Rolling love

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

In addition to the original contract, the two sides also signed a confidentiality clause. The funds were in place now and she could accelerate the progress of increasing her holdings of Xu’s stock., Xu Ziqing had given her a list of small and medium shareholders, if she could speed up the pace, one by one, they could break them…

Yan Liang was not yet out of the conference room. She had been quietly planning the next steps in her mind. Perhaps it was her a.s.sistant who opened the door of the meeting room for her.Yan Liang stepped outside when someone from behind suddenly called out to her: “Miss Yan."

Yan Liang heard this and turned back and saw Lu Zheng stand up from his chair.
Lu Zheng did not continue . His secretary spoke, “Miss Yan please stay, we want to talk to you.”
She nodded and told her a.s.sistant: “Please go to the parking lot and wait for me.”
Her a.s.sistant left. Lu Zheng"s secretary also left and closed the door. They were the only two people in the meeting room.
Lu Zheng reached out and motioned to the seat next to him, Yan Liang sat down in the chair.

"Since there were outsiders, there were somethings I could not ask."

Yan Liang sat up immediately.

Lu Zheng seemed to have observed her reaction. Then he continued: “We have now signed the contract. Are you not able to remove the embargo and tell me who is behind MT?”

Yan Liang choked for a moment at the question.

Under his watchful gaze, Yan Liang stayed silent for a long time. When she finally looked up, she gave him an apologetic smile, " With the funds from Ming Ting, my actions to counter the hostile takeover will not be hidden for long. The behind the scenes boss of MT will certainly not sit still and will be forced to show himself."
Lu Zheng helplessly shook his head: “It seems you still do not trust me.”

She thought he would continue to ask, but Lu Zheng seemed to have no intention of this. Then he said: “Then… … this weekend night I want to have dinner with you, are you ok with that?"
It seemed to be an exchange, he would not ask, but she had to promise to have dinner with him.

She didn’t hesitate too much and soon nodded.
After deciding on the time and the restaurant, Yan Liang said goodbye and left
She did have any time to delay, she left Ming Ting and immediately drove back to the Xu house.

Several shareholders that she knew were going to be lobbied by Jiang Shijun were visiting her mother today.

It occurred to her that this was quite ironic. The dignified second lady of Xu wanted to meet the shareholders, but needed to be so sneaky about it that she needed to use her dead father’s name.

It was fortunate that she had stabilised the major share holders. According to the news provided by Xu Ziqing, Jiang Shi Jun had been forced to target the medium shareholders. As long as she was able to take the first step to get the support of half of the medium shareholders, she would be able to stop the tide.

Her repurchase of the shares being traded in the market would raise the stock price. The rise in the price to a certain
extent would certainly draw Jiang Shijun"s attention, but by then, the die would have been cast.

*** ***
When Yan Liang’s car reached the Xu house and she drove towards the direction of the garage, she glanced at the car parked in the front. It looked quite familiar. Suddenly she was shocked and stopped the car..
The car was obviously Jiang Yu Nan’s.
Yan Liang rolled down the window and stuck out her head to look carefully. Yes it was really Jiang Yu Nan’s car

She sat in her own car.

She did not dare to rush into the house now. She called the phone at home first
The phone was connected. It sounded like Aunt Liang. " Ms Yan?"

Only Yan Liang and a few of her subordinates were aware of the anti takeover action. Secretary Liu, her mother, Xu Ziqing and even Aunt Liang were kept in the dark. Yan Liang stared at the car not far from hers and asked Aunt Liang ," Has Jiang Yu Nan come to visit my mother ?"
" Yes. Mr Jiang was talking about some things with your mother. But it seems they have finished, Mr Jiang just.."

Liang Yi hadn’t finished speaking when Yan Liang heard a knock on her window.

She was shocked. Looking at the window, she realised Jiang Yu Nan was standing beside her car.

At the same time, Aunt Liang’s voice came through the headphones ," Mr Jiang just left. I guess he must be near by."

Yan Liang did not have the time to respond to Liang Yi, she instinctively hung up the phone and rolled down the window.

As the window slowly rolled down, Yan Liang tried to modify the expressions in her face. When the window was fully down she looked with surprise at him," Why are you here ?"

