Long time no see everyone, it"s the author Takehaya.

With the release of this volume, we have now reached the ten volume mark quite quickly. No, I guess it wasn"t quick. It"s been three years since the first volume was published. In commemoration of that, I was thinking of telling you how this work came into existence by taking a look back from the first volume and forwards, but since I only have two pages for this afterword I will do so next time if possible. This time I"ll just go through what happened in this volume like always.

This story takes place in the past j.a.pan as Koutarou and Clan are on their way back from Forthorthe and it is Koutarou"s second secret.

Having reached past Harukaze city in Clan"s s.p.a.ceship, they met with a girl named Kii looking for a shooting star. Koutarou worried that Kii might have seen the s.p.a.ceship descending, so he tagged along with her to find out, but then the story develops into an unexpected direction.

Because of this, the invader girls don"t appear. So I was originally thinking of calling this volume 9.5. But compared to the other side stories, it was related to the other invading girls, so I decided to treat it like a proper volume. In other words, it"s a very 9.5-esque volume 10.

Whoops, I"m already out of s.p.a.ce, so it"s about time to say good bye.

As always, I would like to thank everyone at the editorial department, to Poco-san for drawing ill.u.s.trations for this volume, my group of friends who comes to play whenever I get stuck, R, my friend"s son who finally remembered my name and finally everyone who bought this book.

Let us meet again in the afterword for volume 11.

April, 2012



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