
Koutarou was able to calm down after drinking a lot of the tea Kiriha had poured for him.

"Troubles just keep piling up, and I"m starting to lose my mind..."

"It"s at times like these that you have another cup of tea. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any good tea leaves..."

Sanae was hanging on to Koutarou"s back and playing with the empty cup using her Poltergeist.

Now that I think about it, I used to fight all the time with Sanae when we first met.

Koutarou looked at Theia, who was sitting right in front of him, as he was thinking that.

The stubborn Theia, however, shifted her gaze away from him, determined not to meet his eyes.

Koutarou felt his current situation was quite similar to when he had first met Sanae.

"Hey, Tulip."

"...Don"t call me by that strange name! I have a splendid name - Theia!"

Theia glared at Koutarou.

Although she was more aggressive and selfish than Sanae, her puffed-up face was still overflowing with youth.

I have no intentions of handing over this room, but I guess I"m being a bit immature. She"s only a child.

"Alright, Theia."

"Call me Theia-sama or Your Highness Theia!"

"I"m not a citizen of your country, and I don"t intend to become one either. Think about it; right now we"re enemies."

"...Very well. What do you want?"

"Although we"re enemies, let"s stop doing things that won"t benefit either of us."

"What do you mean, more specifically?"

"Punching, kicking, shooting beams, and the like. If I die, you"ll lose out too. The emperor won"t recognize you if you use violence to show your capabilities, right?"

Theia fell silent. She was aware that Koutarou was correct, but she couldn"t bring herself to agree.

"I"ll restrain myself and keep from attacking you. I think we should both show each other at least that level of restraint."

"Your Highness, bargaining is required from time to time."

"...I understand. It"s true that fighting with you won"t benefit me."

Ruth was able to persuade Theia.

"If you will consent to negotiate, I will stop resorting to violence."

Theia acted like she was agreeing reluctantly, but in reality she was on the same page as Koutarou.

"I"m fine with that."

Hmm... As long as she doesn"t get emotional, it seems like she can be quite reasonable.

Theia could use her weapons to take the entire planet hostage and threaten Koutarou.

But she did not do that. When she was not losing it, she seemed to be aware that such a thing was preposterous.

"Well, with that settled, I"d like us to organize ourselves and explain our situation once more."

With Koutarou and Theia calming down, Kiriha drew a relieved breath.

"No objections."


Sanae and Yurika agreed right away.

"Let"s do that. I"m starting to lose track of what"s going on."

In just four days, the population of the room had gone from just Koutarou to six people.

"I don"t mind. I"d like to hear all of your plans once more."

Theia also obediently agreed.

However, the last one, Ruth didn"t say anything.

She was just Theia"s accomplice.

"Then we"ll start with Koutarou. He is the current legal owner of this room."

"I"ve lived here since before Koutarou, though..."

"Koutarou has signed a contract with the landlord. We won"t leave you out of this, Sanae, but let"s first hear what Koutarou has to say."

"...I guess there"s no choice..."

Sanae was dissatisfied, but she held it in for the time being.

Sanae"s feelings for Koutarou had changed, although she was not aware of it herself.

The Sanae from when she had just met Koutarou would never have backed down.

"Go ahead, Koutarou."

"Alright... In my case, it"s simple. While I"m attending high school I"ll be living here. That"s why I refuse to leave. The 5,000 yen a month rent also helps.

"Pleb, how long does one attend high school?"

"...Three years."

Although slightly irritated by being called a pleb, Koutarou answered obediently.

"I can"t wait that long!"

"But I won"t leave. I"m friends with landlord-san, and handing this room over to you would just cause her a lot of trouble."

Koutarou had two reasons for not leaving.

The first was of course regarding living expenses.

The second was the existence of Shizuka.

Although they had only been together for a few days, Koutarou felt a debt and a bond with her.

That"s why he couldn"t just haphazardly leave his room and push this pain onto her.

Koutarou was well aware of how much Shizuka treasured this building.

Which is why he couldn"t just leave.

"That"s just about it for me."

"...If this is only about a place to live, you could easily pull back, no?"

"But, it will be troublesome if you don"t leave!..."

"Yurika, I"d like you to leave that story for your turn. Next is Sanae."


"We"re doing it in the order of appearing in this room."

"I got it. But my reasons are simple, too. I"ve lived here for a long time, so I don"t want to get chased out, that"s all."

Sanae declared that and laughed indifferently.

"I"m currently in a truce with Koutarou, but I plan on throwing out anyone in my way."

"B-by possessing... By possessing and killing?"

"If needed... Fufufu. I might put a curse on you♪"


Sanae laughed grimly, leaving Yurika frozen with fear.

She slowly approached her.


"Wait, stop, don"t run away Yurika!"

Yurika tried to run into the wardrobe as always, but Koutarou grabbed a hold of her foot.

"L-Let go, please! The only one who needs to be possessed is Satomi-san!"