Jiang Yu Nan’s eyes had an unreadable expression. After they lingered on her face for a while, he said, " I came to talk to your mother about announcing our marriage. "

Yan Liang’s face fell.

This man had always been able to understand her, but this time, he seemed not to have noticed her abnormal reaction and only continued," We registered some time ago, but we haven’t announced our marriage. I think now is the right time.."

Yan Liang was silent for a long time. She did not know how to face him. She thought for a long time and finally asked, " What did my mother say ?"

“She respects our wishes.”

Yan Liang nodded her head robotically, but in her heart she did not have the slightest idea of what to do. She was completely confused. Jiang Yu Nan looked at her , then looked at his watch." You go ahead, I will pick you up tonight."
Then he leaned over

Jiang Yu Nan’s arm reached into the car and gently touched Yan Liang’s neck. She was forced to look up. Gently, he kissed her on the lips.

He then straightened himself and after saying goodbye walked towards his car.

He hadn’t taken more than a few steps when he stopped again.

Yan Liang did not notice this. She had just stopped her fake smile when she saw Jiang Yu Nan looking back at her

She was taken aback. Then she reacted," What happened ?"

"I suddenly remembered something." Jiang Yu Nan said lightly, " before I came here I met Xu Ziqing. Her mother"s health has deteriorated recently, it seems the old disease has recurred. This time Xu Ziqing wants to take her mother abroad for treatment. She wanted me to say goodbye to you."


Finally, Yan Liang watched him sit in the car, and then drive away.

With her elbow resting on the window, Yan Liang watched through the rear view mirror as the car went further and further away and finally disappeared.


At the thought of this word, Yan Liang’s heart was filled with mockery; other than that she had no other feeling.
*** ***

When is the most right time to announce a marriage ?

While Yan Liang was still worrying about this, the evil media quietly ma.s.sacred all her plans..

This morning when Yan Liang and Jiang Yu Nan came out of their house , it was the best weather they had seen so far in the winter with bright sunshine

The flashes in the reporters hands glared a hundred times brighter than the sun.

Yan Liang did not expect to meet such a big contingent as soon as she came out of the apartment. She stared in confusion at them

How did it matter if she hadn’t reacted, the reporters were alright screaming at her, " Ms Yan, sorry that’s incorrect , Mrs Jiang… when did you get married ?"

A reporter standing at the back pushed forward his long handled microphone, it almost clipped Yan Liang’s forehead. At the critical moment, a hand on her head pushed her head down so that her forehead was spared. And this gesture of Jiang Yu Nan to protect her did not escape the keen eyes of the reporters or the flashing cameras.

" No wonder we haven’t seen you in your apartment for so long. You had already moved in to live with your husband.."

" Why did you get married ?"
"I heard that a staff of the marriage registry bureau has leaked the news, will you sue her? "

Yan Liang kept her head down, looking for a gap between the countless shoes of the reporters so she could move out. But there were too many blocking the door, she couldn’t even move half a step forward.
Because her head was bowed, she missed a lot. But she could still feel Jiang Yu Nan by her side guarding her. Silently, but strongly he opened up a path for her. With his hands on her shoulder, he finally led her to the car. Only then did Yan Liang raise her head.

She saw Jiang Yu Nan standing by the side of her door as he shut it.
Then he quickly went around to the drivers seat, started the car and quickly accelerated , leaving the journalists behind.

"Are you okay?”

He was looking at the road in front while he asked her.

Yan Liang was looking at he the journalists through the rear view mirror. When she heard his question, she withdrew her eyes and silently nodded her head. In order to calm her emotions, she switched on the radio.

The radio jockey"s excited but mocking voice stabbed her ears, " This is really explosive news. Xu’s second lady had a scandal with Lu Zheng sometime back, but who would have thought the lady was already married…"

Yan Liang was very agitated, she reached out to turn the radio off. But Jiang Yu Nan was a step ahead of her and switched it off.

Surrept.i.tiously, she looked at him. His eyes were briefly overcome with some emotion, then in the next second, his expression was restored to normal and he continued to look indifferently at the road.
*** ***

The reporters had made such a ruckus about her marriage , that Yan Liang had no wish for a wedding reception.
But before that, what she most needed to worry about was not the opinion of others, but about the meeting this weekend.

