Roget's Thesaurus

Chapter 82

#663. Bane. -- N. bane, curse; evil &c. 619; hurtfulness &c. (badness) 649[obs3]; painfulness &c. (cause of pain) 830; scourge &c. (punishment) 975; d.a.m.nosa hereditas[Lat]; white elephant.

sting, fang, thorn, tang, bramble, brier, nettle.

poison, toxin; teratogen; leaven, virus venom; a.r.s.enic; antimony, tartar emetic; strychnine, nicotine; miasma, miasm[obs3], mephitis[obs3], malaria, azote[obs3], sewer gas; pest.

[poisonous substances, examples] Albany hemp[obs3], a.r.s.enious oxide, a.r.s.enious acid; bichloride of mercury; carbonic acid, carbonic gas; choke damp, corrosive sublimate, fire damp; hydrocyanic acid, cyanide, Prussic acid[ISA:chemsubcfp], hydrogen cyanide; marsh gas, nux vomica[Lat], ratsbane[obs3].

[poisonous plants] hemlock, h.e.l.lebore, nightshade, belladonna, henbane, aconite; banewort[obs3], bhang, ganja[obs3], hashish; Upas tree.

[list of poisonous substances(on-line)] Toxline.

rust, worm, helminth[Med], moth, moth and rust, fungus, mildew; dry rot; canker, cankerworm; cancer; torpedo; viper &c. (evil doer) 913; demon &c. 980.

[Science of poisons] toxicology.

Adj. baneful &c. (bad) 649; poisonous &c. (unwholesome) 657.

phr. bibere venenum in auro[Lat].

-- Contingent Subservience --

#664. Safety. -- N. safety, security, surety, impregnability; invulnerability, invulnerableness &c. Adj.; danger past, danger over; storm blown over; coast clear; escape &c. 671; means of escape; blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve; safeguard, palladium.

guardianship, wardship, wardenship; tutelage, custody, safekeeping; preservation &c. 670; protection, auspices.

safe-conduct, escort, convoy; guard, shield &c. (defense) 717; guardian angel; tutelary G.o.d, tutelary deity, tutelary saint; genius loci.

protector, guardian; warden, warder; preserver, custodian, duenna[Sp], chaperon, third person.

watchdog, bandog[obs3]; Cerberus; watchman, patrolman, policeman; cop, d.i.c.k, fuzz, smokey, peeler, zarp[all slang]; sentinel, sentry, scout &c.

(warning) 668; garrison; guardship[obs3].

[Means of safety] refuge &c. anchor &c. 666; precaution &c.

(preparation) 673; quarantine, cordon sanitaire[Fr]. confidence &c.

858[Sense of security].

V. be safe &c. Adj.; keep one"s head above water, tide over, save one"s bacon; ride out the storm, weather the storm; light upon one"s feet, land on one"s feet; bear a charmed life; escape &c. 671.

make safe, render safe &c. Adj.; protect; take care of &c. (care) 459; preserve &c. 670; cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward; guard &c. (defend) 717; secure &c. (restrain) 751; entrench, intrench[obs3], fence round &c. (circ.u.mscribe) 229; house, nestle, ensconce; take charge of.

escort, convoy; garrison; watch, mount guard, patrol.

make a.s.surance doubly sure &c. (caution) 864; take up a loose thread; take precautions &c. (prepare for) 673; double reef topsails.

seek safety; take shelter, find shelter &c. 666.

Adj. safe, secure, sure; in safety, in security; on the safe side; under the shield of, under the shade of, under the wing of, under the shadow of one"s wing; under cover, under lock and key; out of danger, out of the woods, out of the meshes, out of harm"s way; unharmed, unscathed; on sure ground, at anchor, high and dry, above water; unthreatened[obs3], unmolested; protected &c. v.; cavendo tutus[Lat]; panoplied &c. (defended) 717[obs3].

snug, seaworthy; weatherproof, waterproof, fireproof.

defensible, tenable, proof against, invulnerable; una.s.sailable, unattackable, impenetrable; impregnable, imperdible; inexpugnable; Achillean[obs3].

safe and sound &c. (preserved) 670;scathless &c. (perfect) 650[obs3]; unhazarded[obs3]; not dangerous &c. 665.

unthreatening, harmless; friendly (cooperative) 709.

protecting, protective &c. v.; guardian, tutelary; preservative &c.