"Stop kicking! Don"t run away! At least tell us your story first!"

"But, the ghost! The ghost is coming!"

"I might eat you up♪"

"Kyaaaa!! Nooooooooo!!"

"Sanae! Would you give it a break! If you keep this up we won"t be able to continue!"

"Tehehe, sorry~"

Sanae stuck her tongue out and returned to her seat.


"Yurika, calm down! Sanae"s not coming after you anymore!"

"Let goooo!"

However, Yurika was unable to take in her surroundings and continued to struggle.

Koutarou was kicked several times, and rage began to boil inside of him.

"Gah! This is why I hate cosplayers with nothing but spring in their minds!"

"If we don"t put a stop to this kind of behavior, cosplayers" social standing will just keep falling. Even though they"re all good people."

"It"s not cosplay!"

Shouting back reflexively, Yurika was finally able to recall her current situation.

And her face drained of color as she noticed everyone"s cold glare.


"...About time..."

Koutarou sighed as he let go of Yurika"s leg and returned to his seat.

"Good work, Koutarou."

"I don"t want to hear that from you, Sanae!"

"Well, well just relax."

"Really now..."


Sanae showed no sign of flinching after angering Koutarou.

"I"m sorry for making such a commotion..."

Yurika made an apologetic expression as she returned to her seat.

"Well then, Yurika, it"s your turn now. What reason did you come here for?"

"Yurika came here to hold a cosplay party with her friends, right?"

"Yeah, that"s what it was. The cheap rent caught her eye."

"You"re wrong! People will come to claim the magic power overflowing in this room. And before that happens, I"d like everyone to get out!"

"Is that the backstory for the party?"

"I will applaud you for being thorough, but I won"t let you have this room for something like that."

"To be honest, even I am struggling with how to handle Yurika..."

"You"re wrong! Why don"t you ever listen to what I have to say!?"

Yurika desperately tried to appeal to them, but they would not believe her at all.

"Even if you ask us why... right?"

"Yeah, no one would believe in magic nowadays. It"s just not possible."

"And after calling yourself a hero of love and justice, you constantly run away, leaving Koutarou behind. You"re just not fit to be a magical girl."

Common sense, reality and cowardice. There was too much going against Yurika for anyone to believe she was a magical girl.

"Auuu, I"m not lying..."

"Don"t worry, Yurika."

Theia tapped Yurika on the shoulder.

"I believe in your story."


And the gloomy expression on Yurika brightened up almost immediately.

"You believe in magic!?"

"Of course!"

"And that I"m a magical girl!? And that enemies are coming!?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank youuu! I always hoped that someone who believed me would appear!!"

Yurika grabbed Theia"s hand and shook it intensely as she was crying tears of joy.

"There"s no need for thanks. If you"ll leave in return, that is."

However Theia"s next words made Yurika"s expression freeze in place.


"W-what do you mean by that?"

"It"s nothing, I believe you. That"s why you can leave without any regrets. I will judge your enemies. There is no need to worry."

"W-wait just a minute! You mean -"

"You"ll try to remove her using politics. Even though you don"t believe her for a second, you"ll support her story in order to bargain with her... You"re a clever one, alien princess!"

Kiriha picked up where Yurika left off.

"Kukuku, using force is not the only power royalty has."

"This is too cruel! You all keep picking on me! Why!? Even though you"re fine with ghosts, underground people and aliens!!"

Yurika started crying.

"This is discrimination! It"s unfair! I demand a correction of the balance!!"

Yurika jumped into the wardrobe and slammed the sliding door shut with all of her might. Her sobbing voice began leaking out of the wardrobe.

"Right, I"m next."

"Kiriha, why did you come here?"

Everyone quickly lost interest in the sobbing wardrobe.

"sniff, I"m here, right here, sniff"

And Yurika"s crying got louder.

"My purpose for coming here is to rebuild the altar where my ancestors are enshrined."

"I see, so this is sacred ground to you?"

"But you"ll also use the altar as a tool to invade the surface, right?"

"That"s correct. Once the altar is rebuilt, we"ll be able to efficiently gather spiritual energy. Then we"ll be able to ma.s.s produce spiritual weapons and regain our lost glory."

"In terms of politics, your goal resembles mine."

A happy smile appeared on Theia"s face.

So this one is my true enemy. She"s also a quick thinker... This"ll be interesting.

Theia was secretly happy a powerful rival had appeared.

"And finally, Theia-dono, your turn."

"Yes, my purpose is as I told you before. I came here to prove myself worthy as an emperor of Forthorthe as part of a ritual. I"m after the rule of this room and the pleb"s allegiance."

While saying that, Theia pointed towards Koutarou.

Koutarou had a lot of things he wanted to say, but he held them in.

"Which means that all of us are after this room."

"That"s right."

Koutarou and Sanae wanted to live there.

