Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 63

[disclose inadvertently or reluctantly] let slip, blurt out, spill the beans, unburden oneself of, let off one"s chest; disclose &c. 529.

show cause; explain &c. (interpret) 522.

hint; given an inkling of; give a hint, drop a hint, throw out a hint; insinuate; allude to, make allusion to; glance at; tip the wink &c.

(indicate) 550; suggest, prompt, give the cue, breathe; whisper, whisper in the ear.

give a bit of one"s mind; tell one plainly, tell once for all; speak volumes.

undeceive[obs3], unbeguile[obs3]; set right, correct, open the eyes of, disabuse, disillusion one of.

be informed of &c.; know &c 490; learn &c. 539; get scent of, get wind of, gather from; awaken to, open one"s eyes to; become alive, become awake to; hear, overhear, understand.

come to one"s ears, come to one"s knowledge; reach one"s ears.

Adj. informed &c. v.; communique; reported &c. v.; published &c. 531.

expressive &c. 516; explicit &c. (open) 525, (clear) 518; plain spoken &c, (artless) 703.

nuncupative, nuncupatory; declaratory, expository; enunciative[obs3]; communicative, communicatory[obs3].

Adv. from information received.

Phr. a little bird told me; I heard it through the grapevine.

#527a. Correction. [Correct an error of information; distinguish from correcting a flaw or misbehavior] -- N. correction.

disillusionment &c. 616.

V. correct, set right, set straight, put straight; undeceive[obs3]; enlighten.

show one one"s error; point out an error, point out a fallacy; pick out an error, pick out the fallacy; open one"s eyes.

pick apart an argument, confutation &c. 479; reasoning &c. 476.

Adj. corrective.

Phr. I stand corrected.

#528. Concealment.-- N. concealment; hiding &c. v.; occultation, mystification.

seal of secrecy; screen &c. 530; disguise &c. 530; masquerade; masked battery; hiding place &c. 530; cryptography, steganography[obs3]; freemasonry.

stealth, stealthiness, sneakiness; obreption; slyness &c. (cunning) 702.

lat.i.tancy[obs3], lat.i.tation[obs3]; seclusion &c. 893; privacy, secrecy, secretness[obs3]; incognita.

reticence; reserve; mental reserve, reservation; arriere pensee[Fr], suppression, evasion, white lie, misprision; silence &c. (taciturnity) 585; suppression of truth &c. 544; underhand dealing; closeness, secretiveness &c. adj.; mystery.

latency &c. 526; snake in the gra.s.s; secret &c. 533; stowaway.

V. conceal, hide, secrete, put out of sight; lock up, seal up, bottle up.

encrypt, encode, cipher.

cover, screen, cloak, veil, shroud; cover up one"s tracks; screen from sight, screen from observation; drawing the veil; draw the curtain, close the curtain; curtain, shade, eclipse, throw a view over; becloud, bemask; mask, disguise; ensconce, m.u.f.fle, smother; befog; whisper.

keep from; keep back, keep to oneself; keep snug, keep close, keep secret, keep dark; bury; sink, suppress; keep from, keep from out of view, keep from out of sight; keep in the shade, throw into the shade, throw into background; stifle, hush up, smother, withhold, reserve; fence with a question; ignore &c. 460.

keep a secret, keep one"s own counsel; hold one"s tongue &c. (silence) 585; make no sign, not let it go further; not breathe a word, not breathe a syllable about; not let the right hand know what the left is doing; hide one"s light under a bushel, bury one"s talent in a napkin.

keep in the dark, leave in the dark, keep in the ignorance; blind, blind the eyes; blindfold, hoodwink, mystify; puzzle &c. (render uncertain) 475; bamboozle &c. (deceive) 545.

be concealed &c. v.; suffer an eclipse; retire from sight, couch; hide oneself; lie hid, lie in perdu[Fr], lie in close; lie in ambush (ambush) 530; seclude oneself &c. 893; lurk, sneak, skulk, slink, prowl; steal into, steal out of, steal by, steal along; play at bopeep[obs3], play at hide and seek; hide in holes and corners; still hunt.

