tiae soror incorrupta fides[Lat]; just.i.tia virtutem regina[Lat]; "thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just" [Henry VI].

#923. Wrong. -- N. wrong; what ought not to be, what should not be; malum in se[Lat]; unreasonableness, grievance; shame.

injustice; tort [Law]; unfairness &c. adj.; iniquity, foul play.

partiality, leaning, bias; favor, favoritism; nepotism, party spirit, partisanship; bigotry.

undueness &c. 925; wrongdoing (vice) 945; unlawfulness &c. 964.

robbing Peter to pay Paul &c. v.; the wolf and the lamb; vice &c. 945.

"a custom more honored in the breach than the observance" [Hamlet].

V. be wrong &c. adj.; cry to heaven for vengeance.

do wrong &c. n.; be inequitable &c. adj.; favor, lean towards; encroach upon, impose upon; reap where one has not sown; give an inch and take an ell, give an inch and take an mile; rob Peter to pay Paul.

Adj. wrong, wrongful; bad, too bad; unjust, unfair; inequitable, unequitable[obs3]; unequal, partial, one-sided; injurious, tortious[Law].

objectionable; unreasonable, unallowable, unwarrantable, unjustifiable; improper, unfit; unjustified &c. 925; illegal &c. 964; iniquitous; immoral &c. 945.

in the wrong, in the wrong box.

Adv. wrongly &c. adj.

Phr. it will not do.

#924. Dueness. -- N. due, dueness; right, privilege, prerogative, prescription, t.i.tle, claim, pretension, demand, birthright. immunity, license, liberty, franchise; vested interest, vested right.

sanction, authority, warranty, charter; warrant &c. (permission) 760; const.i.tution &c. (law) 963; tenure; bond &c. (security) 771.

claimant, appellant; plaintiff &c. 938.

V. be due &c. adj. to, be the due &c. n. of; have right to, have t.i.tle to, have claim to; be ent.i.tled to; have a claim upon; belong to &c.

(property) 780.

deserve, merit, be worthy of, richly deserve.

demand, claim; call upon for, come upon for, appeal to for; revendicate[obs3], reclaim; exact; insist on, insist upon; challenge; take one"s stand, make a point of, require, lay claim to, a.s.sert, a.s.sume, arrogate, make good; substantiate; vindicate a claim, vindicate a right; fit for, qualify for; make out a case.

give a right, confer a right; ent.i.tle; authorize &c. 760; sanctify, legalize, ordain, prescribe, allot.

give every one his due &c. 922; pay one"s dues; have one"s due, have one"s rights.

use a right, a.s.sert, enforce, put in force, lay under contribution.

Adj. having a right to &c. v.; ent.i.tled to; claiming; deserving, meriting, worthy of.

privileged, allowed, sanctioned, warranted, authorized; ordained, prescribed, const.i.tutional, chartered, enfranchised. prescriptive, presumptive; absolute, indefeasible; unalienable, inalienable; imprescriptible[obs3], inviolable, unimpeachable, unchallenged; sacrosanct.

due to, merited, deserved, condign, richly deserved.

allowable &c. (permitted) 760; lawful, licit, legitimate, legal; legalized &c. (law) 963.

square, unexceptionable, right; equitable &c. 922; due, en r gle; fit, fitting; correct, proper, meet, befitting, becoming, seemly; decorous; creditable, up to the mark, right as a trivet; just the thing, quite the thing; selon les r gles[Fr].

Adv. duly, ex officio, de jure[Lat]; by right, by divine right; jure divino[Lat], Dei gratia[Lat], in the name of.

Phr. civis Roma.n.u.s sum [Lat][Cicero]; chaque saint sa chandelle[Fr].

#925. [Absence of right.] Undueness. -- N. undueness &c. adj.; malum prohibitum[Lat]; impropriety; illegality &c. 964.

falseness &c. adj.; emptiness of t.i.tle, invalidity of t.i.tle; illegitimacy.

loss of right, disfranchis.e.m.e.nt, forfeiture.

usurpation, tort, violation, breach, encroachment, presumption, a.s.sumption, seizure; stretch, exaction, imposition, lion"s share.

usurper, pretender.

V. be undue &c. adj.; not be due &c. 924.

infringe, encroach, trench on, exact; arrogate, arrogate to oneself; give an inch and take an ell; stretch a point, strain a point; usurp, violate, do violence to.

disfranchise, disent.i.tle, disqualify; invalidate.

relax &c. (be lax) 738; misbehave &c. (vice) 945; misbecome[obs3].

Adj. undue; unlawful &c. (illegal) 964; unconst.i.tutional; illicit; unauthorized, unwarranted, disallowed, unallowed[obs3], unsanctioned, unjustified; unent.i.tled[obs3], disent.i.tled, unqualified, disqualified; unprivileged, unchartered.

illegitimate, b.a.s.t.a.r.d, spurious, supposit.i.tious, false; usurped.

tortious [Law].

undeserved, unmerited, unearned; unfulfilled.

forfeited, disfranchised.

improper; unmeet, unfit, unbefitting, unseemly; unbecoming, misbecoming[obs3]; seemless[obs3]; contra bonos mores[Lat]; not the thing, out of the question, not to be thought of; preposterous, pretentious, would-be.

Phr. filius nullius.

#926. Duty. -- N. duty, what ought to be done, moral obligation, accountableness[obs3], liability, onus, responsibility; bounden duty, imperative duty; call, call of duty; accountability.

allegiance, fealty, tie engagement &c. (promise) 768; part; function, calling &c. (business) 625.

morality,, morals, decalogue; case of conscience; conscientiousness &c. (probity) 939; conscience, inward monitor, still small voice within, sense of duty, tender conscience, superego; the h.e.l.l within [P. L.].

dueness &c. 924; propriety, fitness, seemliness, amenability, decorum, ; the thing, the proper thing; the right thing to do, the proper thing to do.

[Science of morals] ethics, ethology.; deontology[obs3], aretology[obs3]; moral philosophy, ethical philosophy; casuistry, polity.

observance, fulfillment, discharge, performance, acquittal, satisfaction, redemption; good behavior.

V. be the duty of; be inc.u.mbent &c. adj. on, be responsible &c. adj.; behoove, become, befit, beseem; belong to, pertain to; fall to one"s lot; devolve on; lie upon, lie on one"s head, lie at one"s door; rest with, rest on the shoulders of. take upon oneself &c. (promise) 768; be bound to, become bound to, be sponsor for, become sponsor for; incur a responsibility &c. n.; be under an obligation, stand under an obligation, lie under an obligation; have to answer for, owe to it oneself.

impose a duty, &c. n.; enjoin, require, exact; bind, bind over; saddle with, prescribe, a.s.sign, call upon, look to, oblige.

enter upon a duty, perform a duty, observe a duty, fulfill a duty, discharge a duty, adhere to a duty, acquit oneself of a duty, satisfy a duty, enter upon an obligation, perform an obligation, observe an obligation, fulfill an obligation, discharge an obligation, adhere to an obligation, acquit oneself of an obligation, satisfy an obligation; act one"s part, redeem one"s pledge, do justice to, be at one"s post; do duty; do one"s duty &c. (be virtuous) 944.

be on one"s good behavior, mind one"s P"s and Q"s.

Adj. obligatory, binding; imperative, peremptory; stringent &c.

(severe) 739; behooving &c. v.; inc.u.mbent on, chargeable on; under obligation; obliged by, bound by, tied by; saddled with.

due to, beholden to, bound to, indebted to; tied down; compromised &c.

(promised) 768; in duty bound.

amenable, liable, accountable, responsible, answerable.

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