Yurika wanted to hold a cosplay party.

Kiriha wanted to build an altar.

And Theia wanted to rule it.

"In other words, you all came here to invade my room?"

"Simply put, yes, that would be the case."

Having kept quiet all this time, Ruth chimed in.

Five girls after Koutarou"s room.

They each had their own respective goals, and aimed to deprive Koutarou of his room.

"But what do we do? n.o.body wants to fight or leave. Are we going to play more games?"

And they had all agreed to not fight with Koutarou.

Because of that, everyone except Theia had decided to settle it using games.

"Fufufu, games aren"t a bad suggestion. The wars of old could be called such."

"So, Theia-dono, does that mean you agree to using games?"

"On a condition."

Theia nodded greatly and showed her composure.

"Condition? What condition?"

"Fufufu, I will only play with that one."

Theia pointed at Kiriha.

"What do you mean, Theia-dono?"

Kiriha"s expression stiffened.

"It"s simple. If I play a game now, I"ll have a one in five chance of winning. However, after I have exterminated you, it"ll be a one in two chance of winning. Besides, aside from the pleb I have no need to play with the rest of you!"

"So that"s your plan!..."

"You think you can win!?"

Tension in the room rose as Theia stood with a fearless smile.

"Of course I will! I was just about to win a while ago!"

"We"ll see about that. I have already prepared a weapon that will work on you. Karama, Korama!"



Responding to Kiriha"s voice, the two haniwas floated in front of her.

Their designs had changed slightly from before.

One had a sword hung on its waist, and the other had added something resembling a beard around its mouth.

"The Spiritual Energy Katana and Spiritual Wave Cannon are prepared-ho!"

"Ane-san, leave this to us-ho!"

"This means neither of us can block the other"s attack."

Kiriha declared that and stood up with a smile similar to Theia"s.

"To put it simply, the Spiritual Energy Katana and Spiritual Wave Cannon are similar to Sanae"s powers. Like Sanae, these weapons will be able to slip past your barrier."

"You impudent...!"

"Which means this is mine and Kiriha"s victory. You can"t harm me since I"m a ghost!"

Sanae also stood up with a smile and began forming a will-o"-wisp.

With repeating electrical discharges, the will-o"-wisp gradually grew larger.

"Blue Knight, activate the anti-personnel weapons system. The weapons I want are Mind Pulse and Motor Cannon!"

Following Theia"s orders, the two black disks reappeared above her shoulders.

"Those things won"t work on me!"

"We"ll see!"

However, Theia"s confidence didn"t waver.

"Even if you"re a ghost, you have a mind. So if I can harm your mind, I can defeat you!"

"Dammit, is there anything aliens can"t do!?"

Sanae stomped her feet in frustration.

Koutarou and Ruth who couldn"t keep quiet raised their voices.

"W-Wait a moment you guys! Are you planning on fighting here!?"

"Please stop, Your Highness!"

"Stand down, Koutarou! It seems we need to eliminate this alien princess no matter what!"

"If you get in the way you"ll get hurt!"

"Just stand by and watch, pleb! I"ll show you how powerful your master is!"

"S-Stop! If you guys fight for real, who knows what"ll happen!"

"Your Highness! Please stop, Your Highness!"

However, they refused to listen to Koutarou and Ruth"s desperate pleas.

As the three stared each other down the tension grew.

"W-What"s going on!?"

Yurika, who was unaware of the situation, opened the sliding door, which served as a starting gong. The fight began.

"Victory goes to those who attack first!"


"Korama, the Spiritual Wave Cannon!"

What happened next was a disaster.

"Look out, Ruth-san!"


A bullet spat out from the disk above Theia"s shoulder and headed for Ruth, who wasn"t paying attention.

Koutarou instinctively reacted and tackled her into the hall leading to the front door.


Although there was a slight pain from being thrown onto the floor, the bullet fortunately pa.s.sed above the pair.

"T-Thank you, Satomi-sama."

"Don"t s.p.a.ce out, Ruth-san!"

"I"m sorry. Even though I"m a protection officer, I"m not good at fighting..."

As Koutarou was helping Ruth stand up, Yurika came to hide in the hall as well.

"W-W-What"s going on!? The futon inside the wardrobe was charred!"

"Tulip is planning on reducing the number of people in this room before she settles things with me!"

"Eh? We"re not playing games again!?"

"Her chances of winning are higher if she"s just playing against me."

"Is she serious!? That means I"ll be targeted too!"

"Don"t worry, I"m sure she"s not counting you anyways."

"Fueeeeee, I don"t want that either~!"

A few minutes had pa.s.sed since the three began fighting.

"Fuhahaha! What"s the matter, you two!? Do you think you can beat me like that!?"

"What do we do, Kiriha!? She"s just ridiculous!"

"We"re not losing yet! Calm down and look for an opening!"