670; trustworthy &c 939.

adv. ex abundanti cautela[Lat][obs3]; with impunity.

phr. all"s well; salva res est[Lat]; suave mari magno[Lat]; a couvert[Fr]; e terra alterius spectare laborem [Lat][Lucretius]; Dieu vous garde[Fr].

#665. Danger. -- N. danger, peril, insecurity, jeopardy, risk, hazard, venture, precariousness, slipperiness; instability &c. 149; defenselessness &c. Adj. exposure &c. (liability) 177; vulnerability; vulnerable point, heel of Achilles[obs3]; forlorn hope &c. (hopelessness) 859.

[Dangerous course] leap in the dark &c. (rashness) 863; road to ruin, faciles descensus Averni [Lat][Vergil], hairbreadth escape.

cause for alarm; source of danger &c. 667. rock ahead[Approach of danger], breakers ahead; storm brewing; clouds in the horizon, clouds gathering; warning &c. 668; alarm &c. 669.

[Sense of danger] apprehension &c. 860.

V. be in danger &c. Adj.; be exposed to danger, run into danger, incur danger, encounter danger &c. n.; run a risk; lay oneself open to &c.

(liability) 177; lean on a broken reed, trust to a broken reed; feel the ground sliding from under one, have to run for it; have the chances against one, have the odds against one, face long odds; be in deep trouble, be between a rock and a hard place.

hang by a thread, totter; sleep on a volcano, stand on a volcano; sit on a barrel of gunpowder, live in a gla.s.s house.

bring in danger, place in danger, put in danger, place in jeopardy, put in jeopardy &c. n.; endanger, expose to danger, imperil; jeopard[obs3], jeopardize; compromise; sail too near the wind &c. (rash) 863.

adventure, risk, hazard, venture, stake, set at hazard; run the gauntlet &c. (dare) 861; engage in a forlorn hope.

threaten danger &c. 909; run one hard; lay a trap for &c. (deceive) 545.

Adj. in danger &c. n.; endangered &c. v.; fraught with danger; dangerous, hazardous, perilous, parlous, periculous; unsafe, unprotected &c. (safe, protect &c. 664);insecure, untrustworthy; built upon sand, on a sandy basis; wildcat.

defenseless, fenceless, guardless[obs3], harborless; unshielded; vulnerable, expugnable[obs3], exposed; open to &c. (liable) 177.

aux abois[Fr], at bay; on the wrong side of the wall, on a lee sh.o.r.e, on the rocks.

at stake, in question; precarious, critical, ticklish; slippery, slippy; hanging by a thread &c. v.; with a halter round one"s neck; between the hammer and the anvil, between Scylla and Charybdis, between a rock and a hard place, between the devil and the deep blue sea, between two fires; on the edge of a precipice, on the brink of a precipice, on the verge of a precipice, on the edge of a volcano; in the lion"s den, on slippery ground, under fire; not out of the wood.

unwarned, unadmonished, unadvised, unprepared &c. 674; off one"s guard &c. (inexpectant) 508[obs3].

tottering; unstable, unsteady; shaky, top-heavy, tumbledown, ramshackle, crumbling, waterlogged; helpless, guideless[obs3]; in a bad way; reduced to the last extremity, at the last extremity; trembling in the balance; nodding to its fall &c. (destruction) 162. threatening &c. 909; ominous, illomened; alarming &c. (fear) 860; explosive.

adventurous &c. (rash) 863, (bold) 861.

Phr. incidit in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charybdim[Lat]; nam tua res agitur paries dum proximus ardet[Lat].