Because she seemed to have turned Lu Zheng into a laughing stock. To some extent, Lu Zheng was her benefactor, Yan Liang did not know how to apologise to him

Till the afternoon on the day they were supposed to meet, Yan Liang had not received any call from Lu Zheng.
The dinner was obviously going to be canceled. The time they had planned to meet had already pa.s.sed. Yan Liang was sitting in the bridal salon looking at a wedding booklet that Liang Yi had procured from somewhere.

"Ms Yan, even if you don’t do a reception now, we should take wedding photos and circulate to the media so that we can temporarily manage the situation."

Yan Liang felt irritated and sat with her forehead resting on her hand. Liang Yi thought she didn’t want to chose. She said, " Mr Jiang will come later, if you can’t make up your mind, he can help you choose."

Aunt Liang left her side and went to the clerk to get more brochures when Yan Liang’s phone rang.

Breaking out of her trance, she took out the phone from her bag and was surprised when she saw the caller name.

After some hesitation,she picked up.
The other side did not speak.
She hesitated and did not know what to say.

The other side finally took the first step ," You are late.."

There was a trace of smile in his voice when he said that.

When Aunt Liang came back with a large pile of wedding brochures she saw Yan Liang leaving thorough the door,
" Ms Yan !!?"

Yan Liang did not even turn back.

When Yan Liang arrived at the restaurant, the restaurant was already closed, but she saw him at the table..

A solitary lamp, a solitary chair, a solitary figure drinking alone..

The light was reflecting on his back, the tall and straight figure somehow looked fragile.

As she silently approached him , her heart hesitated but her feet propelled her forward

When she reached the table, she heard the waiter say something to him," Mr Lu, we’ve booked a room downstairs- 1619. Should we lead you there ?"

Lu Zheng raised his head. But not because of what the waiter said, because he felt …

She was here.

Lu Zheng just looked at her, in such a manner, that Yan Liang felt like hiding herself from his eyes.

He did not say a word to her. He stood up leisurely, adjusted the collar of his suit and walked straight towards the door.

Yan Liang watched him. His pace was slightly unstable. He took the room card from the waiter and said " I will see myself out." After that, he went upstairs.
*** ***

This man was obviously quite drunk, but did not have any one supporting him . Yan Liang followed him but at a distance till he stopped in front of the door at 1619.

He looked up at the door , reached out for the handle, and staggered slightly. Yan Liang immediately reached out to hold him.

It was as if Lu Zheng finally saw her for the first time..

Yan Liang just said this one word and stopped.

“What a pity … …” Lu Zheng put an index finger on her lips and said with a smile.

"……" “…”

“I’m late …”

He was really smiling, but the more he smiled, the more apologetic Yan Liang felt. She couldn’t stop biting her lips.

His index fingers left her lips, and his face moved closer and closer to her, as if he was too drunk and could only see her hazily.
…but eventually, he made his move and gently kissed her…
*** ***

The woman stood there silently,
Next to 1619, the door of 1620 closed silently.
Jiang Yu Nan put his back against the door, his face expressionless.

After a long time, he took out the phone and dialled a number.
The other party did not speak.

Jiang Yu Nan asked blandly, " Why did you want me to see this ?"

"……" “…”

"……" “…”

Finally at the other end, Jiang Shi Jun laughed softly, " You are so smart, I"m sure you don’t find that strange."

Jiang Yu Nan’s penetrating gaze suddenly dimmed at his words.

Jiang Shi Jun’s voice continued, " I don’t want you to continue to deceive yourself. I wanted you to see this woman we are dealing with to help you think clearly. Is she actually worthy of your sincere affections ?"

Miumiu : I feel bad for JYN. From his point of view, he thinks Yan Liang only married him for her shares , as YL told her mother. YL loves him but almost never shows him easy affection. Except for the one breakfast making act, she is always too engrossed in the company and had often pushed back his advances. Yet he still wants to spend his life with her. I am sure there is a feeling of guilt somewhere playing in his mind as well, but any husband would be furious at being two timed.. instead JYN reacts very differently … he is a bit of a tragic character!

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