Although it was Sanae and Kiriha against just Theia, Theia had overwhelming firepower, so the battle was currently progressing evenly.

"But what do we do? At this rate the room will be destroyed!"

Koutarou, who was looking on, started panicking.

Without a victor, the room had taken the majority of the damage during the prolonged fight.

There were char marks and holes from stray bullets all over the room, and it was a complete mystery how nothing had caught on fire yet.

"Look out, Satomi-sama!"


As Koutarou peeked out to take a look on the situation, a fireball one of the haniwas had spat out headed towards him.

"Waaa! I"ll die!"

"Quick Cast - Fireball! Targeting Option - Auto Homing!"

As Koutarou was covering his head to protect himself from the fireball heading towards him, Yurika"s loud shout could be heard.


The broom in Yurika"s hand began glowing red, and a second fireball appeared from the center of the glow.


The two fireb.a.l.l.s collided midair and exploded.

Although they were able to avoid a direct hit, the flames from the explosion attacked Koutarou.

"I"ll die! I"ll be enveloped by flames and die!"

"Flame Protect!"

However, the flames didn"t harm him.

"Eh? It"s not hot?"

Oddly enough, the flames vanished 10 centimeters away from him.

A yellow light surrounded Koutarou"s body, and when the flames touched it they vanished.

"What"s this...?"


"Are you okay, Satomi-san!?"

Ruth and Yurika dragged Koutarou back towards the front door.

"That"s dangerous, Satomi-san! Don"t just poke your face out during a fight! If my magic hadn"t made it in time, who knows what would"ve happened!"

"What was that!? Yurika, was that your doing!?"

Koutarou looked at Yurika with a surprised expression.

"Yes! The fireball and the light protecting Satomi-san right now is my magic!"

Yurika looked at Koutarou"s face and smiled.

"You, are you really...!"

"Yes, I really am a magical girl!"

Yurika was filled with expectation, unable to wait for Koutarou"s next words, and she finished his sentence for him.

"Are you really an idiot!?"


Yurika"s expression froze. The words that had left Koutarou"s mouth were the complete opposite of what she had expected.

"There"re plenty of flammable things here! What kind of idiot fights fire with fire!?"

"Eeeeeeeeeh!? That"s what your problem is!?"

Yurika was deeply disappointed.

She had been overflowing with expectation, but in an instant her expression darkened and her eyes filled with tears.

"sniff Why is it always..."

Yurika had been hoping that this time Koutarou would admit she was a magical girl and be taken aback in surprise.

This time, this time surely... Reality, however, was cruel.

"What is it now! You idiot!"

"Auu, please be surprised that I"m actually a magical girl~~!"

"Who cares!? My life is at stake here! Are you trying to burn me to death!?"

"I"m using magic to protect you from fire to prevent that from happening, aren"t I!?"

"Right, I don"t have time to waste on this!"

Koutarou stopped arguing with Yurika and ran towards the front door.

"... Aaaa... I"m starting to hate everything~~!"

As she watched his back, Yurika grew timid and squatted down on the floor.

"My precious stuffed animals also burned up... Maybe I should stop protecting this room and everyone in it~~"

The only reason none of the three girls fighting had been hurt was because of Yurika"s defensive magic.

Otherwise, the three would already have suffered major injuries in the small and narrow room.

On top of that, a large fire would have started by now.

"This is painful~~ I thought being a magical girl would be more brilliant than this~!!"

However, her efforts were not acknowledged, and she was left behind.

And the biggest contributor to a peaceful solution was sulking.

"Ruth-san, I"ll leave Yurika to you!"

Koutarou grabbed his bat from the umbrella stand next to the sulking Yurika and ran into the battlefield in the inner room.

"Satomi-sama, just what are you!?"

"I"m going to stop Theia!"

"Please stop, Satomi-sama! You"ll be risking your life if you jump in there!"

"It"ll be too late if I don"t go now! I don"t even want to think about what would happen if that fight continues on outside of this room!"

Koutarou was well aware of the danger of jumping into the fight, but if he didn"t stop it now it would eventually spiral out of control, and they would end up outside the room.

If that happened, there would be nothing he could do.

Right now, the three were holding back so they wouldn"t hurt themselves with their own attacks, but once they got outside they wouldn"t have to.

They"ll be able to go all out.

"If we"re going to stop them, now is our chance! There"s not much time left!"

Koutarou wasn"t confident he"d be able to stop them if they got outside.


"There"s no need to worry; she won"t be able to attack me, right?"

"That"s true, but..."

Ruth anxiously looked towards the inner room in the back. From there she heard three voices and bright flashes blinking one after another.

"As long as I can restrain her, the other two will stop fighting. Ruth-san, this should be the best way to protect your princess."

"Satomi-sama... You..."

Ruth looked at Koutarou with a surprised look on her face and eventually nodded.

"I understand. I"ll support you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, this is the best for Her Highness."

Ruth smiled in a mysterious way that showed her commitment.