Adj. concealed &c. v.; hidden; secret, recondite, mystic, cabalistic, occult, dark; cryptic, cryptical[obs3]; private, privy, in petto, auricular, clandestine, close, inviolate; tortuous.

behind a screen &c. 530; undercover, under an eclipse; in ambush, in hiding, in disguise; in a cloud, in a fog, in a mist, in a haze, in a dark corner; in the shade, in the dark; clouded, wrapped in clouds, wrapt in clouds[obs3]; invisible &c.447; buried, underground, perdu[Fr]; secluded &c. 893.

undisclosed &c. 529, untold &c. 527; covert &c. (latent) 526; untraceable; mysterious &c. (unintelligible) 519.

irrevealable[obs3], inviolable; confidential; esoteric; not to be spoken of; unmentionable.

obrept.i.tious[obs3], furtive, stealthy, feline; skulking &c. v.; surrept.i.tious, underhand, hole and corner; sly &c. (cunning). 702; secretive, evasive; reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, b.u.t.toned up; close, close as wax; taciturn &c. 585.

Adv. secretly &c. adj.; in secret, in private, in one"s sleeve, in holes and corners; in the dark &c. adj.

januis clausis[Lat], with closed doors, a huis clos[Fr]; hugger mugger, a la derobee[Fr]; under the cloak of, under the rose, under the table; sub rosa[Lat], en tapinois[Fr], in the background, aside, on the sly, with bated breath, sotto voce[Lat], in a whisper, without beat of drum, a la sourdine[obs3].

behind the veil; beyond mortal ken, beyond the grave, beyond the veil; hid from mortal vision; into the eternal secret, into the realms supersensible[obs3], into the supreme mystery.

in confidence, in strict confidence, in strictest confidence; confidentially &c. adj.; between ourselves, between you and me; between you and me and the bedpost; entre nous[Fr], inter nos, under the seal of secrecy; a couvert[Fr].

underhand, by stealth, like a thief in the night; stealthily &c. adj.; behind the scenes, behind the curtain, behind one"s back, behind a screen &c. 530; incognito; in camera.

Phr. it must go no further, it will go no further; don"t tell a soul;"tell it not in Gath,"n.o.body the wiser; alitur vitium vivitque tegendo[Lat][obs3]; "let it be tenable in your silence still"[Hamlet].

[confidential disclosure to news reporters] background information, deep background information, deep background; background session, backgrounder; not for attribution

#529. Disclosure -- N. disclosure; retection; unveiling &c.v.; deterration[obs3], revealment, revelation; exposition, exposure; expose; whole truth; telltale &c (news) 532.

acknowledgment, avowal; confession, confessional; shrift.

bursting of a bubble; denouement.

[person who discloses a secret] tattletale, snitch, fink, stool pigeon, canary.

V. disclose, discover, dismask; draw the veil, draw aside the veil, lift the veil, raise the veil, lift up the veil, remove the veil, tear aside the veil, tear the curtain; unmask, unveil, unfold, uncover, unseal, unkennel; take off the seal, break the seal; lay open, lay bare; expose; open, open up; bare, bring to light.

divulge, reveal, break; squeal, tattle, sing, rat, snitch [all coll.]; let into the secret; reveal the secrets of the prison house; tell &c (inform) 527; breathe, utter, blab, peach; let out, let fall, let drop, let slip, spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag; betray; tell tales, come out of school; come out with; give vent, give utterance to; open the lips, blurt out, vent, whisper about; speak out &c (make manifest) 525; make public &c 531; unriddle &c (find out) 480a; split.

acknowledge, allow, concede, grant, admit, own, own up to, confess, avow, throw off all disguise, turn inside out, make a clean breast; show one"s hand, show one"s cards; unburden one"s mind, disburden one"s mind, disburden one"s conscience, disburden one"s heart; open one"s mind, lay bare one"s mind, tell a piece of one"s mind[Fr]; unbosom oneself, own to the soft impeachment; say the truth, speak the truth; turn King"s (or Queen"s) evidence; acknowledge the corn* [U.S.].

raise the mask, drop the mask, lift the mask, remove the mask, throw off the mask; expose; lay open; undeceive[obs3], unbeguile[obs3]; disabuse, set right, correct, open the eyes of; dsillusionner.

be disclosed &c.; transpire, come to light; come in sight &c. (be visible) 446; become known, escape the lips; come out, ooze out, creep out, leak out, peep out, crop-out; show its face, show its colors; discover &c.

itself; break through the clouds, flash on the mind.

