Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 60

V. expect; look for, look out for, look forward to; hope for; antic.i.p.ate; have in prospect, have in contemplation; keep in view; contemplate, promise oneself; not wonder &c. 870 at, not wonder if.

wait for, tarry for, lie in wait for, watch for, bargain for; keep a good lookout for, keep a sharp lookout for; await; stand at "attention,"

abide, bide one"s time, watch.

foresee &c. 510; prepare for &c. 673; forestall &c. (be early) 132; count upon &c. (believe in) 484; think likely &c. (probability) 472.

lead one to expect &c. (predict) 511; have in store for &c. (destiny) 152.

p.r.i.c.k up one"s ears, hold one"s breath.

Adj. expectant; expecting &c. v.; in expectation &c. n.; on the watch &c. (vigilant) 459; open-eyed, open-mouthed, in wide-eyed antic.i.p.ation; agape, gaping, all agog; on tenterhooks, on tiptoe, on the tiptoe of expectation; aux aguets[obs3]; ready; curious &c. 455; looking forward to.

expected &c. v.; long expected, foreseen; in prospect &c. n.; prospective; in one"s eye, in one"s view, in the horizon, on the horizon, just over the horizon, just around the corner, around the corner; impending &c. (destiny) 152.

Adv. on the watch &c. adj.; with breathless expectation &c. n.; with bated breath, with rapt antic.i.p.ation; arrectis auribus[Lat].

Phr. we shall see; nous verrons[Fr]; "expectation whirls me round"

[Troilus and Cressida]; the light at the end of the tunnel.

#508. Inexpectation. -- N. inexpectation[obs3], non-expectation; false expectation &c. (disappointment) 509; miscalculation &c. 481.

surprise, sudden burst, thunderclap, blow, shock, start; bolt out of the blue; wonder &c. 870; eye opener.

unpleasant surprise, pleasant surprise.

V. not expect &c. 507; be taken by surprise; start; miscalculate &c.

481; not bargain for; come upon, fall upon.

be unexpected &c. adj.; come unawares &c. adv.; turn up, pop, drop from the clouds; come upon one, burst upon one, flash upon one, bounce upon one, steal upon one, creep upon one; come like a thunder clap, burst like a thunderclap, thunder bolt; take by surprise, catch by surprise, catch unawares, catch napping; yach [obs3][S. Africa].

pounce upon, spring a mine upon.

surprise, startle, take aback, electrify, stun, stagger, take away one"s breath, throw off one"s guard; astonish, dumbfound &c. (strike with wonder) 870.

Adj. nonexpectant[obs3]; surprised &c. v.; unwarned, unaware; off one"s guard; inattentive 458.

unexpected, unantic.i.p.ated, unpredicted[obs3], unlooked for, unforeseen, unhoped for; dropped from the clouds; beyond expectation, contrary to expectation, against expectation, against all expectation; out of one"s reckoning; unheard of &c. (exceptional) 83; startling, surprising; sudden &c. (instantaneous) 113.

unpredictable, unforeseeable (unknowable) 519.

Adv. abruptly, unexpectedly, surprisingly; plump, pop, a l"improviste[Fr], unawares; without notice, without warning, without a "by your leave"; like a thief in the night, like a thunderbolt; in an unguarded moment; suddenly &c. (instantaneously) 113.

Int. heydey[obs3]! &c. (wonder) 870.

Phr. little did one think, little did one expect; n.o.body would ever suppose, n.o.body would ever think, n.o.body would ever expect; who would have thought? it beats the Dutch!.

#509. [Failure of expectation.] Disappointment.-- N. disappointment; blighted hope, balk; blow; anticlimax; slip "twixt cup and lip; nonfulfillment of one"s hopes; sad disappointment, bitter disappointment; trick of fortune; afterclap; false expectation, vain expectation; miscalculation &c. 481; fool"s paradise; much cry and little wool.

V. be disappointed; look blank, look blue; look aghast, stand aghast &c. (wonder) 870; find to one"s cost; laugh on the wrong side of one"s mouth; find one a false prophet.

not realize one"s hope, not realize one"s expectation.

[cause to be disappointed] disappoint; frustrate, discomfit, crush, defeat (failure) 732; crush one"s hope, dash one"s hope, balk one"s hope, disappoint one"s hope, blight one"s hope, falsify one"s hope, defeat one"s hope, discourage; balk, jilt, bilk; play one false, play a trick; dash the cup from the lips, tantalize; dumfound, dumbfound, dumbfounder, dumfounder (astonish) 870.

Adj. disappointed &c. v.; disconcerted, aghast; disgruntled; out of one"s reckoning.

Phr. the mountain labored and brought forth a mouse; parturiunt montes[Lat]; nascitur ridiculus mus [Lat][Horace]; diis aliter visum[Lat][obs3], the bubble burst; one"s countenance falling.