"I"ll rush straight on and grab her!"

"In that case, I"ll intrude into Blue Knight"s main system and lower Her Highness"s barrier. Please strike when it"s down."

"I"m counting on you. Let"s go right away; we don"t have any time!"

They quickly decided, and Koutarou rushed towards the inner room.


Ruth followed after him.

"I"m going, Ruth-san!"

"I"m leaving it to you, Satomi-sama!"

Koutarou jumped into the inner room.

When Koutarou entered the room the three were in the middle of a fire fight.

However, since Theia had more firepower, the other two were being pushed back.

"It"s no use! I can see through all of your attacks!"

"Then what about me!?"

Koutarou rushed towards the girl while laughing loudly.


"Koutarou!? Why!?"

"Get back, Koutarou! You"ll get killed!"

"All you! Stop this stupid fighting right now!"

Koutarou grabbed Theia"s right wrist whilst he shouted out.

"I caught you!"

"What!? The barrier"s not working!?"

The barrier intended to protect the girl failed to activate and allowed Koutarou"s approach.

That was what Koutarou and Ruth had agreed on, but Theia, who was unaware of the situation, was left surprised.

"I won"t just let you do as you please!"

Koutarou pulled on Theia"s arm and glared at her.

"You fool! I told you I won"t attack you!"

"If I just let you fight like this, it will turn into a giant mess!"

"What about it!? Blue Knight, use non-lethal weapons! I can"t just accidentally kill the pleb!"


As she said so, the weapons above her shoulders changed.

Theia couldn"t afford to kill Koutarou, so she changed out to weapons that were non-lethal even in the case of a direct hit.

"Not gooood!"

However, that showed that Theia still intended to fight.

Koutarou noticed that and threw away his bat, and using both of his hands he held her tightly.

"L-Let go of me, you fool! Don"t just casually touch me!"

"Why should I!? If I let go you"ll just keep attacking, right!?"

"Of course!"

Theia struggled to break free, but Koutarou didn"t make it easy for her.

"Alright, Koutarou! Just keep a hold on her!"


Koutarou turned his head around to see Sanae lifting a TV into the air.

"Stop it, Sanae!"

Sanae intended to throw the TV on Theia, and Koutarou desperately tried to stop her.

The TV had been in use in the Satomi family since before he moved, so it was quite large.

It wouldn"t just hit Theia, but Koutarou as well.

"Eiiiii! Hissatsu Sanae-chan Drop!"

However, Sanae ignored Koutarou and threw the TV anyway.



Koutarou jumped towards the tatami mat while still holding onto Theia.

The TV flew past the spot Koutarou and Theia had stood moments before and rolled across the floor.

It collided with the wall and stopped.

The TV fell apart due to the impact.

"You idiot! Are you trying to take me out with her!?"

"Sorry, I just went with the flow."

"You have my thanks, ghost! Thanks to you, the tables have turned!"

Falling onto the tatami mat, Theia was able to escape, and she then pointed her weapons at Koutarou.

The main body of the gun could be seen shining eerily through the black disk.

"Oh no!"

"Karama, Korama, block up that hole!"

"Leave it to me-ho!"

"Got it-ho!"


At the moment they fired, the two haniwas blocked the holes.

The attacks. .h.i.t the haniwas directly.

However, the weapons had been changed out to non-lethal and could not harm them.

"You again! You annoying lot!"

Theia touched her left fist while boiling with anger.

The metallic glove on her fist had the power to blow away her opponents. However, the two Haniwa dodged her attack and returned to Kiriha.

"Thanks, Kiriha-san!"

Koutarou thanked Kiriha while taking some distance from Theia.

"There"s no need for thanks."


Kiriha smiled and grabbed a hold of Koutarou, and her big chest was pushed up against Koutarou"s back.

"With this, I can"t lose!"

"Wh-what are you doing!?"

Koutarou shouted at her before he could take the time to appreciate the feel of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pushing up against him.

"Koutarou, while I have you, that girl won"t be able to attack me, but I can attack her."



The two haniwa floated in front of Koutarou and Kiriha.

"Kiriha-san, let go! There"s no reason to continue fighting!"

"With this, It"s my victory, alien princess."

"You put some thought into this, People of the Earth!"

Theia ground her teeth and stopped moving.

In the current situation, Theia was unable to attack Koutarou.

Kiriha was using Koutarou as a shield, so she was unable to use any powerful weapons.

However, with non-lethal weapons she couldn"t stop the two haniwas.

"Hey Kiriha, get away from Koutarou!"


However, the situation did not proceed the way Kiriha had wanted.

"You"re trying to seduce him with your adult figure again!"

"You"re wrong! Stop Sanae! You"ve misunderstand the -"

"What do you mean I"m wrong!?"

Unfortunately, Kiriha"s attempts at persuasion failed, and the furious Sanae jumped in to pull Kiriha and Koutarou apart.