#666. [Means of safety.] Refuge. -- N. refuge, sanctuary, retreat, fastness; acropolis; keep, last resort; ward; prison &c. 752; asylum, ark, home, refuge for the dest.i.tute; almshouse[obs3]; hiding place &c. (ambush) 530; sanctum sanctorum &c. (privacy) 893[Lat].

roadstead, anchorage; breakwater, mole, port, haven; harbor, harbor of refuge; seaport; pier, jetty, embankment, quay.

covert, cover, shelter, screen, lee wall, wing, shield, umbrella; barrier; dashboard, dasher [U.S.].

wall &c. (inclosure) 232; fort &c. (defense) 717.

anchor, kedge; grapnel, grappling iron; sheet anchor, killick[obs3]; mainstay; support &c. 215; cheek &c. 706; ballast.

jury mast; vent-peg; safety valve, blow-off valve; safety lamp; lightning rod, lightning conductor; safety belt, airbag, seat belt; antilock brakes, antiskid tires, snow tires.

means of escape &c. (escape) 671 lifeboat, lifejacket, life buoy, swimming belt, cork jacket; parachute, plank, steppingstone; emergency landing.

safeguard &c. (protection) 664.

V. seek refuge, take refuge, find refuge &c. n.; seek safety, find safety &c. 664; throw oneself into the arms of; break for taller timber [U.


create a diversion.

Phr. any port in a storm; bibere venenum in auro[Lat]; valet anchora virtus[obs3].

#667. [Source of danger.] Pitfall. -- N. rocks, reefs, coral reef, sunken rocks, snags; sands, quicksands; syrt, syrtis; Goodwin sands, sandy foundation; slippery ground; breakers, shoals, shallows, bank, shelf, flat, lee sh.o.r.e, ironbound coast; rock ahead, breakers ahead.

precipice; maelstrom, volcano; ambush &c. 530; pitfall, trapdoor; trap &c. (snare) 545.

sword of Damocles; wolf at the door, snake in the gra.s.s, death in the pot; latency &c. 526.

ugly customer, dangerous person, le chat qui dort[Fr]; firebrand, hornet"s nest.

Phr. latet anquis in herba [Lat][Vergil]; proximus ardet Ucalegon [Lat][Vergil].

#668. Warning. -- N. warning, early warning, caution, caveat; notice &c. (information) 527; premonition, premonishment[obs3]; prediction &c.

511; contraindication, lesson, dehortation[obs3]; admonition, monition; alarm &c. 669.

handwriting on the wall, mene mene tekel upharsin, red flag, yellow flag; fog-signal, foghorn; siren; monitor, warning voice, Ca.s.sandra[obs3], signs of the times, Mother Cary"s chickens[obs3], stormy petrel, bird of ill omen, gathering clouds, clouds in the horizon, death watch.

watchtower, beacon, signal post; lighthouse &c. (indication of locality) 550. sentinel, sentry; watch, watchman; watch and ward; watchdog, bandog[obs3], housedog[obs3]; patrol, patrolman, vedette[obs3], picket, bivouac, scout, spy, spial; undercover agent, mole, plainclothesman; advanced guard, rear guard; lookout.

cautiousness &c. 864.

monitor, guard camera, radar, AWACS, spy satellite, spy-in-the-sky, U2 plane, spy plane.

V. warn, caution; forewarn, prewarn[obs3]; admonish, premonish[obs3]; give notice, give warning, dehort[obs3]; menace &c. (threaten) 909; put on one"s guard; sound the alarm &c. 669; croak.

beware, ware; take warning, take heed at one"s peril; keep watch and ward &c. (care) 459.

Adj. warning &c. v.; premonitory, monitory, cautionary; admonitory, admonitive[obs3]; sematic[Biol].

warned, forewarned &c. v.; on one"s guard &c. (careful) 459, (cautious) 864.

Adv. in terrorem[Lat] &c. (threat) 909.

Int. beware! ware! take care! look out! fore![golf], mind what you are about!, take care what you are about! mind!

Phr. ne reveillez pas le chat qui dort [French: don"t wake a sleeping cat]; foenum habet in cornu[Lat]; caveat actor; le silence du people est la legon des rois[Fr]; verb.u.m sat sapienti [Latin: a word to the wise is sufficient]; un averti en vaut deux[Fr].

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