#510. Foresight. -- N. foresight, prospicience[obs3], prevision, long- sightedness; antic.i.p.ation; providence &c. (preparation) 673.

forethought, forecast; predeliberation[obs3], presurmise[obs3]; foregone conclusion &c. (prejudgment) 481; prudence &c. (caution) 864.

foreknowledge; prognosis; precognition, prescience, prenotion[obs3], presentiment; second sight; sagacity &c. (intelligence) 498; antepast[obs3], prelibation[obs3], prophasis[obs3].

prospect &c. (expectation) 507; foretaste; prospectus &c. (plan) 626.

V. foresee; look forwards to, look ahead, look beyond; scent from afar; look into the future, pry into the future, peer into the future.

see one"s way; see how the land lies, get the lay of the land, see how the wind blows, test the waters, see how the cat jumps.

antic.i.p.ate; expect &c. 507; be beforehand &c. (early) 132; predict &c.

511; foreknow, forejudge, forecast; presurmise[obs3]; have an eye to the future, have an eye to the main chance; respicere finem[Lat]; keep a sharp lookout &c. (vigilance) 459; forewarn &c. 668.

Adj. foreseeing &c. v.; prescient; fa.r.s.eeing, farsighted; sagacious &c. (intelligent) 498; weatherwise[obs3]; provident &c. (prepared) 673; prospective &c. 507.

Adv. against the time when.

Phr. cernit omnia Deus vindex[Lat]; mihi cura futuri[Lat]; run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.

#511. Prediction.-- N. prediction, announcement; program, programme &c. (plan) 626[Brit]; premonition &c. (warning) 668; prognosis, prophecy, vaticination, mantology[obs3], prognostication, premonstration; augury, auguration; ariolation, hariolation; foreboding, aboding[obs3]; bodement[obs3], abodement[obs3]; omniation, omniousness[obs3]; auspices, forecast; omen &c. 512; horoscope, nativity; sooth[obs3], soothsaying; fortune telling, crystal gazing; divination; necromancy &c. 992.

[Divination by the stars] astrology[obs3], horoscopy[obs3], judicial astrology1[obs3].

[obs3] adytum[Place of prediction].

prefiguration[obs3], prefigurement; prototype, type.

[person who predicts] oracle &c. 513.

V. predict, prognosticate, prophesy, vaticinate, divine, foretell, soothsay, augurate[obs3], tell fortunes; cast a horoscope, cast a nativity; advise; forewarn &c. 668.

presage, augur, bode; abode, forebode; foretoken, betoken; prefigure, preshow[obs3]; portend; foreshow[obs3], foreshadow; shadow forth, typify, pretypify[obs3], ominate[obs3], signify, point to.

usher in, herald, premise, announce; lower.

hold out expectation, raise expectation, excite expectation, excite hope; bid fair, promise, lead one to expect; be the precursor &c 64.

[predict by mathematical or statistical means from past experience]

extrapolate, project.

Adj. predicting &cv.; predictive, prophetic; fatidic[obs3], fatidical[obs3]; vaticinal, oracular, fatiloquent[obs3], haruspical, Sibylline; weatherwise[obs3].

ominous, portentous, augurous[obs3], augurial, augural; auspicial[obs3], auspicious; prescious[obs3], monitory, extispicious[obs3], premonitory, significant of, pregnant with, bit with the fate of.

Phr. "coming events cast their shadows before" [Campbell]; dicamus bona verba[Lat]; "there buds the promise of celestial worth" [Young].