And of course, Theia did not let this chance slip by.

"Blue Knight, exterminate everyone except the pleb!"


"Waaa, stop! You"ll destroy the room!"

Koutarou had jumped in to stop the three; however, the situation had just worsened instead.


When Yurika returned to her senses, she was alone by the front door.

The riot in the inner room was still raging on.

A burnt smell and loud noise filled the room.

"Oh no, the magic is about to lose effect!"

Yurika hurriedly stood up and raised her broom over her head.

"I need to use a stronger magic or the room won"t last! Return to the way you were, Angel Halo!"

The broom was wrapped in pure-white smoke.

And once the smoke had cleared the broom was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she was holding a large cane in her hand.

Like the broom, the cane was covered in decorations. No matter how you looked at it, it was not to be used to help one walk.

"And with this, once more!"

Yurika grabbed the cane with both hands and closed her eyes to concentrate.

"Force Field - Mode: Fiery Effect - End - Effective Time Twice!"

Along with her voice, a yellow light shot out from the cane.

The light gradually grew, slowly extending to the floor and walls of the room.

It was a defensive spell to protect Koutarou and the rest, alongside the room.

Yurika let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright... With this, we"ll be okay for a while longer."

Once the light extended through the entire room, Yurika wiped her eyes.

"Should I put up Elemental Shield just in case as well...?"

Yurika peered into the inner room where the fight was continuing and tilted her head slightly.


At that time, the front door behind her opened without warning.

"What"s with this commotion, Satomi-kuuun!?"

The person who opened the door was none other than the landlord of Corona House - Kasagi Shizuka.

The chaos had kept going well past midnight, and she had come to find out what had been going in in Room 106.

"T-The room is a complete mess! What"s going on!?"

Anyone could tell the horrible state of the inner room from the front door.

As soon as Shizuka saw it, she was taken aback in surprise.

"What are you doing, Satomi-kun!?"

Shizuka took off her sandals and rushed towards the room.

"No, stop, it"s dangerous to go inside!"

"Outsiders should keep quiet!"


Shizuka pushed away Yurika, who was trying to stop her, and jumped into the inner room.


Being pushed away, Yurika rolled towards the wall, collided and stopped moving.

However, Shizuka didn"t have the time to care about that.

"Just what exactly are you people doing!?"

The room was charred and filled with holes.

Inside of it were Koutarou and the others fighting.

It was very clear to Shizuka that they were responsible for what had happened to the room.

"It"s dangerous, Landlord-san, don"t come over here!"

"T-This is my precious Corona House, my father and mother"s keepsake!"

However, Koutarou"s words of restraint did not reach the enraged Shizuka.

There was probably no one who could have seen Shizuka"s attack.


The moment she had entered the room, Shizuka saw Sanae and she punched her with all of her might.

"Kyaaa! Whyyy!?"

That lightning-fast punch sent Sanae flying, even though normal attacks should not have been able to affect ghosts.

Sanae, who had let her guard down, didn"t even have time to defend herself.


However, Shizuka did not just stop there.

She used the momentum from the punch and used centrifugal force to unleash a sharp kick.



Her blow hit Kiriha and blew her away.

Koutarou, who happened to be next to Kiriha, got caught up in the attack.

The attack"s power wasn"t enough to kill them, and instead the two fell down next to the wall together.

"W-Who are you!?"

Shizuka, who had eliminated Sanae and Kiriha in an instant, caused Theia to freeze in her tracks.

"I"m this building"s landlord. I won"t let any of you keep bothering the neighbors anymore!"

Her cold voice and determined posture showed none of her normal kindness.

That was just how angry she was.

"I won"t take anyone"s orders! Attack her, Blue Kni-"

"You"re too slow!"

Shizuka, sensing Theia"s intent to attack, showed no mercy and struck Theia with her palm.


Theia was unable to finish giving her attack orders due to the fast and heavy attack, and she joined Koutarou, Sanae, and Kiriha on the floor.


Koutarou couldn"t believe what he had just witnessed.

Shizuka was able to defeat the invading girls Koutarou had been struggling with in just a few seconds.

And without using any weapons.

"I can"t believe it..."

"What is she!? Is she really human!?"

"She punched me!? She"s not Koutarou, but she could touch me!"

Of course, it was same for the girls as well; n.o.body could believe what just happened.

However, it didn"t matter if they believed it or not; they had all taken enough damage to render them immobile.

Shizuka stopped moving and exhaled greatly, and she turned towards Koutarou and the rest as if nothing had happened.

Being exposed to Shizuka"s piercing glare, the four people froze.

Everyone was certain she was about to finish them off.



Shizuka looked at Koutarou.

I had a good life...

The other three felt relief that they weren"t the one getting Shizuka"s attention.

"W-What may I help you with, Landlord-san?"

Koutarou, on the other hand, got anxious.