Adj. disclosed &c.v.; open, public &c. 525.

Int.out with it!

Phr. the murder is out; a light breaks in upon one; the scales fall from one"s eyes; the eyes are opened.

#530. Ambush [Means of concealment]. -- N. camouflage; mimicry; hiding place; secret place, secret drawer; recess, hold, holes and corners; closet, crypt, adytum[obs3], abditory[obs3], oubliette.

ambush, ambuscade; stalking horse; lurking hole, lurking place; secret path, back stairs; retreat &c. (refuge) 666.

screen, cover, shade, blinker; veil, curtain, blind, cloak, cloud.

mask, visor, vizor[obs3], disguise, masquerade dress, domino.

pitfall &c. (source of danger) 667; trap &c. (snare) 545.

V. blend in, blend into the background.

lie in ambush &c (hide oneself) 528; lie in wait for, lurk; set a trap for &c (deceive) 545; ambuscade, ambush.

[transitive] camouflage.

Adj. camouflaged, hidden, concealed.

Adv. aux aguets[obs3].

#531. Publication.-- N. publication; public announcement &c 527; promulgation, propagation, proclamation, p.r.o.nunziamento [Italian]; circulation, indiction[obs3], edition; hue and cry.

publicity, notoriety, currency, flagrancy, cry, bruit, hype; vox populi; report &c (news) 532.

the Press, public press, newspaper, journal, gazette, daily; telegraphy; publisher &c v.; imprint.

circular, circular letter; manifesto, advertis.e.m.e.nt, ad., placard, bill, affiche[obs3], broadside, poster; notice &c. 527.

V. publish; make public, make known &c (information) 527; speak of, talk of; broach, utter; put forward; circulate, propagate, promulgate; spread, spread abroad; rumor, diffuse, disseminate, evulugate; put forth, give forth, send forth; emit, edit, get out; issue; bring before the public, lay before the public, drag before the public; give out, give to the world; put about, bandy about, hawk about, buzz about, whisper about, bruit about, blaze about; drag into the open day; voice.

proclaim, herald, blazon; blaze abroad, noise abroad; sound a trumpet; trumpet forth, thunder forth; give tongue; announce with beat of drum, announce with flourish of trumpets; proclaim from the housetops, proclaim at Charing Cross.

advertise, placard; post, post up afficher[obs3], publish in the Gazette, send round the crier.

raise a cry, raise a hue and cry, raise a report; set news afloat.

be published &c; be public, become public &c adj.; come out; go about, fly about, buzz about, blow about; get about, get abroad, get afloat, get wind; find vent; see the light; go forth, take air, acquire currency, pa.s.s current; go the rounds, go the round of the newspapers, go through the length and breadth of the land; virum volitare per ora[Lat]; pa.s.s from mouth to mouth; spread; run like wildfire, spread like wildfire.

Adj. published &c.v.; current &c. (news) 532; in circulation, public; notorious; flagrant, arrant; open &c 525; trumpet-tongued; encyclical, encyclic[obs3], promulgatory[obs3]; exoteric.

Adv. publicly &c. adj.; in open court, with open doors.

Int. Oyez! O yes! notice!

Phr. notice is hereby given; this is to give, these are to give notice; nomina stultorum parietibus haerent[Lat]; semel emissum volat irrevocabile verb.u.m[Lat]..

#532. News.-- N. news; information &c 527; piece of news[Fr], budget of news, budget of information; intelligence, tidings.

word, advice, aviso[Sp], message; dispatch, despatch; telegram, cable, marconigram[obs3], wire, communication, errand,

report, rumor, hearsay, on dit[Fr], flying rumor, news stirring, cry, buzz, bruit, fame; talk, oui dire[Fr], scandal, eavesdropping; town tattle, table talk; t.i.ttle tattle; canard, topic of the day, idea afloat.

bulletin, fresh news, stirring news; glad tidings; flash, news just in; on-the-spot coverage; live coverage.

old story, old news, stale news, stale story; chestnut*.

narrator &c (describe) 594; newsmonger, scandalmonger; talebearer, telltale, gossip, tattler.

[study of news reporting] journalism.

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