[1] The following terms, expressive of different forms of divination, have been collected from various sources, and are here given as a curious ill.u.s.tration of bygone superst.i.tions:- Divination by oracles, Theomancy[obs3]; by the Bible, Bibliomancy; by ghosts, Psychomancy[obs3]; by crystal gazing, Crystallomancy[obs3]; by shadows or manes, Sciomancy; by appearances in the air, Aeromancy[obs3], Chaomancy[obs3]; by the stars at birth, Genethliacs; by meteors, Meteoromancy[obs3]; by winds, Austromancy[obs3]; by sacrificial appearances, Aruspicy (or Haruspicy)[obs3], Hieromancy[obs3], Hieroscopy[obs3]; by the entrails of animals sacrificed, Extispicy[obs3], Hieromancy[obs3]; by the entrails of a human sacrifice, Anthropomancy[obs3]; by the entrails of fishes, Ichthyomancy[obs3]; by sacrificial fire, Pyromancy[obs3]; by red-hot iron, Sideromancy[obs3]; by smoke from the altar, Capnomancy[obs3]; by mice, Myomancy[obs3]; by birds, Orniscopy[obs3], Ornithomancy[obs3]; by a c.o.c.k picking up grains, Alectryomancy (or Alectromancy)[obs3]; by fishes, Ophiomancy[obs3]; by herbs, Botanomancy[obs3]; by water, Hydromancy[obs3]; by fountains, Pegomancy[obs3]; by a wand, Rhabdomancy; by dough of cakes, Crithomancy[obs3]; by meal, Aleuromancy[obs3], Alphitomancy[obs3]; by salt, Halomancy[obs3]; by dice, Cleromancy[obs3]; by arrows, Belomancy[obs3]; by a balanced hatchet, Axinomancy[obs3]; by a balanced sieve, Coscinomancy[obs3]; by a suspended ring, Dactyliomancy[obs3]; by dots made at random on paper, Geomancy[obs3]; by precious stones, Lithomancy[obs3]; by pebbles, Pessomancy[obs3]; by pebbles drawn from a heap, Psephomancy[obs3]; by mirrors, Catoptromancy[obs3]; by writings in ashes, Tephramancy[obs3]; by dreams, Oneiromancy[obs3]; by the hand, Palmistry, Chiromancy; by nails reflecting the sun"s rays, Onychomancy[obs3]; by finger rings, Dactylomancy[obs3]; by numbers, Arithmancy[obs3]; by drawing lots, Sortilege[obs3]; by pa.s.sages in books, Stichomancy[obs3]; by the letters forming the name of the person, Onomancy[obs3], Nomancy; by the features, Anthroposcopy[obs3]; by the mode of laughing, Geloscopy[obs3]; by ventriloquism, Gastromancy[obs3]; by walking in a circle, Gyromancy[obs3]; by dropping melted wax into water, Ceromancy[obs3]; by currents, Bletonism; by the color and peculiarities of wine, Oenomancy[obs3].

#512. Omen.-- N. omen, portent, presage, prognostic, augury, auspice; sign &c. (indication) 550; harbinger &c. (precursor) 64; yule candle!.

bird of ill omen; signs of the times; gathering clouds; warning &c.


prefigurement &c. 511.

Adj. ill-boding.

Phr. auspicium melioris aevi[Lat][obs3].

#513. Oracle.-- N. oracle; prophet, prophesier, seer, soothsayer, augur, fortune teller, crystal gazer[obs3], witch, geomancer[obs3], aruspex[obs3]; aruspice[obs3], haruspice[obs3]; haruspex; astrologer, star gazer[obs3]; Sibyl; Python, Pythoness[obs3]; Pythia; Pythian oracle, Delphian oracle; Monitor, Sphinx, Tiresias, Ca.s.sandra[obs3], Sibylline leaves; Zadkiel, Old Moore; sorcerer &c. 994; interpreter &c. 524.

[person who predicts by non-mystical (natural) means] predictor, prognosticator, forecaster; weather forecaster, weatherman.

Phr. a prophet is without honor in his own country; "you don"t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" [Bob Dylan].


#514. Supposition.-- N. supposition, a.s.sumption, a.s.sumed position, postulation, condition, presupposition, hypothesis, blue sky hypothesis, postulate, postulatum[Lat], theory; thesis, theorem; data; proposition, position; proposal &c. (plan) 626; presumption &c. (belief) 484; divination.

conjecture; guess, guesswork, speculation; rough guess, shot, shot in the dark [coll.]; conjecturality[obs3]; surmise, suspicion, sneaking suspicion; estimate, approximation (nearness) 197.

inkling, suggestion, hint, intimation, notion, impression; bare supposition, vague supposition, loose supposition, loose suggestion.

a.s.sociation of ideas, (a.n.a.logy) 514a; metonym[Gram], metonymy[Gram], simile (metaphor) 521.

conceit, idea, thought; original idea, invention (imagination) 515.

V. suppose, conjecture, surmise, suspect, guess, divine; theorize; presume, presurmise[obs3], presuppose; a.s.sume, fancy, wis[obs3], take it; give a guess, speculate, believe, dare say, take it into one"s head, take for granted; imagine &c. 515.

put forth; propound, propose; start, put a case, submit, move, make a motion; hazard out, throw out a suggestion, put forward a suggestion, put forward conjecture.

allude to, suggest, hint, put it into one"s head.

suggest itself &c. (thought) 451; run in the head &c. (memory) 505; marvel if, wonder if, wonder whether.

Adj. supposing &c. v.; given, mooted, postulatory[obs3]; a.s.sumed &c.

v.; supposit.i.tious, suppositive[obs3], suppositious; gratuitous, speculative, conjectural, hypothetical, theoretical, academic, supposable, presumptive, putative; suppositional.

suggestive, allusive.

Adv. if, if so be; an; on the supposition &c. n.;ex hypothesi[Lat]; in the case, in the event of; quasi, as if, provided; perhaps &c. (by possibility) 470; for aught one knows.

#514a. a.n.a.logy -- N. a.n.a.logy, a.s.sociation, a.s.sociation of ideas.

metaphor &c. 521.

a.n.a.logical thinking; free a.s.sociation; train of thought.

Adj. a.n.a.logical.

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