Just witnessing Shizuka"s overwhelming ability caused him to sweat nonstop.

"If something like this happens again, I"ll have you leave."

"Y-Yes, I understand!"

Shizuka"s glance was sharp and her voice was cold.

The current Shizuka had an overpowering presence that could never be seen in her normal self.

And being exposed to that, Koutarou could feel the life draining from him.

"And then there"s you three!"


With Shizuka"s glance shifting over to the three girls, they all begin trembling whilst embracing each other.

"I"m sorry!"

"I"m sorry!"

"I"m sorry!"

The three girls apologized in choir. Honor and reputation was nowhere to be seen.

"The next time you make such a big mess... You know what will happen, right?"


"If you hurt this building or trouble the other residents..."

Shizuka stopped midsentence and cracks her knuckles.

"...I"ll definitely make sure you regret it. That you"re alive, that is."

And Shizuka laughed with a smile.

The three girls let out a scream when they saw that smile.

Shizuka was simply laughing and smiling, but she was filling the room with her overpowering presence and killing intent.

Compared to this, the expression she showed Koutarou was much better.

This is a demon. This is a demon in the form of a human... I am not allowed to act against her...!

That is what the three girls" instincts were screaming at them.

And it was at this point that the three girls finally remembered Yurika, who was pa.s.sed out next to them.

Why are you the only one unconscious!

The girls were envious of Yurika, who was out cold.

"What"s your answer?"

Shizuka"s smile grew bigger as the three girls neglected to answer.

Many men would find that smile very attractive, but the three girls only felt fear.

"I understand! I won"t do it again!"

"I was planning on solving it p-peacefully from the start. I have no o-objections. None!"

"I am of n.o.ble birth. I strongly dislike barbarous methods like fighting. F-feel at ease!"

Their responses were all different.

But they all had the same meaning: a total surrender to Shizuka.

"Well done."

With this, Corona House"s Room 106 quieted down for the first time in a while.

Amongst the burned and scorched furniture, only the tea table remained.

Shizuka joined in and seven people surrounded the tea table. The small and narrow room was now at its limit; however, no one raised a complaint.

Apart from Shizuka, everyone was sitting straight up with a serious expression.

"...I now understand the situation."

After hearing the four girls" circ.u.mstances, Shizuka slowly nodded.

"A ghost, a cosplayer, an underground person, and an alien. I find it hard to believe, but there"s not much room for doubt."

Shizuka spoke in a very professional tone; however it had none of the gentleness she had shown when Koutarou had moved in.

"Excuse me... I"m not a cosplayer, I"m really a..."

Yurika attempted to object.

"...What is it?"

"N-No, It"s nothing. I"m a cosplayer, yes."

However, when Shizuka glared at her, she shook and easily took back her objection.

"...However, as the landlord I can"t overlook any rioting. All of you will have to solve this peacefully."

As the landlord, that was the line that Shizuka had drawn.

"We had no intention of fighting against Koutarou. But..."

"We would never be able to come to an agreement! Even if you say to solve it peacefully, that would not be easy!"

"She"s right! Koutarou aside, I"ll never be able to get along with this woman!"

However, the girls who had done nothing but fight were unable to simply just accept Shizuka"s proposal.

"Then would you prefer eternal peace right now? I"m fine either way."

"That said, fighting nonstop won"t solve anything!"

"Y-You"re right. The time has come for us to work together."

"I"ll become a pacifist instead!"

However, as Shizuka cracked her knuckles while smiling, the girls" att.i.tudes changed completely.

The three girls sweated profusely and agreed to Shizuka"s proposal.

"I"m happy we"ve come to an agreement. So what about you, Nijino Yurika-san?"

Yurika didn"t answer.


"Surely, you"re not saying you"d like to keep fighting?"

"Hey, what"s wrong?"

Sensing danger from Shizuka, Koutarou spoke up and looked over at Yurika.

"...Yurika, just say you don"t want to fight. There"s no need to put your life on the line for cosplaying."

And whilst shaking her shoulders, Koutarou whispered to her.

However even then, Yurika said nothing.

"Waa~~, Yurika!?"

Instead, being shaken by Koutarou, Yurika fell onto the floor.

"She"s unconscious...?"

"The poor thing, she must have been terrified..."

Under Shizuka"s lead, Koutarou and the rest agreed on a treaty.

And it was quickly put onto a doc.u.ment.

The content was mainly about peacefully deciding on the owner of the room.

It also included not destroying Corona House, not disturbing the neighbors, dealing with arguments outside the room, and keeping it quiet during the night.

And finally, that treaty was named the Corona Convention.

"I"m done. You"re next, Theia."

"This is humiliating... To think that I"m signing this doc.u.ment... There"s no humiliation greater than this..."

Theia received the doc.u.ment from Sanae and reluctantly removed the cap from the pen.

"Please endure it, Your Highness."

Ruth smiled wryly next to her.

"You don"t have to sign it."


Theia"s expression brightened after hearing Shizuka"s unexpected offer.

"If you don"t sign, I"ll have you experience eternal peace right now though."

"N-No... Thanks, but I"d rather sign this doc.u.ment!"

Theia hurriedly moved the pen.

By the way, she was writing in her native tongue, so the only ones who could read it were Ruth and herself.

"As royalty, I have a duty to bring about peace! For that, I will throw away my pride!"

Although there was some whining, in the end everyone signed the doc.u.ment.

"Landlord-san, do I sign it as well?"

"Of course, Satomi-kun. You are the current tenant of this room. If you don"t sign it, how will we be able to proceed?"

"I already have a contract with Landlord-san, though..."

Continuing after Theia, Koutarou signed the doc.u.ment with his name.

"Satomi-san, after you are done give it over to me please."

Yurika waited until the time was right and raised her hand as Koutarou finished writing.

However, Koutarou just stared at Yurika instead of giving her the pen and doc.u.ment.

"W-What is it?"

"Landlord-san, should Yurika sign it as well?"

"That won"t be needed in Yurika"s case, right?"

Sanae spouted out.

"Well, now that I think about it, Nijino-san might not need to... Yes, she doesn"t need to sign."

"Then, lastly it"s -"

"I"ll do it! I"ll sign it! Please let me!"

Yurika stole the doc.u.ment and pen from Koutarou as he was handing them over to Kiriha.

She then wrote her name down while tears were forming in her eyes.

Nijino Yurika.

That was her real name.

"There"s no need to cry, Yurika."

"B-But... I"m serious!"

Kiriha received the doc.u.ment and pen from the half crying Yurika and signed it with her name.

"I"m done."

After everyone was done signing, the doc.u.ment ended up in Shizuka"s hands.

There were five names written:

Koutarou, Sanae, Yurika, Kiriha, and Theia.

"...Excellent. With this, the decision is formally in effect. If you violate it... You know what will happen, right?"

Shizuka looked over the doc.u.ment and then moved her glance to the room. The other six people began shaking.

The previous fear they had experienced was firmly implanted into them.

"Well then, everyone, I hope you find a method that everyone can agree to and that will solve the problem peacefully."


Shizuka"s smile looked distorted to Koutarou.

But soon, it wasn"t just limited to her, but the surrounding scenery as well.

Eventually he started getting dizzy and lost his balance.

Not good...

And Koutarou began to lose his consciousness.


"Waaa!? Koutarou collapsed!?"

"Hey, this is not the time to be sleeping! Wake up!"

"Don"t move him! He has a terrible fever! Get the futon and ice!"

"I"ll go get the medical treatment kit!"

"I"ll use h-healing magic!"

"You don"t have to do anything unnecessary; get the futon instead!"


And Koutarou"s consciousness slowly sank into darkness.

Koutarou opened his eyes when he heard the sound of flowing water.


At first, Koutarou was surprised to find himself in his futon, but he quickly remembered what had happened.

That"s right, after I signed the doc.u.ment I began feeling faint, and...

The clock on the wall indicated that it was 5 o" clock, which meant Koutarou had been asleep for several hours.

"You"re awake, Satomi-sama."

A shadow was looking down on Koutarou.


"Good morning, Satomi-sama."

She smiled mildly as she changed the wet towel on Koutarou"s head.

The sound of flowing water he had heard a few moments ago was her washing the towel.

"Thank you, Ruth-san."

The new towel cooled him down and made him feel comfortable.

"There is no need to thank me for something like this. Besides, if you"re going to say thanks, say it to everyone, please. When you collapsed everyone was very worried."


Koutarou nodded to Ruth and looked around, and he could see the girls around him.

They were seated around his futon, and everyone had an exhausted look on their face as they were sleeping.

"Did everyone help nurse me back to health...?"

"Yes. Kasagi-sama was here just a moment ago, but..."

"Even Landlord-san?"

"Yes. She said she had school to attend and left with an apologetic look on her face."

"I see. I"m sorry I caused her so much trouble..."

Koutarou looked around his surroundings again.

Sanae was sleeping soundly next to his pillow.

Kiriha was sleeping next to him.

Yurika was sleeping while holding on to a square cushion.

Theia looked like she was sleeping uncomfortably in her big dress.

Koutarou had considered them troublemakers for a long time, but looking at them now the thought didn"t cross his mind.

They might not be all that bad...

He was feeling grat.i.tude due to their kindness.

"Satomi-sama, please close your eyes once again."

Ruth smiled gently.

"Satomi-sama, you"re the most tired after all. You"ve been forcing yourself for these past several days, right?"

"...Yeah, I think I will."

Koutarou obediently closed his eyes.

"Good night, Satomi-sama."

As Koutarou closed his eyes he spoke once more.

"...Thank you."

Those words were not just intended for Ruth.

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